Will running node.js with Apache causes too much performance degradation? - apache

I am trying to run Apache and node.js on the same Amazon EC2 instance. After research online, I came up with the following solution:
run Apache on port 9000
run node.js apps on port 8001, 8002 and so on.
create a reverse proxy in node.js, running on port 80. It routes requests to different ports based on the hostname.
This solution works. (Although I haven't found a way to start node.js automatically)
My question is, will running multiple node instance causes performance degradation? Or will the reverse proxy be a problem?

Performance Degradation
On the contrary. If all you do with node is proxying, the overload is insignificant (as compared to apache's). I do have a quite similar setup as yours (small virtual machine, 3 legacy apache websites, node.js proxying and enhancement). So far, apache is the resource eater, not my node apps, which nonetheless proxy/filter/intercept every incoming http request
Here's my setup :
main proxy
which handles all incoming requests (for as many domains as you like) : I personally use nodejitsu's http-proxy which is very robust and simple to configure
var http = require('http');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var options = {
hostnameOnly: true,
router: {
'domain1.com': '',
'www.domain1.com': '',
'subdomain1.domain1.com': '',
'domain2.com': '',
var mainProxy = httpProxy.createServer(options);
You can redirect to apache directly from the option object, or do some more url parsing in another (middleware) node app on a different port.
WARN: if you don't wish to install/run node as 'root' (which I'd strongly advise in a production environement) : redirect port 80 to some other port with an IPTABLE directive (let's say 8080) where this proxy runs (see here for detailed example of Iptable directives). Mine, on a debian squeeze, reads :
#REDIRECT port 80 to 8080
$IPTABLES -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
node apps
which do some URL parsing with regexes, or whatever you need. Ex: redirect to a few (legacy) apache servers which (in my case) only serve legacy content not yet served by the 'in developement' node apps.
There are several solutions to make node run as a daemon. My favorite two are :
nodemon will monitor all files in your node app folder and subfolder for change and restart the node app on file change. It's perfect for a development environment
forever (yet again by Nodejitsu) will restart your node app if ever it stops. It's very customisable.
Also :
init.d script : I've written this debian init.d script for my own servers (should work on ubuntu)

Node is really really fast and it's build for handling thousands of connections in the same time, so using a proxy built with it won't be a problem at all in my opinion.


Apache Server - Change port from 8080 to 80

I have recently bought Amazon EC2 server.
Instead of installing it trough command line, I downloaded the latest zip file and deployed my application in WebApps folder.
The problem is tomcat is listening all the requests on port 8080 instead of 80.
I have tried changing the server.xml file in conf folder but no help!!
It is still listening to port 8080.
How do I make it listen to port 80
Oddly enough, Tomcat has its own documentation about doing this:
Probably the most straightforward way on *NIX is to use jsvc which is a small utility that works by binding to a port, dropping privileges, and then launching Tomcat, which can then use lower-numbered ports.
There are a bunch of other ways, but jsvc is the easiest and offers some other benefits as well. Discovering those benefits is left as an exercise for the reader.
The following would apply toward various systems, while the second link would related toward windows based systems.
First link :http://www.klawitter.de/tomcat80.html
Second link:
Ok. So finally I figured out way to solve this problem.
First of all i was doing it wrong way. One should not open port 80 for tomcat7. Tomcat7 should always run port 8080 or anything which is greater than 1024.
So to make your web site work without port. Follow below steps.
Install Apache2. (By default it runs on port 80).
Go to localhost and make sure apache2 is installed properly.
Then you will have to redirect all the requests which are going on port to redirect to port 8080.
To do that follow below link. (this is important step)
Hope this answer helps!!!
Fahad Mullaji
I wouldn't recommend doing that, for what it is worth...
That could work in theory, but you are literally using httpd as a proxy to forward every request. There isn't much of a reason, IMHO, to choose this over simply changing the port to 80 in the Tomcat configuration and ditching httpd. You can use port 80 for Tomcat but historically, in production environments, httpd is generally used to serve static assets and such and dynamic content would be served by Tomcat. Generally one would install mod_jk and use the jkMount directive to connect Tomcat to httpd via AJP, which is a lot faster being a binary protocol than using HTTP.
There used to be a much bigger difference in terms of performance, here.
Tomcat is able to serve static resources via its DefaultServlet pretty well these days.
For AJP setup, see the documentation here:

how to put nodejs and apache in the same port 80

I have to put nodejs in port 80, but apache is already using it. How can I put both (nodejs and apache) on the same port 80? I need it because in my university all the ports are blocked except for PORT 80. (This is a realtime application with nodejs and socket.io (websockets) and in the other side a php application).
Thanks a lot
I do this via node.js proxy..
Install http-proxy with npm or official page
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy'),
proxyServer = httpProxy.createServer ({
hostnameOnly: true,
router: {
'domain.com': '',
'domain.co.uk': '',
'': ''
This creates a node process listening to port 80, and forwarding requests for domains which go to :81,82,83 etc. I recommend running this with forever and adding an entry to init.d so your proxy is up in case system shuts down.
You can also use Apache 2's mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http, which might be more reliable or perform better depending on your system.
Here's an example:
Firstly run below command to proxy to allow
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests
# Use Apache for requests to http://example.com/
# but use Node.js for requests to http://example.com/node/
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/example/
<Location /node>
And of course you can modify the directives to your needs, such as using a different port for your virtual host (e.g., 443), different port for Node.js, or set up the proxy under a different block, such as for a subdomain (e.g., node.example.com).
I've personally done this the other way round from #liammclennan. Some suggest that proxying through Apache defeats some of the performance and scalability advantages of Node (don't have experience myself as my server doesn't get that much traffic, but from #liammclennan's link: "Every request that comes in through Apache will cause an Apache thread to wait/block until the response is returned from your Node.js process.", which obviously doesn't mesh well with Node's architecture.)
I used node-http-proxy to set up a Node proxy server roughly as described in the first link (my Node proxy runs on port 80; Apache and my other Node services don't). Seems to be working well so far, though I have had occasional stability problems that I've 'solved' through checking the proxy's still running with a cron job (edit: it seems a lot more stable these days). The proxy's pretty lightweight, taking up about 30MB memory.
You can't. You have to run node.js on another port and then proxy requests through apache. You can do this using mod_proxy
I usually use haproxy as the front-end in situations like that and have that proxy to the appropriate backend server. (Though making your node.js process a proxy server is a valid approach too depending on your needs).
for httpd.conf
activiate the module , proxy_module and proxy_http
if you are using virtual host
<virtualhost ...>
ServerName api.domain.com
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
assume you are running nodejs server at 8080 , you don't need to take care ssl in nodejs , all should be done in apache
then try https://api.domain.com/
I found a cool gist Run apache and nodejs on port 80. did not try it yet but will do of course
Step 1
Get a VPS that offers 2 or more IP addresses.
Step 2
From the WHM cPanel, find the menu item Service Configuration,
select Apache Configuration and then click on Reserved IPs Editor.
Step 3
Tick the IP address you DON'T WANT Apache to listen to, and write
it down so you can use it in the next step. Click Save.
Step 4
Install Node.js, and create a server like this:
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end('Hello, world!');
server.listen(80, '');
Replacing with the IP address you previously
reserved from the WHM cPanel.
Step 5
Stop wasting your time and never listen to those telling you to use
mod_rewrite to proxy Node.js again.
We can solve a problem in many different ways and IMHO, we should at least know each possible way 😉. We can do it without buying a new IP of course putting a proxy in front of both Apache and NodeJS server each running other ports except 80.

How to use vhosts alongside node-http-proxy?

I'm running Nodejs and Apache alongside each other.
node-http-proxy is listening on port 80 and then forwarding requests to either Apache(:9000) or to Express(:8000).
My virtual hosts on Apache look like:
DocumentRoot "/localhost/myVhost"
ServerName myVhost
My question is, what is the "correct" way to have vhost like functionality on the Express/Nodejs side? I would prefer to not have to place each Nodejs app on its own port as is suggested here:
(Section titled "Proxy requests using a 'Hostname Only' ProxyTable")
I noticed Connect (which as I understand it, gets bundled in Express) has some vhosts functionality. Should I be using that? If so, what would be the correct way to run it alongside node-http-proxy?
I also noticed this other module called "Cluster", it seems to be related but I'm not sure how:
While not wanting to overwhelm, I also came across one called, "Haibu" it seems to be related but I'm not sure if it would just be an all out replacement for using vhosts:
Note: I'm a front-end guy, so I'm not very familiar with a lot of server terminology
I never figured out Haibu or Cluster. But I did find a good solution that addressed my issue. To my surprise, it was actually quite simple. However, I don't know much about servers, so while this works, it may not be optimal.
I set up virtual hosts like normal on Apache
I installed the following on Node
Express (http://expressjs.com/)
node-http-proxy (https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy)
Then, as a matter of personal style, I placed all my virtual hosts in a common directory (/localhost)
I then switched Apache to listen on a port other than port 80. I just happened to choose port 9000 because I had seen that used somewhere. (In httpd.conf, changed "Listen 80" to "Listen 9000"). I also had to make sure that all my virtual hosts, as defined in extra/httpd-vhosts.conf were set to an IP based nameVirtualHost ( instead of using a port (*:80).
On the Node side, I created my app/server (aka node virtual host) that listened on port 8000 (somewhat arbitrarily choice of port number) See this link on creating a server with express: http://expressjs.com/guide.html
In my /localhost directory I then created a file called "nodeHttpProxy.js"
Using node-http-proxy, in nodeHttpProxy.js I then created a proxy server that listens on port 80. Using express, which wraps connect (http://www.senchalabs.org/connect/) I created my virtual hosts.
The nodeHttpProxy.js file looks like this:
// Module dependancies
var httpProxy = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/http-proxy/lib/node-http-proxy')
, express = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/express/lib/express');
// Http proxy-server
httpProxy.createServer(function (req, res, proxy) {
// Array of node host names
var nodeVhosts = [
, 'vhost2'
, host = req.header('host')
, port = nodeVhosts.indexOf(host) > -1
? 8000
: 9000;
// Now proxy the request
proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {
host: host
, port: port
// Vhosts server
.use(express.vhost('vhost1', require('./vhost1/app')))
.use(express.vhost('vhost2', require('./vhost2/app')))
As you can see, I will have to do two things each time I create a new Node virtual host:
add the virtual host name to my "nodeVhosts" array
define a new express virtual host using the .set method
Of course, I will also have to create the actual host path/files in my /localhost directory.
Once all this is done I just need to run nodeHttpProxy.js:
node nodeHttpProxy.js
You might get some weird "EACCESS" error, in which case, just run as sudo.
It will listen on port 80, and if the host matches one of the names in the nodeVhosts array it will forward the request to that host on port 8000, otherwise it will forward the the request onto that host on port 9000.
I've been giving this some thought lately as I'm tackling the same problems on my personal test environment. You are not going to be able to get around having each node application running on it's own port, but you can abstract away the pain of that process. Here is what I am using now, but I hope to build an npm package around this to simplify things in the future.
Each of my node.js applications has a map file that contains the port that the application is listening on as well as a map that indicates the expected path which the application is being served on. The contents of the file look like this:
{"path": "domain.com/path", "port": 3001}
When I start my application, it will read the port from the map.json file and listen on the specified port.
var map = fs.readFileSync('map.json', 'ascii');
Then in my proxy setup, I iterate over each of my node.js application directories, and check for a map.json file which indicates port 80 traffic should be proxied to this application.
I use almost the exact same method to setup the proxy for our apache hosted applications as well. We use a folder based convention on the PHP websites that we are serving and it uses the following configuration:
VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/%-2.0.%-1/%-3+/
VirtualScriptAlias /var/www/%-2.0.%-1/%-3+/cgi-bin/
This essentially allows us to map domains to folders using the following structure.
http://sub.domain.com/ = /var/www/domain.com/sub/
There is no additional configuration needed to add or remove sites. This is very close to what I am currently using to proxy both apache and node sites. I am able to add new node and new apache sites without modifying this proxy application.
var fs = require('fs');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var proxyTable = [];
// Map apache proxies
fs.readdirSync('/var/www/').forEach(function(domain) {
fs.readdirSync('/var/www/' + domain).forEach(function(path) {
var fqd = domain + '/' + path;
var port = fs.readFileSync('port', 'ascii');
proxyTable[fqd] = fqd + ':' + 8080;
// Map node proxies
fs.readdirSync('/var/www-node/').forEach(function(domain) {
var map = fs.readFileSync('map.json', 'ascii');
proxyTable.[map.path] = '' + map.port;
var options = {
router: proxyTable
var proxyServer = httpProxy.createServer(options);
In the future, I will probably decouple the path from the port that the application is listening on, but this configuration allows me to build the proxy map automatically with very little work. Hopefully this helps.
I took some inspiration from #uglymunky and wrote a chef script to do this on Ubuntu.
With this script you can install express and apache with vhost support on a single server using 1 line after you pull down my chef project from github
If you have git installed and you pull it down you can kick it off like so ...
sudo ./install.sh configuration.json
This does require Ubuntu 12.04 or greater as I took advantage of an upstart script to start node when you reboot the machine
When the script is finished you will have a working ubuntu web server with express to run any node apps you configured, along side apache to run any wsgi apps you configured
I'm working on an extremely minimal and to the point library that can be totally segregated from your projects. Basically the idea would be run this independently on your servers and don't ever worry about having to bundle this in your projects how you would with connect.
Take a look at the config.json file to see how simple it actually is to setup.
I was looking for this and I did find a few things but they didn't support everything I needed which specifically is HTTPS, WS and WSS!
Right now the library I wrote only works for HTTP. But in the next few days I hope to have it finished and working for HTTPS, WS and WSS as well.

SVN: remote access isn't working

I've installed subversion and apache on my pc. I can access to my repository using followinf url
Now I want other members of my group to access the project files I've put in my repository. As it's my first time using svn I looked for the solutions and I think I'm a bit lost.
I read about port forwarding in my router so I opened my router interface. I went to NAT/PAT section of my router configuration and added a new rule with following caracteristics:
Application: svn
External port:3690
Internal port:80
protocol : TCP
equipment: myPC
And Checked the option "Active". But I think I'm missing something.
I read in an article that to verify if the remote access is working i have to go to
While it doesn't work. "unable to connect.."
Can someone please help me .
Wait... You can access your repository via http://? Why not let others access the repository using http://?
Don't do anything with your router. Don't muck with ports. Apache httpd is serving your repository just fine off of Port 80. Tell your users to simply access your repository via http://<machineName>/svn/repos. That's all there is to it.
svn:// is a completely different protocol than http://. Port 3690 just happens to be the default port of svn://, but that doesn't mean if you reroute your http:// protocol there, everything will work.
Most of the time, people who first use Subversion set up the svnserve server instead of Apache httpd because it's easier than using Apache http. Here's how you setup a repository to use svn://:
$ svnadmin create my_repos #
$ vi my_repos/conf/svnserve.conf #Need to denop 'password-db=passwd' line
$ vi my_repos/conf/passwd #Need to setup user accounts
$ svnserve -r my_repos -d
And that's it. Now your users can access the repository via svn://<machineName>.
Although svnserve is simpler and easier than Apache (and faster), there are many reasons to use Apache httpd over svnserve:
Port 80 is likely not blocked by network while port 3690 maybe blocked
You can let Apache httpd use LDAP for authentication (which can also allow Windows Active Directory authentication)
Apache httpd can service multiple repositories while svnserve can only service a single repository on port 3690.

Ports Apache and ExpressJS

I am using Apache, which listens on port 80, expressjs and socket.io. Mainly, my question is in which port should I make expressjs to listen to so that I do not need to write the port on the url.
Let's say I want to get the id of this url:
The problem is that if I have Apache running on port 80, then expressjs won't recognize that url, so I should write it like this [if I have app.listen(81)]:
Which is actually unreal because I can't make the user to write :81
I've read something about http-node-proxy, but don't understand pretty well
Why do you need to run both Apache and Node?
If its a requirement, you're going to need to come up with a way to forward a particular route/path on to the particular server you're hosting resources on. This is called a reverse http proxy.
You can:
Run Apache on port 80 and forward a subset of urls onto node, which will run on a non-80 port - http://www.apachetutor.org/admin/reverseproxies
Run node on port 80 and use something like node-http-proxy to set up route forwarding - http://blog.nodejitsu.com/http-proxy-intro
Run something like ngnix as the reverse proxy, and have both apache and node on non-80 ports - http://www.ubuntugeek.com/using-nginx-as-a-reverse-proxy-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-vps.html
Or... collapse your servers and just use node. Node can do static file hosting (not super well, but that's all relative)