Real-time fluid simulation techniques - physics

What techniques are used for the real-time simulation of fluids such as water, for example in videogames?
In particular, I am looking for a project-idea for an (unfortunately rather short) physics project at Uni, so the simpler the better (if there is any such thing as "simple" in fluid-simulations...)

AFAIK the most popular method to simulate fluids in real-time is the SPH method:
Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's implemented in Bullet, PhysX, and Fluids:
Fluids v.3 is a large-scale, open source fluid simulator for the CPU and GPU using the smooth particle hydrodynamics method. Fluids is capable of efficiently simulating up to 8 million particles on the GPU (on 1500 MB of ram).
Some other helpful sources:
GPU Gems - Chapter 38. Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation on the GPU
Open source 3D SPH solver - Math and Physics -


Does TensorFlow use all of the hardware on the GPU?

The NVidia GP100 has 30 TPC circuits and 240 "texture units". Do the TPCs and texture units get used by TensorFlow, or are these disposable bits of silicon for machine learning?
I am looking at GPU-Z and Windows 10's built-in GPU performance monitor on a running neural net training session and I see various hardware functions are underutilized. Tensorflow uses CUDA. CUDA has access, I presume, to all hardware components. If I know where the gap is (between Tensorflow and underlying CUDA) and whether it is material (how much silicon is wasted) I can, for example, remediate by making a clone of TensorFlow, modifying it, and then submitting a pull request.
For example, answer below discusses texture objects, accessible from CUDA. NVidia notes that these can be used to speed up latency-sensitive, short-running kernels. If I google "TextureObject tensorflow" I don't get any hits. So I can sort of assume, barring evidence to the contrary, that TensorFlow is not taking advantage of TextureObjects.
NVidia markets GPGPUs for neural net training. So far it seems they have adopted a dual-use strategy for their circuits, so they are leaving in circuits not used for machine learning. This begs the question of whether a pure TensorFlow circuit would be more efficient. Google is now promoting TPUs for this reason. The jury is out on whether TPUs are actually cheaper for TensorFlow than NVidia GPUs. NVidia is challenging Google price/performance claims.
None of those things are separate pieces of individual hardware that can be addressed separately in CUDA. Read this passage on page 10 of your document:
Each GPC inside GP100 has ten SMs. Each SM has 64 CUDA Cores and four texture units. With 60 SMs,
GP100 has a total of 3840 single precision CUDA Cores and 240 texture units. Each memory controller is
attached to 512 KB of L2 cache, and each HBM2 DRAM stack is controlled by a pair of memory
controllers. The full GPU includes a total of 4096 KB of L2 cache.
And if we read just above that:
GP100 was built to be the highest performing parallel computing processor in the world to address the
needs of the GPU accelerated computing markets serviced by our Tesla P100 accelerator platform. Like
previous Tesla-class GPUs, GP100 is composed of an array of Graphics Processing Clusters (GPCs), Texture
Processing Clusters (TPCs), Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs), and memory controllers. A full GP100
consists of six GPCs, 60 Pascal SMs, 30 TPCs (each including two SMs), and eight 512-bit memory
controllers (4096 bits total).
and take a look at the diagram we see the following:
So not only are the GPCs and SMS not seperate pieces of hardware, but even the TPCs are just another way to reorganize the hardware architecture and come up with a fancy marketing name. You can clearly see TPC doesn't add anything new in the diagram, it just looks like a container for the SMs. Its [1 GPC]:[5 TPCs]:[10 SMs]
The memory controllers are something all hardware is going to have in order to interface with RAM, it happens that more memory controllers can enable higher bandwidth, see this diagram:
where "High bandwidth memory" refers to HBM2 a type of video memory like GDDR5, in other words, video RAM. This isn't something you would directly address in software with CUDA any more than you would do so with X86 desktop machines.
So in reality, we only have SMs here, not TPCs an GPCs. So to answer your question, since Tensor flow takes advantage of cuda, presumably its going to use all the available hardware it can.
EDIT: The poster edited their question to an entirely different question, and has new misconceptions there so here is the answer to that:
Texture Processing Clusters (TPCs) and Texture units are not the same thing. TPCs appear to be merely an organization of Streaming Multiprocessors (SM) with a bit of marketing magic thrown in.
Texture units are not a concrete term, and features differ from GPU to GPU, but basically you can think of them as the combination of texture memory or ready access to texture memory, which employs spatial coherence, versus L1,L2,L3... cache which employ temporal coherence, in combination of some fixed function functionality. Fixed functionality may include interpolation access filter (often at least linear interpolation), different coordinate modes, mipmapping control and ansiotropic texture filtering. See the Cuda 9.0 Guide on this topic to get an idea of texture unit functionality and what you can control with CUDA. On the diagram we can see the texture units at the bottom.
Clearly these are completely different from the TPCs shown in the first picture I posted, which at least according to the diagram have no extra functionality associated with them and are merely a container for two SMs.
Now, despite the fact that you can address texture functionality within cuda, you often don't need to. The texture units fixed function functionality is not all that useful to Neural nets, however, the spatially coherent texture memory is often automatically used by CUDA as an optimization even if you don't explicitly try to access it. In this way, TensorFlow still would not be "wasting" silicon.

How can I speed up deep learning on a non-NVIDIA setup?

Since I only have an AMD A10-7850 APU, and do not have the funds to spend on a $800-$1200 NVIDIA graphics card, I am trying to make due with the resources I have in order to speed up deep learning via tensorflow/keras.
Initially, I used a pre-compiled version of Tensorflow. InceptionV3 would take about 1000-1200 seconds to compute 1 epoch. It has been painfully slow.
To speed up calculations, I first self-compiled Tensorflow with optimizers (using AVX, and SSE4 instructions). This lead to a roughly 40% decrease in computation times. The same computations performed above now only take about 600 seconds to compute. It's almost bearable - kind of like you can watch paint dry.
I am looking for ways to further decrease computation times. I only have an integrated AMD graphics card that is part of the APU. (How) (C/c)an I make use of this resource to speed up computation even more?
More generally, let's say there are other people with similar monetary restrictions and Intel setups. How can anyone WITHOUT discrete NVIDIA cards make use of their integrated graphics chips or otherwise non-NVIDIA setup to achieve faster than CPU-only performance? Is that possible? Why/Why not? What needs to be done to achieve this goal? Or will this be possible in the near future (2-6 months)? How?
After researching this topic for a few months, I can see 3.5 possible paths forward:
1.) Tensorflow + OpenCl as mentioned in the comments above:
There seems to be some movement going on this field. Over at Codeplay, Lukasz Iwanski just posted a comprehensive answer on how to get tensorflow to run with opencl here (I will only provide a link as stated above because the information might change there):
The potential to use integrated graphics is alluring. It's also worth exploring the use of this combination with APUs. But I am not sure how well this will work since OpenCl support is still early in development, and hardware support is very limited. Furthermore, OpenCl is not the same as a handcrafted library of optimized code. (UPDATE 2017-04-24: I have gotten the code to compile after running into some issues here!) Unfortunately, the hoped for speed improvements ON MY SETUP (iGPU) did not materialize.
CIFAR 10 Dataset:
Tensorflow (via pip ak unoptimized): 1700sec/epoch at 390% CPU
Tensorflow (SSE4, AVX): 1100sec/epoch at 390% CPU
Tensorflow (opencl + iGPU): 5800sec/epoch at 150% CPU
and 100% GPU utilization.
Your mileage may vary significantly. So I am wondering what are other people getting relatively speaking (unoptimized vs optimized vs opencl) on your setups?
What should be noted: opencl implementation means that all the heavy computation should be done on the GPU. (Updated on 2017/4/29) But in reality this is not the case yet because some functions have not been implemented yet. This leads to unnecessary copying back and forth of data between CPU and GPU ram. Again, imminent changes should improve the situation. And furthermore, for those interested in helping out and those wanting to speed things up, we can do something that will have a measurable impact on the performance of tensorflow with opencl.
But as it stands for now: 1 iGPU << 4 CPUS with SSE+AVX. Perhaps beefier GPUs with larger RAM and/or opencl 2.0 implementation could have made a larger difference.
At this point, I should add that similar efforts have been going on with at least Caffe and/or Theano + OpenCl. The limiting step in all cases appears to be the manual porting of CUDA/cuDNN functionality to the openCl paradigm.
2.) RocM + MIOpen
RocM stands for Radeon Open Compute and seems to be a hodgepodge of initiatives that is/will make deep-learning possible on non-NVIDIA (mostly Radeon devices). It includes 3 major components:
HIP: A tool that converts CUDA code to code that can be consumed by AMD GPUs.
ROCk: a 64-bit linux kernel driver for AMD CPU+GPU devices.
HCC: A C/C++ compiler that compiles code into code for a heterogeneous system architecture environment (HSA).
Apparently, RocM is designed to play to AMDs strenghts of having both CPU and GPU technology. Their approach to speeding up deep-learning make use of both components. As an APU owner, I am particularly interested in this possibility. But as a cautionary note: Kaveri APUs have limited support (only integrated graphcs is supported). Future APUs have not been released yet. And it appears, there is still a lot of work that is being done here to bring this project to a mature state. A lot of work will hopefully make this approach viable within a year given that AMD has announced their Radeon Instinct cards will be released this year (2017).
The problem here for me is that that RocM is providing tools for building deep learning libraries. They do not themselves represent deep learning libraries. As a data scientist who is not focused on tools development, I just want something that works. and am not necessarily interested in building what I want to then do the learning. There are not enough hours in the day to do both well at the company I am at.
NVIDIA has of course CUDA and cuDNN which are libaries of hand-crafted assembler code optimized for NVIDIA GPUs. All major deep learning frameworks build on top of these proprietary libraries. AMD currently does not have anything like that at all.
I am uncertain how successfully AMD will get to where NVIDIA is in this regard. But there is some light being shone on what AMDs intentions are in an article posted by Carlos Perez on 4/3/2017 here. A recent lecture at Stanford also talks in general terms about Ryzen, Vega and deep learning fit together. In essence, the article states that MIOpen will represent this hand-crafted library of optimized deep learning functions for AMD devices. This library is set to be released in H1 of 2017. I am uncertain how soon these libraries would be incorporated into the major deep learning frameworks and what the scope of functional implementation will be then at this time.
But apparently, AMD has already worked with the developers of Caffe to "hippify" the code basis. Basically, CUDA code is converted automatically to C code via HIP. The automation takes care of the vast majority of the code basis, leaving only less than 0.5% of code had to be changed and required manual attention. Compare that to the manual translation into openCl code, and one starts getting the feeling that this approach might be more sustainable. What I am not clear about is where the lower-level assembler language optimization come in.
(Update 2017-05-19) But with the imminent release of AMD Vega cards (the professional Frontier Edition card not for consumers will be first), there are hints that major deep learning frameworks will be supported through the MIOpen framework. A Forbes article released today shows the progress MiOpen has taken over just the last couple of months in terms of performance: it appears significant.
(Update 2017-08-25) MiOpen has officially been released. We are no longer talking in hypotheticals here. Now we just need to try out how well this framework works.
3.) Neon
Neon is Nervana's (now acquired by Intel) open-source deep-learning framework. The reason I mention this framework is that it seems to be fairly straightforward to use. The syntax is about as easy and intuitive as Keras. More importantly though, this framework has achieved speeds up to 2x faster than Tensorflow on some benchmarks due to some hand-crafted assembler language optimization for those computations. Potentially, cutting computation times from 500 secs/epoch down to 300 secs/epoch is nothing to sneeze at. 300 secs = 5 minutes. So one could get 15 epochs in in an hour. and about 50 epochs in about 3.5 hours! But ideally, I want to do these kinds of calculations in under an hour. To get to those levels, I need to use a GPU, and at this point, only NVIDIA offers full support in this regard: Neon also uses CUDA and cuDNN when a GPU is available (and of course, it has to be an NVIDIA GPU). If you have access other Intel hardware this is of course a valid way to pursue. Afterall, Neon was developed out of a motivation to get things to work optimally also on non-NVIDIA setups (like Nervana's custom CPUs, and now Intel FPGAs or Xeon Phis).
3.5.) Intel Movidius
Update 2017-08-25: I came across this article. Intel has released a USB3.0-stick-based "deep learning" accelerator. Apparently, it works with Cafe and allows the user perform common Cafe-based fine-tuning of networks and inference. This is important stressing: If you want to train your own network from scratch, the wording is very ambiguous here. I will therefore assume, that apart from fine-tuning a network, training itself should still be done on something with more parallel compute. The real kicker though is this: When I checked for the pricing this stick costs a mere $79. That's nothing compared to the cost of your average NVIDIA 1070-80(ti) card. If you merely want to tackle some vision problems using common network topologies already available for some related tasks, you can use this stick to fine tune it to your own use, then compile the code and put it into this stick to do inference quickly. Many use cases can be covered with this stick, and for again $79 it could be worth it. This being Intel, they are proposing to go all out on Intel. Their model is to use the cloud (i.e. Nervana Cloud) for training. Then, use this chip for prototype inference or inference where energy consumption matters. Whether this is the right approach or not is left for the reader to answer.
At this time, it looks like deep learning without NVIDIA is still difficult to realize. Some limited speed gains are difficult but potentially possible through the use of opencl. Other initiatives sound promising but it will take time to sort out the real impact that these initiatives will have.
If your platform supports opencl you can look at using it with tensorflow. There is some experimental support for it on Linux at this github repository. Some preliminary instructions are at the documentation section of of this github repository.

Designing a Computer for Spatially-Explicit Modeling in NetLogo

I have done various searches and have yet to find a forum or article that discusses how to approach building a modeling computer for use with NetLogo. I was hoping to start such a discussion, and since the memory usage of NetLogo is proportional to the size of the world and number of simulations run in parallel with BehaviorSpace, it seems reasonable that a formula exists relating sufficient hardware to NetLogo demands.
As an example, I am planning to run a metapopulation model in a landscape approximately 12km x 12km, corresponding to a NetLogo world of 12,000x12,000 at a pixel size of 1, for a 1-meter resolution (relevant for the animal's movement behavior). An earlier post described a large world (How to model a very large world in NetLogo?), and provided a discussion for potential ways to reduce needing large worlds ( Another post described a world of 3147x5141 and was using a Linux computer with 64GB of RAM ( Clearly, the capability of computers to run large NetLogo worlds is becoming increasingly important.
Presumably, the "best" solution for researchers at universities with access to Windows-based machines would be to run 16GB to 64GB of RAM with a six- or eight-core processor such as the Intel Xeon capable of hyperthreading for running multiple simulations in parallel with BehaviorSpace. As an example, I used SELES (Fall & Fall 2001) on a machine with a 6-core Xeon processor with hyperthreading enabled and 8GB of RAM to run 12,000 replicates of a model with a 1-meter resolution raster map of 1580x1580. This used the computer to its full capacity and it took about a month to run the simulations.
So - if I were to run 12,000 replicates of a 12,000x12,000 world in NetLogo, what would be the "best" option for a computer? Without reaching for the latest and greatest processing power out there, I would presume the most fiscally-reasonable option to be a server board with dual Xeon processors (likely 8-core Ivy bridge) with 64GB of RAM. Would this be a sufficient design, or are there alternatives that are cheaper (or not) for modeling at this scale? And additionally, do there exist "guidelines" of processor/RAM combinations to cope with the increasing demand of NetLogo on memory as the size of worlds and the number of parallel simulations increase?

How fast is PhysX on GPU compared to physics engines on CPU?

I have an application that is written to use the Bullet physics engine. I am running it on an Intel i7 2600K CPU with 8 cores. The application has to process millions of chunks of physics work, each of which can be done independently. It currently runs with 8 processes, each process working through its quota of the total independently. In summary, this work has a lot of easy parallelism.
Assuming that I can acquire the best NVIDIA consumer graphics card (say Titan), what is the ballpark improvement in the physics engine performance I can see by switching from Bullet on CPU to Physx on GPU? That is, approximately how much faster will this application run if rewritten for Physx?
I found a few papers that compare the result quality between Bullet and Physx, but could not find anything about the performance comparison.
Pierre Terdimann has done an extensive series of performance comparisons between Bullet 2.81 and PhysX 2.8.4, 3.2 and 3.3 here. These are comparisons between Bullet and PhysX, both running on CPU. It can be seen that the performance difference between the two is dependent on what features of the engine are being used. For a few features, the performance is about the same, while for most others there is a 3-5x speedup.
He also mentions in the addendum that not all physics features have been ported to PhysX on GPU. Cloth and particles can be accelerated on GPU, while rigid bodies is being currently ported to GPU, in a feature called GPU Rigid Bodies (GRB). If there is a feature that is GPU accelerated, then you can expect it to be faster than on CPU, but by how much is not clear.
I found this, it's not a comparison against any specific CPU physics engine but one hopes they are comparing like with like and running PhysX on the CPU.
So it's rather unspecific and from a FAQ by the makers of PhysX so take with a pinch of salt.
From here:
Running PhysX on a mid-to-high-end GeForce GPU will enable 10-20 times
more effects and visual fidelity than physics running on a high-end
Lets say physx is doing particle interactions such as gravity of fluid movement. Then the cache control is very important since they are emberassingly parallel. You cannot directly control your CPU's cache but you can access to cache of titan which makes it maybe 100x faster than a 8-thread cpu.
If it is not so parallel and has many branching and doesnt have exhausting computations then it is around 10x-5x speedup(or whatever bandwidth ratio of graphics ram /main RAM).

CPU Cards for Parallel Computation?

I remember reading some time ago that there were cpu cards for systems to add additional processing power to do mass parallelization. Anyone have any experience on this and any resources to get looking into the hardware and software aspects of the project? Is this technology inferior to a traditional cluster? Is it more power conscious?
There are two cool options. one is the use of GPU's as Mitch mentions. The other is to get a PS/3, which has a multicore Cell processor.
You can also set up multiple inexpensive motherboard PCs and run Linux and Beowulf.
GPGPU is probably the most practical option for an enthusiast. However, DSPs are another option, such as those made by Texas Instruments, Freescale, Analog Devices, and NXP Semiconductors. Granted, most of those are probably targeted more towards industrial users, but you might look into the Storm-1 line of DSPs, some of which are supposed to go for as low as $60 a piece.
Another option for data parallelism are Physics Processing Units like the Nvidia (formerly Ageia) PhysX. The most obvious use of these coprocessors are for games, but they're also used for scientific modeling, cryptography, and other vector processing applications.
ClearSpeed Attached Processors are another possibility. These are basically SIMD co-processors designed for HPC applications, so they might be out of your price range, but I'm just guessing here.
All of these suggestions are based around data parallelism since I think that's the area with the most untapped potential. A lot of currently CPU-intensive applications could be performed much faster at much lower clock rates (and using less power) by simply taking advantage of vector processing and more specialized SIMD instruction sets.
Really, most computer users don't need more than an Intel Atom processor for the majority of their casual computing needs: e-mail, browsing the web, and playing music/video. And for the other 10% of computing tasks that actually do require lots of processing power, a general-purpose scalar processor typically isn't the best tool for the job anyway.
Even most people who do have serious processing needs only need it for a narrow range of applications; a physicist doesn't need a PC capable of playing the latest FPS; a sound engineer doesn't need to do scientific modeling or perform statistical analysis; and a graphic designer doesn't need to do digital signal processing. Domain-specific vector processors with highly specialized instruction sets (like modern GPUs for gaming) would be able to handle these tasks much more efficiently than a high power general-purpose CPU.
Cluster computing is no doubt very useful for a lot of high end industrial applications like nuclear research, but I think vector processing has much more practical uses for the average person.
Have you looked at the various GPU Computing options. Nvidia (and probably others) are offering personal supercomputers based around utilising the power of graphics cards.
OpenCL - is an industry wide standard for doing HPC computing across different vendors and processor types, single-core, multi-core, graphics cards, cell, etc... see
The idea is that using a simple code base you can use all spare processing capacity on the machine regardless of type of processor.
Apple has implemented this standard in its next version Mac OS X. There will also be offerings from nVIDIA, ATI, Intel etc.
Mercury Computing offers a Cell Accelerator Board, it's a PCIe card that has a Cell processor, and runs Yellow Dog Linux, or Mercury's flavor of YDL. Fixstars offers a more powerful Cell PCIe board called the GigaAccel. I called up Mercury, they said their board is about $5000 USD, without software. I'd guess the GigaAccel is up to twice as expensive.
I found one of the Mercury boards used, but it didn't come with a power cable, so I haven't been able to use it yet, sadly.