forward Request parameters to custom 404 page using ErrorDocument in apache? - apache

Is there a way to have the request parameters "forward on" to the custom error file in apache much like [QSA] does on rewrite rules?
if i send in
and i have this in vhost:
ErrorDocument 404 /customerrorpage
then it would call customerrorpage with:

I know this is really old question, but it hasn't been answered and so in case someone else is searching the site for the answer I'll share what I know.
The Apache 2.2 ErrorDocument page says that when you have a Custom Error page which is a local page then a number of environment vars will be set which can be read from your customer error handler. One of the vars is REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING which will contain the query string that the original page had. So in your example the REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING would contain 'bar=true'.


404 not being caught?

I have been running some automated security scans and the following URL triggers a 404:
This is run from the route on the domain on an Apache server (so this should be easy to replicate).
My htaccess is setup with ErrorDocument 404 /site/404 but this isn't being caught. I know this because if I completely empty the htaccess file I am still presented with the same standard apache 404 page.
Clearly this is a tag hack so I have to be careful how its handled, however I'd like to know how to manage it so it at least does my /site/404 instead of nothing.
It turns out the solution is to move your 404 redirect to the Vhosts not htaccess!! Very simple solution and that will fix it. Apache obviously works with the URL before even getting to the htaccess file so moving the 404 redirect is needed at a higher level.
However if you need to decode and use the URLs then the following begins to help:
Basically the solution is to add AllowEncodedSlashes On to the Vhosts file.
As per

How to keep URI in the browser using ErrorDocument in .htaccess?

I have a simple 404 error redirect in the .htaccess to my script like this:
ErrorDocument 404
But on the redirect the address is changed in the address bar of the browser to this from the wrong address (from which the redirect is performed).
How to keep the initial address in the browser address bar while redirecting to the custom error page?
Your kind help is highly appreciated!
Use link without domain name:
ErrorDocument 404 /
Note that when you specify an ErrorDocument that points to a remote
URL (ie. anything with a method such as http in front of it), Apache
HTTP Server will send a redirect to the client to tell it where to
find the document, even if the document ends up being on the same
server. This has several implications, the most important being that
the client will not receive the original error status code, but
instead will receive a redirect status code. This in turn can confuse
web robots and other clients which try to determine if a URL is valid
using the status code.

Redirect 4xx to a custom page with 200 response code in httpd.conf

I am trying to get any 403 request to go to a custom error page with 200 OK request (for security reason).
Tried this to redirect any 4xx error code to a custom error page
ErrorDocument 403 /shared/error.html
But this will not change the response code (it will still be 404).
There this option but it will give 302 here
Tried this to change the error code:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/shared/.*/$ /shared/error.html [R=200,L]
But somehow it doesn't redirect to the custom error page I want to.
Tried it with absolute path as well:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/shared/.*/$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/shared/error.html [R=200,L]
Still doesn't work. Is it not possible or am I missing something obvious? This is my first time modifying but I did some research already. Any help is appreciated.
If you can use ErrorDocument for the code 200:
ErrorDocument 200 /shared/error.html
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/shared/.*/$ anything [R=200]
When the rule is applied it will execute the redirection to the ErrorDocument straight away, and that is the reason why you can put "anything" in there.
Check the documentation for the R flag (
The status code specified need not necessarily be a redirect (3xx) status code. However, if a status code is outside the redirect range (300-399) then the substitution string is dropped entirely, and rewriting is stopped as if the L were used.
Beware that you might not want this redirection for the whole code, so you should apply it within a context. And take cara with your regex so you don't fall in a loop.
If you'd use a php-script for example instead of your static html-document, you can override the response code inside your script.

Apache ErrorDocument with absolute path

I have a server with several virtual hosts. Now I want to set up the error documents for the whole server. I have located my error sites in /var/www/error/*, but with the ErrorDocument directive I am only able to set the error document relative to the document root, but I want to use the absolute path (e.g /var/www/error/404.html).
Has anyone an idea how I can get this?
I don't think this can be done directly inside the statement: The ErrorDocument will always have to be relative to the DocumentRoot. According to the docs, the only alternative seems to be specifying an external URL, but that is bad because the wrong response header gets sent (302 instead of 404).
You could try whether anything is possible using an Alias directive or - I'm sure this would work - a symbolic link:
ErrorDocument 404 /symlinked_page.php

Redirect 404 to another domain with apache?

Hey guys, have a question regarding apache. I have a site that's been re-engineered, but I want to capture all the 'old' links that people may have bookmarked or come from search engines to the old site which is under a new domain name. How do I get apache to redirect only 404 not found to the old site?
You should first decide what status code you want to send. Sending both a 404 status code and a redirect is not possible.
But seth did already mention the right method, the ErrorDocument directive:
# local path
ErrorDocument 404 /local/path/to/error/document
# external URI
ErrorDocument 404 http://uri.example/to/error/document
If you use a local path, the 404 status code is sent. If you use an absolute URI, a 302 status code (temporary redirect) is sent.
And if you want to send a 301 redirect:
Redirect 301 /
Your old domain should capture all responses and return a '301 moved permanently' response with the new domain in the 'Location' field of the header. A 404 means 'not found' and in this case it's not strictly true.
Another option, similar to that proposed by #seth is to add the handler so it points to a static html page which you can use to explain to the user what happen, and present them with options.
You can include a meta redirect so that if they don't do anything after a few seconds they're automatically redirected.
Which option will work best is really up to you do decide.
You could set your 404 document to a CGI that redirects the user.
ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/redirect-to-other.cgi