Normally, I would start Jetty by constructing a Server instance, setting a connector, a handler, and LifeCycleListener, followed by a call to start() on the Server instance. I haven't the foggiest idea how to make this happen with the jettyRun task in Gradle. The documentation is confusing to me, and I have yet to find an example of how this task works, other than page after page of gradle jettyRun.
This task is appealing to me because it allegedly returns immediately after execution. This is helpful for running Selenium tests after my webapp is running from Jenkins. I tried to do this via a JavaExec task, but this won't work since the JavaExec task does not terminate until the underlying JVM terminates as well.
It sounds like you want to start Jetty for in-container integration tests. Besides having a look at the source code these two posts should get you started:
War and Jetty plugins with http integration tests
Right way to do basic web integration testing?
The key feature you are looking for, starting Jetty in the background, is jettyRun.daemon = true.
What I'm using for integration test in build.gradle is looks like below. I think this code is simple and intuitive.
test {
exclude '**/*IntegrationTest*'
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
include '**/*IntegrationTest*'
doFirst {
jettyRun.httpPort = 8080 // Port for test
jettyRun.daemon = true
doLast {
jettyStop.stopPort = 8091 // Port for stop signal
jettyStop.stopKey = 'stopKey'
I am trying to provide an HttpClient from the outside to my ktor server so that I can mock external services and write tests, however I get this exception when I run my test:
Please make sure that you use unique name for the plugin and don't install it twice. Conflicting application plugin is already installed with the same key as `Compression`
io.ktor.server.application.DuplicatePluginException: Please make sure that you use unique name for the plugin and don't install it twice. Conflicting application plugin is already installed with the same key as `Compression`
at app//io.ktor.server.application.ApplicationPluginKt.install(ApplicationPlugin.kt:112)
at app//com.example.plugins.HTTPKt.configureHTTP(HTTP.kt:13)
at app//com.example.ApplicationKt.module(Application.kt:14)
at app//com.example.ApplicationTest$expected to work$1$1.invoke(ApplicationTest.kt:39)
at app//com.example.ApplicationTest$expected to work$1$1.invoke(ApplicationTest.kt:38)
and thats a bit unexpected to me because I am not applying the Compression plugin twice as far as I can tell. If I run the server normally and manually call my endpoint with curl then it works as expected. What am I doing wrong?
I added a runnable sample project here with a failing test.
sample project
official ktor-documentation-sample project.
The problem is that you have the application.conf file and by default, the testApplication function tries to load modules which are enumerated there. Since you also explicitly load them in the application {} block the DuplicatePluginException occurs. To solve your problem you can explicitly load an empty configuration instead of the default one:
// ...
application {
environment {
config = MapApplicationConfig()
// ...
The title may be a bit confusing at this point; hopefully I can clear it up.
What I Have
I'm running Cucumber JVM with Selenium WebDriver to automate our system test cases. These test cases are currently stored in JIRA using the XRay Test Management plugin. XRay also provides APIs to fetch the feature files as well as upload the results back to JIRA.
I have created a custom JIRA utility class to download the tests as feature files and upload the test results from and to JIRA - as well as demonstrated that it does work. These are run in the #BeforeClass and #AfterClass in the Cucumber Runner class respectively.
I have also demonstrated that the developed test framework does work by manually running with feature files created on my computer.
What I Want
I want to be able to (eventually) run the automation test framework automatically with our CI tools. Along with this, it would pull the defined automation tests from JIRA and push the test results back to JIRA.
I do not want the feature files stored with the code. In my opinion, this defeats the purpose of it being dynamic as the tests we execute will change over time (in number executed and the steps themselves).
What Is Happening (Or More Specifically, Not Happening)
When I try to execute the Cucumber Runner class without any feature files in the framework, Cucumber says "No features found at [src/test/resources/features/]". This is understandable since there are no feature files (yet).
However, it does not run the #BeforeClass; thus it does not download the feature files to be run. I have tried this both with and without tags in the runner class.
features= {"src/test/resources/features/"},
public class RunCucumberTest {
public static void executeBeforeTests() {
//String browser = "firefox";
String browser = "chrome";
//String browser = "safari";
//String browser = "edge";
//String browser = "ie";
public static void executeAfterTests() {
Back To My Question
How can I execute the JIRA Util code so I can download the feature files?
Is it possible to achieve what I want? Or do I have to admit defeat and just have all the feature files stored with the code?
This is the expected behavior when using JUnit. A test suite will not invoke the #BeforeClass, #AfterClass or #ClassRule when there are no tests in the suite or if all tests are ignored[1]. This avoids the execution of a potentially expensive setup for naught.
This does mean you can't use a class rule to bootstrap your tests. Nor should you attempt to do so. In a build process it is a good practice to fetch all sources and resources prior to compilation.
If you are using maven could write a maven instead and attach it to the generate-test-sources phase[2]. Creating a maven plugin is a bit more involved then a JUnit Rule but not prohibitively so. Check the Guide to Developing Java Plugins.
I assume there are similar options for Gradle.
TL;DR: Why does everything run fine when started via IntelliJ, and why is it broken when call java -jar app.jar. And how do I fix this?
Alright, I have some issues with a backend I am trying to dockerize. I have an application created with Spring Boot (1.4.2.RELEASE) following the Spring Oauth (2.0.12.RELEASE) guide on their page. I follow the Gradle version, since I prefer Gradle over Maven. Also I am using Kotlin instead of Java. Everything is fine, I start via IntelliJ my backend with static front end, I can login via Facebook (and Google and Github), I receive a nice Principal witch holds al the information I need, and I can modify Spring Security to authorize and permit endpoints. So far so good.
Now for the bad part, when I run either ./gradlew clean build app:bootrun or ./gradlew clean build app:jar and run the jar via java -jar (like I will do in my Docker container), my backend comes up. My static front end pops up. Now I want to login via Facebook, I end up on the Facebook login page, I enter my credentials, and... nothing!
I end up back on my homepage, not logged in, no log messages that mean anything to me, just silence. The last thing I see in the log is:Getting user info from:
This Url will give me in my browser:
"error": {
"message": "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 2500,
"fbtrace_id": "GV/58H5f4fJ"
When going to this URL via an IntelliJ start, it will give me credential details. Obviously something is going wrong, but I have no clue what. Especially since a run from IntelliJ works fine. There is some difference between how the jar is started, and how IntelliJ's run config works, but I have no clue where to search for what. I could post trace logging, or all my Gradle files, but perhaps thats too much info to put in 1 question. I will defenitly update this question if someone needs some more details :)
The structure outline of this project is as follows:
- api: is going to be opensourced later, contains rest definitions and DTOs.
- core: contains the meat. Also here is included in the gradle file
spring-boot-starter, -web, -security, spring-security-oauth2, and some jackson stuff.
- rest: contains versioned rest service implementations.
- app: contains angular webjars amongst others, the front end, and
my `#SpringBootApplication`, `#EnableOAuth2Client`
and the impl of `WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter`.
Why does everything run fine when started via IntelliJ, and why is it broken using bootRun or the jar artefact. And how do I fix this?
I found it, the problem was not Multi module Graldle, Spring boot, or Oauth2 related. In fact it was due to a src set config of Gradle, where Java was supposed to be in a Java src set folder, and Kotlin in a Java src set folder:
sourceSets { += 'src/main/java'
main.kotlin.srcDirs += 'src/main/kotlin'
As Will Humphreys stated in his comment above, IntelliJ takes all source sets, and runs the app. However, when building the jar via Gradle, these source sets are stricter. I had a Java file in my Kotlin src set, which is no problem for IntelliJ. But the jar created by Gradle takes into account the source sets as defined in the build.gralde file, which are stricter.
I found my missing bean issue with the code below:
public CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(ApplicationContext ctx) {
return args -> {
System.out.println("Let's inspect the beans provided by Spring Boot:");
String[] beanNames = ctx.getBeanDefinitionNames();
for (String beanName : beanNames) {
The Bean I missed was called AuthenticationController, which is a #RestController, and kinda crucial for my authentication code.
I'm interested in setting up a super lightweight web server with Restlet mostly for proofs-of-concept and low impedance collaboration with other developers. A full servlet container feels too heavy. Literally, I'm starting with something pulled directly from the "Getting Started" guide.
public class Dummy extends ServerResource {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new Server(Protocol.HTTP, 8182, Dummy.class).start();
public String hello() {
ST hello = new ST();
hello.add("name", "World");
return "{ \"hello\": \"World\"}";
However, I'd like to be able to watch for changes and redeploy automatically as I change code. I know Jetty can do this with some config. Has anyone done this without setting up a full servlet container? Is there something simpler?
I use Eclipse as my IDE to edit the code and launch the app, but the ideal solution wouldn't rely on that.
This what I call Continuous Delivery.
In a nutshell:
I usually use
SVN or Git to store and version source code
Jenkins to schedule the build and deployment
Gradle or Maven to build and test
The SCM plugin is able to poll the repository and invoke the process only if there is changes, or you can trigger the build with a hook.
There are plugins to copy your artifact to the target server and restart the application.
I'm using the eclEmma plugin to test code coverage for my gwt application. I've written jUnit test classes for client code, such as testing get/set methods etc. as well as jUnit tests for rpc services. I used "syncproxy" to test my equivalent GreetService, GreetServiceAsync and GreetServiceImpl rpc services. For example I have a location service that gets a users location and this is part of my test class:
public class LocationServiceTest {
private static LocationService rpcService =
(LocationService) SyncProxy.newProxyInstance(LocationService.class,
"http://localhost:...", "location");
public void testAdministrativeAreaLevel2LocationService() {
String result = rpcService.getAddress("49.28839970000001,-123.1259316");
assertTrue((result != null) && (result.startsWith("Vancouver")));
The jUnit tests all pass, but when I run eclEmma on my project (I right click the project, select "Coverage as" then "jUnit test") I only get coverage results for client code, and 0% coverage for all my server code.
Any suggestions for how to get eclEmma to cover server code? Or for what I might be doing wrong?
EclEmma tracks coverage on code launched at the test jvm (the vm you launch when you run the test). You seem to be running your server before, so eclEmma "can't see" its coverage. You could try running the server inside your tests, with Cargo, for example.