iOS 5: Can I have my app "In Notification Center" by default? - notifications

I have an iPad app in the App Store whose logic relies largely on local notifications. In other words, much that happens inside the app is triggered by the delegate method application didReceiveLocalNotification.
With today's release of iOS 5, I see that apps can be placed (via Settings) either "In Notification Center" or "Not In Notification Center." I haven't found anything in the new documentation so far, but I'm hoping there is a way to have my app "In Notification Center" by default, (and possibly even set Sounds active and the notification type to Alert) which would save me having to explicitly explain to new users that after they download & install my app, they will have to manually go and elect for the app to be "In Notification Center."
Anyone know if this is possible? Seems that since an app can register a local notification, it should be able to receive it, by default (whether it displays an alert or an item in the new Notification Center, or not). Thanks in advance.

I've encountered the same problem. The only clue I saw in documentation is that the new Notification Center handles both local and remote notifications. Therefor I assumed that the app should register for local as it would for remote notification. Added this piece of code -
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: (UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound)];
and after my app scheduled a local notification it appeared at the "In Notification Center".
BUT it seems to have no affect if my app already appears in "Not In Notification Center".. So have all of my customers that ran the app before the next update got screwed?

Currently it seems not.
I'm in a similar situation. I'd love to be wrong about this but I've found no mention of any such API (for specifying that a local-notification using app should appear in notification center by default) in any of the places I'd expect it to be:
Local and Push Notification guide
UIApplication class reference
UIKit Info PList keys
UIApplicationDelegate Protocol reference


Expo/React Native : A Continuous Alarm or Sound Notification (like receiving a call ) triggered by remote server

I am using Expo to build an app that will pop up a notification with custom sound and vibration when triggered remotely. The alarm/vibration would play until its dismissed by the user or it times out (say after 1-2 mins) .
Example use case would be when a partner needs my immediate help with baby, they can press a button the app and that would send signal to backend server which would then trigger the notification with alarm on the app at the other end. When the notification is dismissed, an acknowledgement message is sent with Yes or No type message. If the notification times out, then another message is sent like "no response".
Key point to note is that when the app is fully closed, the notification should still be able to pop up.
From my limited understanding , expo notification or push notifications in general cannot achieve this as they don't allow us to create notifications that directly open the app. Even a solution which works like phone or video calling apps (which open when someone calls you ) could work.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks!
I looked up expo push notifications but they are limited in terms of customising the notifications.

how to interact with "Reminder me" in CallKit like whatsapp

My App is compatible with CallKit after iOS 10.0. However, I meet with a problem:
When there is an incoming call, I just click the "reminder me" button,
then, I open the system app "Reminders", there will be one record of my app call, But how can I set my app icon here and make the icon clickable to call the other, just like “whatsapp” shows~
I was having the same issue and solved it by letting iOS now my app can make calls. I did this adding the 'NSUserActivityTypes' array to the info plist file with with these entries: 'INStartAudioCallIntent' and 'INStartVideoCallIntent'.
This is how it looks like:
With this, iOS started showing my app icon in the Reminders app. After that you can implement in your app delegate the -application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler: (or in Swift, application(_:continue:restorationHandler:)) method to handle the received action and start a call.

How to open the apple app store internally using a modal segue

I am currently making an app that recommends other apps to download on the apple app store. I assumed that the only way for users to download these linked apps was to call the iTunes URL of the particular app -> the apple app store would then open pushing the original calling app into the background -> then the user would press the download button here as per normal.
Then I was playing with the app "App Hero" and they do something I thought wasn't possible. You can actually download another app to your device without ever leaving the "App Hero" application. I thought this was impossible due to sandboxing. They have a modal segue to what appears to be an embedded app store where you can commence installation of another app. This "embedded" app store doesn't have the usual UITabBar running along the bottom but everything else is basically the same.
Does anyone have any idea how they would have achieved this? It doesn't appear to be a UIWebView, perhaps I am wrong. And is this against any of the apple regulations?
*This is no way an advertisement for "App Hero". I am genuinely impressed/confused how they are able to do this and would love this functionality in my own app if it is allowed.
The class you are looking for is called SKStoreProductViewController. Docs here.

ToastNotification during Quiet Time

I have developed a desktop application which displays ToastNotifications while the user is in Metro Mode. When clicked it will bring the user back to the desktop mode where a standard desktop notification is presented.
This all works fine except when Windows is in QUNS_QUIET_TIME. The desktop notifications do not get displayed as expected, but the ToastNotfications still get displayed. My client wishes for the ToastNotifications to not display during Quiet Time.
The code calls SHQueryUserNotificationState which returns a QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE enumeration. The provided link says the following:
Note that during quiet time, if the user is in one of the other blocked modes (QUNS_NOT_PRESENT, QUNS_BUSY, QUNS_PRESENTATION_MODE, or QUNS_RUNNING_D3D_FULL_SCREEN) SHQueryUserNotificationState returns only that value, and does not report QUNS_QUIET_TIME.
This is what I am experiencing. The call to SHQueryUserNotificationState is returning QUNS_APP (A Windows Store app is running.) and not QUNS_QUIET_TIME.
Does anyone know of another way to determine if QUNS_QUIET_TIME is in effect or a way to force the toast to respect quiet time?
Desktop notifications use different settings than toast notifications. You can find toast notification settings here. When a user sets notifications to one hour from Windows 8 Settings | Notifications, the app will not be able set toast notification. Try the example "sending toast notifications from a desktop" here (either C++ code or C# code).

iOS 5 remote notification when launching app from dashboard

since iOS 5, notifications are no more intrusive as previous. This is nice, but it seems that users prefer to tap directly on app icon from the Dashboard instead of the (small) banner area or notification center.
In such case, my app cannot get payload from notifications.. Even the 'application didReceiveRemoteNotification' method is not able to get the notification.
Has anyone got the same issue? Do you have any advice?
The intention of the push payload is just to display something useful/informative to the user in the alert. Not to actually send data to your app.
So you will need your own web service to provide the data your app needs. Your app should refresh/sync to that service when it launches to get the data.
Example: Instagram. It can push notify you that someone commented on your photo. But it's not actually sending the comment data in the push to display in the app. The comment data is downloaded when you launch Instagram and attempt to view the comment.