Objective c return type switch - objective-c

I want to use the return type of a selector to determine how it is used in my code is there a way to differentiate the return types in objective c I'll give you an example.
SEL selectors[]=
... //each method returns a different type
for (SEL sel in selectors)
switch [[self performSelector:sel]/*idk something here maybe?*/]
case int:
//do some stuff
case NSString *:
//do some other stuff
Thanks in advance I couldn't find anything anywhere on this that talked about objective c

you can do this via method_copyReturnType in objc runtime.
however, objc types for return and parameters are all the same (last i checked), such that the runtime will not return the type with the description "NSArray" -- it will just be the identifier for an objc type. nevertheless, that level of detail is descriptive enough for your int or NSString case, and you can use an NSObject instance's class or isKindOfClass: (etc.) instance methods to determine its type once you have a handle on it.

You can get the NSMethodSignature of the method using -methodSignatureForSelector:. And then you can get the return type with the -methodReturnType from the NSMethodSignature object. Don't mess with the runtime if you don't have to.


Type Casting in Objective C

can someone please tell me whether this is the correct way of doing type casting in objective c.
I have an object "myObject" which could possibly be an instance of "DataViewController".
If so i should call the "updateView" method.
if (myObject respondsToSelector:#selector(updateView:)])
[(DataViewController *)myObject updateView:data];
You do not need a cast in this case: since you've started down the selector path, you might as well call performSelector:withObject: for consistency:
if (myObject respondsToSelector:#selector(updateView:)]) {
[myObject performSelector:#selector(updateView:) withObject:data];
This is a more general approach, because it lets you run updateView on objects of other types, not necessarily of DataViewController, as long as they have the appropriate method.
If you would like to use a type-based solution, you could use isKindOfClass: method, like this:
if (myObject isKindOfClass:[DataViewController class]]) {
DataViewController *ctrl = (DataViewController)myObject;
[ctrl updateView:data];

The best way to know an instance type from a class method of the same class?

I want to learn how to make class methods to return instancetype values instead of id.
Simple demonstration:
#implementation MyGenericManagedObject
+ (instancetype)existingObjectByObjectID:(NSManagedObjectID *)objectID {
return (__typeof([self alloc]))[managedObjectContext() existingObjectWithID:objectID error:nil];
Having this method written this way, it does work, but if I remove (__typeof([self alloc])) I begin getting "Incompatible pointer types casting 'NSManagedObject *' to type 'MyGenericManagedObject *'.
What is the right way to get instance type from inside a class method of the same class?
existingObjectWithID:error: is explicitly typecast to return NSManagedObject*. That, frankly, is a bug in the API and you should file it.
Because of that, you'll need the cast.
#implementation MyGenericManagedObject
+ (instancetype)existingObjectByObjectID:(NSManagedObjectID *)objectID {
return (id)[managedObjectContext() existingObjectWithID:objectID error:nil];
Just casting to id should work.

Is there a way to reflectively call a function in Objective-C from a string?

Are there any Objective-C runtime functions that will allow me to get a function (or block) pointer from a string identifying the function? I need some way to dynamically find and invoke a function or static method based on some form of string identifying it.
Ideally this function should be able to exist in any dynamically loaded library.
Looking at Objective-C Runtime Reference, the best bet looks like class_getClassMethod, but there don't appear to be any function-related functions in this reference. Are there other raw C ways of getting a pointer to a function by name?
if you want to invoke some static objc method, you can make it as a class method of a class
#interface MyClas : NSObject
+ (int)doWork;
and call the method by
[[MyClass class] performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(#"doWork")];
if you real want to work with C-style function pointer, you can check dlsym()
dlsym() returns the address of the code or data location specified by
the null-terminated character
string symbol. Which libraries and bundles are searched depends on the handle
parameter If dlsym() is called with the special handle RTLD_DEFAULT,
then all mach-o images in the process
(except those loaded with dlopen(xxx, RTLD_LOCAL)) are searched in the order they were loaded. This
can be a costly search and should be avoided.
so you can use it to find the function pointer base on asymbol name
not sure why you want to do this, sometimes use function table can do
typedef struct {
char *name,
void *fptr // function pointer
} FuncEntry;
FuncEntry table[] = {
{"method", method},
{"method2", method2},
// search the table and compare the name to locate function, you get the idea
If you know method signature you can create selector to it with NSSelectorFromString function, e.g.:
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(#"doWork");
[worker performSelector:selector];
You may be able to do what you want with libffi. But unless you are doing something like create your own scripting language or something like that where you need to do this sort of thing a lot. It is probable overkill
I've wondered the SAME thing.. and I guess, after having researched it a bit.. there is NOT a "standard C" way to do such a thing.. (gasp).. but to the rescue? Objective C blocks!
An anonymous function.. that can be OUTSIDE any #implementation, etc...
void doCFunction() { printf("You called me by Name!"); }
Then, in your objective-C method… you can somehow "get" the name, and "call" the function...
NSDictionary *functionDict = #{ #"aName" : ^{ doCFunction(); } };
NSString *theName = #"aName";
((void (^)()) functionDict[theName] )();
Result: You called me by Name!
Loves it! 👓 ⌘ 🐻

Polymorphic methods in Objective C

In Java you can put in multiple constructors to a class that are called depending on the types and/or number of parameters that are used when an instance is constructed.
I assume that there is the equivalent in Objective C.
Can I have a polymorphic method?
I would like to build a method that acts slightly differently according to whether a string is passed or a double?
Does that sound bonkers or is it easy?
You're thinking of overloaded methods. Due to the way dynamic dispatch is implemented in Objective-C, it isn't currently possible to pass two unrelated types as arguments to the same (or same-named) method and have it understand.
In Objective-C, there are two related but distinct approaches to handling multiple kinds of input. Let's use your example of a string or a double as possible inputs. In Java, you might have:
void applyWidget(String s);
void applyWidget(double d);
And that's great, but not Objective-C. In Objective-C, you instead would use two different method names:
- (void)applyWidgetWithName: (NSString *)name;
- (void)applyWidgetWithValue: (double)value;
The same logic is in each method as in the Java version, but the distinct names let the compiler treat them as distinct methods (which they are, even in Java.) The code also becomes self-documenting: by reading it, you get an idea of what's happening even without comments. Alternatively, if you simply must have one method name, you change the parameter type to id and accept any object:
- (void)applyWidget: (id)widget;
Then pass either an NSString or an NSNumber wrapping your double. Then, in the implementation of the method, use Objective-C's introspection methods to determine how to proceed:
if ([widget isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
} else if ([widget isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) {
double d = [widget doubleValue];
This approach essentially tells callers "send anything--I'll handle it appropriately." It can be difficult to determine the behaviour of such a method without extensive documentation.
Absolutely easy:
- (id)initWithSomeObject:(id)object
if ([object isKindOfClass:[ClassOne class]) {
// do something
} else if ([object isKindOfClass:[ClassTwo class]) {
// do something else
} // etc.
return self;
yes, but objc does not have proper overloading.
so you see things like initWithDouble:, initWithBool: and so on. that's part of the reason it's a bit 'wordy' for some people's taste.
to use your example:
#interface MONClass
- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)pString;
- (id)initWithDouble:(double)pDouble;
but the following is an error:
- (id)initWith:(NSString *)pString;
- (id)initWith:(double)pDouble;
because the selector is the same -- the parameter/return types are omitted from the selector.
Basically Objective C does't have proper method overloading. It will support overriding only.
Suppose if you write functions like in same class,
(void) showMethod;
(void) showMethod:(int) aNumber;
This will support in Objective C.
Suppose if you write functions like,
(void) showMethod:(NSString*) aString;
(void) showMethod:(int) aNumber;
In this way the compiler gives Error because there conflicting parameter types in implementation of showMethod.

How to build a NSArray (or NSMutableArray) of class methods in Objective-C?

I'm trying to build a NSArray of methods in Objective-C.
(What I'm trying to accomplish here is something like the following in C)
typedef (void)(*handler)(int command);
void handleCommandA(void) { ... }
void handleCommandB(void) { ... }
static const handler handler_table[10] = {
handleCommandA, handleCommandB, handleCommandC
I have to port this to Objective-C and I don't know how to
build an array of function pointers (in Objective-c world,
class methods) at compile-time.
In Objective-C I have the following.
- (void)handleCommandA { ... }
- (void)handleCommandB { ... }
/* Now how to add above 2 functions into NSArray? */
NSArray *handler_table = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:... ]; /* This doesn't seem to work. */
The problem here is that to bind those functions you must use the selector keyword which returns a SEL type. This is a pointer type whereas NSArray stores objects.
You thus have three options;
Use a regular C-type array
Fold the functions into an NSObject derived class that will call them.
Use a protocol.
The second is likely the nicer and for this you can use the NSValue class to hold the selector results. E.g;
NSValue* selCommandA = [NSValue valueWithPointer:#selector(handleCommandA:)];
NSValue* selCommandB = [NSValue valueWithPointer:#selector(handleCommandB:)];
NSArray *handler_table = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:selCommandA, selCommandB, nil ];
When you have retrieved the correct entry from the array, to convert back you would do;
SEL mySelector = [selCommand pointerValue];
[someObject performSelector:mySelector];
(Note I'm assuming that from your objective-c syntax that these are intended to be used as methods on an object and not global functions. If you wish to use them globally then you should write them as you would in plain C.)
Another option is to formalize the command methods into a protocol. This allows you to write functionality that will work on any object which implements that protocol and the compiler will provide more checking than if you were just calling selectors.
// some header
#protocol CommandHandler
-(void) handleCommandA;
-(void) handleCommandB;
// some other header
#interface someClass : NSObject<CommandHandler>
// you will receive compiler warnings if you do not implement the protocol functions
Your handling and dispatch code is then written to work with objects of type "CommandHandler". E.g
-(void) registerForCommands:(CommandHandler*)handler
Use NSValue.
For example:
NSArray* handlers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSValue valueWithPointer:handleA] ... ];
then to access :
handleptr* handle = (handlerptr*)[[handlers objectAtIndex:0] pointerValue];
In Objective-C, you don't pass around methods; you pass around selectors, which are basically the canonical names of methods. Then, to make an object respond to a selector message, you send it performSelector:. For example:
NSString *exampleString = [NSString stringWithString:#"Hello"];
SEL methodName = #selector(stringByAppendingString:);
// ^This is the selector. Note that it just represents the name of a
// message, and doesn't specify any class or implementation
NSString *combinedString = [exampleString performSelector:methodName withObject:#" world!"];
What you'll want is to make an array of NSStrings containing the names of the selectors you're interested in. You can use the function NSStringFromSelector() to do this. Then, when you want to use them, call NSSelectorFromString() on the strings to get the original selector back and pass it to the appropriate object's performSelector:. (As shown in the example above, the receiver isn't encoded in a selector — just the method name — so you might need to store the receiver as well.)