Celery + RabbitMQ, some AMQP temporay queues not expiring - rabbitmq

I have a celery + rabbitmq setup with a busy django site, in the celery setting I have this config:
I am monitoring the queues with the "watch" command, what I have observed is whilst most of the temporary queues get deleled after a few seconds, there are some queues (same guid) did not get deleted, and the list grows slowly, regardless how many workers used.
The django site does generate about 60 tasks per second, accepts various information and use the tasks to digest information. The whole setup runs on a 16 core cpu server with plenty of RAM. Would this still caused by performance issue or a celery bug?


RabbitMQ as Message Broker used by Spring Websocket dies under load

I develop an application where we need to handle 160k concurrent users which are connected to the backend via a websocket connection.
We decided to use the spring websocket implementation and RabbitMQ as the message broker.
In our application every user needs to subscribe to its user queue /exchange/amq.direct/update as well as to another queue where also other users can potential subscribe to /topic/someUniqueName.
In our first performance test we did the naive approach where every user subscribes to two new queues.
When running the test RabbitMQ dies silently when around 800 users are connected at the same time, so around 1600 queues are active (See the graph of all RabbitMQ objects here).
I read though that you should be careful opening many connections to RabbitMQ.
Now I wonder if the approach that is anticipated by Spring Websocket with opening one queue per user is a conceptional problem for systems with high load or if there is another error in my system.
Limiting factors for RabbitMQ are usually:
memory (can be checked in dashboard) that needs to grow with number of messages and number of queues (if you don't use lazy queues that go directly to disk).
maximum number of file descriptors (at least 1 per connection) that often defaults to too low values on many distributions (ref: https://lists.rabbitmq.com/pipermail/rabbitmq-discuss/2012-April/019615.html)
CPU for routing the messages
I did find the issue. I actually misconfigured the RabbitMQ service and just gave it a 1024 file descriptor limit. Increasing it solved the issue.

How to track celery and rabbitmq in production server

I have installed both celery and rabbitmq. Now i would like to track how many messages are there in the queue and how it is distributed, want to see the list of celery consumers and tasks they are executing etc. this is bcoz i had issues with celery getting stuck when there is a memory pressure. I tried installing rabbitmq management for a start and when i tried to login at myservr.com:15672 it said can only be used through localhost, is there any workaround? Also is it a good idea to run such monitoring on production servers? Will there be any chance for memory leaks?

how to resove "connection.blocked: true" in capabilities on the RabbitMQ UI

"rabbitmqctl list_connections" shows as running but on the UI in the connections tab, under client properties, i see "connection.blocked: true".
I can see that messages are in queued in RabbitMq and the connection is in idle state.
I am running Airflow with Celery. My jobs are not executing at all.
Is this the reason why jobs are not executing?
How to resolve the issue so that my jobs start running
I'm experiencing the same kind of issue by just using celery.
It seems that when you have a lot of messages in the queue, and these are fairly chunky, and your node memory goes high, the rabbitMQ memory watermark gets trespassed and this triggers a blocking into consumer connections, so no worker can access that node (and related queues).
At the same time publishers are happily sending stuff via the exchange so you get in a lose-lose situation.
The only solution we had is to avoid hitting that memory watermark and scale up the number of consumers.
Keep messages/tasks lean so that the signature is not MB but KB

Does Kafka handle network failure better than RabbitMQ?

We have been having below issues from RabbitMQ and had been manually restarting the servers every weekend as a work around.
Network partition detected
Mnesia reports that this RabbitMQ cluster has experienced a network partition. This is a dangerous situation. RabbitMQ clusters should not be installed on networks which can experience partitions.
We have gone through other popular posts on the topic e.g. here and here
Our network is not highly reliable and occasional blips are expected but when it does come up I would have expected 1 of the 4 node RabbitMQ cluster to join the rest of cluster - as is the case with 4 nodes of Tomcat installed on same servers.
Although the nodes on single partition continue to run independently but doesnt seem like that is a graceful recovery from failure in one node.
We didnt have great luck with using any rabbitmqctl commands like rabbitmqctl cluster_status - It used to sporadically cause the rabbitmq process to hang which needed a sudo kill to RabbitMQ process.
We are at a point of evaluating moving to Kafka or any other message broker that handles message partition well
Any thoughts on working around not needing manual RabbitMQ restarts or ability of Kafka to handle such situation is highly appreciated
I think Kafka with replication should be able to handle network partitions quite easily, as long as the number of brokers partitioned is inferior to the replication factor of your topic (aka, the consumers and producers can always reach at least 1 broker for the topics they're operating with).
To avoid backpressure in the clients while Zookeeper discover the partition and propagate the information to the producers and consumer, you may want to set short ZK heartbeating (yes, you'll need ZK, and a cluster too since you absolutely don't want your whole ZK cluster partitioned).
Fair warning though : using a cluster of kafka brokers will drop the FIFO aspect of your message queue which can be pretty disturbing if you're expecting the same order of messages produced by the producers and read by the consumers, which you could expect with RabbitMQ.

Celery workers missing heartbeats and getting substantial drift over Ec2

I am testing my celery implementation over 3 ec2 machines right now. I am pretty confident in my implementation now, but I am getting problems with the actual worker execution. My test structure is as follows:
1 ec2 machine is designated as the broker, also runs a celery worker
1 ec2 machine is designated as the client (runs the client celery script that enqueues all the tasks using .delay(), also runs a celery worker
1 ec2 machine is purely a worker.
All the machines have 1 celery worker running. Before, I was immediately getting the message:
"Substantial drift from celery#[other ec2 ip] may mean clocks are out of sync."
A drift amount in seconds would then be printed, which would increase over time.
I would also get messages : "missed heartbeat from celery#[other ec2 ip].
The machine would be doing very little work at this point, so my AutoScaling config in ec2 would shut down the instance automatically once it got to cpu utilization levels very low (<5%)
So to try to solve this problem, i attempted to sync all my machine's clocks (although I thought celery handled this) with this command, which was performed upon start up for all machines:
apt-get -qy install ntp
service ntp start
With this, they all performed well for about 10 minutes with no hitches, after which I started getting missed heartbeats and my ec2 instances stalled and shut down. The weird thing is, the drift increased and then decreased sometimes.
Any idea on why this is happening?
I am using the newest version of celery (3.1) and rabbitmq
EDIT: It should be noted that I am utilizing us-west-1a and us-west-1c availability zones on ec2.
EDIT2: I am starting to think memory problems might be an issue. I am using a t2.micro instance, and running 3 celery workers on the same machine (only 1 instance) which is also the broker, still cause heartbeat misses and stalls.