How to find the Retain count? - objective-c

Please explain me the below code of lines, I am just confused..,
Nsstring *a;
Nsstring *b;
a = [b retain];
what is the retain count of a & b.
a = [b copy];
what is the retain count of a & b.
Thanks in advance.

Technically the retain count in the situation you posted is indeterminate, since you never initialize your variables. Calling retain on an uninitialized pointer will probably crash.
Second, the retain count in your situation depends on how you init your variables.
NSString *a;
NSString *b = #"test";
a = [b retain];
/* Both variables reference the same object which has been retained.
Retain count +1
NSString *a;
NSString *b = #"test 2";
a = [b copy];
/* `a` has a retain count +1 (a variable returned from a `copy`
method has a retain count +1). `b` retain count does not change
(you haven't called `retain` on `b`, so it's count remains the
If you haven't done so yet, you should read Apple's memory management guidelines. Also, unless you have a very good reason not to, you should be using ARC, which frees you from most of the headaches from manually managing memory.
In the comments on the other answer, you ask how to determine the retain count for an object. You always keep track of it yourself. Other objects may retain and release your string, but you don't care. If you create and object using alloc, call retain on an object or copy an object, you are responsible for releasing or autoreleasing that object when you are finished with it. Otherwise it isn't your responsibility. The absolute retain count of an object never matters.

NSString doesn't have a retain count that will make sense. But if you're using as a general example, the way to find the retain count for objects that have a normal retain count is:
[a retainCount]


Need advice about memory management

I have been working with Objective-C for a month approximately but regretfully I'm still a complete dummy in memory management so I need your advice. I pass an array from one file to the other like this
BidView *bidView = [[[BidView alloc] init] autorelease];
NSLog(#"%i",[bidView.seatsForTableCreated retainCount]);
bidView.seatsForTableCreated = [NSArray arrayWithArray:seats];
NSLog(#"%i",[bidView.seatsForTableCreated retainCount]);
[self.navigationController pushViewController:bidView animated:YES]; `
NSLog tells me that retain count of seatsForTableCreated has raised from zero to two. Then, when I quit the BidView screen (without doing anything with seatsForTableCreated array) I' m doing the following:
NSLog(#"%i",[seatsForTableCreated retainCount]);
[seatsForTableCreated release];
NSLog(#"%i",[seatsForTableCreated retainCount]);
it's quite unclear for me. Now NSLog tells me (both times) that retain count is 1. Then I repeat this procedure (running the same application I mean) and each time things are the same:0-2-1-1. So my questions are:
1)Why 0 to 2? Why retain count increases to 2 not to 1?
2)why then it drops to 1 without being impacted in any way?
3)Why it still remains 1 after i've released it?
4)How would you manage the memory in such a case?
Great thanks in advance
First and foremost. Don't call nor use retainCount for nothing, think about this property as private and only the OS can call. To check if you have a memory leak you should use Instruments.
Seems like you've created an autoreleasing ([NSArray arrayWithArray:seats]) object, so you can't manually release it.
And use the Allocations Instrument to really check if you have a memory leak.
My advice assumes you are using Xcode 4+ and you are not using ARC,
command+shift+B will analyse your memory management (and dead stores and such). I think you got it right. Don't worry about the retain counts so much until you get a complaint from Analyze or find leaks with Instruments. I am not sure how reliable retain counts are. I have seen comments on SO saying not to rely on them.
You are following the rules well
New, Alloc, Copy, Retain --> You will need to release this object when you are done with it.
I am also assuming in BidView.h your property is declared as
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSArray * seatsForTableCreated;
So releasing that in the dealloc method in BidView.m is good memory management
It works when even though you don't allocate seats for table created because.
self.seatsForTableCreated = ... will retain whatever object you are setting there.
So if you have a property with (retain) in the declaration, you can consider = object;
as setting property and retaining it. The properties were added to objective-C to reduce similar code being in every class.
A property in .h
#property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject * property; // don't name your properties property..
Compiler will create 2 methods for you automatically when you #synthesize in the .m
[newP retain]; // retains the new object so it sticks around for line 3
[property release]; // releases previous property
property = newP; // set the property to the object retained in line 1
// property is now same as newP and you are responsible for releasing it
// -(void) dealloc is where you should release it
// Note, the compiler may not create the exact same code as above when creating the //setProperty method. If it does, it could be subject to change.
return property;
I tried to figure out why Analyze isn't catching the issue when you don't release your property, but haven't. That is confusing and I want to explore it further.

Does removing an object from NSArray automatically release its memory?

NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
myClass *obj = [[myClass alloc] init];
NSArray *ar = [NSArray array];
[ar addObject: obj];
[ar removeObject: obj];
[pool drain];
Will removing an object from an NSArray array automatically release its memory that I have earlier allocated?? The answer seems to be yes from what I have found from various sources. The problem is if I test for memory leaks, xcode still complains that obj has not been released. So what's actually going on?
Collections retain the objects you add to them, claiming temporary ownership. When you remove an item from the collection, it releases the object (and its temporary claim). In other words, the retain count will be the same before you add an object to a collection and after you remove it.
If that retain count is 0, the memory is reclaimed.
In your code you're allocating an object and claiming ownership of it. That means it has a retain count of 1.
Then you're adding it to the array. The array retains the object, taking temporary ownership and upping its retain count to 2.
You then remove the object from the array. The array releases the object and relinquishes any claim of ownership, bringing the retain count back down to 1.
Since memory is not reclaimed until retain count is back to 0 (nobody has a claim on the object), your object's memory is not reclaimed.
If you had autoreleased the object prior to adding it to the array, or called release on the object after you had removed it (but not both!), the retain count would be 0 and the memory would be reclaimed.
Yes. When you insert an object into an array, the array retains it (bumps its retain count). If the object's retain count is 1 (ie, there are no other retains on it) then when it's removed from the array the retain count goes to zero and it's eligible to be deleted.
But your problem in the above scenario is that, after adding the object to the array, you failed to release YOUR retain on the object (due to the alloc/init). Insert [obj release] after the [ar addObject:obj].
(Also note that in your example the entire array will go "poof" when you drain your autorelease pool.)
No, you alloc it -> retain count of 1
You add it to the array which sends the object another retain -> 2
You remove the object from the array and the array sends a release -> 1 now the retain count is back to 1, which is your initial alloc retain, so you need to release it to free the memory.

Reference count is still 1 after [obj release], when it should be deallocated

When I create an object and check its retain count, I get 1 as expected. When I release the object and then check the retain count again, it is still 1. Shouldn't the object be deallocated, and the retain count 0?
NSMutableString *str=[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#"hello"];
NSLog(#"reference count is %i",[str retainCount]);
[str release];
NSLog(#"reference count is %i",[str retainCount]);
I do see 0 for the retain count if I set str to nil first. Why is that?
Don't use retainCount, it doesn't do what you expect in most cases.
Your second NSLog is accessing deallocated memory as an object. In this particular case, that deallocated memory still contains enough of the old data from the NSString that was just freed for the program to not crash when the retainCount method is called on it. Had you run this with NSZombieEnabled you would have gotten an error message about sending a message to a deallocated instance.
The reason it returns 0 when called for nil is that methods returning integers will always return 0 when called on a nil object.
Do not depend on retainCount. And do not care about this. Lots of things may happen under the hood. You only need to ensure that you have released all the things that you owned. If you are trying to be sure that you are not leaking any memory, then use Instrument, not retainCount in NSLog.

Retain count in objective C return -1

I'm new to objective C, I have a NSMutableArray with 3 objects in it, then I try to print the retainCount of the array. Why the final retainCount return -1? Thanks
NSLog(#"myArray has retain count of %d", [myArray retainCount]);
[myArray release];
NSLog(#"myArray has retain count of %d", [myArray retainCount]);
Result from console:
2010-10-17 11:58:06.407 TestRetainCount [527:a0f] myArray has retain count of 1
2010-10-17 11:58:06.407 TestRetainCount [527:a0f] myArray has retain count of -1
After an object has been deallocated (which may happen after a release), you can no longer rely on its data being intact. You're trying to trust the retain count after it has become invalid.
On a general note, don't use the retain count. Ever. Use the rules in the memory management programming guide, and you'll always get the reference counting correct.
Graham Lee answered the question specific to your example.
not specific to your example, but to your question (subject):
UINT_MAX is often used to denote an object which uses no reference counting (e.g., is never deallocated, such as a singleton), or a custom reference counting implementation.
Can't rely on an accurate retainCount because of the timing autoreleased objects. That said, count your alloc/init, new, retains, etc... and match with corresponding release.

copy an NSMutableString instance returns retainCount of -1

Can someone explain why the last line prints out -1? It happens when copy is called on a NSMutableString, I expect the returnCount of strFour to be 1, since an immutable copy should be returned.
NSMutableString *str =[NSMutableString stringWithString:#"hi"];
NSLog(#"new instantiated variable has a retain cout:");
NSLog(#"%d",[str retainCount]); //1, str is a pointer, its value is a memory address
NSMutableString *strFour =[str copy]; //receiver str is mutable, copy returns an immutable
NSLog(#"%d",[strFour retainCount]); ////strFour s retain count should be 1, but it had a retain count of -1
Thanks a lot.
Never bother looking at the retain count of an object. It is always meaningless to do so. The retain count is likely affected by optimisations “under the hood”. These optimisations rely on the fact that your code follows the Cocoa Memory Management Guidelines. Just worry about sticking to those guidelines and don't bother looking directly at the retain count.
One reason why it could be (-1) because the string “hi” may be cached somewhere and your copy is referring to the cached string. Keep in mind that the retain count is actually an unsigned integer. The documentation dor -retainCount says that for objects that never get released, the retain count should be UINT_MAX (which when printed as a signed decimal will come out as “-1”).