Lua - how do I use one lib from another? - module

I'm having trouble using one Lua lib from inside another. I'm not sure about the best way to do it.
I've got a library that returns a (non-global) table with functions, like this:
-- foo.lua
local foo = {}
function foo:m1(...) ... end
function foo:m2(...) ... end
return foo
This library can be inserted in either the global or local scope, depending on what the user wants:
-- globally
foo = require('foo')
-- or locally
local foo = require('foo')
I'm now trying to create another lib (let's call it bar) that requires/uses this foo lib. Something like this:
-- bar.lua
local bar={}
function bar:m3(...)
My trouble is - I don't know how to "pass" foo to bar.
Ideally I'd like to send it as a parameter to require:
local foo = require('foo')
local bar = require('bar', foo)
But I don't think that's possible (is it?). The other option I could think about was adding a init method to bar:
local foo = require('foo')
local bar = require('bar')
This works, but doesn't look very clean to me; it's possible to forget adding that third line, leaving bar in an "unsafe" state.
Is there a common Lua idiom/method that I'm missing?

Just call require 'foo' directly in you bar module. This is perfectly legal. The foo module will be loaded only once. In order not to leak it out of the bar module, store it in a local variable.
You can use this idiom also to separate one big module into several parts, and have one module require all the others. The user will have to require only one module.


Redundant export usage?

Is there any reason to use "export" in a file (which contains no modules) that will be included in another file later on? I came across this type of export usage when looking at some packages on GitHub, which made me wonder. For instance, consider Foo.jl:
# Foo.jl
export foo1
function foo1()
do something
function foo2()
do something
Which is included in Bar.jl
# Bar.jl
module Bar
other stuff
Won't the function foo2() be in the scope of Bar regardless, thus making the use of "export" totally unnecessary? I saw this type of stuff in several different packages, and don't really get the reason.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help,
These exports are not redundant. These exports are not about the scope of Bar but rather the scopes of other modules that import Bar. If you import the module Bar via using Bar in another module or in Main, the name foo1 will be public so that you only need to write just foo1 without qualifiers to access the function foo1 instead of Bar.foo1.
If you remove that export statement from Foo.jl you will see that you can no longer access the function foo1 without module name qualification after issuing using Bar. You either have to write Bar.foo1 or explicitly make foo1 visible in that module via, for example, using Bar: foo1 or import Bar: foo1.
The include statement simply makes Julia evaluate the code in that module so you can think of Bar.jl as if it is
# Bar.jl
module Bar
export foo1
function foo1()
do something
function foo2()
do something
other stuff
So the export statement exports the name of foo1 in Bar to the other modules that import the module Bar.
You can find more information about importing, exporting and module system in the Julia documentation.
Within a module, you can control which names from other modules are
visible (via importing), and specify which of your names are intended
to be public (via exporting).

How should I access other modules within a module?

I'm struggling with the "global" aspect of functions as it relates to modules. Maybe someone here could tell me if this example would work, explain why and then tell me the right way to do it.
If I have two modules:
local mod = T{}
function mod.print_msg(msg)
return mod
local mod = T{}
function mod.print_hello()
return mod
and both are called in a "main" file
msgmod = assert(loadfile(file_path .. 'f1.lua'))()
himod = assert(loadfile(file_path .. 'f2.lua'))()
Would print_hello still work if called from f2 or would I need to loadfile() f1.lua in f2?
It would work if called after the msgmod = ... has been executed (in any file), but not before. This is a confusing situation due to the usage of globals.
Typically, you do not want to use globals like this in modules. You should handle dependencies using require just as you would #include them in C++. So, f2.lua, which wants to use print_msg defined in f1.lua, might look like this:
local f1 = require('f1')
local mod = T{}
function mod.print_hello()
return mod
You should also use require in your main file (and get in the habit of making everything local):
local msgmod = require('f1')
local himod = require('f2')
Note that we could have omitted the first line, since we aren't actually using f1 in main, and f2 will require it automatically when we require f2. Unlike loadfile, require automatically caches loaded modules such that they are loaded only once. Again, require is almost always what you want to use.
The general pattern for writing modules is to require all dependency modules into locals, then use them as you like to implement your module functions:
local dep1 = require('dep1')
local dep2 = require('dep2')
local mod = {}
function ()
return mod

unable to use imported modules in event_handler lua

I'm writting a basic event handler in lua which uses some code located in another module
require "caves"
script.on_event({}, function(e)
player = game.players[e.player_index]
but whenever the event is triggered i get following error
attempt to index global 'caves' (a nil value)
why is this and how do i solve it?
You open up the module in question and see what it exports (which global variables are assigned and which locals are returned in the bottom of the file). Or pester the mod author to create interface.
Lua require(filename) only looks up a file filename.lua and runs it, which stands for module initialization. If anything is returned by running the file, it is assigned into lua's (not-so) hidden table (might as well say, a cache of the require function), if nothing is returned but there was no errors, the boolean true is assigned to that table to indicate that filename.lua has already been loaded before. The same true is returned to the variable to the left of equals in the caves = require('caves').
Anything else is left up to author's conscience.
If inside the module file functions are written like this (two variants shown):
init_layer = function(game)
%do smth
function move_down(player)
%do smth
then after call to require these functions are in your global environment, overwriting your variables with same names.
If they are like this:
local init_layer = function(game)
%do smth
local function move_down(player)
%do smth
then you won't get them from outside.
Your code expects that the module is written as:
caves = {
init_layer = function(game)
%do smth
%do smth
This is the old way of doing modules, it is currently moved away, but not forbidden. Many massive libraries like torch still use it because you'd end up assigning them to the same named globals anyway.
Кирилл's answer is relevant to newer style:
local caves={
%same as above
%same as above
return caves
We here cannot know more about this. The rest is up to you, lua scripts are de-facto open-source anyways.
Addendum: The event_handler is not part of lua language, it is something provided by your host program in which lua is embedded and the corresponding tag is redundant.
You should consult your software documentation on what script.on_event does in this particular case it is likely does not matter, but in general the function that takes another function as argument can dump it to string and then try to load it and run in the different environment without the upvalues and globals that the latter may reference.
require() does not create global table automatically, it returns module value to where you call this function. To access module via global variable, you should assign it manually:
local caves = require "caves"

#NAME with module and function of the same name

I created a module called foo in my spreadsheet, and then I added the following to it:
Function foo() As Variant
foo = 5
End Function
When I try to run the function in Excel, by typing =foo() into a cell, I get #NAME. When I look at what #NAME is supposed to mean by clicking on the little icon next to it and then help on this error I get this:
Well, not exactly that, but it was about as useful.
Eventually I discovered that changing the module name to something other than foo seemed to fix it. Have I stumbled upon a bug or a feature? Where is this behavior documented?
Since multiple modules are possible and all can have public functions it is also possible that there are multiple public functions with the same name but in different modules. That's why you can call a UDF with This is calling the function named "foo" in the module named "foo". That's why =foo() will fail if there is a module named "foo" because foo is first evaluated as the module name.

Lua - How do I dynamically call a module?

Here's some much-simiplified Lua code I'm working with. I need to know how to dynamically call another module ('zebra'):
avar = require "avar"
bvar = require "bvar"
function create(zebra)
And here are two modules:
local Avar = {}
return "avar"
return Avar
local Bvar = {}
return "new"
function Bvar.old()
return "old"
return Bvar
If I try to pass in the string "avar" to my 'create' function, it doesn't work. If I pass in the word 'avar' with no quotes, it does work, however, I don't understand what avar with no quotes is? It seems to be a blank table? Not sure how to pass a blank table as an argument in my main program.
But maybe I'm totally on the wrong path. How do I dynamically call modules?
You can require any time:
function create(zebraModuleName)
zebraType = require(zebraModuleName)
print(zebraType .new())
avar without the quotes is a global variable you created. It is initialized to the value returned by the require function1, which is the value returned by the module you are invoking. In this case, its a table with the new field that happens to be a function.
1 Importing a modules in Lua is done via regular functions instead of a special syntax. The function call parenthesis can be ommited because parens are optional if you write a function call with a single argument and that argument is a string or a table.
Other than that, there are also some other things you are confusing here:
The table you are storing on avar is not empty! You can print its contents by doing for k,v in pairs(avar) do print(k,v) end to see that.
The avar, bvar and create variables are global by default and will be seen by other modules. Most of the time you would rather make them local instead.
local avar = -- ...
local bvar = -- ...
local function create (zebra)
-- ...
The create function clearly expects a table since it does table indexing on its argument (getting the new key and calling it). The string doesn't have a "new" key so it won't work.
You aren't really dynamically calling a module. You are requiring that module in a regular way and it just happens that you pass the module return value into a function.
create always returns nil so there is no point in doing print(create(avar)). You probablu want to modify create to return its object instead of printing it.
You can use standard require from lua language or build your own loader using metatables/metamethods.
1. create a global function:
function dynrequire (module)
return setmetatable ({},{
__index = function (table,key)
return require(module..'.'..key)
2. Create your project tree visible to package.path
\___ init.lua
\___ cut.lua
\___ glue.lua
\___ dosomething.lua
3. Make your module dynamic
you only need to put this line on your MySwiss/init.lua (as if you were namespacing a PHP class):
return dynrequire('MySwiss')
4. Require your module and use subproperties dynamically
On your script you only need to require MySwiss, and the folder file (or subfolders with dynrequire('MySwiss.SubFolderName').
var X = require('MySwiss')
Note that MySwiss doesn't have glue key. But when you try access de glue key the metamethod __index try to require submodule. You can the full project tree using this technique. The only downside is the external dependencies not packed this way.