How to create a PDF in iOS programmatically? - objective-c

I want to create a PDF file in iOS ,there should be one table in the PDF, which is filled from one array. I already searched on Google, but didn't succeed. Any help is appreciated

Something like this routine to render the text:
- (CFRange)renderTextRange:(CFRange)currentRange andFrameSetter:(CTFramesetterRef)frameSetter intoRect:(CGRect)frameRect {
CGMutablePathRef framePath = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathAddRect(framePath, NULL, frameRect);
CTFrameRef frameRef = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(frameSetter, currentRange, framePath, NULL);
CGContextRef currentContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetTextMatrix(currentContext, CGAffineTransformIdentity);
CGContextTranslateCTM(currentContext, 0, 792);
CGContextScaleCTM(currentContext, 1.0, -1.0);
CTFrameDraw(frameRef, currentContext);
currentRange = CTFrameGetVisibleStringRange(frameRef);
currentRange.location += currentRange.length;
currentRange.length = 0;
return currentRange;
And the following code snippet which calls it, assuming you have the context and any fonts etc created and in the appropriate variables. The following loop simply builds up the text line by line into an NSMutableAttributedString which you can then render:
CTFontRef splainFont = CTFontCreateWithName(CFSTR("Helvetica"), 10.0f, NULL);
CGFloat margin = 32.0f;
CGFloat sink = 8.0f;
NSMutableAttributedString *mainAttributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init];
NSMutableString *mainString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
// Ingredients is an NSArray of NSDictionaries
// But yours could be anything, or just an array of text.
for (Ingredient *ingredient in ingredients) {
NSString *ingredientText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#\t%#
[mainString appendString:ingredientText];
NSMutableAttributedString *ingredientAttributedText =
[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:ingredientText];
[ingredientAttributedText addAttribute:(NSString *)(kCTFontAttributeName)
range:NSMakeRange(0, [ingredientText length])];
[mainAttributedString appendAttributedString:ingredientAttributedText];
[ingredientAttributedText release];
Now you have your array written out with newlines to one NSMutableAttributedString you can render it, depending on your text you might want to render it out in a loop until the rendered location matches your text length. Something like:
// Render Main text.
CTFramesetterRef mainSetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString((CFAttributedStringRef)mainAttributedString);
currentRange = [KookaDIS renderTextRange:currentRange
// If not finished create new page and loop until we are.
while (!done) {
UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo(pageRect, nil);
currentRange = [self renderTextRange:currentRange
if (currentRange.location >= [mainString length]) {
done = TRUE;
The above code will need quite a bit of adapting I'm sure as it's hacked out of a project of my own so some variables (like the frame setter) won't exist and you need to close off the PDF context and release variables etc. Note how mainString is used to determine when the text has been rendered out.
It should give a clear enough indication of how to loop around an array or any other group to render an arbitrary length of text into a document.
Slight modifications to the while loop and the one render before entering it will let you render text out in multiple columns too.


NSTextStorage - How to find return chars (new line) in a text

In an NSTextStorage I insert time strings at the current pointer location like this :
NSMutableAttributedString* attrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: #"00:00:00"];
[attrString autorelease];
int pos = [self selectedRange].location;
[[self textStorage] insertAttributedString: attrString atIndex:pos];
So far so good, it works perfect. But now I want to position the pointer at the beginning of the next line. Obviously this is right after the next return char.
Now how to find the next return char in textStorage and position the pointer there ?
I have not found any hint in the web for this task. Please help ...
You won't find a method to set the cursor (more precise: selection with zero length) in NSTextStorage's API, because it is a storage, having no selection. The selection is a property of the text view. This is the result of MVC. Simply do a check: You can have many text views displaying the same text. Obviously each one needs its own selection.
What you have to do is to get the position of the next paragraph (this is better than searching for \n) and set this as a selection for the text view.
NSMutableAttributedString* attrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: #"00:00:00"];
[attrString autorelease]; // You should *really* use ARC
int pos = [self selectedRange].location;
[[self textStorage] insertAttributedString: attrString atIndex:pos];
// Get the next paragraph
NSString *text = self.textStorage.string;
NSRange restOfStringRange = NSMakeRange( pos, [text length]-pos );
NSUInteger nextParagraphIndex;
// You have to look to the start of the next paragraph
[text getParagraphStart:&nextParagraphIndex end:NULL contentsEnd:NULL forRange:restOfStringRange];
NSTextView *view = self.textView; // Or where ever you get it from
view.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(nextParagraphIndex, 0);
Typed in Safari, not tested, just to show the basic approach.

How to allow forms(pdf) to be re-editable after they have been saved(Objective C)

I'm new to CoreGraphics framework.
We have used ILPDFKit library to render PDF or form
We embedded the drawn paths to existing PDF.Here is the code
-(NSData *)embededPdfAnnotationPointsInPdfAtPath:(NSString *)pdfPath
NSURL *pdfUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:pdfPath];
CGPDFDocumentRef pdf = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)pdfUrl);
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData new];
UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToData(data, CGRectZero, nil);
for(NSUInteger pageIndex = 1; pageIndex <= [self pdfDrawViewInfo].count; pageIndex ++)
// Get the current page and page frame
CGPDFPageRef pdfPage = CGPDFDocumentGetPage(pdf, pageIndex);
const CGRect pageFrame = CGPDFPageGetBoxRect(pdfPage, kCGPDFMediaBox);
UIGraphicsBeginPDFPageWithInfo(pageFrame, nil);
// Draw the page (flipped)
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1, -1);
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0, -pageFrame.size.height);
CGContextDrawPDFPage(ctx, pdfPage);
UIImage *drawViewImage = [self annotatedImageForPdfPageAtIndex:(pageIndex - 1)];
UIImage *annotatedImgForPdfPage = [self imageWithImage:drawViewImage scaledToSize:pageFrame.size] ;
[annotatedImgForPdfPage drawInRect:pageFrame];
// CGPDFDocumentRelease(pdf);
// CGImageRelease(annotatedImgCGref);
return data;
Above code indicates, we are just pasting image(drawn paths) on existing PDF.
Later functionality changed as "After saving PDF with annotations(freehand drawing), we need to have control over annotated stuff"
Edit PDF with annotation(freehand drawing), save it.After saving the PDF with annotated stuff, we need to again gain its editing capability. We need to know the saving mechanism and steps of this process.Please put your views here, so that it help me a lot.
Thanks inadvance
I would probably conserve the pdf original version, and store the edits in another file.
Than each time the user save, the app apply the annotations and other stuff to original version and generate the final pdf (in case of sharing or exportation features)
That would give you a complete control, (i guess this is also the same way "apple photo", "iPhoto" and "Aperture" manage the pictures modifications...)

Saving NSBitmapImageRep as image

I've done an exhaustive search on this and I know similar questions have been posted before about NSBitmapImageRep, but none of them seem specific to what I'm trying to do which is simply:
Read in an image from the desktop (but NOT display it)
Create an NSBitmap representation of that image
Iterate through the pixels to change some colours
Save the modified bitmap representation as a separate file
Since I've never worked with bitmaps before I thought I'd just try to create and save one first, and worry about modifying pixels later. That seemed really straightforward, but I just can't get it to work. Apart from the file saving aspect, most of the code is borrowed from another answer found on StackOverflow and shown below:
NSImage *theImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:aFilepath];
if (theImage)
CGImageRef CGImage = [theImage CGImageForProposedRect:nil context:nil hints:nil];
NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:CGImage];
NSInteger width = [imageRep pixelsWide];
NSInteger height = [imageRep pixelsHigh];
long rowBytes = [imageRep bytesPerRow];
// above matches the original size indicating NSBitmapImageRep was created successfully
printf("WIDE pix = %ld\n", width);
printf("HIGH pix = %ld\n", height);
printf("Row bytes = %ld\n", rowBytes);
// We'll worry about this part later...
unsigned char* pixels = [imageRep bitmapData];
int row, col;
for (row=0; row < height; row++)
// etc ...
for (col=0; col < width; col++)
// etc...
// So, let's see if we can just SAVE the (unmodified) bitmap first ...
NSData *pngData = [imageRep representationUsingType: NSPNGFileType properties: nil];
NSString *destinationStr = [self pathForDataFile];
BOOL returnVal = [pngData writeToFile:destinationStr atomically: NO];
NSLog(#"did we succeed?:%#", (returnVal ? #"YES": #"NO")); // the writeToFile call FAILS!
[imageRep release];
[theImage release];
While I like this code for its simplicity, another potential issue down the road might be that Apple docs advise us treat bitmaps returned with 'initWithCGImage' as read-only objects…
Can anyone please tell me where I'm going wrong with this code, and how I could modify it to work. While the overall concept looks okay to my non-expert eye, I suspect I'm making a dumb mistake and overlooking something quite basic. Thanks in advance :-)
That's a fairly roundabout way to create the NSBitmapImageRep. Try creating it like this:
NSBitmapImageRep* imageRep = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithContentsOfFile:aFilepath];
Of course, the above does not give you ownership of the image rep object, so don't release it at the end.

Appending to NSTextView

I've got an NSTask (with an NSPipe set up) running in the background and I want to output the contents, as they're coming in, in an NSTextView (output).
The code I'm using is :
NSMutableAttributedString* str = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:s];
//[str addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[NSColor whiteColor] range:NSMakeRange(0, [str length])];
[[output textStorage] appendAttributedString:str];
[output scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([[output string] length], 0)];
Issues :
When there is a lot of data appending, the view seems like "flashing"... and not working properly.
Given that the NSTextView is on a Sheet, NO CONTENTS seem to be appearing when the mouse pointer is elsewhere other than hovering above the NSTextView
Why is that, although I've set the color/insertion color/etc of the NSTextView, this doesn't seem to apply to newly inserted text?
What's the suggested way of appending (+scrolling) on an NSTextView?
Remember that user interface elements, and this includes NSTextView, do their magic on the main thread. If you're attempting to add information to the text view, that's where you'd best be doing it. Here's how:
[[output textStorage] performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(appendAttributedString:)
I'd address your third point, but frankly, that's a thing of which I'm still very much a student.
To address your fourth point, it would appear you've got that figured out; just combine your append and scroll actions. But just like changing the contents of textStorage, you want to be sure you're doing this on the main thread. Since -scrollRangeToVisible: doesn't take an object for its argument, you have to do this a bit differently:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[output scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([[output string] length], 0)];
My first example notwithstanding, you could place your call to -appendAttributedString: inside that block as well:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[output textStorage] appendAttributedString:str];
[output scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([[output string] length], 0)];
Regarding the recommended way of appending to the NSTextView: You're doing quite well with appendAttributedString:, but it's recommended to shield it inside shouldChangeTextInRange, then a beginEditing, appendAttributedString, and finally endEditing:
textStorage = [textView textStorage];
if([textView shouldChangeTextInRange:range replacementString:string])
[textStorage beginEditing];
[textStorage replaceCharactersInRange:range withAttributedString:attrStr];
// or if you've already set up the attributes (see below)...
// [textStorage replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:str];
[textStorage endEditing];
I'd strongly suggest replacing scrollRangeToVisible: by scrollToPoint:, as scrollRangeToVisible: will cause a lot of flickering and it will also gradually become slower as you move 'down the range'.
A quick-and-dirty way could be something like this:
- (void)scrollToBottom
NSPoint pt;
id scrollView;
id clipView;
pt.x = 0;
pt.y = 100000000000.0;
scrollView = [self enclosingScrollView];
clipView = [scrollView contentView];
pt = [clipView constrainScrollPoint:pt];
[clipView scrollToPoint:pt];
[scrollView reflectScrolledClipView:clipView];
I let constrainScrollPoint do all the calculation work.
I do this, because my calculations failed anyway (those suggested by Apple and others, that used visRect/docRect coordinates, produced unreliable results).
reflectScrolledClipView is also important; it updates the scroll bar so it has the correct proportion and position.
You might also find it interesting to know when scrolling has occurred. If so, subscribe to both NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification and NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification. When one of them occurs, the scroll bar position most likely changed (investigate [textView visibleRect] and [textView bounds]).
I see you also have trouble with the text-attributes. So did I for a long time.
I found that appending an attributed string would help quite a lot, but it still wasn't enough for the text being typed.
..Then I found out about typingAttributes.
When setting up your NSTextView, for instance in an -awakeFromNib, you can pick what you like from the following...
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle;
float characterWidth;
NSFont *font;
uint32_t tabWidth;
NSMutableDictionary *typingAttributes;
tabWidth = 4;
font = [NSFont fontWithName:#"Monaco" size:9.0];
paragraphStyle = [[textView defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];
if(NULL == paragraphStyle)
paragraphStyle = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];
// or maybe:
// paragraphStyle = [NSParagraphStyle new];
characterWidth = [[font screenFontWithRenderingMode:NSFontDefaultRenderingMode] advancementForGlyph:(NSGlyph)' '].width;
[paragraphStyle setDefaultTabInterval:(characterWidth * (float) tabWidth];
[paragraphStyle setTabStops:[NSArray array]];
typingAttributes = [[textView typingAttributes] mutableCopy];
if(NULL == typingAttributes)
typingAttributes = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[typingAttributes setObject:paragraphStyle forKey:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName];
[typingAttributes setObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
[textView setTypingAttributes:attributes];
...It's way more than you probably need, but it shows how you can set the font, the tab width and the typing attributes.
NSForegroundColorAttributeName might also be interesting for you (as well as some other attributes, type NSForegroundColorAttributeName in Xcode and option-double-click on it, then you'll see some more attributes (you can command-double-click as well; this takes you to the definition in the header file).

NSTextAttachmentCell is a mile high

I'm editing a subset of HTML in an NSTextView[1] and I want to simulate an <hr> tag.
I've figured out that the way to do it is with NSTextAttachment and a custom NSTextAttachmentCell, and have the code all written to insert the attachment and cell. The problem is, there's an enormous amount of blank space below the cell.
This space is not part of the cell itself—if I paint the entire area of the cell red, it's exactly the right size, but the text view is putting the next line of text very far below the red. The amount seems to depend on how much text is above the cell; unfortunately, I'm working with long documents where <hr> tags are crucial, and this causes major problems with the app.
What the heck is going on?
The money parts of my cell subclass:
- (NSRect)cellFrameForTextContainer:(NSTextContainer *)textContainer
proposedLineFragment:(NSRect)lineFrag glyphPosition:(NSPoint)position
characterIndex:(NSUInteger)charIndex {
lineFrag.size.width = textContainer.containerSize.width;
lineFrag.size.height = topMargin + TsStyleBaseFontSize *
heightFontSizeMultiplier + bottomMargin;
return lineFrag;
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
layoutManager:(NSLayoutManager *)layoutManager {
NSRect frame = cellFrame;
frame.size.height -= bottomMargin;
frame.size.height -= topMargin;
frame.origin.y += topMargin;
frame.size.width *= widthPercentage;
frame.origin.x += (cellFrame.size.width - frame.size.width)/2;
[color set];
[1] I tried a WebView with isEditable set and the markup it produced was unusably dirty—in particular, I couldn't find a way to wrap text nicely in <p> tags.
To answer Rob Keniger's request for the code that inserts the horizontal rule attachment:
- (void)insertHorizontalRule:(id)sender {
NSAttributedString * rule = [TsPage];
NSUInteger loc = self.textView.rangeForUserTextChange.location;
if(loc == NSNotFound) {
if(loc > 0 && [self.textView.textStorage.string characterAtIndex:loc - 1] != '\n') {
NSMutableAttributedString * workspace = rule.mutableCopy;
[workspace.mutableString insertString:#"\n" atIndex:0];
rule = workspace;
if([self.textView shouldChangeTextInRange:self.textView.rangeForUserTextChange replacementString:rule.string]) {
[self.textView.textStorage beginEditing];
[self.textView.textStorage replaceCharactersInRange:self.textView.rangeForUserTextChange withAttributedString:rule];
[self.textView.textStorage endEditing];
[self.textView didChangeText];
[self.textView scrollRangeToVisible:self.textView.rangeForUserTextChange];
[self reloadPreview:sender];
And the method in TsPage that constructs the attachment string:
+ (NSAttributedString *)newHorizontalRuleAttributedStringWithStylebook:(TsStylebook*)stylebook {
TsHorizontalRuleCell * cell = [[TsHorizontalRuleCell alloc] initTextCell:#"—"];
cell.widthPercentage = 0.33;
cell.heightFontSizeMultiplier = 0.25;
cell.topMargin = 12.0;
cell.bottomMargin = 12.0;
cell.color = [NSColor blackColor];
NSTextAttachment * attachment = [[NSTextAttachment alloc] initWithFileWrapper:nil];
attachment.attachmentCell = cell;
cell.attachment = attachment;
NSAttributedString * attachmentString = [NSAttributedString attributedStringWithAttachment:attachment];
NSMutableAttributedString * str = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#""];
[str appendAttributedString:attachmentString];
[str.mutableString appendString:#"\n"];
return str;
Try changing your cell class's cellFrameForTextContainer:proposedLineFragment:glyphPosition: method to return NSZeroPoint for the origin of the cell's frame.
(I have no idea why this should work, but the questioner and I have been live-debugging it, and it actually does.)
Added by questioner: It looks like, even though the rect being returned is described as a "frame", its origin is relative to the line it's in, not to the top of the document. Thus, the return value's origin.y value should be set to zero if you want it on the same line.
(The origin.x value, on the other hand, does refer to the cell's position in the line, so it should be the same as lineFrag.origin.x unless you want to change the cell's horizontal location.)