Does the recursive .htaccess rule affects subdomains pointing to subdirectories? - apache

Suppose I have a site which points to the root directory of my hosting account and it has a .htaccess file in that directory. Say I have an other domain which points to the same hosting account, but to a subdirectory of it, not to the root directory, and that subdirectory also has a .htaccess file in it.
If I visit then will its .htaccess file be affected by the .htaccess settings of the root directory? Or htaccess search starts from the directory where the domain points to, so in this case the htaccess file in the parent directory is not taken into account?

Surprisingly the Apache docs don't ever explicitly answer this, as far as I can tell. But the htaccess tutorial gives the example that if a file is requested from /www/htdocs/example, then Apache looks for the following .htaccess files:
which presumably leads outside of the DocumentRoot. So it seems that the answer to your question is yes, Apache will read all .htaccess files all the way up to /.

will its .htaccess file be affected by the .htaccess settings of the root directory?
Yes. Where your web root is doesn't matter.


Which ErrorDocument request will take precedence?

I have a domain which contains within it multiple sites with multiple .htaccess files (it's for clients to check their own projects out before they go live to their own servers, so each .htaccess file controls its own site).
If I have a .htaccess file in the root, it will control the domain. If is entered and it doesn't exist, the root's 404 page will come up. If is entered, the .htaccess file in the "doesexist" directory would take priority, as opposed to the root's .htaccess file ... correct?
You are correct.
I suggest you to read Apache HTTP Server Tutorial: .htaccess files
The configuration directives found in a .htaccess file are applied to
the directory in which the .htaccess file is found, and to all
subdirectories thereof. However, it is important to also remember that
there may have been .htaccess files in directories higher up.
Directives are applied in the order that they are found. Therefore, a
.htaccess file in a particular directory may override directives found
in .htaccess files found higher up in the directory tree. And those,
in turn, may have overridden directives found yet higher up, or in the
main server configuration file itself.
ROOT htaccess
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php
subfolder htaccess
ErrorDocument 404 /subfolder/index.php --> (404 error) /index.php --> (404 error) /subfolder/index.php

Apache: Missing folders rewritten to php-files

I have a site with the url http://localhost/my-site/. A file called test.php exists on root, a folder named test does not exist.
When I open a link like http://localhost/my-site/test/, the file test.php is opened. Should it not give a 404 error instead? I have no .htaccess file doing any funny business. The rewriting seems to be done before any .htaccess file is being run, as a rewrite rule of test/ does not match anything. A rewrite rule of test.php does however match.
I am using WampServer 2.2 with Apache 2.4.2.
This sounds like a mod_negotiation/Multiviews issue.
In the appropriate place (say, in your vhost config, or in the htaccess file in my-site's directory, include in the Options a - multiviews:
Options -Multiviews

Apache cross domain 404

I want to make apache to always open up a signle page for 404 errors from all subdomains.
The problem is that my subdomains are located in subfolders in public_html, and thus have a different root path.
For example the main domain this works quite well:
ErrorDocument 404 /Error/404.html
The Error folder and the main domain are located in public_html respectively.
However for the forum subdomain, located in public_html/forum/ the above root path does not, and it actually looks for public_html/forum/Error/404.html which doesn't exist.
I tried to rewrite rule for the forum folder, but it didn't work out either:
ErrorDocument 404 /../Error/404.html
Seems, it cannot go below the root folder for some reason.
Any ideas how can I refer to the same page from the main and the subdomain alike, without triggering redirects? (eg: http://mysite/Error/404.html would accomplish this, but would also change the url address of the page which I don't want)
Seems, it cannot go below the root folder for some reason.
Because being able to traverse above the document root is a very, very serious security risk. If your webserver gets compromised, people would be able to serve all kinds of files anywhere on your entire server.
If you have access to server config you can setup aliases for the /Error folder. For example, in your forum subdomain's vhost config, you can add:
Alias /Error /path/to/public_html/Error/
This way, when you go to you'd actually be looking at Then you can just use:
ErrorDocument 404 /Error/404.html
like normal in your forum subdomain.
But if you don't have access to your server/vhost config, you'll need to use mod_proxy and mod_rewrite. So in the htaccess file in public_html/forum/, add these to the top:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^Error/(.*)$$1 [L,P]

Apache symlink to a folder outside of web root

Here is the folder layout.
/outside is not normally accessible anywhere on
/public_html is the folder for
How can I use Apache's htaccess to make the url to show content from the folder /outside?
How can I use Apache's htaccess to make the url to show content from the folder /outside?
You can't. As far as I have found out, Apache prevents directives in .htaccess files linking to locations outside the current web root.
You would have to do this in the central configuration:
Alias /outside /path/to/your/outside
You may be luckier with a symlink if you can turn FollowSymLinks on.

What's causing this forced redirect?

I do not have root access to the site but I have access to a subdomain
I add an index.php (or any file and or folder for that matter) to the root folder (public_html) of this subdomain but everytime I try to go to I get redirected to
The .htaccess file in this subdomain is currently blank.
Why might this be happening?
I'm afraid that .htaccess in subdomain folder can't override the .htaccess in root, and at the moment the .htaccess in your root folder is current affecting the subdomain, in which it redirects all visits to the subdomain to root. Imagine that .htaccess from your subdomain folder redirect visits to the directory itself and .htaccess from root also redirects visits to subdomain back to the root itself, that's gonna be a mess.
Well, that's what I think about it in my opinion. Have you tried contacting the one who own root folder to consider about this?