Webkit audio Api createMediaElement Source - api

with reference to Working example for MediaElementAudioSourceNode with Chrome Canary?
anything ever came of this? I get a JS error
Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'createMediaElementSource'
I'm using the latest chrome

It's now finally supported in Chrome 18 (currently Canary)!
See this article: HTML5Rocks Updates - HTML5 and the Web Audio API are BFFs!


[PWA][NEXT.JS][iOS] I sometimes cannot get data from server. The error message is FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: no-response: no-response

My PWA app sometimes cannot get data from server. It shows errors like:
FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: no-response: no-response
Fetch API cannot load
no internet connection
But if we reload the page, it could get data normally. And these bugs only happened in Safari. It is working well in Chrome or window devices.
I reference some page. But I don't know these bugs caused by BE settings (CORS) or Safari.
My devices I am testing is iPhone XS, iOS 14.4
And I am using the newest 'next-pwa' version which means the workbox version is 6.5.4
"workbox-webpack-plugin": "^6.5.4",
"workbox-window": "^6.5.4"
Referenced Pages:
Service Worker FechtEvent.respondWith response is null on iOS 12.1 Safari

IE11 : Error parsing handshake response: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'indexOf'

Application is in Angluar CLI and i am using Signalr Connection. But in IE-11 and Safari below error displays while try to connect 'WebSockets' handshake connection response parse.
also tried to add prototype method in polyfills but that didn't worked for me.
It works fine in all other browsers.
I encountered this same issue in IE11, using #aspnet/signalr version 1.1.0.
I noticed that you are using Message Pack for the hub protocol. If you disable this and use the default JSON protocol, it should start working again and you won't receive the error "Object doesn't support property or method 'indexOf'" (at least for IE11, I can't speak to Safari).

Sinch webRTC DevicesNotFoundError on Chrome Mozilla et al

I am trying to setup up video calling in my webapp using Sinch. The application works well on my Chrome (50.0.2661.102 64 bit) but a friend using windows (same version chrome but 32 bit) gets a NavigatorUserMediaError with a reason : DevicesNotFoundError.
I tried using mozilla, vivaldi and IE but non of them works. The error is in the sinch.min.js file and I am using the latest version from their repository : https://cdn.sinch.com/latest/sinch.min.js
Can someone please help me fix these issues?
Also, are there any javascript libraries to help prevent cross-browser compatibility issues while using webRTC.
Only WebRTC browsers work with sinch
The NavigatorUserMediaError error with err.name=DevicesNotFoundError is a Chrome specific error and it's quite common. It happens when:
you’re requesting a video track through constraints but the user does not have a webcam
you request an audio track but there is no attached recording device or it's disabled at the OS level (possible in Windows and some drivers do it automatically if there's no microphone inserted in the mic jack)
DevicesNotFoundError will be replaced by the spec compliant NotFoundError in Chrome 64.
Source: Common getUserMedia() Errors

Cannot read property 'chooseDesktopMedia' of undefined

I am working on desktopCapture API of google chrome webrtc. When I run the application I am getting error "Cannot read property 'chooseDesktopMedia' of undefined". Means browser is not able to find the chrome.desktopCapture inside chrome browser.
My chrome browser version is 38.
Yep, access to the desktopCapture API is disabled by default. You either need to write an extension or modify the browsers internal flags.
I wrote such an example extension which might be helpful.

getUserMedia API suport for Opera Local screen share

I am creating an Opera extension that will open a webpage which will allow user to stream a local window on to the browser html file. Since Opera extension structure is similar to the chrome, I tested the structure on Opera.
For manifest having permissons :
"permissions": ["desktopCapture","activeTab"],
Error :
There were warnings when trying to install this extension:
Permission 'desktopCapture' is unknown or URL pattern is malformed.
And for using the method :
chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(["screen", "window"], onAccessApproved);
Console error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'chooseDesktopMedia' of undefined
Is there some documentation available for Opera regarding getUserMedia API usage that can help in the matter
Already gone through :
* https://dev.opera.com/articles/getusermedia-access-camera-privacy-ui/
* https://dev.opera.com/tags/getusermedia/
* WebRTC official page
The desktopCapture is not supported in Opera yet so you can't use it. There is no other way to share other application window I could see to work now.