Storing "Time" in database- What to use DateTime/Interger/VarChar - sql-server-2005

I want to save Date and Time of the user on various activities performed. For date I have decided to use DateTime Column in Database and for Time I am in dilemma what datatype to go for.
I know in sql server 2008 Time datatype has been introduced but I am using older version i.e. Sql Server 2005 so I need your suggest to prove my understanding true or false.
I have seen people using varchar or DateTime for storing time into database. But I am looking towards usage of Integer datatype.
Reason for my selection is performance.
Following is the justification that I am giving to myself.
Any data saved into database must agree following rules
Date will be stored in format mm/dd/yyyy hh:MM:ss where hh:MM:ss will always be 00:00:00
Time will be stored in valid format (from hh:MM:ss as hhMMss)
if hh is 00
then MMss
and if MM is 00
then ss
and if ss is 00
then 0
hh will range in between 0-23
MM will range in between 0-59
ss will range in between 0-59
i.e. few examples
00:00:00 = 0
00:01:00 = 100
01:00:00 = 10000
13:00:00 = 130000
Personal thought why it will perform better.
SELECT * FROM Log WHERE loginDate = '05/23/2011'
AND loginTime BETWEEN 0 AND 235959 --Integer Comparison
When using JOINS on the basis of DateTime considering join for Date part only.
JOIN two tables on the basis of Common Dates irrespective of Time.I think Type Conversion would heavily impact in such cases if using DateTime as the storage datatype.
Since Sql will have to do an integer comparison and no typecasting would be required hence it should perform better.
One drawback I just identified is when I want to get the difference between two times that how much time has been spent between 3 days, hopefully then it would become a nightmare to manage throughout the application.

So why do you need 2 columns. If the DateTime column (loginDate) has an empty time 00:00:00 why not just use that empty space for loginTime and have one column.
WHERE loginDate >= '05/23/2011' AND loginDate < '05/24/2011'
If you're intent on using an integer, there's nothing wrong with it.

Bearing your edit in mind, your ideal solution is to put both date and time in the same column, a DATETIME:
You can then trivially figure the difference between start and end times with DATEDIFF
You can easily establish just the date portion with CONVERT(varchar(10), loginDate, 101)
You can easily establish just the time portion with CONVERT(varchar(10), loginDate, 108)
Storage issues might be resolved by using SMALLDATETIME, if precision < 1minute isn't required. SMALLDATETIME requires four bytes per column, which is the same as INTEGER, so you're making a significant net gain over using two columns.


Calculate time difference in SQL

We have two columns in SQL. one is total_work_time & next is total_exeption_time & both column data type is varchar
total_work_time value is 07:15:00
total_exeption_time value is 01:15:00
So I need to subtract total_work_time - total_exeption_time and the result will be 06:00:00.
I have tried with concat(DATEDIFF(HOUR,total_exeption_time,total_work_time),':', DATEDIFF(MINUTE,total_exeption_time,total_work_time))
But the result is 6:360. from this, 360 is the problem, it taken total minutes. I need the result structure like 06:00:00. How to fix this issue using SQL Server.
You should be storing time values in a TIME datatype - using the correct datatype is not only a best practice but will reduce the problems you face in future.
You can convert your VARCHAR values to TIME and then use the following calculation which takes the difference in seconds (your lowest unit of interest one assumes) and creates a new TIME result.
DECLARE #total_work_time TIME = '07:15:00', #total_exeption_time TIME = '01:15:00';
SELECT CONVERT(TIME, DATEADD(SECOND, DATEDIFF(SECOND, #total_exeption_time, #total_work_time), '00:00'));

Convert to datetime in SQL Server

I have a simple SQL statement
select convert(datetime, '1/1/2018')
when I look at the output of it I see it is getting converted to 2018-01-01 00:00:00.000. Is it possible in the time section it gets the end of day time rather than the beginning of day?
I am using this to fetch data based on the converted date and it fails to retrieve this record 1/1/2018 15:10:43 because of the time thing.
Any suggestions?
Looks like I can do SELECT DATEADD(ms, -3, '5/31/2018') + 1 to solve my issue..Got the idea from Here
When I look at the output of it I see it is getting converted to
2018-01-31 00:00:00.000
I can't reproduce your result. select convert(datetime,'1/1/2018') doesn't return Jan 31st. It returns Jan 1st.
I am using this to fetch data based on the converted date and it fails
to retrieve this record 1/1/2018 15:10:43 because of the time thing
Since you are converting it to a DATETIME, it gets a time of 00:00:00 which is midnight. Thus, it fails to retrieve anything after midnight, like 15:10 on the same day. The easiest thing is to make your operator < the next day... so you don't have to account for hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds...
where fetch < '20180102'
Notice I didn't use convert since SQL Server will handle that for us, but feel free to add it if it makes it clearer for you.
where fetch < convert(datetime,'20180102')
Also note that I used ANSI standars of YYYYMMDD. Other methods, which will cause issues when you use DATETIME2 or want a more precise measurement, is to add seconds to your date and use <=.
select dateadd(second,86399,convert(datetime,'20180101'))
Notice this has milliseconds of 000 though, so this can creep up on you later which is why I suggest using the next day.
For milliseconds...
select dateadd(millisecond,86399999,convert(datetime2,'20180101'))
If you are going to use a converted datetime to compare you need to be aware that it will always receive a time of 00:00:00.000. This will cause anything on that given date but with a greater time to be excluded from your results set.
To solve this issue you need to set the time on the field you are searching on to match. The code below will make every result in your datetime field have a time of 00:00:00.000, the same as your converted date.
(DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, my_col)

Parse time strings with different formats and compare them

I am running a query between several tables and I am running into an issue between comparing two time columns on separate tables: "rc1_time" is in a string format and "osemplog_time" is in a time format. both are time only with no date
rc1_time's contents look like this '10560684' which corresponds to HH24MISSMS
osemplog_time's contents look like 07:57:02.917455
how do I format the rc1_time into a "time format" with no date?
what are some options for comparing the two times?
I am newbie at this exposition on your answers would be welcome
below is my query
INNER JOIN "public".employee_log ON "public".receipt.rc1_date = "public".employee_log.osemplog_logdate
INNER JOIN "public".payroll_master ON "public".payroll_master.prm1_oe_init = "public".receipt.rc1_init
INNER JOIN "public".oslogname ON "public".oslogname.lognm_empname = "public".payroll_master.prm1_name AND "public".oslogname.lognm_name = "public".employee_log.osemplog_logname
"public".receipt.rc1_code = 'CA'
"public".employee_log.osemplog_logdate = "public".receipt.rc1_date
"public".receipt.rc1_init ASC
Question as stated
You can represent a time without a date using the time data type. To convert a string from a given format into one, you can go through the to_timestamp function and then cast to time:
SELECT to_timestamp('10560684', 'HH24MISSUS')::time;
SELECT to_timestamp('07:57:02.917455', 'HH24:MI:SS.US')::time;
The basic idea is that you parse the time string using to_timestamp. The resulting timestamp will have a default date, and casting to time will remove the date, leaving only the parsed out time portion.
Your hours are in 24-hour clock format (13-23 for 1 PM to 11 PM and 00 for midnight). If they are not 24 hour times, then you are missing the AM/PM designation and will need to sort that out.
The second "SS" you mention in your first pattern is actually a fractional part of seconds. If not, you'll need to adjust the pattern. If you don't care about the fractional seconds, you might consider just leaving the US and the .US off entirely and working only at the seconds level. Note that US interprets 84 to be 0.84 seconds, not actually 84 microseconds (0.000084 seconds).
Ultimately, you will need to either provide much more precise details about the format or figure out the correct format string yourself. Rather than worry about those details, I've tried to exemplify the general mechanism and leave those to you.
Comparison is then trivial. You just use PostgreSQL's operators (<, >, =, etc.):
SELECT to_timestamp('07:57:02.917455', 'HH24:MI:SS.US')::time < to_timestamp('10560684', 'HH24MISSUS')::time;
Other considerations
Be aware of time zone issues if you are working across them. You'll want to look at timetz (short form of time with time zone) or timestamptz (short form of timestamp with time zone) if you need to deal with time zones. Generally, I would recommend including time zone handling up front in case it becomes a problem later.
In this case, why not build a complete timestamp? You already have the dates: "public".receipt.rc1_date and "public".employee_log.osemplog_logdate.
You don't specify the data types, but whatever the forms of those are, it should be possible. For example, if they are actual date objects, then:
SELECT to_timestamp(to_char("public".receipt.rc1_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD')||' '||"public".receipt.rc1_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24MISSMS');
If they are strings of the form 'YYYY-MM-DD', then:
SELECT to_timestamp("public".receipt.rc1_date||' '||"public".receipt.rc1_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24MISSMS');
And so on. Now you have a real timestamp, which makes simple great/less than comparison much, much easier.
In my experience, it's extremely rare that you actually want to test time stamps with fractional second precision for equality. You might want a more tolerant equality check, something like SELECT t1 - t2 < interval '5 seconds', but this is really up to the application.

SQL Server DateTime2(0) vs Date

What are the implications of using SQL Server's DateTime2 with a precision of 0 to represent a date rather than the built in Date field.
In either case, my concern is to prevent accidental time entries, but are there storage or performance considerations I should take note of?
DateTime2(0) will store datetime with no decimal values i.e YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
RESULT: 2015-04-06 20:47:17
Storing data just as dates will only store dates i.e YYYY-MM-DD without any time values.
RESULT: 2015-04-06
If you are only interested in dates then use DATE data type.
DATETIME2 will use 6 bytes for precisions less than 3 and DATE will use 3 bytes.
Date is half the size of DATETIME(0) hence it will also perform better since sql server will process less data and will save disk space as well.
It won't work. According to MSDN the minimum size of Datetime2 is six bytes and will contain hh:mm:ss so it can, and will, contain a time component (default of midnight). As other responders have noted you must use a date type to guarantee that not time portion is saved and will occupy three bytes.
Just a reminder which I ran into myself when I converted a couple of DATETIME2(0) columns to DATE to make sure it aligned better with the value in the column (date only).
When using DATE you cannot use things like SELECT MyDate + 1 FROM.. or WHERE MyDate>0 while when using DATETIME2 you can, at least not in MS-SQL. Ofcourse IMHO it doesn't make any sense why DATETIME2 will allow you to do it and DATE not.

Converting NVARCHAR to DateTime with Inconsistent Data (SQL Server 2014 Express)

Have a scenario where I need to convert a NVARCHAR column containing time in hh:mm:ss format to a DateTime column for better filtering.
One of the dilemmas is that I don't really have a date, and as far as I know SQL does not have a Time datatype, but I can convert all to '1900-01-01' and append the time portion - I'm fine with this, I will just use the '1900-00-00' during my comparison.
The bigger issue is that the time data I'm converting has hour values going up to 27 hrs (according to them there's more then 24 hrs in a day). So there are values ie: 24:17, 26:25, etc..
To convert to datetime I'd have to do a little cleansing/string.replace first ie: 24:17 -> 00:17; 02:25, etc.
But before I dive in to that, any other more elegant way of dealing with this in SQL?
Using SQL Server 2014 Express .