What is the entry method for WCF service hosted on IIS? - wcf

A little background info -
I'm trying to host a RESTful WCF service on Azure. As I understand, unless I have the ASP.NET type hosting on the role, I don't really need the global.asax class (which has the application_start method).
From basic prototyping, all I needed was the svc file and the implementation behind it and it automatically gets initialized on role startup (I mean, hosted up on IIS).This is great because I need no extra code other than web.config and my service is up and running. I don't need to create a new service host and start listening on it, etc. I'm able to deploy the role and POST messages to my service.
The problem -
I have custom logging and initialization classes implemented that I need to initialize when my service starts up. I configured my service to be a singleton and I'm not sure where I should put my custom initialization components.
Without an explicit application start method and my service configured as a singleton, can I assume that when the first request comes in, my service constructor gets called? (along with all my custom initialization?).

can I assume that when the first request comes in, my service constructor gets called?
Yes, but you should ask yourself whether you really want your service to run as a singleton. If you're happy with this then it will work fine; if you don't want it to run as a singleton then you should look into Russell's answer using a custom factory.
Look at Should WCF service typically be singleton or not? for some discussion about whether WCF services should be singletons. You need to decide for your situation, but generally WCF services are not singletons unless they need to be.
To implement a custom factory, see this MSDN link Extending Hosting Using ServiceHostFactory. As the link describes, extend the service host factory like so
public class DerivedFactory : ServiceHostFactory
public override ServiceHost CreateServiceHost( Type t, Uri[] baseAddresses )
return new ServiceHost(t, baseAddresses )
And then specify your factory in the ServiceHost directive
<% # ServiceHost
Factory="MyNamespace.DerivedFactory" %>

You're looking for ServiceHostFactory. You can add a part to the SVC file to use a factory, where you can do any logging etc. you may need.
I have used this in the past to start a background worker to launch a separate thread for some background work.
Hope this helps you get where you need to be. :)


WCF and container lifetime

I'm sure this is obvious but I haven't been able to find a very specific clean answer to the lifetime of a container in a IIS 7.5 hosted WCF service.
If the container lives in my service code, it would be created on every request unless InstanceContextMode is set to single? (I know bad idea)
If I configure WCF using ServiceHostFactory and IInstanceProvider to use a container to resolve the service object on every call how would the InstanceContextMode work? Wouldn't it depend on the lifetime policy used by the container?
If its a singleton created in the factory is that sufficient such that the container won't reinitialize on every call?
You should host the container in a custom ServiceHostFactory since there's only a single instance of the ServiceHostFactory for a given WCF service.
This ensures that the container itself is a single instance, thus enabling it to effectively manage lifetime of all components.

Configure WCF without using config file and instantiating proxy client with default constructor

I am not sure this is even possible to be honest,
I am wondering if there is a way of removing the use of the config file without having to override the creation of the client proxy. Let me give an example:
In a client app we have a WCF DAL project. This is a wrapper for their WCF Server for the client app to consume. At present the client app would need all the bindings and endpoints given in the config file and would normally (in our projects) do something like the following to wrap the WCF service:
public MyObject GetMyObject(int id)
using(var service = new MyObjectDataServiceClient())
return service.GetMyOBject(id);
This would create the call to the server and get an object back. If the client app didn't have the bindings and endpoints it would blow up. We could change each creation of the data service client to create the binding and endpoint, or create our own chanelfactory to do this for us but this means changing the current WCF DAL layer code.
My goal is to try and create a way of inserting a process into the WCF DAL layer that will handle the bindings and endpoints without the consuming code having to change, whilst removing the need for the config file.
My thoughts so far were to try and use a TT file so that it would create a partial class of the data service client and override the channel factory part. This failed because of the constructor call for the data service client goes straight into the abstract class (System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<T>) and tries to get the config stuff out. I could not find a way of stopping it looking in the config via this partial class and not changing the WCF DAL service layer.
If you have the binding and the endpoint at the DAL, you can use a different constructor of the client class (one which takes the binding + endpoint address). That constructor completely bypasses configuration, so you don't need to have anything in config.

What is the starting point for a WCF Library app?

Where is the best place to put code for when a WCF service is just started up? Similar to Page_Load in a web application.
The service implementation constructor would be the obvious place but it also depends on your hosting model
1) run once code: IIS hosting = global.asax; self-hosting = Main / OnStart
2) run once per service instance: constructor of service class
3) Something more exotic: implement IInstanceProvider
In the class constructor of the service implementation.
Honestly the best place is the constructor and/or static constructor for your service class (for static members). There is no other WCF specific lifecycle event that will notify your service implementation when it's being created by the service host.
Now, if you're talking about the creation of services generically, that would mean you're willing to hook into the WCF runtime and there you can do things like get in the middle of the instance creation with a custom IInstanceProvider implementation.

WCF - StructureMap - Caching objects for the duration of the request only

So I already have a working implementation of StructureMap with the WCF service (including custom instance provider, behaviors, etc.)
When I try to have an object that is instantiated only once per user request, I use the InstanceScope.HttpContext and it throws because the context is null.
Do anyone have a proper way of doing that?
On the server-side of the WCF service? By default, WCF has nothing to do with ASP.NET and thus all your HttpContext etc. aren't there.
By default, your WCF services will be called on a "per-call" basis, e.g. each request gets a brand-new, separate, totally isolated instance of your service class. Why not just put those things into the service class as internal fields??
Or you might want to check out this blog post on how to abstract request state and providing sample implementations for ASP.NET (using HttpContext.Items) and WCF.

What is meant by hosting a wcf service?

I want to know what happens when I create an instance of a ServiceHost class?
What it does ?
The ServiceHost (whether instantiated by yourself directly, or whether you delegate that job to IIS/WAS) is the runtime environment for your WCF class - which is just a simple .NET class after all (which needs to run somewhere).
The ServiceHost basically provides all the "plumbing" around your WCF service - creating the endpoints and the listeners on those endpoints to listen for messages and catch those as they come in; it provides the whole channel stack from the transport level through all the layers of WCF up through deserializers on to the dispatcher which then decides which class and which method on that class to call, and so on.
In WCF, in your service class, you write only the actual busienss logic of your service - the ServiceHost and all its classes around it handle all the nitty-gritty details of the receiving of messages and sending back of responses etc.
Typically the ServiceHost class is used to host your WCF services in a standalone app (such as a console app), if you are not using IIS or Windows Activation Service (WAS).
In simple terms it will deal with the COMs (listening for messages for a particular service).
You can also derive from ServiceHost to add customization if required, in combination with a specialization of ServiceHostFactory.
See MSDN example.
It creates channels that are responsible for things like reliable transfer and security. It listens for incoming messages and calls your operation methods.