Automatic Reference Counting: Error with fast enumeration - objective-c

While updating the code below to use Automatic Reference Counting for iOS 5, an error is occurring when the "state->itemPtr" is assigned the buffer when trying to perform Fast Enumeration so that the implementing class can be iterated with the "foreach" loop. The error I am getting is "Assigning '__autoreleasing id *' to '__unsafe_unretained id*' changes retain/release properties of pointer". See the line of code with the comment.
* #see
* #see
- (NSUInteger) countByEnumeratingWithState: (NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects: (id *)buffer count: (NSUInteger)bufferSize {
NSUInteger arrayIndex = (NSUInteger)state->state;
NSUInteger arraySize = [_tuples count];
NSUInteger bufferIndex = 0;
while ((arrayIndex < arraySize) && (bufferIndex < bufferSize)) {
buffer[bufferIndex] = [_tuples objectAtIndex: arrayIndex];
state->state = (unsigned long)arrayIndex;
state->itemsPtr = buffer; // Assigning '__autoreleasing id *' to '__unsafe_unretained id*' changes retain/release properties of pointer
state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long *)self;
return bufferIndex;
The _tuples variable in this example is an instance variable of type NSMutableArray.
How do I resolve this error?

You need to change buffer into __unsafe_unretained:
- (NSUInteger) countByEnumeratingWithState: (NSFastEnumerationState *)state
objects: (id __unsafe_unretained *)buffer
count: (NSUInteger)bufferSize
Edit: easy way to get rid of the error in mutationPtr:
state->mutationsPtr = &state->extra[0];

I had the same problem, which is how I came across this question.
I solved it by keeping the definition of the objects parameter as is (e.g., keeping it as id *) and instead doing a double cast utilizing a void pointer.
So, while this generated errors for me:
state->itemsPtr = (__unsafe_unretained id *)buffer // Error
This worked beautifully:
state->itemsPtr = (__unsafe_unretained id *)(void *)buffer // No error
Disclaimer: I'm not an ARC expert and I can't guarantee you that this won't cause problems with reference counts. However, it appears to work correctly in my testing, and it definitely compiles without warnings.
BTW, I came across this two-part blog entry which covers Fast Enumeration in a nice amount of depth:
Fast Enumeration, Part 1
Fast Enumeration, Part 2
and also this blog entry on __unsafe_unretained:
Unsafe at Any Speed


With NSPointerArray, how to iterate over opaque pointers?

I recently discovering these classes like NSMapTable and NSPointerArray, which work like the traditional collections, but also let you store weak references or plain old C pointers. Unfortunately it looks like you can't use the syntax to iterate over non-NSObject pointers. For example:
typedef struct Segment {
CGPoint bottom, top;
} Segment;
NSPointerArray *segments = [[NSPointerArray alloc]
Segment *s = malloc(sizeof(Segment));
[segments addPointer: s];
for (Segment *s in segments) { // nope...
The compiler does not like that last line. The error:
Selector element type 'Segment *' (aka 'struct Segment *') is not a valid object
So, do I need to do this?
for (int i=0, len=segments.count; i<len; i++) {
Segment *seg = [segments pointerAtIndex:i];
That's not the end of the world, but I just want to make sure.
(This might be more of theoretical interest.)
NSPointerArray does conform to the NSFastEnumeration protocol, it is only the
for (id object in collection) language construct that cannot be used with arbitrary pointers which
are not Objective-C pointers.
But you can get a whole bunch of pointers from the array by calling the NSFastEnumeration
method countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: directly. This is a bit tricky because
that method need not fill the supplied buffer (as explained here: How for in loop works internally - Objective C - Foundation).
Here is a simple example how this would work:
__unsafe_unretained id objs[10];
NSUInteger count = [segments countByEnumeratingWithState:&state
objects:objs count:10];
// Now state.itemsPtr points to an array of pointers:
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Segment *s = (__bridge Segment *)state.itemsPtr[i];
NSLog(#"%p", s);
So this does not help to make the code simpler and you probably want to stick with
your explicit loop.
But for large arrays it might improve the performance because the pointers are "fetched"
in batches from the array instead of each pointer separately.
the for (... in ...) syntax won't work in this case because Segment is a struct, not an Objective C object. Your second for loop should work.

How to return a C-style array of integers in Objective-C?

How to return a C-style array of integers from an Objective-C method? This is what my code looks like so far:
Function call:
maze = [amaze getMaze];
-(int*) getMaze{
return maze;
I just started writing in Objective-C today so this is all new to me.
In C if you need to return an array from a function, you need to allocate memory for it using malloc and then return the pointer pointing to the newly allocated memory.
Once you're done working with this memory you need to free it.
Something like:
#include <stdlib.h> /* need this include at top for malloc and free */
int* foo(int size)
int* out = malloc(sizeof(int) * size); /* need to get the size of the int type and multiply it
* by the number of integers we would like to return */
return out; /* returning pointer to the function calling foo().
* Don't forget to free the memory allocated with malloc */
int main()
... /* some code here */
int* int_ptr = foo(25); /* int_ptr now points to the memory allocated in foo */
... /* some more code */
free(int_ptr); /* we're done with this, let's free it */
return 0;
This is as C style as it gets :) There are probably other (arguably more suitable) ways to do this in Objective C. However, as Objective C is considered a strict superset of C, this would also work.
If I may further expand on the need to do this by pointers. C-style arrays allocated in a function are considered local, once the function is out of scope they are automatically cleaned up.
As pointed out by another poster, returning a standard array (e.g. int arr[10];) from a function is a bad idea as by the time the array is returned it no longer exists.
In C we get around this problem by allocating memory dynamically using malloc and having a pointer that points to that memory returned.
However unless you free this memory adequately, you may introduce a memory leak or some other nasty behavior (e.g. free-ing a malloc-ed pointer twice will produce unwanted results).
Given you explicitly ask about C-style arrays no suggestions here that you should use NSArray etc.
You cannot return a C-style array directly (see below) as a value in Objective-C (or C or C++), you can return a reference to such an array.
Types such as int, double and struct x can all be passed by value - that is the actual bits representing the value are passed around. Other things; such as C-style arrays, dynamically allocated memory, Objective-C style objects, etc.; are all passed by reference - that is a reference to a location in memory that contains the actual bits the represent the value is passed around.
So to return a C-style array from a function/method you can:
Dynamically (malloc et al) an array and return the reference to the allocated memory;
Pass in a reference to an already existing array and have the function fill it up; or
Wrap the array up as a struct...
The normal choices are (1) or (2) - note you cannot return a reference to a stack allocated array, as in:
int *thisIsInvalid()
int myValues[5];
return myValues; // will not work, the type is correct but once function
// returns myValues no longer exists.
If you really want to return a (small) array by value you can actually do it using (3). Remember that struct values are passed by value. So the following will work:
typedef struct
int array[5];
} fiveInts;
fiveInts thisIsValid()
fiveInts myValues;
myValues.array[3] = ...; // etc.
return myValues;
(Note that there is no overhead from wrapping the array inside a struct when it comes to reading/writing the array - the cost in the above is copying all the values back - hence only advised for small arrays!)
- (NSArray *)toArray:(int *)maze {
NSMutableArray *retVal = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int c = 0; maze[c] != NULL; c++) {
[retVal addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:maze[c]]];
return [retVal array];
I've never been comfortable passing mutable data in and out of methods and not sure why. If you need to change the values later, send the array a mutableCopy message.
you can do it in this way
- (void)getArray:(int *)array withLength:(NSUInteger)length{
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = i;
int array[3];
[object getArray:array withLength:3];
NSLog(#"%d %d %d", array[0], array[1], array[2]); // 1 2 3

Is this an inefficient way of using fast enumeration?

I don't entirely understand the details of how fast enumeration works, but compare the following two cases:
for(NSObject *object in self.myParent.parentsParents.granfathersMother.cousin.unclesNephew.array) {
// do something
NSArray *array = self.myParent.parentsParents.granfathersMother.cousin.unclesNephew.array;
for(NSObject *object in array) {
// do something
In the first example, will it go through that entire chain every iteration to get the array? Should I be using the second way?
I was at WWDC when Apple introduced Fast Enumeration, and (I recall) we were told then that the right hand object is moved into a temp. In addition, it must be since this works:
for(id foo in [myCollection reverseObjectEnumerator])
You can see that collections that perform fast enumeration adopt the "Fast Enumeration Protocol" (NSFastEnumeration), which has one method:
– countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
That method returns a C Array of objects that lets the enumeration go very quickly, again supporting the one time use of the right side.
Now, having said all that, currently Apple advises developers (at WWDC) to use the block enumeration, which they claim is both faster and generates less code:
[myCollection enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
... your code
} ];
What I am fond of doing is not using "id obj", but the actual type (to avoid a cast in the block):
[myCollection enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSDictionary *dict, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
... your code
} ];
Neither the compiler nor the analyzer (4.4) complains when I do this.
If you need to set a variable outside this method, then you have to make it a block variable:
__block int foo = 0;
[myCollection enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSNumber *num, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
foo = MAX(foo, [num integerValue]);
} ];
EDIT: as a clarification, the direct answer to your question is 'no', the statement 'self.myParent.parentsParents.granfathersMother.cousin.unclesNephew.array' is evaluated once, and the final object stored as a temp on the stack. Also, you can use the same technique with block enumeations - the statement is evaluated once and the final returned object used for the enumeration.
__block int foo = 0;
[self.myParent.parentsParents.granfathersMother.cousin.unclesNephew.array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSNumber *num, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop)
foo = MAX(foo, [num integerValue]);
} ];
EDIT2: I found another thread on SO where this same topic was discussed. The one point I missed regarding block enumeration is that you can specify that they should be run concurrently (or in reverse) using the slightly more complex method:
As iOS devices get more and more core's this could potentially be a big win depending on what you're doing.
#bbum's response to the question (and others too) are here.
That's probably compiler-specific (i.e. undefined). If you are that bothered then add some timing code and find out yourself:
#import <sys/time.h>
static unsigned getTickCount()
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
return (unsigned)((tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000));
unsigned startTime = getTickCount();
for(NSObject *object in self.myParent.parentsParents.granfathersMother.cousin.unclesNephew.array) {
// do something
unsigned endTime = getTickCount();
NSLog(#"That took %umS", endTime - startTime);
You will have to have a pretty big array however in order to register anything above 0.

Passing and calling dynamic blocks in Objective C

As part of a unit test framework, I'm writing a function genArray that will generate NSArrays populated by a passed in generator block. So [ObjCheck genArray: genInt] would generate an NSArray of random integers, [ObjCheck genArray: genChar] would generate an NSArray of random characters, etc. In particular, I'm getting compiler errors in my implementation of genArray and genString, a wrapper around [ObjCheck genArray: genChar].
I believe Objective C can manipulate blocks this dynamically, but I don't have the syntax right.
+ (id) genArray: (id) gen {
NSArray* arr = [NSMutableArray array];
int len = [self genInt] % 100;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
id value = gen();
arr = [arr arrayByAddingObject: value];
return arr;
+ (id) genString {
NSString* s = #"";
char (^g)() = ^() {
return [ObjCheck genChar];
NSArray* arr = [self genArray: g];
s = [arr componentsJoinedByString: #""];
return s;
When I try to compile, gcc complains that it can't do gen(), because gen is not a function. This makes sense, since gen is indeed not a function but an id which must be cast to a function.
But when I rewrite the signatures to use id^() instead of id, I also get compiler errors. Can Objective C handle arbitrarily typed blocks (genArray needs this), or is that too dynamic?
Given that blocks are objects, you can cast between block types and id whenever you want, though if you cast the block to the wrong block type and call it, you're going to get unexpected results (since there's no way to dynamically check at runtime what the "real" type of the block is*).
BTW, id^() isn't a type. You're thinking of id(^)(). This may be a source of compiler error for you. You should be able to update +genArray: to use
id value = ((id(^)())(gen))();
Naturally, that's pretty ugly.
*There actually is a way, llvm inserts an obj-c type-encoded string representing the type of the block into the block's internal structure, but this is an implementation detail and would rely on you casting the block to its internal implementation structure in order to extract.
Blocks are a C-level feature, not an ObjC one - you work with them analogously to function pointers. There's an article with a very concise overview of the syntax. (And most everything else.)
In your example, I'd make the gen parameter an id (^gen)(). (Or possibly make it return a void*, using id would imply to me that gen generates ObjC objects and not completely arbitrary types.)
No matter how you declare your variables and parameters, your code won't work. There's a problem that runs through all your compiler errors and it would be a problem even if you weren't doing convoluted things with blocks.
You are trying to add chars to an NSArray. You can't do that. You will have to wrap them them as some kind of Objective C object. Since your only requirement for this example to work is that the objects can be inputs to componentsJoinedByString, you can return single-character NSStrings from g. Then some variety of signature like id^() will work for genArray. I'm not sure how you parenthesize it. Something like this:
+ (id) genArray: (id^()) gen;
+ (id) genString {
NSString * (^g)() = ^() {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [ObjCheck genChar]];
NSString * is an id. char is not. You can pass NSString * ^() to id ^(), but you get a compiler error when you try to pass a char ^() to an id ^(). If you gave up some generality of genArray and declared it to accept char ^(), it would compile your call to genArray, but would have an error within genArray when you tried to call arrayByAddingObject and the argument isn't typed as an id.
Somebody who understands the intricacies of block syntax feel free to edit my post if I got some subtle syntax errors.
Btw, use an NSMutableArray as your local variable in genArray. Calling arrayByAddingObject over and over again will have O(n^2) time performance I imagine. You can still declare the return type as NSArray, which is a superclass of NSMutableArray, and the callers of genArray won't know the difference.

Fast Enumeration Vs NSEnumerator in Objective-C

I have seen this over and over, why exactly is it faster to use fast enumeration in loops rather than an NSEnumerator using nextObject:.
NSEnumerator is the old way to enumerate over collections. It involves creating an object to represent the enumeration, then calling a method on it for every single iteration. While this was perfectly serviceable for many years, it's not terribly efficient, as it involves at least one message send for every iteration of the loop. NSFastEnumeration is the more modern approach, which leverages native language support to provide a much more efficient enumeration. The way it works under the hood is it creates a struct that represents the current enumeration state and repeatedly calls -countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: on the collection. This method returns a C array of objects in the objects out-param as well as a counter in the count out-param. This allows the caller to then iterate over the C array. In essence, this means one message call per chunk of objects, which, depending on the collection, could be as efficient as a single message call to get all objects.
If you have a bit of code that looks like
for (id obj in myArray) {
[obj doSomething];
This gets translated by the compiler into something roughly equivalent to
NSFastEnumerationState __enumState = {0};
id __objects[MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE];
NSUInteger __count;
while ((__count = [myArray countByEnumeratingWithState:&__enumState objects:__objects count:MAX_STACKBUFF_SIZE]) > 0) {
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < __count; i++) {
id obj = __objects[i];
[obj doSomething];
The actual variables used are hidden, and the maximum size of the object buffer is also implementation-dependent, but the basic idea is there. It translates iteration over an obj-c collection into iteration over a C array.
GCC 8.9.4 Fast enumeration
GNUstep libs/base/trunk/Source/NSEnumerator.m countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
It is not same as Apple's implementation but it is helpful to understand.
- (NSUInteger) countByEnumeratingWithState: (NSFastEnumerationState*)state
objects: (id*)stackbuf
count: (NSUInteger)len
IMP nextObject = [self methodForSelector: #selector(nextObject)];
int i;
state->itemsPtr = stackbuf;
state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long*)self;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
id next = nextObject(self, #selector(nextObject));
if (nil == next)
return i;
*(stackbuf+i) = next;
return len;
NSArray *array = something;
array = { {1,2}, {2,3}, {3,4} }
that means array is an array of array. so how can you access all the arrays and their values.
we can use for loop like this
for (int i = 0; i < array.count; i++)
NSArray x = [array objectAtIndex:i];
or a fast enum works like this
for(NSArray array2 in array)
// do what ever you want with this new array2.
this is a sample example.
PS. I forgot how the array looks in console.