Alternative to Apache Tribes for Clustering of Axis2 Servers? - axis2

Currently i am searching for possible Clustering technologies usable by Apache Axis2 servers. I know that WSO2 Platform uses Apache Tribes for their Servers which are based on Axis2? I want to know if there is an alternative to Apache Tribes for Clustering?

We actually also tried JGroups .. but AFAIK, it did not workout very well.
Are you guys are hitting a problem with Tribes based implementation? Within WSO2 platform, tribes has worked out very well.

We are also looking into the possibility of writing a ZooKeeper based clustering implementation.


Tomcat cluster with no serializable object

I have set up Tomcat cluster, behiind Apache Httpd server, with 2 nodes. I read the Tomcat documentation at Tomcat cluster how to and the first requirement is:"All your session attributes must implement". I've done and session replication, failover mechanism seems to work. Now I'm using a framework for Web app develop and it seems that the object classes that are stored in the session don't implement Serializable. I'm looking for a workaround to solve this problem in the simplier manner. I've read a lot of questions/answer but not solution so far. Any idea? Tomcat version 7.0.76. Thank you.

JVM Level Clustering in Netty Server 4.0

This is my first question in this forum, so kindly forgive me for my mistakes.
Now, my query is regarding clustering in Netty Server 4.0.
We have one solution which was designed and developed in Netty Server. That time it was using multiple instances in a way so that clients were not effected if the sessions are not shared among them.
Now, in a different project while using the same solution we have come across a situation where we need to share and synchronized the JVM within multiple instances. Since, netty itself does not support JVM level clustering we are looking for a framework which will support Netty to run in cluster mode.
We are not supposed to put lot of efforts in re-writing the Netty Server code and other business login as it is serving the same purpose but we are looking for a configuration based framework to support clustering with Netty Server.
Some configuration based tutorial are really appreciated.
Thanks in advance and looking forward for responses.

How to cluster Spark java framework?

How can I cluster web server based on Spark?
I can't find anything about clustering in their documentation, but maybe there are some third-party tools?
I will use nginx load balancing to cluster Spark.

Using Akka to load balance HTTP SOAP request between multiple backend servers

I am working on a project which has following requirements:
Perform sticky based load balancing(based on SOAP session ID) onto multiple backend servers.
Possibility to plugin my own custom based load balancer.
Easy to write and deploy.
A central configuration file(Possibly an XML), to take care of all the backend servers.
Easy extraction of a node from this configuration file(Possibly with xpath).
I tried working with camel for a while but, wasn't able to do perform certain task with it.
So thought of giving a try to Akka.
Will akka be possibly able to satisfy the above requirements?
If so is there a load balancing example in akka or proxy example?
Would really appreciate some feedbacks.
You can do everything you've described with Akka.
You don't mention what language you're working with, Scala or Java. I've included links to the Scala documentation.
Before you do anything with Akka you HAVE TO read the documentation and understand how Akka works.
Doing so, you'll find Akka is perfect for the project you've described with some minor caveats.
Once you read the documentation the following answers should make a lot of sense.
Perform sticky based load balancing(based on SOAP session ID) onto multiple backend servers.
Load balancing is already part of the framework (it's called Routing in Akka and Remoting ( will take care of the backend servers. You can easily combine the two.
To my knowledge the idea of sticky load balancing is not a part of Akka but I can envision this being accomplished with a Map using the session ID as the key and the Actor name (or path) as the value. A quick actorFor will take care of the rest. Not well thought out but should give you a good idea of where to start.
Possibility to plugin my own custom based load balancer.
Refer to the Routing documentation.
Easy to write and deploy.
This depends on your aptitude and effort but after you read certain parts of the documentation you should be build a proof of concept in a couple of hours.
Deployment can be a bit frustrating mostly because the documentation isn't really great with respect to deploying Akka networks with remote components. However, there are enough examples on the web that you can figure out how to get it done...eventually. Once you do it once it's no big deal.
A central configuration file(Possibly an XML), to take care of all the backend servers.
Akka uses Typesafe Config ( which is a lot easier to work with than XML (but I hate XML so take that with a grain of salt). As far as a central configuration, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish but it sounds like something that can be solved using remote actor creation. Again, see the Remoting documentation.
Easy extraction of a node from this configuration file(Possibly with xpath).
Akka provides a lookup method .actorFor. There's no need to go to the configuration file once the system is up and running.
If so is there a load balancing example in akka or proxy example?
Google is your friend.

DOSGI Support in Glassfish

I am using OSGI with Glassfish 3.0.1.We use Jersey REST as the resource layer. We have lots of osgi services. we are planning to decouple them & deploy it in a cloud. One way we do this is by doing a http REST call. But we would like to do service to service call at the api level. One way to do this is by using DOSGI. But Glassfish 3.0.1 doesn't seem to support DOSGI. Any other suggestions?
I believe that Glassfish contains Apache Felix, which is a fully compliant OSGi Framework. Therefore you do not need explicit support from Glassfish in order to use a set of bundles that provide Remote Services (the name "DOSGI" is now deprecated). Indeed, this is kind of the point of OSGi!
Anyway the next obvious question is which Remote Services implementation to choose. I would advise you NOT to use CXF since it is too buggy and unmaintained. That leaves Eclipse ECF or Paremus RSA.
(Disclaimer: the Paremus implementation is commercial and I work for Paremus).