Query DBpedia for multiple keywords - semantics

I want to query DBpedia for multiple keywords, when I query freebase for example using this:
I get reasonable results like: "Egyptian Pyramids", "Ancient Egypt", "Pyramids of Giza (Egypt)".
However whenever I try to query dbpedia with multiple keywords I get an empty ArrayofResult, although when I query for each keyword on its own I do get results..
I couldn't find any documentation for DBpedia's Keyword search service, only this: http://dbpedia.org/lookup
I write the query like this:
Is this the right way of doing it?

Don't limit the results with place class, it seems doesn't work


Keyword based JPA query with statuses as Enums and with NOT clause [Kotlin]

I have a Keyword based JPA query I need to modify in order to exclude records with a particular status. Currently, I have the following:
findAllByLatestVersion_Entity_DataFieldGreaterThanEqualAndLatestVersion_AnotherFieldNull(datefield: Istant, pageable: Pageable)
I do not want to parameterise, therefore I would like to have the query to work as there was a WHERE clause stating that the status IS NOT C, for example. I am struggling to find clear documentation on how to go about. Is it possible to write something along these lines:
findAllByLatestVersion_Entity_DataFieldGreaterThanEqualAndLatestVersion_AnotherFieldNullAndLatestVersion_StatusCNot(datefield: Istant, pageable: Pageable)
Thank you
No this is not possible with query derivation, i.e. the feature you are using here. And even if it were possible you shouldn't do it.
Query derivation is intended for simple queries where the name of the repository method that you would choose anyway perfectly expresses everything one needs to know about the query to generate it.
It is not intended as a replacement for JPQL or SQL.
It should never be used when the resulting method name isn't a good method name.
So just formulate the query as a JPQL query and use a #Query annotation to specify it.

Getting search results from wikidata website, but not API

I'm trying out the wikidata API but have some trouble with the search query "Jas 39 C Gripen". It returns results on the wikidata website, but not if I use the API.
On The wikidata website I get two search results for the query
The same query using the API, does not return a result
Am I missing some parameters or using the wrong parameters? For many other queries I get results from the API.
It seems that the native Wikidata search applies some "fuzzy logic" when interpreting the user's entries. In your case, it shows two results, although the character C is missing in the first one.
Coming back to the API and the action you have chosen, you could use Jas 39 Gripen as search term (which will show one result) as well as Jas 39C Gripen (which will also show one result). But it seems that you can't use Jas 39 C Gripen (note the space character between 9 and C).
In other words,
both work, but
does not.
I have investigated this issue further and finally found the solution. Try this:
The action query allows some "fuzziness" in the search term. Please refer to the API documentation for further details. In short, this action performs a full text search (which you obviously want) and allows for a nearmatch search type.
The reason seems to be that the English label is JAS 39C Gripen. By removing one space from your query, you will get the result you are looking for:

like clause with N'UTF-8Text' in HQL

I want to run this SQL query in my MySQL using HQL:
SELECT * FROM `tip` WHERE `tip`.`tip_title` like N'Text'
how can I do this with Hibernate setParameter?
// update
in comments, people asked me about the expected result.
I have utf-8 text in my DB (in Persian language and some times it contains both English and Persian).
so when I wanted to fetch them with = or like it gives me wrong result sometimes. so I found out I have to use N with my like statement and this is why do I want to do that.
if there is a better way to do that please tell me

IBM Rational Change using query functions with oscl_cm query

I'm trying to get a list of Change Requests that match certain conditions, some of these conditions are met by using functions like has_attr().
I would like to ask is it at all possible, I need for instance to use such function has_associated_task(cvtype="task") is it possible to do that?
For queries I'm using the following pattern:
http://ip[:port]/change/oslc/db/dbURI/role/User/cr?oslc_cm.query=change:cvtype="problem" and request_type="Change_Request" and has_associated_task(cvtype="task")&oslc_cm.properties=problem_synopsis
this does work without the function term but I would like to extend the search criteria further, is there any other way besides doing a predefined query in change? Is there somewhere a list of terms? like change:cvtype (I've tried to see this [http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/rational/change/1.0/][1] but I got a "whoops" from the web server)
There are some ways you could solve this:
OSLC Resource Shapes - some OSLC providers associate shapes (like schemas) that describe what you can expect from an OSLC Query Capability.
There isn't a way in the simple query syntax to test for null (or not null), assuming you want to have some condition such as (cvtype="task" and linkedTask != NULL). To get around this you can simply query based on cvtype="task" and locally filter the results using tools such as XPath or Jena. Alternatively you can do is look for extensions to the tool you are working with to see if they provide any extensions to the query syntax to support your use case, I don't have this information off hand.

SPARQL - learning by example

In short, if someone instructs me, "Get a list of databases which include Oracle, Mysql, DB2, MSSQL, etc.," how can I actually establish which fields and information I need to create the query? I downloaded DBpedia and grepped the triples, e.g.,
$ `grep 'Oracle' * | grep 'Database'
article_categories_en.nt:<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Oracle_Database> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject> <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Relational_database_management_systems> .`
How do I create a SPARQL query from that initial question?
Using that snippet above, I know Oracle is a company and one of its products is an RDBMS by the same name. I tried the lookup tool and searching the web but did not get far enough with this and need some direction.
In this particular case, I'd start by visiting the DBpedia page corresponding to one of the things that you know you'd like in your result. A good instance is http://dbpedia.org/page/MySQL. On that page, you can start to look for properties that might help you find other related systems. One property listed on the page is
dbpedia-owl:genre dbpedia:Relational_database_management_system
Then I'd go the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint and try searching for other things that have this same property and value. In this case, I can run the following query:
?rdbms dbpedia-owl:genre dbpedia:Relational_database_management_system .
SPARQL results
The results are pretty promising; there are 38 results. The first few are:
In general, I find it much easier to locate an instance of the sort of thing that I'm looking for in Wikipedia, then visit the corresponding DBpedia page and look at the properties, and then formulate some exploratory queries based on that.