rails 3 assets - permission issue after changing image - ruby-on-rails-3

After changing my logo, i got the following error:
Error compiling asset header_logo_v2.png:
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - (path to tmp/cache/assets/CB0/E00/sprockets%2F1d4414e34df7725375b214c95386d7aa)
What is the solution for this?

add write access for temp/cache/assets folder to user which runs rails application or to its group


Symfony 6 - Failed to open stream: Permission denied

My local environnement is Symfony 6.1, PHP 8.1.4, Xampp.. on windows 10.
I have some uploaded pictures in the folder "public/uploads", I made a function to manipulate some of these pictures (resizing).
All works fine until "imagejpeg()", it returns the following error :
"Failed to open stream: Permission denied" as shown in screenshot:
enter image description here
Any clue to solve that issue ?
Thanks in advance !

Prestashop Productcomments Module Issue

I am experiencing a problem with the Productcomments module which I am using in a custom module and I cannot figure out how to fix it. The problem is with the star rating in the Productcomments form itself. This form works perfectly in a localhost environment - see images 1 and 2, but not on a live server - see images 3 and 4. On the live server it is showing no stars, just radio buttons, and no delete button for removing the stars.
Form as it looks on WAMP
Code from Chromes Inspect for WAMP
Form as it looks on Live Server
Code from Chromes Inspect for Live Server
Disabling the link to the following 2 js files recreates the problem on the local server which would suggest that the problem lies in the links to these two files on the live server, however I have checked all links to these files and they are correct, as are the permissions for these files.
jquery.rating.pack.js and productcomments.js
Occasionally when I clear cache under Advanced Parameters > Performance I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file /home/productm/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/10/e2/20/wrt5cbbb0747109d3_91450142
<-- thrown in /home/productm/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_write_file.php on line 46
This problem applies to all 1.6 versions of Prestashop tested.
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem would be appreciated.
The error code you've got from clearing cache is linked to permission problems.
Here's probably a duplicate of your issue: How to fix erorr "Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: unable to write file"?
Check that your prestashop files are set to 644 and folders 755 permission. (not just the js files you've mentioned).
Also if you manually moved the module to your live server(ftp), check the ownership of those files.
I'll add this to the answer since the permissions didn't fix your problem.
looks like you have a prestashop bug going on with the JS (Synchronous loaded scripts)
here's a patch to fix that, maybe it fixes your original problem.

ClickOnce running an error when publishing Application

whenever I try to publish my application and it gives me this error:
Failed to connect to '\localhost\users\Dylan Garcia\Desktop\8.2.1_File\' with the following error: unable to create the Web site '\localhost\users\Dylan Garcia\Desktop\8.2.1_File\'. The path '\localhost\users\Dylan Garcia\Desktop\8.2.1_File\' does not exist or you do not have access. The specified path is invalid.
how could i resolve this issue?
Hope you have already fixed this error.
First make sure that you have created the folder 8.2.1_File on your desktop, then try either one of the following
\\\localhost\users\Dylan Garcia\Desktop\8.2.1_File\
C:\users\Dylan Garcia\Desktop\8.2.1_File\

Rails Missing Template On Production Server

Before I start, I'd like to stress that I've looked for answers and I've tried to solve the issues by myself.
I have 2 types of controllers -
A controller with a set of methods that render JSON - works perfectly
A controller that actually renders HTML
This code is working perfectly on my local machine and the problem that I have with the second controller is on my production machine.
I've added 755 permissions to all my files but my file owner is the only user on my server which is "root". I've added the files to the www-data group though.
My controller is simple.
class AdministratorController < ApplicationController
def login
And my file is views/administrator/login.html.haml.
I'm getting an error -
ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template administrator/login, application/login with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder]}. Searched in:
* "/var/www/sitename/app/views"
Try to add to your Gemfile
gem 'haml-rails'
And run bundle install.
The issue has been resolved. I'm not sure what exactly went wrong with the template but I began seeing a different error relating to compiled assets. I just recompiled the assets and restarted the server. Thanks for all your help!

Rails 3 file create getting permission denied error, using XP

I'm working through Rails3inAction and cannot progress due to a permissions denied error.
The code is testing the processing of uploaded files through a separate files controller, relevant code is:
let(:asset) do
ticket.assets.create(:asset => File.open(path))
When I run rspec, the error I'm getting is:
FilesController users without access cannot access assets in this project
Failure/Error: ticket.assets.create(:asset => File.open(path))
Permission denied - C:/Documents and
I suspect this is to do with windows XP and would appreciate any help!!
Turns out to be a Rails problem, not a Permissions problem at all!