Listing localized files - objective-c

Konichiwa folks,
I'm banging my head over a non-standard procedure to read a bunch of localized xml located in my project.
My purpose is to read recursively all these files in order to feed a coredata sqlite db to create various lang-based versions of the same DB.
In the first place, I've tried an old school technique, like:
NSString *bundleRoot = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSArray *dirContents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:bundleRoot error:nil];
NSArray *onlyXMLs = [dirContents filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"self ENDSWITH '.xml'"]];
for (NSString *tString in onlyXMLs) {
/* stuff */
with no luck at all, because it pops out all the non-localized xmls in my project and nothing more.
so I was wondering if there would be a way to get those damn't localized xmls out there.
thanks in advance.
If u got doubts or questions don't be a stranger, drop me a line.

ok, solved it!
for the ones who are seeking for an answer to the problem, here's the solution:
NSArray *onlyXMLs = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathsForResourcesOfType:#"xml" inDirectory:nil forLocalization:#"English"];
remember that the parameter that carries the desired language
must always be the same of the .plist directory containing the desired files in your project.
so if you've got a English.plist with the stuff you need in it, that must also be the name string to pass (like shown in the above example), otherwise if you're dealing with a en.plist, #"en" shall be the string.
that's it, that's all.


How to take parameters from plist?

I am quite new at Objective-C programming, I was asked to develop a framework that could be implemented in IOS apps. This framework has three methods (that take a model object as an argument) that perform API comsumption and return a message (that takes from response). The problem is that I was asked to store the module parameters in plist, and I don´t have a good clue what this means. I been reading about plist and I know they can store serialized objects. But I really don´t understand what it means to be storing all parameters on this file.
A plist is essentially a dictionary (or NSDictionary) -- with keys and values -- written to a specific file format that iOS expects.
To write a plist file is easy when you do it from Xcode. In Xcode 10.3 you can go to "File" -> "New" --> "File..." and select "Property List" from the types of files you see:
I created a file (as an example) named "SomeFile.plist" and then added a couple keys & values to it:
Now after you get this file included in your new project, you need to read the keys & values back in. Here is a related question that shows you different ways to read the plist / dictionary, such as:
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: #"YourPLIST" ofType: #"plist"];
NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: path];
NSString *name = [dict stringForKey: #"RaphaelName"];

Writing an NSString to a Relative File

I'm getting strange behavior writing NSString and NSData objects to relative file paths. Here's an example:
NSString *string = #"I am a file!";
NSError *error = nil;
NSString *fileName = #"text.txt";
BOOL written = [string writeToFile:fileName atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
if (written) {
NSLog(#"Successfully written to file.");
} else {
NSLog(#"Error: %#", [error localizedDescription]);
When I run this I always get "Successfully written to file.", but the file is never there. Somehow the program thinks it was successful and no error is generated.
What am I doing wrong? (I'm on Mac OS X Lion)
This writes to the current directory. The default current directory when you run something under Xcode 4 is going to be ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<prodDir>/Build/Products/<configuration>. You can override this using a Scheme. When you run a program from the commandline, then the current directory is whatever the current directory was when you ran the program. If you use Finder to launch the app, then the current directory will often be /.
In principle, it's fine to write the current working directory. It's very common to do this in command-line apps. So regarding #craig's comment about writeToFile: expecting an absolute path, I don't think that's really true. It expects and writes to a path. It doesn't care if it's absolute or relative. This is a Foundation class, and is just as useful in a command-line program as a GUI.
But in a GUI app, you should avoid relative paths. In principle, you could set the current directory and then write the file, but this is usually a bad idea in a large program since it's not thread safe (there is only one cwd for the whole program). And GUI apps tend to have somewhat unpredictable current directories, so it doesn't make for a good user experience.
But to the question of why you didn't get an error, it's because it probably successfully wrote it. You just didn't know where to look.
NSFileManager * fm = [NSFileManager new];
NSString * dirPath = [fm currentDirectoryPath];
NSString * absPath = [dirPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"myfile.file"];
[fm release];
keep in mind that currentDirectoryPath reflects your programs working directory until you change it with -changeCurrentDirectoryPath:, the programs working directory can be different depending on how it was launched, and can't be relied upon.
The first parameter to the writeToFile: method (in your example) is a relative path, but you probably want to use an absolute path. Otherwise, the system will place your files relative to the current executable. When you're running inside Xcode, this might not be where you expect them to end up. (As Rob mentioned in his answer, this location is somewhat buried, and can change depending on which version of Xcode you're using.)
If you want to build up a directory path using NSString objects, I would recommend the stringByAppendingPathComponent: method:
NSString *directory = #"/Users/Mikael/Desktop";
NSString *filename = #"MyFile.txt";
NSString *fullPath = [directory stringByAppendingPathComponent:filename];
Note that this method will take care of making sure your slashes are well-formed.

Preferred way of storing data in OS X/Cocoa? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iOS store just a little bit of data
New OS X dev here. I have a modicum of user data I need to store (just paths to recently opened files, really). What is the preferred way of storing these in Cocoa land? I've heard of Core Data before but, as a Windows dev who has encountered tons of APIs from MS like this, does anyone actually use this?
I could just write everything to my own file, of course, but I'd prefer to do things The Right Way(TM).
Any suggestions would be great!
If your application is document based, the list of recently opened files is automatically stored for you. If you need to store them yourself, then I would suggest using NSUserDefaults. It is the most common way to store lightweight information such as preferences and recently used items.
Yes, people do use core data, but it is usually used for more complex data, such as a document with different parts.
See my answer to this thread for five suggestions for storing data. Although that thread covers iOS and therefore Cocoa Touch instead of Cocoa, the answers are all pretty much the same.
Note that the first answer, NSUserDefaults, is meant for saving data like app preferences. That might be most appropriate if the application will always want to load the same set of data; if the data is more like a document, where you might have different sets of data stored in different files, you should use one of the other methods. Writing a property list would probably be simplest in this case:
// store some words in an array and write to a file at pathToFile
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
[array addObjects: #"foo", #"bar", #"baz", nil];
[array writeToFile:pathToFile];
// (later) read contents of the file at pathToFile into a new array
NSArray *words = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:pathToFile];
As for Core Data, yes, many people use it. It's a very nice way to manage persistent objects. However, it sounds like it's way more than you need for just storing a bunch of paths.
As ughoavgfhw mentioned, the NSDocument architecture already takes care of keeping a list of recent documents. (If you look through your Preferences folder, the *.LSSharedFileList.plist preference files hold this data).
If you take a look at those files in Property List Editor or Xcode 4, you'll see the preferred way to store a reference to a file in a persistent manner is to use Alias (or "Bookmark") data. If you're coming from a Windows/*nix background, alias data can keep track of an item even if it's renamed or moved.
If you need to store a list of recent files by yourself, and can require OS X 10.6+, you can use NSUserDefaults, along with the bookmark data functionality found in NSURL.
In your method that opens files, you could do something like this:
NSString * const MDRecentDocumentsKey = #"MDRecentDocuments";
- (void)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFiles:(NSArray *)filenames {
// assume single item
NSURL *URL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[filenames objectAtIndex:0]];
NSMutableArray *recentAppBookmarks =
[[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:MDRecentDocumentsKey]
mutableCopy] autorelease];
// assume 20 item limit
if ([recentAppBookmarks count] + 1 > 20) {
[recentAppBookmarks removeLastObject];
NSData *data = [ bookmarkDataWithOptions:0 includingResourceValuesForKeys:nil
relativeToURL:nil error:NULL];
[recentAppBookmarks insertObject:data atIndex:0];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:recentAppBookmarks
To get the list of recent files at app launch, you could do something like this:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
recentAppURLs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSArray *recentAppBookmarks =
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:MDRecentDocumentsKey];
for (NSData *bookmarkData in recentAppBookmarks) {
NSURL *resolvedURL = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:bookmarkData
relativeToURL:nil bookmarkDataIsStale:NULL error:NULL];
if (resolvedURL) [recentAppURLs addObject:resolvedURL];
Otherwise, if you need compatibility with OS X 10.5 and earlier, I posted some categories on NSString in this answer.

Incorporate a text file into the build of my app

I want to incorporate a text file into the "Build" of my program for the iPhone. Other then copying and pasting into the code, how can I do this? I have many data files that I would like to include in the build.
You can use the NSString method stringWithContentsOfFile:encoding:error: to read the contents of any file in your project into an NSString.
Include the file in your project (no copy and paste required). Simply right click on the list of files, select Add, select Existing files, and navigate to the file to include.
Then, in the code where you want to load the file, use
NSString *txtFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"myTxtFile" ofType:#"txt"];
NSString *txtFileContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:txtFilePath encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&error];
However, if you want to have more structure, then you should use a plist to store an NSDictionary.
You can add a .txt file to your application bundle. Please explain more what actually you want to do?
You can use plists to provide prepared data lists in your app. You can read them in with the NSArray function arrayWithContentsOfFile: or the NSDictionary function dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:.

Objective-C pathForResource doesn't find file, returns null

The code i'm using below doesn't seem to find the file i want, can anyone help?
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"iTunes Music Library" ofType:#".xml" inDirectory:#"~/Music/iTunes/"];
NSLog(#"%#", path);
Thanks, Sami.
This is looking inside your bundle, so it would be something like /Applications/My (if "~" there is even legal). You're not looking for a bundle resource here. Why are you making this call to find the path of a file you already know the path to?