Draw a line above a docked control - vb.net

I have a borderless form that I'm "docking" onto the top edge of my screen. Inside of the form, I'm placing a single toolstrip control, which docks across the entire form -> (picture the taskbar to get an idea of what I'm talking about).
Because the borderless form has no edge to it, I wanted to draw a black line along the bottom edg` of the form to differentiate the form from the windows or desktop behind it.
The problem that I'm facing is that`the toolstrip will not move "behind" the line when it's docked, no matter how I order the control layers.
I've tried programatically sending the control to back to no avail either.
Any ideas on how to get the line to show above the docked toolstrip?

Dock another control to the top that displays like a black line (e.g. a Label with a black background and a height of 1). Insert your ToolStrip after you have docked the Label. It will dock just below the Label.


Devexpress Form With Header Panel (Title) and Menu Below Panel

Can someone give me insight how can I achieve the form with panel title first and then menu bar below panel (barmanager). Because devexpress always put barmanager on top
Thank you
After I add standalonebardock, the result as picture shown below: the red bar is standalonebardock
After I drag the barmanager menu into standalonedock, now it is already inside the dock. But the menu still on top docking, what I need how to make space above menu so I can write title/image/etc
The StandaloneBarDockControl control allows bars to be displayed at any position within the form, not simply docked to the form’s edge. To do this, create a StandaloneBarDockControl object and add bars to it. Bars can be added to the control at design time or runtime.

background scrolling together with content

I have a form with an A4 image in the background (a standard questionaire). on that form i have textfields to fill. But if we scroll to the bottom of the form, the textfields scroll, but the background does not. How to fix the background to stick with the texfields ? VB.NET visual studio 2010.
Place a panel on the Form.
Place all your controls inside the panel.
Set the Background of the panel to your image.
Size your panel so that it is large enough to hold all the controls.
Place the panel at 0,0
Set the Form to AutoScroll

Transparent control or user control in vb.net

I am trying to make a transparent control with child controls that are visible and opaque.
I have added a panel control to the main form via code in the form load event. In this I am adding five buttons as child controls like: panel.controls.add(). To all of these, I have set backcolor=color.transparent.
When I run this program, the button background shows the background of the next button in the panel. If I open a child form, then I can see labels on the child form as the background of the panel.
I want to make container panel control completely transparent, so I can see the main form through it. How can this be achieved?
When the form loads, you can see neighbor buttons behind the actual buttons
"Perform Check" is a label on a child form which I opened right before taking this picture.
: "Check Cases and Combinations" is a button on a child form which I opened right before I took this picture.
How can I make it truly transparent? Why doesn't the background of the panel control refresh with the main form background? The panel sort of "keeps" whatever happens on the main form and shows it as a background.
I found out there some issues with setting controls that are transparent and on top of other controls in the main form. They take the background of the container form, whether or not there is any control in between. I used WPF form instead of the panel and it worked perfectly.

Custom Size for Docking a control button on a Windows Form

I have a button docked in a Windows Form TabControl. I want it to be docked to the bottom right corner while keeping my defined size. The default docking styles are Left, Right, Top, Bottom or Fill.
How can I set the button to be a custom size, while keeping it docked to the bottom right corner?
You need to take a look at the Anchor Property instead of Dock.

Adding an image to 1 of the tabs on a TabControl, blocks my tab's text

Using Visual Studio 2005 (vb.net) (windows forms) on Windows XP, I have a standard Microsoft TabControl.
A button click adds/removes an image from 1 of the Tabs.
Seems like the image is placed OVER my tab's text, making it unreadable.
Why isn't it like it should be: Image on the left. Followed by text on the right.
Why is the image being placed OVER my tab's text? Do I need to do some kind of "refresh" or "redraw" before it will appear as it should?
I don't see any way to "make the image appear on the left edge of the tab". (NOT the tab-page.) ... and then place the text just to the right of the image. (Just like a normal image+text tab can do.)
The code is pretty simple, it just gets an image from my ImageList:
cfgTab.ImageKey = "PadLockClosed.png" ' Show CLOSED PadLock
The tab's text changes from:
This is my tab text
T(IMAGE HERE)is my tab text
The image appears OVER the beginning of my text. But if I move to another tab, then move back, the image appears in the correct position:
(IMAGE HERE) This is my tab text
You can use docking and anchoring on your Control property so it will be placed according on what you want it to display.
Manage WinForm controls using the Anchor and Dock properties
Resizing a Single Control In WinForms