iOS bring up WiFi authentication sheet - objective-c

I'm having a problem with my iPad app not bringing up the WiFi authentication when it tries to access the network. When I first open the app and need to connect the panel will show, however if I lock the iPad and come back to it after the WiFi login session has timed out, the panel doesn't display.
Is this something I need to be coding for? My understanding was the panel came up automatically whenever you tried to use the network.

I don't think you can code for it. Probably the user needs to toggle the wifi connection (switch it off and on) to get iOS to reconnect.


React Native - Keep app running when it's killed or closed

this question may seem duplicate, but I've searched a lot, but could not find any appropriate solution.
I need my socket connection to not break when user kills/closes app. It works when user presses the home button and apps goes to background. But connection breaks when user kills or closes the app. I need behavior like how chat apps like whatsapp literally work. So when I close the whatsapp, I can still receive new messages.
If anyone has found any solution for this, please share.
Thank you.
Your Socket connection should run as a background task and continuously listen to stream of message events even when the app close then you can push notifications to notify the user. provide an abstract layer for both iOS and Android

How to Handle iOS Settings if App Uses the Network?

I have an app, in which the user can initiate a short, asynchronous download to access data on the internet, and then the app displays that data. The app is not yet released, but I have tested it on both simulator and several physical devices. On none of them, however, I can locate the app inside the settings menu where I could, for instance, restrict its network access to WiFi only, etc.
I assumed that if my app accesses the internet, it would automatically appear in the settings menu, but apparently it is not so. Am I doing something wrong? What is the process to allow the user to access such basic settings?
I use XCode 10.3, and probram in Objective-C.
If the problem is that there's not a settings entry for your app, please keep in mind that sometimes, in order for an app to be registered, you may need to close your app and the settings app and try opening it again.
If the problem is that you don't see the standard settings for location services, cellular data etc, then you may find maddy's answer here to be helpful: Why is my iOS app forcing a Settings Bundle might be helpful.
Copying the relevant part from this answer:
The iOS 8+ settings page appears […] if the app does any of the
Attempts to access data via a cellular network
Various privacy data
Photo library
Background data fetch
A settings page may not appear for an app if none of these conditions
have yet been met.

How can I register my WP device in dev account?

I have trouble with registration WP8.1 device to developer account. My account is active. Device early was active, but I reset phone (Nokia 620) and after that Developer tools don't active this phone.
In list (in dev acc) this phone was remove.
after I press "register" show this window:
and that's all. Second window close after few seconds and register process don't finish. Please help :)
Make sure your computer have internet connection. I had similar issue when network proxy was configured incorrectly .
Also try after clearing internet explorer cached content (history,password,cookies etc.)

Opening wifi setting in IOS7

I'm testing a feature
that when I can't get wifi connection
I will show a alert view and a button to go to system wifi setting
I know that in IOS6.0 this can't be done
but today I downloaded google map with my Iphone 5(IOS 7.0.6)
If I didn't have Wifi and 3g it will pop out a view
and if I press setting I can go to wifi setting
So I think this feature can be done in IOS 7
Can anyone tell me how to do this??
And Sorry about my poor English!!
No this is not possible, the dialog you are seeing is system dialog saying that if you turn on WiFi you will get a better location fix. As a developer you have no control over these dialogs.

ios: How to display "choose wireless connection" popup?

If there is no internet connection and you start for example the safari app with Ipad or Iphone, a popup appears saying: "Choose wireless network"
Is there a way to force this popup to show up in my app when I want to?
The problem is, I have a button in my app which connects the user to facebook. After pressing the button the safari browser opens and shows the facebook authorization page. If there is no internet connection this popup appears, but there is no way to turn back to the app from there. So currently I check internet connection before allowing this authorization page to appear, but I also want to show this popup.
It will show up automatically if your app tries to access internet-based resource and there's no wifi connection established but there is a wifi access point nearby.
This dialog appears automatically if you have "Application uses Wi-Fi" set to YES in your ...-Info.plist and if there is no connection.
This is not possible. The pop-up you have seen before is in Settings -> Wi-Fi -> Ask to Join Networks -> ON/OFF
Setting this to ON allows the OS to prompt the user to join a Wi-Fi network if it finds any in reach and you are not currently connected to one.
Apps cannot show this prompt, it's a system-level prompt.