How to remove frame attachment - objective-c

if (isGameOne == TRUE and isGameTwo == FALSE){
x.view.frame = xGraph->theGraph.frame;
y.view.frame = yGraph->theGraph.frame;
} else {
/*remove above frame here*/
Above is my script i am working with. When isGameOne is true, i want it to attach x.view.frame to xGraph->theGraph.frame; And same for 'y', but this works fine.
What i am having an issue with is understanding how i would remove x.view.frame the frame if isGameOne is not true (false).
I am sure its probably something really easy to do, but i am still getting my hand dirty with objective-c. Sorry for my ignorance
=========[ How to do this ]========
I actually have a button that quits game one, so inside the gameOne method i have
if (isGameOne == TRUE and isGameTwo == FALSE){
x.view.frame = xGraph->theGraph.frame;
y.view.frame = yGraph->theGraph.frame;
inside my quit button method i added:
isGameTwo = TRUE;
isGameOne = FALSE;
if (isGameOne == FALSE and isGameTwo == TRUE) {
/* code to remove *DoodlePad from *Grap */
[xDoodlePad.view setHidden:YES];
[yDoodlePad.view setHidden:YES];

It depends on what you are doing with those frames. If you want them to be moved to another location on the screen, you could predefine that frame elsewhere and assign it, or you could use CGRectMake to create a specific frame right there.
If you are wanting to hide/show the views based on this condition, you should already have the appropriate frames set before the conditional and just call setHidden on the views with the appropriate argument.
Note that CGRects are structs, so there is assignment of the value itself taking place. You are not maintaining a reference to the other frame.


Jetpack Compose - ModalBottomSheet comes up with soft keyboard

I have a problem with ModalBottomSheet and it's on my work computer so I can't record it to you right now. So basically, after I give focus to one of my TextFields, my keyboard comes up and pushes all the content upwards so I can see the TextField that I'm writing to. When I'm hiding my keyboard I can see that my ModalBottomSheet hides too, but I never set it to come up.
So if you are familiar with this bug, please let me know your solutions.
My coworker, so he inserted a boolean that checks if keyboard is up or not and if it is, dont put ap modal bottom sheet.
You can use this method until this problem is fixed with an additional update.
You can use LaunchedEffect for this. Here is an example for you.
The important thing here is to disable the ModalBottomSheetDialog when the keyboard is opened and re-enable it half a second after the keyboard is closed.
You can trigger the required function by assigning a value to this variable when the keyboard is turned on, and then changing and checking this value when the keyboard is closed.
/*Change this value to "keyboard_on" when the keyboard is turned on and "keyboard_off" when the keyboard is closed again. You can give different names for different usage areas. That's why we're using a string, not a Boolean.*/
var taskCodeValue = remember { mutableStateOf("keyboard_off") }
var sheetOpener by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
if (taskCodeValue.value == "keyboard_off"){
LaunchedEffect(taskCodeValue.value == "keyboard_off"){
sheetOpener = true
}else {
sheetOpener = false
By adding the Scaffold, which includes ModalBottomSheet and other compose
elements, into a box, we enable them to work independently of each other.
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
content = {}
if (sheetOpener){
sheetState = sheetState,
sheetContent = {}
) {}

Hide a view in Titanium so that it does not take physical space

In titanium it is possible to hide a view like so:
$.foo.visible = false
However, in both cases the object still seems to take physical space. It is just invisible. In other words it is similar to the CSS property visibility: hidden.
I want it so that it disappears and take no physical space in terms of width or height, so it's similar to the CSS property display: none
How can I do this?
The best hacky solution I have is the following:
$.foo.width = 0;
$.foo.height = 0;
$.foo.left = 0;
$.foo.right = 0;
But that means when I want to make it visible again, I have to set all those properties back to their original values which is a pain and hard to maintain.
First of all, don't afraid of doing some hard coding ;)
Coming to your query, yes, this is true that hiding a view just hide it from UI, but physical-space is still there.
To do what you want, you will need to either remove view on hide & create it on show, or you can use absolute layout in some tricky way.
Other way could be to animate this view using transform property like this:
// on hide
duration : 100,
transform : Ti.UI.create2DMatrix({scale:0})
}, function () {
$.foo.visible = false;
// on show
$.foo.visible = true; // we need to make it visible again before resetting its UI state since we hid it after completion of animation in above code
duration : 100,
transform : Ti.UI.create2DMatrix() // passing empty matrix will reset the initial state of this view
this could also work but never tried this:
// on hide
$.foo.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix({scale:0});
$.foo.visible = false;
// on show
$.foo.visible = true;
$.foo.transform = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();

replacement for tabbar selected index

I have an old app where I have 5 tabs. Each tab have list of ads & there is details. Also each tab have respective add ad. Design for all 5 tabs is same except some changes, so I decided to use 1 screen only for all 5 tabs.
Now what I am doing is while add ad, I am checking which tab I am and based on tab bar index, I am showing hiding fields. Same is applicable for details screen also. Sample code is as shown below.
if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==0) {
field1.hidden = NO;
} else if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==1) {
field1.hidden = NO;
} else if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==2) {
field1.hidden = NO;
} else if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==3) {
field1.hidden = NO;
} else if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==4) {
field1.hidden = YES;
Now I have around 15 fields for each form so I write this code for all fields.
What I noticed that client change the tab bar position continuously so I was looking for efficient way of doing it.
Right now what I do is at all places manually change index positions by doing Search-Replace, however I dont like this.
I was looking for a way where instead of selectedIndex, I was looking for someconstant value that I will assign to tab item of tab bar, so my code will change as below
if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==adType_News) {
field1.hidden = NO;
} else if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==adType_Occasions) {
And so on...
This way, I only need to change in the storyboard and code level will not have any changes.
Is there way where I can achieve this?
Main Issue
As client ask to change tab bar completely, I need to make changes of selectedIndex changes at all places which I don't like and feel more in-efficient way. So I was looking for a way where I will make change in storyboard only and coding level there won't be any change.
The main issue for me is changing selectedIndex in all files which make more error.
I think I understand the question to mean that the code is full of number literals, referring to the selected index of the tabbar, and the business requirements about the ordering of items are shifting. Fix by changing the literals to something symbolic that can be controlled centrally:
// in a new file, indexes.h
#define INDEXA (0)
#define INDEXB (1)
#define INDEXC (2)
// wherever existing code refers to the tab selection
#import "indexes.h"
// in the code, for example if selectedIndex == 2, change to
if (self.tabBarController.selectedIndex==INDEXC) {
// ...

How do find out if there is a full-screen app running on a specific NSScreen

In Cocoa/AppKit, given a screen from [NSScreen screens], how can I find out if there's a full-screen app running on that specific screen? I'm mostly interested in apps that use the Cocoa APIs for full-screen, but if there's a solution that also encompasses other types of full-screen apps, even better. The solution needs be able to pass Mac App Store approval.
My specific use case involves a menu bar app (NSStatusItem) and figuring out whether or not a menubar is shown at all on [NSScreen mainScreen] in order to allow a global keyboard shortcut to show either a popover positioning on the status item (if it's visible) or a floating window if there's no visible status item.
NSScreens themselves don't seem to expose any information about windows/apps, and NSRunningApplication doesn't expose this information either.
Are there perhaps Carbon APIs for finding this out? For example, if I have a list of windows, I could iterate through them and see if any window frames match the screens' frame exactly. On the other hand, there might be apps that have a frame like that but run underneath other apps (like the Backdrop app,, so an approach like this would need to look at window levels.
You can try the CGWindowList API, such as CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo().
If you just want to know if the menu bar is showing, you should be able to check -[NSApplication currentSystemPresentationOptions] for NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar or NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar. That method can also tell you if the active app is in Cocoa full-screen mode (NSApplicationPresentationFullScreen).
Here's a solution based on CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo in Swift.
func fullScreenWindows(fullScreen: Bool) -> [CGWindowID] {
var winList: [CGWindowID] = []
// if you want to get the windows in full screen, you MUST make sure the option excluding 'optionOnScreenOnly'
let option: CGWindowListOption = fullScreen ? .excludeDesktopElements : [.excludeDesktopElements, .optionOnScreenOnly]
guard let winArray: CFArray = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(option, kCGNullWindowID) else {
return winList
for i in 0..<CFArrayGetCount(winArray) {
// current window's info
let winInfo = unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(winArray, i), to: CFDictionary.self)
// current window's bounds
guard let boundsDict = (winInfo as NSDictionary)[kCGWindowBounds],
let bounds = CGRect.init(dictionaryRepresentation: boundsDict as! CFDictionary) else {
// to check the window is in full screen or not
guard __CGSizeEqualToSize(NSScreen.main!.frame.size, bounds.size) else {
// current window's id
guard let winId = (winInfo as NSDictionary)[kCGWindowNumber] as? CGWindowID,
winId == kCGNullWindowID else {
return winList
Here's a solution based on CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo, as Ken Thomases suggested in his answer:
- (BOOL)fullScreenAppPresentOn:(NSScreen *)screen
// Get all of the visible windows (across all running applications)
NSArray<NSDictionary*> *windowInfoList = (__bridge_transfer id)CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly | kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, kCGNullWindowID);
// For each window, see if the bounds are the same size as the screen's frame
for (int windowInfoListIndex = 0; windowInfoListIndex < (int)windowsInfoList.count; windowInfoListIndex++)
NSDictionary *windowInfo = windowInfoList[windowInfoListIndex];
CFDictionaryRef windowInfoRef = (__bridge CFDictionaryRef) windowInfo[(__bridge NSString *)kCGWindowBounds];
CGRect windowBounds;
CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(windowInfoRef, &windowBounds);
if (CGRectEqualToRect([screen frame], windowBounds))
return YES;
return NO;

How to detect a click on a form reset button from QtWebKit?

Looking at the signals in the QtWebKit API, I failed to find anything that would seem to me to be what I am looking for.
linkClicked() seems to be the closest, but a reset button is no link, and definitely does not point to an URL.
I considered the following signals (judging by their name), but according to their description none of them match my purpose either: contentsChanged(), contentsChanged(), contentsChanged(), selectionChanged().
None of its signals matches my purpose.
Here I can see how to get an object representing the button(s), but it has no signals whatsoever.
I want to catch a click in a reset button in order to store the data in the form before it gets cleared, so it can be restored later.
For now, I did manage to retrieve the buttons as a QWebElementCollection of QWebElement objects, and I can modify them, but I do not know how to get them to send a signal upon click, or something similar.
// Get reset buttons.
QWebElementCollection inputResets = mainFrame()->documentElement().findAll("input[type=reset]");
inputResets += mainFrame()->documentElement().findAll("button[type=reset]");
// Change their text (just a test).
foreach(QWebElement element, inputResets)
Well, I got it working with this, although I do not think it is the best approach:
bool EventFilter::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>(event);
if (mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
QWebView *view = dynamic_cast<QWebView*>(object);
QPoint pos = view->mapFromGlobal(mouseEvent->globalPos());
QWebFrame *frame = view->page()->frameAt(mouseEvent->pos());
if (frame != NULL)
// Get the existing reset buttons.
QWebElementCollection inputResets = frame->documentElement().findAll("input[type=reset]");
inputResets += frame->documentElement().findAll("button[type=reset]");
// Check if any of them is at the clicked position.
foreach(QWebElement element, inputResets)
if (element.geometry().contains(pos))
qDebug() << "Clicked element tag:" << element.localName();
return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
You can probably accomplish this with Qt WebKit Bridge.