How to get notifications when I reach internet enabled area (wifi circle)? - silverlight-4.0

Presently I'm working on a Windows Phone application that will work in both online and offline mode. So that if the net is available means I need to sync my offline data to the respective server. My requirement is if my app is working and when I reach a wifi-enabled circle (area) I need to get a notification. Otherwise need to race an event.
How can I achieve this? Is there any notification channel present in WP7 to inform about this? If yes please demonstrate some code to achieve the goal.

You can determine if you are connected to a network, you can get the connection type and the phone informs you when it goes on/offline:
NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() checks if you are online or offline
DeviceNetworkInformation tells you more about the network type (Wifi, ...)
NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += new NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler(OnNetworkChangeHandler); registers a listener to listen for changes
Click here for an example on how to listen for changes. Also very good is this tutorial from MSDN, demonstrating all the goodies mentioned above!
I also recommend reading this blog post as it contains much valuable information about the different APIs.
PS: It is not possible to get a list of all available WLANs around the phone. You can only see the WLAN you are connected to (if). That is a limitation of the Windows Phone API.

The platform does not include support for the "GeoFencing" scenario you describe.
The best solution currently available is to periodically (using a Background Task) check to see if a connection is available and to begin the sync then.


Sonos API sends too short auth code in return?

Turning to all you smart people out there for help, tips and trix :)
I want to connect my NodeRed instance to the Sonos API to control my speakers in various ways. During the OAUTH process however, after logging in with my username and password for my account, the auth code being sent back to me through my redirect_uri seems to be too short? In the developers' guide the example auth code looks like this:
where in my case, I just receive the first part up until the first dash sign. Eg.:f10072fa6
At first I ran the connection through a NetScaler, then I changed to using a Nginx Reverse Proxy thinking that the Netscaler might have truncated the URL (for some very odd reason), but the result turned out the same..
Ideas anyone?
The Authorization code you received is correct. The Authorization code format was recently changed and the documentation needs to be updated to reflect this. This question was also answered in Authorization code has different structure than example code.
You can also use nodered-sonos to control your speakers. No need to setup oauth2 and using the cloud based api, if you can also have super fast local control of your speakers.
I'm using a combination of the following tools for total control of the speakers:
MQTT server of your choice in Docker (I'm using emqx)
Sonos2mqtt, my own app to connect sonos to mqtt in docker
Node red with normal mqtt in/out flows.
My Favorite flows:
Join playbar to group if group starts playing
Pause group is playbar leaves group (it leaves if I turn on the TV, that should stop the music)
Play ring sound (on all speakers) if someone presses the doorbell
Announce (text-to-speech) when the backdoor is opened

Voice call connection routing React-Native

I am trying to build an application which works this way: I as a user want to start a call with another user. The way I want the connection be made is by random. So it will connect to one of the many clients out there by random. Also when other clients try to make a call, it should connect to another random client and so on. I want those phone calls be made via application(such as WhatsApp) not as a phone call.
Now, the question is; is Twilio a good approach for this purpose?
If yes can you tell me which of their feature would fit my app the best?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I can answer that Twilio would be a good approach for you to do this within your own application. I'd recommend using Twilio Video to build this as it allows cross platform communication via audio or video (in your case, you may not need the video, but this will give you the best audio quality).
As an example, my colleague Dominik built a video roulette application. It is the case that the interface was built in JavaScript for the web, but the idea would be the same for a native app. The code for the server side part of the application should give some insight into how to connect random pairings.
It's also possible to integrate Twilio Video with CallKit and Connection Services so that you can make outbound calls to other devices that ring like a real incoming call.

How to create background location service in Appcelerator Titanium working after restarting device

I want to make an application which will send information to a server about user's location every 30min. It is needed to provide location specific push notifications.
I need such functionality for Android/iOS, which would work in background (also if device is restarted). I found some articles covering background services and I created background service doing that, but after phone is restarted it won't work.
Is it possible with Android and iOS? How can I achieve that?
With iOS, no. With Android, yes.
Apple has gone to great lengths to limit what apps can do. You can do some things in the background for an extended period of time (GPS, play audio, Voip, etc), but after a reboot your app will not be restarted until the user opens it again. There are exceptions to this. Voip apps are allowed to restart after a reboot, but apple will not approve your app for the App Store unless you actually have a place for a user in your app to use the Voip feature. Geofences are a possibility, but I haven't had experience with that feature yet. In my experience, Apple does whatever they can to make sure your app doesn't run forever.
With android, there is more flexibility and what you propose is totally possible. I've listed some important links below, since most of those solutions are far better documented than what I can do here.
Essentially you need to register as a boot receiver and then send an intent to start a titanium android service when the boot event is received. I don't have experience with starting a titanium service, but I'm sure its a simple intent you need to fire. Either way you'll need a module for this native code. I attached a link to a bencoding titanium module that may help you, although there may be some others out there. You may even need to code one yourself.
Samsung is notorious for stopping your app with their SPCM feature. You may want to familiarize yourself with it. I've added a stackoverflow discussion link below.
I don't know all of your system requirements but honestly, for any app I would try my best to not run forever. It will hurt the battery life for your users and will add a lot of complexity. Maybe you could simply have the app check the GPS coordinates when it receives a push notification and decide right there and then whether to present a notification to the user? Just something to consider.
Either way good luck!
How to start an Application on startup?!/guide/Android_Services
Dealing with Samsung SPCM killer

How to add dynamic text to live tile in windows 8 with javascript

Well, the topic says it all. I'm dabbling with windows 8 app development using html/css/javascript and I'm having a hard time finding information on how to dynamically manipulate the live tiles.
There is a lot of information out there on how to create multiple tile xml files and launch them after each other but if anyone had a good resource, or even better, a first-hand explanation, on how to create these tiles programatically to, say, make a countdown tile, it would be greatly appreciated.
There's no way to programmatically update the text/image on a live tile directly in real time.
The only APIs available are those in the Windows.UI.Notifications namespace, such as are shown in the Sending a tile update Quickstart.
You can use the notification queue, as shown here, to provide multiple updates that will automatically cycle, or you can use an external service, such as Windows Azure Mobile Services to send tile updates. Using push notifications from an external service will probably get you closest to the behavior you're looking for, since it will not rely on the app being active in order to update the tile. Be aware, however, that the app will need to run at least once in order to create the channel URI that's needed for the external service to update the tile.
For more info on Windows Store app development, register for Generation App.

Return Lync presence with

I am working on a solution to a problem at work where we can't tell if someone is on the phone or just sitting there. We use Microsoft Lync to place our calls and I was hoping to be able to add a bit of code to an existing .net application to show the presence of the person logged into the machine. That info will send that out via USB to an indicator light I previously built.
So basically I am trying to create a .net version of those 'ON AIR' lights you see at radio stations.
I have been searching for the last few days and haven't found a solution. I also downloaded the Microsoft Lync Controls SDK, but no luck with that either.
The following site provides a couple of ways of getting the user availability:
You may also be interested in the BusyLight if you still haven't implemented this solution. It's a USB light which shows your presence, as you describe.
There's a video demo of it in action here.