Gsql not executing while constructing query - sql

I want to fire an update query , normally using groovy we do something like :
sql.executeUpdate("update MYTABLE l set field1 where = ${}")
The above works perfectly but my problem is that i dont know ahead how many parameters i need to update. So i made a function which returns the
properttoudate1 = value1 , propertytoupdate2 = value2 .. and so on..
Then i modified the above query to
sql.executeUpdate("update MYTABLE l set ${makeQueryString(propertiesToUpdate)} where = ${}")
Now it gives me the error::
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''PROPERTY1 = 1' where = 'PROPERTVALUE1'' at line 1

You need to tell Groovy that the fieldname is a static, and shouldnt be replaced with ? by using Sql.expand:
sql.executeUpdate("update MYTABLE l set ${Sql.expand(makeQueryString(propertiesToUpdate))} where = ${}")


getting error The multi-part identifier "e.EpVisitCount" could not be bound. in sql server

I am working on converting mysql query to sql server, but when i run the query it gives me error The multi-part identifier "e.EpVisitCount" could not be bound. , here i have posted my both query can you please look into it, why it gives me error in sql server ?
Mysql Query(Working Fine) :
tb_EpVisitRange as v left JOIN tb_Episode as e ON (v.company_id = e.CustID) AND (v.CMW = e.CMW)
e.EpVisitCount = If(PayerType='NonEp',0,If(LUPA=1,0,v.High)),
e.VisitAlert = If( e.TotVisits > v.High,1,NULL)
where UploadID = '23'
SQl Query(Getting Error) :
e.EpVisitCount = IIF(PayerType='NonEp',0,IIF(LUPA=1,0,v.High)),
e.VisitAlert = IIF( e.TotVisits > v.High,1,NULL)
FROM tb_EpVisitRange v
JOIN tb_Episode as e ON (v.company_id = e.CustID) AND (v.CMW = e.CMW)
where UploadID = '613'
You seem to want to update e rather than v. So, you might try:
SET EpVisitCount = (CASE WHEN PayerType = 'NonEp' THEN 0
ELSE v.High
VisitAlert = (CASE WHEN e.TotVisits > v.High THEN 1 END)
FROM tb_Episode e JOIN
tb_EpVisitRang v
ON v.company_id = e.CustID AND v.CMW = e.CMW
WHERE UploadID = '613';
The problem appears to be the table alias used for the update.
SQL Server only allows updating one table in a statement. There is no need to qualify the column names for the SET.
Use CASE for conditions. It is the ANSI standard and supported by almost all database.
This is especially true for nested expressions. CASE supports multiple conditions.
You are updating e, so I made that the first table in the FROM clause. I find that logic easier to follow.
You should qualify UploadId.

How can be expressed this Access Query to SQL Server query

I have a database in access but recently moved to SQL server, and I have modified almost all queries but this one :
UPDATE Articulos_Auditoria
INNER JOIN Auditoria ON Articulos_Auditoria.CUD = Auditoria.CUD
SET Articulos_Auditoria.Cortado = 'True'
(((CAST([Fecha] AS DATE)) = CAST(#Fecha AS DATE))
AND ((Auditoria.Terminal) = #term))
I am trying to convert it to SQL Server (since I changed DateValue to a CAST) but intellisense gives me a syntax error near 'INNER'
Can anyone give me some insight?
You have two errors:
You need to define the SET after the UPDATE TableName
You need to define a FROM clause
UPDATE Articulos_Auditoria
SET Cortado = 'True'
FROM Articulos_Auditoria
INNER JOIN Auditoria
ON Articulos_Auditoria.CUD = Auditoria.CUD
WHERE CAST([Fecha] as date)=CAST(#Fecha as date)
AND Auditoria.Terminal=#term
Use the from clause and table aliases:
SET Cortado = 'True'
FROM Articulos_Auditoria aa INNER JOIN
Auditoria a
ON aa.CUD = a.CUD
WHERE CAST([Fecha] as date) = CAST(#Fecha as date) AND (a.Terminal = #term)

Update From clause in SQL Server CE doesn't work , any Solutions?

I've this SQL statement:
UPDATE Movement_Item_Lots
SET Batch_Code = (SELECT WHSS.Batch_Code
FROM WH_Stock_Serials AS WHSS
WHERE WHSS.Item_Code = Movement_Item_Lots.Item_Code
AND WHSS.From_Distribution_Code = Movement_Item_Lots.Distribution_Code
it returns :
There was an error parsing the query.
[ Token line number = 2,Token line offset = 19,Token in error = SELECT ]
I know this is common issue in SQL Server CE that it can't do update from, any workaround for this issue ?
Change to sqlite, if possible, this sql would work... If not possible, you can always divide the statement in your program:
var <- SELECT WHSS.Batch_Code...
UPDATE .. SET Batch_Code = var

Selects in Joins

I have query
SET RepostFlag = 'Y'
,RunListNoRetroPolicyPrepay = ?
,RetroObject = ?
SELECT CustPolicyNo AS CustPolicyNo
,MIN(PremPeriod) AS PremPeriod
FROM TranHead
WHERE RepostFlag = 'Y'
AND PayoutTypeNo = ?
GROUP BY CustPolicyNo
) AS THDToBeReposted ON THD.CustPolicyNo = THDToBeReposted.CustPolicyNo
WHERE THD.RepostFlag = 'N'
AND THD.PremPeriod > THDToBeReposted.PremPeriod
fails in H2 with following message
Table "THD" not found;
I looked at to see if H2 supports selects in join. It appears it does. Maybe I am missing something when looking at the grammar, but it seems to me that the query should work in H2.
Anyone see what is wrong?
I don't believe FROM is allowed in the UPDATE syntax.
You can't update an alias, you need to have the table name specified.
Complementary to other answers, JOIN (just as FROM) is not allowed in UPDATE for H2. It would be allowed in a sub query.
Essentially, stick to the basic syntax:
UPDATE SomeTable as SomeAlias
SET SomeField = ?
WHERE (%GoWild%)
Whether or not you need the alias is up to your where clause.

UPDATE is not allowed because the statement updates view "table_name" which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger

I am getting the following error while executing the following query in an Stored Procedure. Could anyone help in finding the fault?
UPDATE is not allowed because the statement updates view "sup_item" which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger.
name =,
sup_item_cat_id = mc.res_sup_item_cat_id,
xf_value = mc.xf_value,
ava_start_date = mc.ava_start_date,
ava_end_date = mc.ava_end_date,
status_code = mc.status_code,
last_mod_us_id = CASE WHEN mc.last_mod_us_id = 42 THEN #posting_us_id
ELSE mc.last_mod_us_id END,
last_mod_tsp = CURRENT_tsp
FROM sup_item AS si
JOIN merch_cat_imp_sup_item AS mc
ON mc.sup_id = si.sup_id
AND mc.res_sup_item_id = si.sup_item_id
AND mc.cat_imp_event_id = #cat_imp_event_id
AND mc.accept_flag = 'y'
WHERE si.shi_flag = 'n'
I found the reference:
A view with an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger cannot be a target of an
UPDATE with a FROM clause.
So, I have to rewrite the UPDATE statement (it still can be in a procedure) to NOT use sup_item (which is a view), but keep the underlying table(s) as needed.
Could someone please rewrite it, if anyone knows what to do?
You can use MERGE to achieve this. Try:
MERGE INTO sup_item si
USING merch_cat_imp_sup_item AS mc
ON mc.sup_id = si.sup_id
AND mc.res_sup_item_id = si.sup_item_id
AND mc.cat_imp_event_id = #cat_imp_event_id
AND mc.accept_flag = 'y'
AND si.shi_flag = 'n'
name =,
sup_item_cat_id = mc.res_sup_item_cat_id,
xf_value = mc.xf_value,
ava_start_date = mc.ava_start_date,
ava_end_date = mc.ava_end_date,
status_code = mc.status_code,
last_mod_us_id = CASE WHEN mc.last_mod_us_id = 42 THEN #posting_us_id
ELSE mc.last_mod_us_id END,
last_mod_tsp = CURRENT_tsp
The issue is not within your query. As per comments on your question, the entity you are updating [sup_item], isn't actually a table, it's a view. That view has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger on it.
Are you able to post the SQL for the View and for the Trigger(s)?
I would also be interested, because I have a stored procedure in a database that I have inherited which tries to do this. It won't let me create the sproc in SQL 2014, but the fact that it is there in the sproc indicates to me that an earlier version of SQL server must have allowed this.
Maybe in earlier versions your procedure operated on a table, which was later replaced by a view.
You should replace your "update from" syntax by standard ANSI syntax of update.