How do I ensure a controller is retained until after it completes processing when converting to ARC? - objective-c

I use the following pattern in my app and am transitioning to ARC. Basically, an object retains an instance of a controller and releases that controller when it is notified through a delegate protocol that it has finished. I don't use an iVar/property b/c startProcess can be called N times to process N things.
Example below:
// start a process in a controller
- (void)startProcess
MyController *controller = [[MyController alloc] init];
// set the delegate, the delegate is defined as (nonatomic, assign)
controller.delegate = self;
[controller start];
// when the delegate is notified, release the controller
- (void)myControllerDidFinish:(MyController):controller
// do something with results
[controller release];
When the above implementation is converted to ARC, the controller is no longer retained after startProcess concludes so the processing doesn't occur and the delegate message is never received.
QUESTION: When converting my project to use ARC, how would the above implementation be modified to work correctly w/o creating iVars in the object instantiating the controller? There is a similar example in Apple's documentation to transition to ARC but it involves using blocks. I'd rather not replace the delegate protocol with completion blocks.
EDIT: added comment in code re how delegate is defined
EDIT: clarified first para to explain why an iVar/property to hold the controller won't work

Why not just create an NSMutableArray instance variable, pendingControllers, and adding your controller there? Since arrays retain their members, your code would look like this:
// start a process in a controller
- (void)startProcess
MyController *controller = [[MyController alloc] init];
// set the delegate, the delegate is defined as (nonatomic, assign)
controller.delegate = self;
[controller start];
if (pendingControllers == nil) {
pendingControllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[pendingControllers addObject:controller];
[controller release];
// when the delegate is notified, release the controller
- (void)myControllerDidFinish:(MyController):controller
// do something with results
[pendingControllers removeObject:controller];
if ([pendingControllers count] == 0) {
// if ARC is enabled, remove the call to -release.
[pendingControllers release], pendingControllers = nil;
This avoids the problem. Completion blocks are the right answer, and they’re what Apple is using going forward, but this method will work for now.

Usually, it is the controller's responsibility to retain itself while it completes a task. If your controller runs a task on a background thread, then it should automatically be retained by the instance of NSThread. If data is being fetched over the network using NSURLConnection, the controller should be retained as the delegate.
If you are not doing a task like this, you can use synthetic circular retains to retain the controller while the task is being carried out. This can be done by creating an object, I will call it ObjectRetainer, that simply has a __strong id property. When the controller begins its task, it should have a __strong ObjectRetainer instance variable that gets set to a new ObjectRetainer that retains the controller. This way, the controller is retaining an ObjectRetainer that is retaining the controller, thus preventing either one from being deallocated.
When the controller completes its task and has called all necessary delegate methods, it should set the ObjectRetainer instance variable to nil. This will release the ObjectRetainer, that in turn will release the controller.
The ObjectRetainer interface might look something like this:
#interface ObjectRetainer : NSObject {
__strong id object;
#property (nonatomic, strong) __strong id object;
You should declare an ivar in the controller's header: __strong ObjectRetainer _retainer. Then, in the controller's start method:
- (void)start {
_retainer = [[ObjectRetainer alloc] init];
_retainer.object = self;
When the controller is done, simply set _retainer to nil:
- (void)performBackgroundTask {
[delegate myControllerDidFinish:self];
_retainer = nil;

more simply: make the controller a data member... #synthesized method will do the magic.


Weird memory issues, with ARC enabled

I am having a very, very strange error, probably related to memory management (even though I'm using ARC).
I have a my AppDelegate, Foo, and SubFoo (which is a subclass of Foo).
#protocol FooDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)didReceiveDownloadRequest:(NSURLRequest *)downloadRequest;
#interface Foo : NSObject {
__weak id <FooDelegate> delegate;
- (void)performRequest;
#property (nonatomic, weak) id <FooDelegate> delegate;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *fileIdentifier;
#implementation Foo
#synthesize delegate, fileIdentifier;
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.delegate = nil; // I tried leaving this line out, same result.
NSLog(#"I am %p.", self);
return self;
- (void)performRequest {
// Bah.
#interface SubFoo : Foo {
WebView *aWebView;
- (void)performRequest {
if (self.fileIdentifier) {
aWebView = [[WebView alloc] init];
[aWebView setFrameLoadDelegate:self];
[[aWebView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"theURL"]];
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame {
NSLog(#"Finished loading.");
// ...
NSLog(#"Class Name: %#", NSStringFromClass([self class]));
NSLog(#"Memory Location of delegate: %p", self.delegate);
// ...
Sometimes, the class name on webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: returns a completely different class (instead of SubFoo, it returns random classes, like NSSet, NSArray, it even sometimes returns CFXPreferencesSearchListSource), other times it just crashes there with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, and when it returns a random class on Class Name: it returns that [randomClassName delegate] is an unrecognized selector.
EDIT: When self gets set to another thing, it gets set RIGHT on webView:didFinishLoadForFrame:, and on performRequest it is ALWAYS SubFoo.
Any help here would be appreciated.
First, even though you are using ARC zeroing weak references in your project (#property (weak)), other projects and frameworks may not be (and are probably not) using zeroing weak references.
In other words, assume that all delegates in frameworks are __unsafe_unretained unless:
The delegate property is declared weak in a header
The documentation/header explicitly states otherwise
That said, let's talk about your example. Your object ownership chart looks something like this:
(Note: I'm not entirely sure which class in your project uses SubFoo. Based on common practice, I'm assuming that you have a class with a strong reference to SubFoo, and that class is also set up to be a SubFooDelegate)
Ultimately, your instance of SubFoo is losing its last strong reference and is deallocating. In a perfect ARC-enabled world, the WebView's pointer to SubFoo would nil out at this time. However, it's not a perfect world yet, and WebView's frameLoadDelegate is __unsafe_unretained. Due to run loop interaction, the WebView is outliving SubFoo. The web request completes, and a dead pointer is dereferenced.
To fix this, you need to call [aWebView setFrameLoadDelegate:nil]; in SubFoo's dealloc method. You also need to call it when you reassign aWebView, as you are losing track of the old aWebView:
#implementation SubFoo
- (void)dealloc {
[aWebView setFrameLoadDelegate:nil];
// Also nil out any other unsafe-unretained references
- (void)performRequest {
if (self.fileIdentifier) {
[aWebView setFrameLoadDelegate:nil]; // Protects us if performRequest is called twice. Is a no-op if aWebView is nil
aWebView = [[WebView alloc] init];
[aWebView setFrameLoadDelegate:self];
[[aWebView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"theURL"]];
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame {
// ...
Forget the self.delegate error for now, it is a red herring if [self class] is producing the wrong result! Your results suggest you are somehow clobbering self.
Breakpoint on webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: check the self value and step through.
Comment Followup
For self to be wrong on the first statement of an instance method is, let's say, unusual (but not impossible).
It is important when an object is set as another's delegate that you make sure the delegate object's lifetime is at least as long as the one it is acting as a delegate to. Introducing ARC can make previously working code fail as it may release the delegate earlier than the code did under MRC. When this happens the call to the delegate usually fails.
However your error does not fail on the call to the delegate; the call starts - you end up in webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: - and then you find self is invalid. To actually invoke an instance method usually requires a valid value for self as it is used to determine the method implementation to call. Hence it is usual for self to be valid at the start of a method!
But note the "usually"...
So despite you having successfully reach your method, your error might be down to not having a strong reference to your SubFoo instance, you pass it as a delegate to aWebView, and by the time webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: is called your SubFoo has gone.
Make sure you're keeping a strong ref to your SubFoo instance. If you just want to test (this is not a recommended general solution!) if this is your problem you can just assign it to a local static (static SubFoo *holdMe say declared inside performRequest) in performRequest, which will keep a strong reference around at least until the next call to performRequest. If this does prove to be the problem you then need to come up with a good way to maintain the reference that fits your design.
Here's the real problem: You're creating a SubFoo object within the context of a method. So after the method completes, SubFoo is being released (before its WebView has time to load).
To fix this, you'll need to assign the SubFoo object you're creating to something persistent, like a instance variable of the class you're creating it from. That way the object will persist beyond the scope of the method it was created in and all will work as expected.
As CRD mentioned, I would say an incorrect object/bad access returned is a sign of an object being released. Sometimes it's replaced by another object, sometimes it's not so you get the bad access exception. Regarding how this could happen to self, I would imagine that this is a concurrency weird case (object is being freed on another thread).
The best way to confirm this is to run your code in Instrument's NSZombie template, it'll show you as soon as you access a freed object. It also shows when it's been retained/released so you don't have to guess.
Regarding your above comment.
SubFoo *theClass = [[SubFoo alloc] init];
You must store theClass in a
#property (strong) SubFoo *mySubFoo;
If you declare it as such:
SubFoo *theClass = [[SubFoo alloc] init];
It gets released at the closing bracket. This part of the point of ARC when that variable moves out of scope, it gets released. If you want to let it float in the ether you could use
__weak SubFoo *theClass = [[SubFoo alloc] init];
and it won't get released, but this will lead to a memory leak unless you carefully manage all the weak references. In the case of it not being released at -performRequest I'm assuming the request looks like this:
SubFoo *theClass = [[SubFoo alloc] init];
[theClass performRequest];
wheras -webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: is called at some indiscriminate time in the future.

Will ARC be smart enough to release subviews defined in Superclasses too?

I have a custom view class which is a subclass of UITableViewCell.
I have two other custom view classes which inherit from this subclass (they share a lot of the same properties but were different enough to warrant separate classes).
I've declared the shared properties in MyParentCell and also declared their unique properties in the respective classes.
MyParentCell // defines propertyA and propertyB, both IBOutlet subviews
/ \
/ \
/ \
| |
| ChildClass1 // defines propertyC, an IBOutlet subview
ChildClass2 // defines property D, an IBOutlet subview
My question is: Since I'm using ARC and cannot explicitly call [super delloc]; when I'm defining dealloc: in ChildClass1 and ChildClass2 do, I have to release all of the subviews they own in each class, or will MyParentCell#dealloc still be called too?
Do I have to write this:
// ChildClass1.m
#implementation ChildClass1
self.propertyA = nil;
self.propertyB = nil;
self.propertyC = nil;
// ChildClass2.m
#implementation ChildClass2
self.propertyA = nil;
self.propertyB = nil;
self.propertyD = nil;
Or is it enough to write:
// MyParentCell
#implementation MyParentCell
self.propertyA = nil;
self.propertyB = nil;
// ChildCell1.m
#implementation ChildCell1
self.propertyC = nil;
// ChildCell2.m
#implementation ChildCell2
self.propertyD = nil;
If the second approach is fine, can someone explain when and how MyParentCell#dealloc is called?
If the first approach is necessary, that sucks :/
Of course, also with ARC every class is responsible to clean up only its own resources. If you define a dealloc in a subclass, it's calling the parent's dealloc implicitly at the end of your method. You just don't have to type it.
If you just release instance variables or properties, you can rely on ARC to do this for you after the whole dealloc chain is done. ARC silently implements .cxx_destruct which gets called from NSObject's dealloc and takes care of releasing anything strong in your class.
No not need to use dealloc at all as a general rule(but in some cases), put ain dealloc an NSLog that shows just a dealloc word. Run and trust in ARC everything happen automatically
You don't have to do neither approach 1 nor approach 2. You don't need to implement dealloc at all. When an instance of your subclasses is deallocated, objects it retains will be released automatically. So if they are not retained somewhere else, they will be deallocated too.

Singleton's property memory management

I'm trying to write my little app and experiencing some memory management problems.
At first, I have Game singleton object with property:
#interface Game : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) MapBuildingsLayer *mapBuildingsLayer;
+(Game *) game;
-(BOOL) addObject:(NSString *) objName At:(CGPoint) pt;
where MapBuildingsLayer is just cocos2d CCLayer instance
#implementation Game
#synthesize mapBuildingsLayer = _mapBuildingsLayer;
static Game *instance = nil;
+ (Game *)game {
#synchronized(self) {
if (instance == nil) {
instance = [[Game alloc] init];
return instance;
-(BOOL) addObject:(NSString *)objName At:(CGPoint)pt
if([objName isEqualToString:OBJ_TYPE_PIT])
if([[Game game].mapBuildingsLayer addPitAt:pt]) //app crashes here
[self toggleConstructionMode];
return YES;
return NO;
In MapBuildingsLayer.m's init method I use Game's mapBuildingsLayer property to store a reference to this CCLayer instance in my singleton (for future use in other methods):
#implementation MapBuildingsLayer
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init])) {
[Game game].mapBuildingsLayer = self;
return self;
When I call Game's addObject:objName At: method, my app crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
How I must declare property in Game singleton to use it from other places in my app's lifetime?
You typically don't use the singleton in the class itself, try changing
if([[Game game].mapBuildingsLayer addPitAt:pt]) //app crashes here
if([self.mapBuildingsLayer addPitAt:pt]) //app crashes here
You should be using [Game game] external to the class to get into the singleton instance of your class and call its methods, but internal to the class you would just refer to it as self like normal.
Typically if you're going to use a game singleton this isn't how you'd use it. Try thinking of it like this with a giant state machine, Create a CCScene subclass which will initialize all of your respective CCLayer subclasses and control them. Then from the statemachine you can load the appropriate initializing its scene and that will create everything under it.
In your applicationDidFinishLaunching method you simply have your singleton object load your first scene. I'd really recommend checking out the Learning Cocos2d Book as it covers this singleton state engine very well and I think would clear up all your questions.
Bottom line is have the state engine load the scene which loads the layers.
No where in your code i am seeing your mapBuildingsLayer initialized. I hope before returning your instance you should also do
instance.mapBuildingsLayer = [CCLayer alloc] init];
I think the way you are assigning the mapBuildingsLayer is wrong. Remove [Game game].mapBuildingsLayer = self from your MapBuildingsLayer init method and instead add the following inside Game init method:
self.mapBuildingsLayer = [[MapBuildingsLayer alloc] init] autorelease];
now it is initialized inside your singleton init method so you can access it simply as [Game game].mapBuildingsLayer anywhere outside the Game class. If this doesnt work try posting what addPitAt: does.
hope this helps

How do get reference to another class properly?

I have some class initialized in Appdelegate, but when I get this class instance form Appdelegate in another class it has "fresh" state.
I have following in AppDelegate:
#property (nonatomic, retain) DataController *dataController;
#synthesize dataController;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
DataController *controller = [[DataController alloc] init];
self.dataController = controller;
[controller release];
NSLog(#"items: %d",[self.dataController numberOfItems]);
return self;
At this point DataControlelr class loads objects form database. Log output show "items: 10".
I have TableViewController where I need to use DataController.
TableViewController header:
#interface TableViewController : UITableViewController {
DataController *dataController;
#property (retain) DataController *dataController;
if (self =[super init]) {
DataController *dc =[(AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] dataController];
[dc retain];
dataController = dc;
NSLog(#"items: %d",[self.dataController numberOfItems]);
return self;
Here it always says that DataController has 0 items. "fresh" state.
The Log output is always
items: 10
items: 0
It seems like assigning that class creates reference to freshly initialised DataController somehow?
How do I reference another class properly?
The first thing to check would be to ensure that the dc variable in the second class isn't nil-- that would cause any method called on it to 'return' 0.
It might also be useful to print out the address of the app delegate from both of those methods-- just in case the -init method is resulting from an incorrectly-allocated second instance of that class somewhere, while the regular version hasn't been initialized in the same way (or was using -initWithCoder:, etc.)
One useful rule of thumb for initialization of objects created or assigned within a nib file is to use -awakeFromNib to perform most of your initialization tasks. A corollary to this is that the app delegate can set up its state in response to the -applicationDidFinishLaunching: method. In this case, if there is a second instance of your AppDelegate class being allocated somewhere, only the one which is really set as the app's delegate will receive -applicationDidFinishLaunching:.
At the end of the day, stepping through in the debugger and looking at the call stack should show you if something isn't happening in quite the way it should.
Could there be an issue with your assignment of dataController = dc in TableViewController? In your log statement you use self.dataController, should your assignment directly above it be self.dataController = dc ?
I found the gotcha. Tanks to Jim!
Moved assignment from -init to -awakefromnib and now DataController is valid.
My mistake is that after putting the code initially in -viewDidLoad and -viewWillAppear which was wrong I thought that in -init is the place for the assignment.

Should you set the delegate to nil in the class using the delegate or in the class itself

If class A is using class B and class A is class B's delegate, is it ok if the delegate is set to nil in class B's dealloc? I have seen code usually resetting the delegate to nil inside class A's dealloc but wasn't sure the real difference doing it one way or the other.
e.g. This is the usual way:
// somewhere in class A
- (void) someFunc {
self.b = [[B alloc] init];
self.b.delegate = self;
- (void) dealloc {
self.b.delegate = nil;
[self.b release];
Yes, you should set the classB's delegate property to nil in classA's dealloc.
It's not a memory management issue, because delegate properties should be marked assign, not retain, to avoid retain cycles (otherwise the dealloc will never be called). The issue is that otherwise classB might message classA after it has been released.
For example, if classB has a delagate call to say "being hidden", and classB is released just after classA, it would message the already dealloc'ed classA causing a crash.
And remember, you can't always guarentee the dealloc order, especial if they are autoreleased.
So yes, nil out the delegate property in classA's dealloc.
As far as I know, its best practice to (assign) a delegate, such that you avoid circular references on retain counts for situations just like this. If you've set up the property properly, ie:
#property (assign) id<BDelegate> delegate;
You shouldn't have to perform any memory management in the dealloc, as the retain count is not bumped when you call self.b.delegate = self; -- unlike using (retain) or (copy)
Make sense? It would be fine to set the delegate to nil, but whats the point?
First, a few observations...
You've forgotten to call [super dealloc] at the end of your own dealloc method.
Since 'a' created 'b', and if no other objects have retained 'b', there no point in nilling the delegate in the -dealloc, since 'b' is about to be destroyed anyhow. If it's possible that other objects have a reference to 'b' (meaning it might outlive 'a') then set the delegate to nil.
Object 'b' should be the one to take care of its delegate in its own -dealloc if necessary. (Generally, the delegator does not retain the delegate.)
Avoid using properties in -init... and -dealloc methods — Apple discourages this, and for good reason. (Not only could it have unexpected side effects, but can also cause nastier, crashier problems.)
Using properties (via the dot syntax) when you don't need to invisibly adds extra work. For instance, self.b.delegate = self is equivalent to [[self getB] setDelegate:self] — it's just syntactic sugar that makes it look like you're accessing the ivar directly, but you're actually not.
Using properties without understanding what they do can lead to trouble. If self.b retains the value (the property is set to "assign"), you have a memory leak on your hands.
Here's how I would probably write it:
- (void) someFunc {
b = [[B alloc] init];
b.delegate = self; // or [b setDelegate:self];
- (void) dealloc {
b.delegate = nil;
[b release];
[super dealloc];