OOD: order.fill(warehouse) -or- warehouse.fill(order) - oop

which form is a correct OO design?
"Matter of taste" is a mediocre's easy way out.
Any good reads on the subject?
I want a conclusive prove one way or the other.
EDIT: I know which answer is correct (wink!). What I really want is to see any arguments in support of the former form (order.fill(warehouse)).

There is no conclusive proof and to a certain extent it is a matter of taste. OO is not science - it is art. It also depends on the domain, overall software structure, etc. and so your small example cannot be extrapolated to any OO problem.
However, here is my take based on your information:
Warehouses store things. They don't fill orders. Orders request things. They don't know which warehouse (or warehouses) the things come from. So a dependency in either direction between the two does not feel right.
In the real world, and the software, something would be a mediator between the two. #themel indicated the same in the comment to your question, though I prefer something less programming pattern sounding. Perhaps something like:
ShippingPlan plan = shippingPlanner.fill(order).from(warehouses).ship();
However, it is a matter of taste :-)

In its simplest form warehouse is an inventory storage place.
But it also would be correct to view a warehouse as a facility comprised of storage space, personal, shipping docks etc. If you assume that view of a warehouse then it would be appropriate to say that a warehouse (as a facility) can be charged with filling out orders, or in expanded form:
a warehouse facility is capable of assembling a shipment according to a given specification (an order)
above is a justification (if not proof) for: warehouse.fill(order); form. Notice that this form substantially equivalent to SingleShot's and themel's suggestions. The trick is to consolidate shippingPlanner (an order fulfillment authority) and a warehouse (a inventory storage space). Simply put in my example warehouse is a composition of an order fulfillment authority and an inventory storage space and in SingleShot's those two are presented separately. It means that if such consolidation is (or becomes) unacceptable (for example due to complexity of the parts), then the warehouse can be decomposed into these two sub components.
I can not come up with a justification for assigning fill operation to an order object.
hello? warehouse? yes, please take this order and fill it. thank you. -- that I can understand.
hey, order! the warehouse is over there. do your thing and get fulfill yourself. -- makes no sense to me.


Is it better to use entity-arrtibute-value model over storing various different product in single description text column? [duplicate]

It is safe to say that the EAV/CR database model is bad. That said,
Question: What database model, technique, or pattern should be used to deal with "classes" of attributes describing e-commerce products which can be changed at run time?
In a good E-commerce database, you will store classes of options (like TV resolution then have a resolution for each TV, but the next product may not be a TV and not have "TV resolution"). How do you store them, search efficiently, and allow your users to setup product types with variable fields describing their products? If the search engine finds that customers typically search for TVs based on console depth, you could add console depth to your fields, then add a single depth for each tv product type at run time.
There is a nice common feature among good e-commerce apps where they show a set of products, then have "drill down" side menus where you can see "TV Resolution" as a header, and the top five most common TV Resolutions for the found set. You click one and it only shows TVs of that resolution, allowing you to further drill down by selecting other categories on the side menu. These options would be the dynamic product attributes added at run time.
Further discussion:
So long story short, are there any links out on the Internet or model descriptions that could "academically" fix the following setup? I thank Noel Kennedy for suggesting a category table, but the need may be greater than that. I describe it a different way below, trying to highlight the significance. I may need a viewpoint correction to solve the problem, or I may need to go deeper in to the EAV/CR.
Love the positive response to the EAV/CR model. My fellow developers all say what Jeffrey Kemp touched on below: "new entities must be modeled and designed by a professional" (taken out of context, read his response below). The problem is:
entities add and remove attributes weekly (search keywords dictate future attributes)
new entities arrive weekly (products are assembled from parts)
old entities go away weekly (archived, less popular, seasonal)
The customer wants to add attributes to the products for two reasons:
department / keyword search / comparison chart between like products
consumer product configuration before checkout
The attributes must have significance, not just a keyword search. If they want to compare all cakes that have a "whipped cream frosting", they can click cakes, click birthday theme, click whipped cream frosting, then check all cakes that are interesting knowing they all have whipped cream frosting. This is not specific to cakes, just an example.
There's a few general pros and cons I can think of, there are situations where one is better than the other:
Option 1, EAV Model:
Pro: less time to design and develop a simple application
Pro: new entities easy to add (might even
be added by users?)
Pro: "generic" interface components
Con: complex code required to validate simple data types
Con: much more complex SQL for simple
Con: complex reports can become almost
Con: poor performance for large data sets
Option 2, Modelling each entity separately:
Con: more time required to gather
requirements and design
Con: new entities must be modelled and
designed by a professional
Con: custom interface components for each
Pro: data type constraints and validation simple to implement
Pro: SQL is easy to write, easy to
understand and debug
Pro: even the most complex reports are relatively simple
Pro: best performance for large data sets
Option 3, Combination (model entities "properly", but add "extensions" for custom attributes for some/all entities)
Pro/Con: more time required to gather requirements and design than option 1 but perhaps not as much as option 2 *
Con: new entities must be modelled and designed by a professional
Pro: new attributes might be easily added later on
Con: complex code required to validate simple data types (for the custom attributes)
Con: custom interface components still required, but generic interface components may be possible for the custom attributes
Con: SQL becomes complex as soon as any custom attribute is included in a report
Con: good performance generally, unless you start need to search by or report by the custom attributes
* I'm not sure if Option 3 would necessarily save any time in the design phase.
Personally I would lean toward option 2, and avoid EAV wherever possible. However, for some scenarios the users need the flexibility that comes with EAV; but this comes with a great cost.
It is safe to say that the EAV/CR database model is bad.
No, it's not. It's just that they're an inefficient usage of relational databases. A purely key/value store works great with this model.
Now, to your real question: How to store various attributes and keep them searchable?
Just use EAV. In your case it would be a single extra table. index it on both attribute name and value, most RDBMs would use prefix-compression to on the attribute name repetitions, making it really fast and compact.
EAV/CR gets ugly when you use it to replace 'real' fields. As with every tool, overusing it is 'bad', and gives it a bad image.
// At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the Magento/Adobe PSD format.
// Magento/PSD is not a good ecommerce platform/format. Magento/PSD is not even a bad ecommerce platform/format. Calling it such would be an
// insult to other bad ecommerce platform/formats, such as Zencart or OsCommerce. No, Magento/PSD is an abysmal ecommerce platform/format. Having
// worked on this code for several weeks now, my hate for Magento/PSD has grown to a raging fire
// that burns with the fierce passion of a million suns.
The internal models are wacky at best, like someone put the schema into a boggle game, sealed that and put it in a paint shacker...
Real world: I'm working on a midware fulfilment app and here are one the queries to get address information.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW sales_flat_addresses AS
SELECT sales_order_entity.parent_id AS order_id,
CONCAT(CONCAT(UCASE(MID(sales_order_entity_varchar.value,1,1)),MID(sales_order_entity_varchar.value,2)), "Address") as type,
CONCAT( eav_attribute.attribute_code," ::::: ", sales_order_entity_varchar.value )
ORDER BY sales_order_entity_varchar.value DESC
) as data
FROM sales_order_entity
INNER JOIN sales_order_entity_varchar ON sales_order_entity_varchar.entity_id = sales_order_entity.entity_id
INNER JOIN eav_attribute ON eav_attribute.attribute_id = sales_order_entity_varchar.attribute_id
AND sales_order_entity.entity_type_id =12
GROUP BY sales_order_entity.entity_id
ORDER BY eav_attribute.attribute_code = 'address_type'
Exacts address information for an order, lazily
Summary: Only use Magento if:
You are being given large sacks of money
You must
Enjoy pain
I'm surprised nobody mentioned NoSQL databases.
I've never practiced NoSQL in a production context (just tested MongoDB and was impressed) but the whole point of NoSQL is being able to save items with varying attributes in the same "document".
Where performance is not a major requirement, as in an ETL type of application, EAV has another distinct advantage: differential saves.
I've implemented a number of applications where an over-arching requirement was the ability to see the history of a domain object from its first "version" to it's current state. If that domain object has a large number of attributes, that means each change requires a new row be inserted into it's corresponding table (not an update because the history would be lost, but an insert). Let's say this domain object is a Person, and I have 500k Persons to track with an average of 100+ changes over the Persons life-cycle to various attributes. Couple that with the fact that rare is the application that has only 1 major domain object and you'll quickly surmize that the size of the database would quickly grow out of control.
An easy solution is to save only the differential changes to the major domain objects rather than repeatedly saving redundant information.
All models change over time to reflect new business needs. Period. Using EAV is but one of the tools in our box to use; but it should never be automatically classified as "bad".
I'm struggling with the same issue. It may be interesting for you to check out the following discussion on two existing ecommerce solutions: Magento (EAV) and Joomla (regular relational structure):
It seems, that Magento's EAV performance is a real showstopper.
That's why I'm leaning towards a normalized structure. To overcome the lack of flexibility I'm thinking about adding some separate data dictionary in the future (XML or separate DB tables) that could be edited, and based on that, application code for displaying and comparing product categories with new attributes set would be generated, together with SQL scripts.
Such architecture seems to be the sweetspot in this case - flexible and performant at the same time.
The problem could be frequent use of ALTER TABLE in live environment. I'm using Postgres, so its MVCC and transactional DDL will hopefully ease the pain.
I still vote for modeling at the lowest-meaningful atomic-level for EAV. Let standards, technologies and applications that gear toward certain user community to decide content models, repetition needs of attributes, grains, etc.
If it's just about the product catalog attributes and hence validation requirements for those attributes are rather limited, the only real downside to EAV is query performance and even that is only a problem when your query deals with multiple "things" (products) with attributes, the performance for the query "give me all attributes for the product with id 234" while not optimal is still plenty fast.
One solution is to use the SQL database / EAV model only for the admin / edit side of the product catalog and have some process that denormalizes the products into something that makes it searchable. Since you already have attributes and hence it's rather likely that you want faceting, this something could be Solr or ElasticSearch. This approach avoids basically all downsides to the EAV model and the added complexity is limited to serializing a complete product to JSON on update.
EAV has many drawbacks:
Performance degradation over time
Once the amount of data in the application grows beyond a certain size, the retrieval and manipulation of that data is likely to become less and less efficient.
The SQL queries are very complex and difficult to write.
Data Integrity problems.
You can't define foreign keys for all the fields needed.
You have to define and maintain your own metadata.
I have a slightly different problem: instead of many attributes with sparse values (which is possibly a good reason to use EAV), I want to store something more like a spreadsheet. The columns in the sheet can change, but within a sheet all cells will contain data (not sparse).
I made a small set of tests to benchmark two designs: one using EAV, and the other using a Postgres ARRAY to store cell data.
Both schemas have indexes on appropriate columns, and the indexes are used by the planner.
It turned out the array-based schema was an order of magnitude faster for both inserts and queries. From quick tests, it seemed that both scaled linearly. The tests aren't very thorough, though. Suggestions and forks welcome - they're under an MIT licence.

Database normalization - who's right?

My professor (who claimed to have a firm understanding about systems development for many years) and I are arguing about the design of our database.
As an example:
My professor insists this design is right:
(list of columns)
Notice the total units column. He said that this column must be included.
I tried to explain that it is unnecessary, because if you want it, then just make a query by simply adding the two.
I showed him an example I found in a book, but he insists that I don't have to rely on books too much in making our system.
The same thing applies to similar cases as in this one:
He wanted me to include the average! Anywhere I go, I can find myself reading articles that convince me that this is a violation of normalization. If I needed the average, I can easily compute the three grades. He enumerated some scenarios including ('Hey! What if the query has been accidentally deleted? What will you do? That is why you need to include it in your table!')
Do I need to reconstruct my database(which consists of about more than 40 tables) to comply with what he want? Am I wrong and just have overlooked these things?
Another thing is that he wanted to include the total amount in the payments table, which I believe is unnecessary. (Just compute the unit price of the product and the quantity.) He pointed out that we need that column for computing debits and/or credits that are critical for the overall system management, that it is needed for balancing transaction. Please tell me what you think.
You are absolutely correct! One of the rules of normalization is to reduce those attributes which can be easily deduced by using other attributes' values. ie, by performing some mathematical calculation. In your case, the total units column can be obtained by simply adding.
Tell your professor that having that particular column will show clear signs of transitive dependency and according to the 3rd normalization rule, its recommended to reduce those.
You are right when you say your solution is more normalized.
However, there is a thing called denormalization (google for it) which is about deliberately violating normalization rules to increase queries performance.
For instance you want to retrieve first five subjects (whatever the thing would be) ordered by decreasing number or total units.
You solution would require a full scan on two tables (subject and unit), joining the resultsets and sorting the output.
Your professor's solution would require just taking first five records from an index on total_units.
This of course comes at the price of increased maintenance cost (both in terms of computational resources and development).
I can't tell you who is "right" here: we know nothing about the project itself, data volumes, queries to be made etc. This is a decision which needs to be made for every project (and for some projects it may be a core decision).
The thing is that the professor does have a rationale for this requirement which may or may not be just.
Why he hasn't explained everything above to you himself, is another question.
In addition to redskins80's great answer I want to point out why this is a bad idea: Every time you need to update one of the source columns you need to update the calculated column as well. This is more work that can contain bugs easily (maybe 1 year later when a different programmer is altering the system).
Maybe you can use a computed column instead? That would be a workable middle-ground.
Edit: Denormalization has its place, but it is the last measure to take. It is like chemotherapy: The doctor injects you poison only to cure an even greater threat to your health. It is the last possible step.
Think it is important to add this because when you see the question the answer is not complete in my opinion. The original question has been answered well but there is a glitch here. So I take in account only the added question quoted below:
Another thing is that he wanted to include the total amount in the
payments table, which I believe is unnecessary(Just compute the unit
price of the product and the quantity.). He pointed out that we need
that column for computing debits and/or credits that are critical for
the overall system management, that it is needed for balancing
transaction. Please tell me what you think.
This edit is interesting. Based on the facts that this is a transactional system handling about money it has to be accountable. I take some basic terms: Transaction, product, price, amount.
In that sense it is very common or even required to denormalize. Why? Because you need it to be accountable. So when the transaction is registered that's it, it may never ever be modified. If you need to correct it then you make another transaction.
Now yes you can calculate for example product price * amount * taxes etc. That makes sense in normalization sense. But then you will need a complete lockdown of all related records. So take for example the products table: If you change the price before the transaction it should be taken into account when the transaction happens. But if the price changes afterwards it does not affect the transaction.
So it is not acceptable to just join transaction.product_id=products.id since that product might change. Example:
2012-01-01 price = 10
2012-01-05 price = 20
Transaction happens here, we sell 10 items so 10 * 20 = 200
2012-01-06 price = 22
Now we lookup the transaction at 2012-01-10, so we do:
transactions.amount * products.price AS totalAmount
FROM transactions
INNER JOIN products on products.id=transactions.product_id
That would give 10 * 22 = 220 so it is not correct.
So you have 2 options:
Do not allow updates on the products table. So you make that table versioned, so for every record you add a new INSERT instead of update. So the transaction keeps pointing at the right version of the product.
Or you just add the fields to the transactions table. So add totalAmount to the transactions table and calculate it (in a database transaction) when the transaction is inserted and save it.
Yes, it is denormalized but it has a good reason, it makes it accountable. You just know and it's verified with transactions, locks etc. that the moment that transaction happened it related to the described product with the price = 20 etc.
Next to that, and that is just a nice thing of denormalization when you have to do that anyway, it is very easy to run reports. Total transaction amount of the month, year etc. It is all very easy to calculate.
Normalization has good things, for example no double storage, single point of edit etc. But in this case you just don't want that concept since that is not allowed and not preferred for a transactions log database.
See a transaction as a registration of something happened in real world. It happened, you wrote it down. Now you cannot change history, it was written as it was. Future won't change it, it happened.
If you want to implement the good, old, classic relational model, I think what you're doing is right.
In general, it's actually a matter of philosophy. Some systems, Oracle being an example, even allow you to give up the traditional, relational model in favor of objects, which (by being complex structures kept in tables) violate the 1st NF but give you the power of object-oriented model (you can use inheritance, override methods, etc.), which is pretty damn awesome in some cases. The language used is still SQL, only extended.
I know my answer drifts away from the subject (as we take into consideration a whole new database type) but I thought it's an interesting thing to share on the occasion of a pretty general question.
Database design for actual applications is hardly the question of what tables to make. Currently, there are countless possibilities when it comes to keeping and processing your data. There are relational systems we all know and love, object databases (like db4o), object-relational databases (not to be confused with object relational mapping, what I mean is tools like Oracle 11g with its objects), xml databases (take eXist), stream databases (like Esper) and the currently thriving noSQL databases (some insist they shouldn't be called databases) like MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB or Oracle NoSQL
In case of some of these, normalization loses its sense. Each model serves a completely different purpose. I think the term "database" has a much wider meaning than it used to.
When it comes to relational databases, I agree with you and not the professor (although I'm not sure if it's a good idea to oppose him to strongly).
Now, to the point. I think you might win him over by showing that you are open-minded and that you understand that there are many options to take into consideration (including his views) but that the situation requires you to normalize the data.
I know my answer is quite a stream of conscience for a stackoverflow post but I hope it's not received as lunatic babbling.
Good luck in the relational tug of war
You are talking about historical and financial data here. It is common to store some computations that will never change becasue that is the cost that was charged at the time. If you do the calc from product * price and the price changed 6 months after the transaction, then you have the incorrect value. Your professor is smart, listen to him. Further, if you do a lot of reporting off the database, you don't want to often calculate values that are not allowed to be changed without another record of data entry. Why perform calculations many times over the history of the application when you only need to do it once? That is wasteful of precious server resources.
The purpose of normalization is to eliminate redundancies so as to eliminate update anomalies, predominantly in transactional systems. Relational is still the best solution by far for transaction processing, DW, master data and many BI solutions. Most NOSQLs have low-integrity requirements. So you lose my tweet - annoying but not catastrophic. But to lose my million dollar stock trade is a big problem. The choice is not NOSQL vs. relational. NOSQL does certain things very well. But Relational is not going anywhere. It is still the best choice for transactional, update oriented solutions. The requirements for normalization can be loosened when the data is read-only or read-mostly. That's why redundancy is not such a huge problem in DW; there are no updates.

T-SQL database design and tables

I'd like to hear some opinions or discussion on a matter of database design. Me and my colleagues are developing a complex application in finance industry that is being installed in several countries.
Our contractors wanted us to keep a single application for all the countries so we naturally face the difficulties with different workflows in every one of them and try to make the application adjustable to satisfy various needs.
The issue I've encountered today was a request from the head of the IT department from the contractors side that we keep the database model in terms of tables and columns they consist of.
For examlpe, we got a table with different risks and we needed to add a flag column IsSomething (BIT NOT NULL ...). It fully qualifies to exists within the risk table according to the third normal form, no transitive dependency to the key, a non key value ...
BUT, the guy said that he wants to keep the tables as they are so we had to make a new table "riskinfo" and link the data 1:1 to the new column.
What is your opinion ?
We add columns to our tables that are referenced by a variety of apps all the time.
So long as the applications specifically reference the columns they want to use and you make sure the new fields are either nullable or have a sensible default defined so it doesn't interfere with inserts I don't see any real problem.
That said, if an app does a select * then proceeds to reference the columns by index rather than name you could produce issues in existing code. Personally I have confidence that nothing referencing our database does this because of our coding conventions (That and I suspect the code review process would lynch someone who tried it :P), but if you're not certain then there is at least some small risk to such a change.
In your actual scenario I'd go back to the contractor and give your reasons you don't think the change will cause any problems and ask the rationale behind their choice. Maybe they have some application-specific wisdom behind their suggestion, maybe just paranoia from dealing with other companies that change the database structure in ways that aren't backwards-compatible, or maybe it's just a policy at their company that got rubber-stamped long ago and nobody's challenged. Till you ask you never know.
This question is indeed subjective like what Binary Worrier commented. I do not have an answer nor any suggestion. Just sharing my 2 cents.
Do you know the rationale for those decisions? Sometimes good designs are compromised for the sake of not breaking currently working applications or simply for the fact that too much has been done based on the previous one. It could also be many other non-technical reasons.
Very often, the programming community is unreasonably concerned about the ripple effect that results from redefining tables. Usually, this is a result of failure to understand data independence, and failure to guard the data independence of their operations on the data. Occasionally, the original database designer is at fault.
Most object oriented programmers understand encapsulation better than I do. But these same experts typically don't understand squat about data independence. And anyone who has learned how to operate on an SQL database, but never learned the concept of data independence is dangerously ignorant. The superficial aspects of data independence can be learned in about five minutes. But to really learn it takes time and effort.
Other responders have mentioned queries that use "select *". A select with a wildcard is more data dependent than the same select that lists the names of all the columns in the table. This is just one example among dozens.
The thing is, both data independence and encapsulation pursue the same goal: containing the unintended consequences of a change in the model.
Here's how to keep your IT chief happy. Define a new table with a new name that contains all the columns from the old table, and also all the additional columns that are now necessary. Create a view, with the same name as the old table, that contains precisely the same columns, and in the same order, that the old table had. Typically, this view will show all the rows in the old table, and the old PK will still guarantee uniqueness.
Once in a while, this will fail to meet all of the IT chief's needs. And if the IT chief is really saying "I don't understand databases; so don't change anything" then you are up the creek until the IT chief changes or gets changed.

How to map subjective data in the semantic web?

I've been looking at the freebase project for storing data. It seems to be a great place to store concrete, objective data like names, locations and dates. Is it a good place to store subjective data like opinions or ratings? Is there another/better open data, semantic data store or strategy for storing and querying this kind of information?
Additionally, since it is subjective I can be sure that others will not agree with my opinion. How would I store the opinions of others inline so the crowd opinion could be represented better?
Is freebase the right place to store this type of data?
For example: a restaurant rating or a movie rating. The movie rating would probably be less time sensitive than the restaurant rating. Any non-identifying information about the person who entered the data would be interesting for determining other factors and relationships.
The Semantic Web is more or less a variant of first-order logic, for the most part, so the important part is to have a clear understanding of what each of your predicates "mean". This idea is very simple but applicable to a wide-variety of meaning representations - i.e. it is behind the entity model of databases.
There should be no problem representing the information you mentioned in a semantic web representation. Just be sure to have a clear definition of what each of your predicates denote, so that the meaning doesn't shift over time and you end up with an inconsistent representation.
Genesereth's book is old but a good one if you are interested in reading about this in further detail. I think a lot of people who worked on the Semantic Web were involved in Douglas Lenat's Cyc project which gradually shifted to a logic-based meaning representation over time.
The site for Cyc:
I find designing/selecting data formats is very hard without an understanding of the questions I will be asking using that data. What purpose do you expect the data to be used for? Come up with some use cases and that may guide your search.
Storing attributed data is an open research topic, with development in (among other places) the Intelligence community: these users obviously need to keep track of where information came from, and who has added to it along the way, both to verify its reliability and to do things like track whether Secret information has been included by accident. That may be a good place to look.
Data is data, what you want to do is label the data as what it is, an opinion or a rating. A "fact" I suppose which could be inferred from such data would be that most people had x subjective opinion about said topic.
from twitter:
jimpick #the_real_kevinw Each user and app/base has their own namespace, but I'd ask on the developers mailing list. A mashup might fit better.

Deciding on a database structure for pricing wizard

Option A
We are working on a small project that requires a pricing wizard for custom tables. (yes, actual custom tables- the kind you eat at. From here out I'll call them kitchen tables so we don't get confused) I came up with a model where each kitchen table part was a database table. So the database looked like this:
Each part has to be able to calculate its price. Most of the calculations are very similar. I liked this structure because I can drag it right into the linq-to-sql designer, and have all of my classes generated. (Less code writing means less to maintain...) I then implement a calculate cost interface which just takes in the size of the table. I have written some tests and this functions pretty well. I added also added a table to filter parts in the UI based on previous selections. (You can't have a particular wood with a particular finish.) There some other one off exceptions in the model, and I have them hard coded. This model is very rigid, and changing requirements would change the datamodel. (For example, if all the tables suddenly need umbrellas.)
Option B:
After various meetings with my colleagues (which probably took more time than it should considering the size of this project), my colleagues decided they would prefer a more generic approach. Something like this:
This is a much more generic approach that could be used to construct any product. (like, if they started selling chairs...) I think this would take longer time to implement, but would be more flexible in the future. (although I doubt we will revisit this.) Also you lose some referential integrity- you would need triggers to enforce that a table base cannot be set for a table wood.
Which database structure do you prefer? Feel free to suggest your own.
What would be considered a best practice? If you have several similar database tables, do you create 1 database table with a type column, or several distinct tables? I suspect the answer begins with "It depends..."
What would an estimated time difference be in the two approaches (1 week, 1 day, 150% longer, etc)
Thanks in advance. Let me know if you have any questions so I can update this.
Having been caught out much more often than I should have by designing db structures that met my clients original specs but which turned out to be too rigid, I would always go for the more flexible approach, even though it takes more time to set up.
I don't have time for a complete answer right now, but I'll throw this out:
It's usually a bad idea to design a database based on the development tool that you're using to code against it.
You want to be generic to a point. Tables in a database should represent something and it is possible to make it too generic. For example, a table called "Things" is probably too generic.
It may be possible to make constraints that go beyond what you expect. Your example of a "table base" with a "table wood" didn't make sense to me, but if you can expand on a specific example someone might be able to help with that.
Finally, if this is a small application for a single store then your design is going to have much less impact on the project outcome than it would if you were designing for an application that would be heavily used and constantly changed. This goes back to the "too generic" comment above. It is possible to overdesign a system when its use will be minimal and well-defined. I hope that makes sense.
Given your comment below about the table bases and woods, you could set up a table called TableAttributes (or something similar) and each possible option would be of a particular table attribute type. You could then enforce that any given option is only used for the attribute to which it applies all through foreign keys.
There is a tendency to over-abstract with database schema design, because the cost of change can be high. Myself, I like table names that are fairly descriptive. I often equate schema design with OO design. E.g., you wouldn't normally create a class named Thing, you would probably call it Product, Furniture, Item, something that relates to your business.
In the schema you have provided there is a mix of the abstract (spec) and the specific (TableType_LookupID). I would tend to equalize the level of abstraction, so use entities like:
ProductGroup (for the case where you have a product that is a collection of other products)
Here's what my experience would tell me:
Which database structure do you prefer? Without a doubt, I'd go for approach one. Go for the simplest setup that might work. If you add complexity, always ask yourself, what value will it have to the customer?
What would be considered a best practice? That does indeed depend, among others on the size of the project and the expected rate of change. As a general rule, generic tables are worth it when you expect the customer to be adding new types. For example, if your customer wants to be able to add a new "color" entity to the table, you'd need generic tables. You can't predict beforehand what they will add.
What would an estimated time difference be in the two approaches? Not knowing your business, skill, and environment, it's impossible to give a valid estimate. The approach that you are confident in coding will take the least time. Here, my guess would be approach #1 could be 5x-50x as fast. Generic tables are hard, both on the database and the client side.
Option B..
Generic is generally better than specific. Software already is doomed to fail or reach it's capacity by it's design for a certain set of tasks only. If you build something generic it will break less if abstracted with a realistic analysis of where it might head. As long as you stay away from over-abstraction and under-abstraction, it's probably the sweet spot.
In this case the adage "less code is more" would probably be drawn in that you wouldn't have to come back and re-write it again.