What is Prefered Implementation Approach for Zend Acl - singleton

In Zend Framework 1.X which of the following approaches is better and why?
Create a (sub)Class extending Zend_Acl and use is to manage all the Acl. It will allow us to use all the Zend_Acl features/function using $this object.
Create a Custom Class which holds Zend_Acl object and perform actions on the object. Here we can create wrapper functions and can control the access to Zend_Acl's base functions and use only a handful features.
Singleton pattern can be used for both approaches as well to make sure that throughout the site, same Zend_Acl is used.
I will looking for an approach which I can later port to ZF-2.0 easily. If there is any-other approach, please mention it and I will update the post accordingly.
Update: Are there any approaches other thn singleton to maintain single Zend_Acl object throughout the site? And what do you think about using a singleton with approach-1 and use custom methods as well, which will give us all the predefined methods of Zend_Acl along with our custom wrappers.

I will looking for an approach which I can later port to ZF-2.0 easily. If there is any-other approach, please mention it and I will update the post accordingly.
This remark strongly favors approach 2, since your wrapper acts as an adapter to the ACL implementation, and your application interacts only with your adapter, not Zend_Acl directly. Thus you can later change the specific implementation (i.e. composition of Zend_Acl) to another one, be it Zend\Acl or a Symfony 2 component or something you write yourself..

In my projects, I use a Model to manage the whole ACL system (add resources, add roles and so on). Obviously this class extends Zend_Acl. Moreover I use a plugin, that use a preDispatch method, to check if the user who made the request is allowed to access the requested url or not.


Should a class named `User` be an implementation of Singleton Pattern?

Today I read a lot of articles about how Singleton Pattern is bad, such as
violating single responsibility principle
inability to subclass
inability to use abstract or interface classes
High coupling across the application
make unit test difficult
And then I remember I have a program with a class named User which has field userName and password and something else related to User. In my conceive the program should only have one user instance, which is created when a human logins in my program. Based on this, should I insist design User class as Singleton Pattern, or is there any good design conceive I should use?
Another doubt. Using Singleton Pattern, I can get the only instance myUser everywhere. If I should not go with Singletion Pattern, How should I get the only instance myUser?
You might want to look at dependency injection. These days there exist many frameworks to assist you with wiring of the dependency injections so that you can specify in the framework that you expect a certain object to behave like a singleton. In other words if another object also requires the same "singleton" object, the framework should not create a new instance, but "inject" the already existing instance.
If you develop in Java, you may for example look at the way Guice did it: https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Scopes They allow you to specify whether you want to create an "eager singletons" (created even if not needed yet) or "lazy singletons" (created on the fly only when required). Even if you are not using Java other programming languages got similar concepts that you could look out for.
What I would suggest is that you make the "User" object not a singleton and "inject" your "User" object into the classes that requires the "User" object. If possible, let the dependency injection framework of your choice handle the wiring so that you do not accidentally create more than one instance.
This way you will still be able to achieve most of the above mentioned advantages you posted in your question and still enjoy the benefits of a "singleton".
It depends on your context. If your application must have one and only one User, then use Singleton pattern. Your 5 points mentioned will be completely counter-productive.
In your example, this is not the case. But just one and only one instance is mandatory for the execution of one process. You should take in account #Koning response then.
For example, Spring security implements some common patterns of user logged with static methods :
SecurityContextHolder.getContext(). getAuthentication()
If you look at Microsoft memberhship than you will see that they store all data on session level. The best way I see to implement such logic which will be stored on all session level is Singleton pattern, because you won't need two classes working with user data. As alternative you can use static classes, but you couldn't serialize your user data in this case

Creating a wrapper for BeaaS (Parse/Stackmob/...)

I'm currently developing an app using Parse and I'd like to start abstracting their SDK as I don't know if and when I'm going to replace their backend with another by other provider or by ours.
Another motivation is separating issues: all my apps code will use the same framework while I can just update the framework for any backend specifics.
I've started by creating some generic classes to replace their main classes. This generic classes define a protocol that each adapter must implement. Then I'd have a Parse adapter that would forward the calls to the Parse SDK.
Some problems I can predict is that this will require a lot of different classes. In some cases, e.g. Parse, they also have classes for dealing with Facebook. Or that the architecture in some parts can be so different that there'll be no common ground to allow something like this.
I've actually never went so far with Stackmob as I am with Parse so I guess the first versions will share Parse's own architecture.
What are the best practices for something like this?
Is there something like this out there? I've already searched without success but
maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction;
Should I stick with the Parse SDK just making sure that the code using
it is well identified and contained?
I'm the Developer Evangelist at Applicasa.
We've built a cool set of tools for mobile app developers, part of which includes offering a BaaS service that takes a bit different approach compared to Parse, StackMob, and others. I think it provides a helpful perspective for tackling the problem of abstracting away from third-party SDK APIs in a way that would allow you to replace backends by other providers or your own.
Is there something like this out there? I've already searched without success but maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction
While there are other BaaS providers out there that provide similar and differentiating features, I'm not aware of a product out there that completely abstracts away third-party providers in an agnostic manner.
What are the best practices for something like this?
I think you already show to be on a solid footing for getting started in the right direction.
First, you're correct in predicting that you'll end up with a number of different classes that encapsulate objects and required functionality in a backend-agnostic way. The number, of course, will depend on what kind of abstraction and encapsulation you're going after. The approach you outline also sounds like the way I'd begin such a project, as well—creating classes for all the objects my application would need to interact with, and implementing custom methods on those classes (or a base class they all extend) that would do the actual work of interacting with a backend provider.
So, if I was building an app that, for example, had a Foo, Bar, and Baz object, I'd create those classes as part of my internal API, with all necessary functionality required by my app. All app logic and functional operations would only interact with those classes, and all app logic and functionality would be data backend-agnostic (meaning no internal functionality could depend on a data backend, but the object classes would provide a consistent interface that allowed operations to be performed, while keeping data handling methods private).
Then, I'd likely make each class inherit from a BaseObject class, which would include the methods that actually talked to a data backend (provider-based or my own custom remote backend). The BaseObject class might have methods like saveObject, getById:, getObjects (with some appropriate parameters for performing object filtering/searching). Then, when I want to replace my backend data service in the future, I'd only have to focus on updating the BaseObject class methods that handle data interaction, while all my app logic & functionality is tied to the Foo, Bar, and Baz classes, and doesn't actually care how get/save/update/delete operations work behind the scenes.
Now, to keep things as easy on myself as possible, I'd build out my BaaS schema to match internal object class names (where, depending on the BaaS requirements, I could use either an isKindOfClass: or NSStringFromClass: call). This means that if I was using Parse, I'd want to make my save method get the NSStringFromClass: of the class name to perform data actions. If I was using a service like Applicasa, which generates a custom SDK of native objects for data interactions, I'd want to base custom data actions on isKindOfClass: results. If I wanted even more flexibility than that (perhaps to allow multiple backend providers to be used, or some other complex requirement), I'd make all the child classes tell BaseObject exactly what schema name to use for data operations through some kind of custom method, like getSchemaName. I'd probably define it as a BaseObject method that would return the class name as a string by default, but then implement on child classes to customize further. So, the inside of a BaseObject save method might look something like this:
- (BOOL) save {
// call backend-specific method for saving an object
BaasProviderObject *objectToSave = [BaasProviderObject
objectWithClassName:[self getSchemaName]];
// Transfer all object properties to BaasProviderObject properties
// Implement however it makes the most sense for BaasProvider
// After you've set all calling object properties to BaasProviderObject
// key-value pairs or object properties, you call the BaasProvider's save
[objectToSave save];
// Return a BOOL value to indicate actual success/failure
return YES; // you'll want this to come from BaaS
Then in, say, the Foo class, I might implement getSchemaName like so:
- (NSString) getSchemaName {
// Return a custom NSString for BaasProvider schema
return #"dbFoo";
I hope that makes sense.
Should I stick with the Parse SDK just making sure that the code using it is well identified and contained?
Making an internal abstraction like this will be a fair amount of work up front, but it will inevitably offer a lot of flexibility to implement as you wish. You can implement CoreData, reject CoreData, and do whatever you'd like really. There are definite advantages to building internal app logic/functionality in a data-agnostic way, even if it's to allow yourself the ease of trying out another BaaS in, say, a custom branch of your app code to see how you like another provider (or to give you an easy route to working with developing your own data solution).
I hope that helps.
I'm the Platform Evangelist at StackMob and thought I'd chime in on this question. We built our iOS SDK with a Core Data interface. You'll use regular Core Data and we've overridden the NSIncremental Store to persist to StackMob instead of SQLLite.
You can checkout an example of the Core Data code.
If you want see what methods are being leveraged by Core Data to communicate with StackMob.

Converting a Library to WCF web service

As the subject line describes, I am in the process of exposing a C# library into a WCF Service. Eventually we want to expose all the functionality, but at present the scope is limited to a subset of the library API. One of the goals of this exercise is also to make sure that the WCF service uses a Request / Response message exchange pattern. So the interface /API will change as the existing library does not use this pattern
I have started off by implementing the Service Contracts and the Request/Response objects, but when it comes to designing the DataContracts, I am not sure which way to go.
I am split between going back and annotating the existing library classes with DataContract/DataMember attributes VS defining new classes which are like surrogate classes to the existing classes.
Does anyone have any experience with similar task or have any recommendations on which way works best ? I would like to point out that our team owns the existing library so do have the source code for it. Any pointers or best practices will be helpful
My recommendation is to use the Adapter pattern, which in this case basically means create brand new DataContracts and ServiceContracts. This will allow everything to vary independently, and will allow you to optimize the WCF stuff for WCF and the API stuff for the API (if that makes sense). The last thing you want is to go down the modification route and find that something just won't map right once you are almost done.
Starting from .NET 3.5 SP1 you no longer need to decorate objects that you want to expose with [DataContract]/[DataMember] attributes. All public properties will be automatically exposed. This being said personally I prefer to use special DTO objects that I expose and decorate with those attributes. I then use AutoMapper to map between the actual domain models and the objects I want to expose.
If you are going to continue to use the existing library but want to have control over what you expose as the web service API, I would recommend defining new classes as wrapper(s) around the library.
What I mean to say is don't "convert" the existing library even if you think you're not going to continue to use it in other contexts. If it has been tested and proven, then take advantage of that fact and wrap around it.

How can I stop someone from calling my COM interfaces APIs?

I have a COM inproc DLL that we are using in our product.
Now if someone finds out which interface and APIs we have exposed from the DLL then those APIs can be called easily.
Is there a way to stop unknown applications from calling my APIs?
Can we add some signature in COM?
The formal way of controlling use of your object is by implementing IClassFactory2 on the class factory that creates your COM objects.
Here's a link at MSDN explaining the interface.
IClassFactory2 at MSDN
The benefit of creating an implementation is that nobody can fetch an instance without clearing the hurdles of registration through IClassFactory2.
The downside is that you'll have to inspect all the locations where you are creating an object, to make sure that they haven't broken. Creating instances becomes more burdensome, although some languages already have facilities to make the process less painful (ex. VB6).
If you are trying to protect an object that has a lot of instantiation activity, you might want to go with Mastermind's method of adding a key parameter, or add an unlock method of some sort to your interfaces that must be called correctly before the component behind it can be used.
You could make your interfaces inheriting directly from IUnknown (without IDispatch) and not include the type library into the DLL. This way only those who have access to the type library will be able to find what interfaces are supported and the only other way to discover the interfaces will be to just guess. If you go this way you might also wish to minimize the number of classes exposed to registry (those that can be created with CoCreateInstance()) and use a set of factory methods of some dedicated registry-exposed class instead.
This implies that only vtable early-binding will work with your component. You will also be unable to use default call marshaling with this component (since no type library is included). And this is not real protection, just a way to hide things.
Nothing prevents you from adding a "key" parameter to the methods which will just return if the key is wrong.
Very simple but will do for starters.
Other than some sort of 'key' param, you can't prevent the curious from discovering your function and then calling it. All it takes is a debugger and some patience. To be totally secure you'd have to require some sort of certificate that authorized code could obtain but all others couldn't but that would mean you're code would have to be able to verify the certificate.

Type-safe alternative to HttpContext.Items

I am implementing an HTTP Module in ASP.NET to identify geographical information based on the request's IP (a GeoIP module) and I will need to place things somewhere so the handler or later modules can inspect.
Except HttpContext.Items (which is not type-safe) is there some other decent alternative?
It depends what you want to store. Type safety can only really apply if you are using one type of item within a collection so none of the generic stores will be applicable for you.
Maybe it would be a better idea to implement a helper class to write and read from a subset of HttpContext.Current.Items in a type safe manner?