Adding name value with link_to - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm using a link_to to create an object in my Rails 3 app. Searching has given me the proper way to use link_to with the :post method, but I'm wondering if using link_to to pass in a name value for my object as well. Here is my link:
<%= link_to "Todo text", {:controller => "profiles", :action => "create_inside", :method => :post}, :class => "button white" %>
My profiles_controller.rb:
def create_inside
#todo =!
redirect_to #profile.todo, :notice => 'Todo successfully added.'
render :action => 'new'
My todo.rb model:
class Todo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :profiles
validates :name, :presence => true
Is there a way to add in :name => "#{#user.profile.todotext}" to the link_to so that it passes and saves? I don't know if it's creating properly because at the moment when I click a link_to I get a validation error - Validation failed: Name can't be blank.

For passing name in the link_to
<%= link_to "Todo text", {:controller => "profiles", :action => "create_inside", :name => "#{#user.profile.todotext}", :method => :post}, :class => "button white" %>
and the controller must be
def create_inside
#todo = => params[:name])
redirect_to #todo.goal, :notice => 'Todo successfully added.'
render :action => 'new'
But the link_to will pass the name parameter in url only(like Todo text).
If you want the name not to be sent in the url, you might want to use a form and use a submit button instead of the link as it is representing an action and not a link.
<%= form_tag(:controller => "profile", :action => "create_profile") do -%>
<%= hidden_field_tag :name, #user.profile.todotext %>
<%= submit_tag "Todo Text" %>
<% end -%>


Routes error on nested controller when submitting form, databasedotcom-gem

I am using the databasedotcom & databasedotcom-rails gem so that I get generate leads into Salesforce from form submissions. It was working standalone until I nested the controller under a parent, and now when I press submit I get this routes error:
No route matches [POST] "/events/516ee9a0421aa9c44e000001/leads/new"
Here is all my code:
resources :events do
resources :leads
class LeadsController < ApplicationController
include Databasedotcom::Rails::Controller
def new
#lead =
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.json { render :json => #lead }
def create
#lead =[:lead])
#lead.event_id = params[:event_id]
#lead['OwnerId'] = '005b0000000WxqE'
#lead['IsConverted'] = false
#lead['IsUnreadByOwner'] = false
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to #lead, :notice => 'Lead was successfully created.' }
format.json { render :json => #lead, :status => :created, :location => #lead }
format.html { render :action => "new" }
format.json { render :json => #lead.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
<%= simple_form_for [#event, #lead], url: new_event_lead_path do |f| %>
<%= f.input :Download_Brochure__c, :check => "true", :as => :boolean, :as => :hidden %>
<%= f.input :FirstName %>
<%= f.input :LastName %>
<%= f.input :Company %>
<p>Also interested in:</p>
<%= f.input :Sponsor_Request__c, :as => :boolean, :label => "Sponsoring" %>
<%= f.input :Presenting__c, :as => :boolean, :label => "Presenting" %>
<%= f.input :Newsletter_Signup__c, :as => :boolean, :label => "Newletter" %>
<%= f.input :Privacy_Policy__c, :as => :boolean, :checked => true, :label => "Would you like to stay updated" %>
<%= f.button :submit, :label => "Submit" %>
<% end %>
The problem is in your form. With the routes as you have written them, the new_event_lead_path maps to a GET request to your LeadsController#new action. Run rake routes on the command line to confirm this.
You want to submit the form to LeadsController#create. Rails will set this up for you when you use a new instance of Lead in the expression simple_form_for [#event, #lead] provided you don't override the url. Therefore, update your form:
<%= simple_form_for [#event, #lead] do |f| %>

How pass variable submitted in form into 'new' action

I am trying to send a message to another user. But when I leave a field blank, the controller renders another 'new' action.
Here is the view code that links to the first submit:
<%= link_to 'Send Mail', {:controller => 'messages', :action => 'new', :recipient_id =>}, :class => 'btn btn-large btn-primary' %>
Here is the message#new code:
def new
#message =
#recipient = Profile.find(params[:recipient_id])
Here is the message#new view code:
<%= simple_form_for #message do |f| %>
<%= f.input :title %>
<%= f.input :body %>
<%= f.input :recipient_id, :as => :hidden, :input_html => {:value =>} %>
<%= f.input :sender_id, :as => :hidden, :input_html => {:value =>} %>
<%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>
Here is the message#create code:
def create
#message =[:message])
flash[:notice] = "New message created"
redirect_to #message
flash[:error] = "Did not work"
#recipient = params[:recipient_id]
render action: "new"
How do I get the :recipient_id value submitted in the form and pass into the render new action?
When you rendering new method rails won't execute it codes instead it only renders the view(new.html.erb) of the new action and you already generating
a recipient_id which is enough for your form to pass the parameter
Try this
def create
#message =[:message])
flash[:notice] = "New message created"
redirect_to #message
flash[:error] = "Did not work"
#recipient = Profile.find(params[:message][:recipient_id])
render action: "new"
When rendering the new action we have to create the instances manually which is used in the view.
Note: If you want generate a new parameter use redirect_to method, where render uses the previous parameters until a new request is generated

Ruby on Rails - Multibutton combined with checkboxes and advanced search

Currently I have the situation that one button is add to the index-form. This workes perfectly in combination with the other functionalties as search and checkboxes which are also part of the index-form.
Code of the index.html.erb:
<%= form_tag order_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<%= submit_tag "Historical Search", :account_short => nil %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>
<% end %>
<%= form_tag sendnext_order_path, :method => :put do %>
<%= submit_tag "Send to Desk" %><br/>
-- other code from index-form
<% end %>
Combined with the controller:
def sendnext
Order.update_all(["status_id = ? ", "2"], :id => params[:order_ids])
redirect_to order_path, notice: 'Order succesfully send to desk.'
Now I want to add a second button next to the Send to Desk button with another action than the excisting working one. Until now I'm not capable to realise this.
Please advice. Any feedback is welcome.
Use button_to
<%= button_to('Send to Desk', 'sendnext', :method => "put") %>
<%= button_to('Cancel Order', 'cancelorder ', :method => "put") %>
Will take care of the form for you. submit_tag is submitting the first form I believe.
For example
<%= button_to "New", :action => "new" %>
will generate
# => "<form method="post" action="/controller/new" class="button_to">
# <div><input value="New" type="submit" /></div>
# </form>"
Thanks for your help. I have found a working solution which realised my current requirements:
The index.html.erb looks like the following:
<%= form_tag updateorder_order_path, :method => :put do %>
<%= submit_tag "To Desk" %><br/>
<%= submit_tag "Cancel Order" %>
-- other code like data fields
<%end %>
The controller.rb looks like the following:
def updateorder
if params[:commit] == "To Desk"
Order.update_all(["status_id = ? ", "2"], :id => params[:order_ids])
redirect_to order_path, notice: 'Order(s) successfully send to desk.'
elsif params[:commit] == "Cancel Order"
Order.update_all(["status_id = ? ", "3"], :id => params[:order_ids])
redirect_to order_path, notice: 'Order(s) successfully cancelled.'
Order.update_all(["status_id = ? ", "5"], :id => params[:order_ids])
redirect_to order_path, notice: 'Order(s) successfully updated.'
The routes.rb contains the next code:
resources :orders do
put 'updateorder', :on => :collection

Rails 3 Route error - "No Route Matches"

I've been reading over this resource as well as this post to try to understand Routes more (currently learning programming/Rails by doing) but am wondering how I can fix the error I'm getting, which is No route matches {:controller=>"profiles", :action=>"show"}.
I get the error working my way through a Rails 3 sign-up process using nested model forms. The sign-up process, as follows:
user = = ""
user.password = ""
user.profile =
The sign-up process starts at the homepage with the following form:
<%= form_for :user, :url => signup_path, :html => {:id => 'homepage'} do |f| %>
<%= f.fields_for :profile do |f| %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Then the process goes to fill in the profile, then redirect to the new User's profile after this form is completed:
<%= form_for :profile, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
<%= f.fields_for :user do |f| %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I have accepts_nested_attributes_for :user and :profile in their respective models.
My rails server it gives me a bit more detail:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches {:controller=>"", :action=>"show"}):
app/controllers/profiles_controller.rb:15:in `create'
So in my ProfilesController in 'create':
def create
#profile =[:profile])
redirect_to profile_path, :notice => 'User successfully added.'
render :action => 'new'
Seems clear that the issue is in profile_path, so my Routes.rb:
post "/signup" => "profiles#create", :as => "signup"
match "skip/signup", :to => "info#signupskip"
match "skip/profiles/new", :to => "profiles#newskip"
root :to => "users#create"
Can anyone help shed light on what I'm doing wrong/missing in my Routes.rb file?
The redirect path should contain the specific profile to redirect to:
redirect_to profile_path(#profile), :notice => 'User successfully added.'
Also the routes should include this line:
get "/profiles/:id" => "profiles#show", as => "profile"

Form_tag remote in Rails 3 in partial

To become member, A user can use a button to create a membership on the community page. This is made on a partial that create a new "membership"
the memberships_controller :
#community = Community.find(params[:community_id])
#community.memberships.create(:user => current_user, :role => 1)
in The view :
<% form_remote_tag :url => community_memberships_path(#community) do %>
<%= submit_tag 'Join' %>
<% end %>
After upgrading to Rails 3, that doesn't work anymore !
I tried this :
<% form_tag( {:url => community_memberships_path(#community)}, :remote => true) do %>
and this :
<% form_tag :url => {:controller => '/memberships/new', :action => :create,:community_id => #community }, :remote => true do %>
But no chance.. and have this error
No route matches "/communities/2
Thx for help
The URL is the first argument, options are secondary.
<% form_tag(community_memberships_path(#community), :remote => true) do %>
As for your No route matches exception, check you have translated you routes to the Rails 3 syntax correctly.