How to access Thunderbird's toolbar-button-icons? - xul

Where can I find Thunderbird's default toolbar-button-icons - I've looked around here without success.

Thunderbird source code lives in the comm-central repository, not mozilla-central. The default Windows theme is Qute. Which makes it much easier to find the icons:
Windows Aero icons for the main window
Windows Aero icons for the Compose window


How can I export/import keyboard shortcuts for spyder IDE

I am new to Spyder. I have configured my preferred keyboard shortcuts on the Spyder on my home computer. Now I would like to use the same shortcuts on my working computer.
I followed the advice here (!topic/spyderlib/0A6v9Ekrup8) to export the settings. However, although some settings (like display) are exported when I copy and overwrite the spyder.ini file, the shortcuts are not.
Can someone advise how I can export and import the keyboard shortcuts?
(Spyder maintainer here) We're sorry but Spyder doesn't have the ability to export/import shortcuts right now (May 2019).
Several users have asked for this functionality, so we'll try to add it in a future release.

Import dijit/dojo widgets into worklight palette

I've been working with IBM Worklight for the last month and I discovered that even if I imported the Dojo toolkit when I created my hybrid app, I can't see dijit components in my palette, and some dojo/dojox components cause errors.
Here is my config :
Windows XP
Eclipse SDK Version: 3.7.2
IBM Worklight 5.0.5
Dojo version 1.8.1-20121024
Therefore I got errors when launching my app :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
(I wanted to display a slider and only found this gauge)
But I do have the dojo folder in my project (with dijit/dojo/dojox folders inside).
Anyone knows how to fix this ?
I have used the Worklight Studio wizard to create a project and application that includes Dojo and added the iPad environment.
Next, looking at the Dojo Palette, I see a slider widget. I drag it to my HTML:
Run As > Build All and Deploy and previewing the environment in the MBS shows the slider:
I do not have Xcode on this machine so this is the best I can do right now.
Are you sure you do not see a slider widget?
If you were looking for the dijit form Horizontal Slider, you can right click in the palette's contents and click Customize... In the Customize Palette dialog, select the Dojo Form Widgets category, and uncheck Hide. When you expand Dojo Form Widgets, you can select Horizontal Slider and uncheck Hide. Click OK, and these items should show up in the palette.
But for a slider on a mobile page, Idan's suggestion of using a Dojo Mobile Slider is probably better than the dijit slider.
To improve build performance, applications with Dojo dictate which files to include in the build using the build-dojo.xml file. By default, it is optimized for mobile development. If you'd like to include the HorizontalSlider, the easiest way is to uncomment <include name="dojo/dijit-layer.js.compressed.js"/>, but leave the <include> elements after that commented out. That will give you a patternset of "dojo/dojo.js.compressed.js", "dojo/core-web-layer.js.compressed.js", and "dojo/dijit-layer.js.compressed.js".
If you've used the Palette to drag and drop the HorizontalSlider, it should have added references to dijit.css and claro.css in the application's markup. So these resources will need to be added to your application to style the widget. You could do this manually by copying the dijit/themes/claro/ directory and dijit/themes/dijit.css file into your application. But as we saw, the build-dojo.xml file automates adding these things to the build. In your build-dojo.xml file, find the patternset dojo.resources.loose-modules. And add the following includes:
<include name="dijit/themes/claro/**"/>
<include name="dijit/themes/dijit.css"/>
Save the build-dojo.xml file.
Now you need to update your application's JS file. In wlCommonInit, the layer files are required. There is an array the includes what you would need for mobile development. You will need to add another layer to the array: "dojo/dijit-layer". So it should look something like:
require([ "dojo/core-web-layer", "dojo/mobile-ui-layer", "dojo/mobile-compat-layer", "dojo/dijit-layer" ], dojoInit);
Save your application's JS file and preview your application as you normally would. This should fix the 404 problems and render the HorizontalSlider widget.

how do i chnage the desktop icon for a visual basic program (.exe)

im making a app and i want to set the icon, how can i do this?
turns out i was a bit confused, and it was working. but the answers can still be useful for others.
If I understand the question and issue, your setup/installer might be missing something.
It would seem you did create a shortcut, add it to the Setup project to install to the Desktop (else you wouldnt have one at all)
Select the shortcut in your setup project, open the properties window
Click Target. The list of files you are installing will come up. Select the App.Exe (ie the main executable "MyApp.exe" ususally the primary output). I think Icon is supposed to be set to "Icon" as well.
I think those 2 things combined link the Desktop Shortcut's Icon property to Use the App.Exe's. If there is also a shortcut in the user's programs menu do the same thing (or drag drop a copy).
You are basically doing to the Setup Project's shortcut what you would do to a normal desktop icon to change it or set it. The proj apparently fills in the actual path etc at install.
PUBLISH simply compiles everything and produces files for the dev to distribute. It is called PUBLISH because in many cases the output includes a ready to use Setup program for the END USER to install on the PC. (Based on your new Pic, you are trying to reinstall everytime you click the icon or file inside the folder.)
Again, if you do not add a Setup proj to your project, the default one is used and it gives no option for where to install and does not add a shortcut.
Just delete all that junk, Publish again to the default location (VS Studio\...Project name\bin\Publish). Go to that folder and run setup. It will still install to Users\AppData.. but will add a shortcut (to the program) to the start menu.
For a desktop icon, do the "Send To Desktop ..." thing. To INSTALL an icon, you have to add and modify a Setup proj to your Solution.
'The folder shows the icon for the app, but the icon for the form is different. change the form's icon(in the property grid) to the same as the app and you should see it then.
When you publish it there's 2 files produced that are basically setup files. One relies on the ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library and the other is a standalone setup app. Since neither one is the actual app you designed, they aren't going to have the icon you want. You'll probably have to investigate other more configurable deployment options.

Add status icons over file icons in Explorer, like Dropbox or SVN in Air

I am new to Adobe AIR. Please help
I want to Add status icons over file icons in Explorer, like Dropbox or SVN. I am developing anappliation like dropbox in Adobe AIR for MAC and Windows.
I think it is common for both OS Mac and Windows both OS support AIR so i have choice this tool.
I have two queries.
Add status icons over file icons in Explorer, like Dropbox or SVN.
Folder watcher you have and idea about that and any class and utility for that.
Personally, I don't think AIR is the correct solution for this. Although it would be possible to poll a directory and compare its last known structure to its current one, I imagine this would be very inefficient in both Actionscript 3 and Javascript.
Languages such a Java in their latest major release have utilities for directory monitoring 'out of the box' and have the benefit of being able to delegate these tasks to different threads.
To give another example something like TortoiseSVN which monitors directories and dynamically changes the icons is written in C++.

Open/Save dialog from Netscape plugin on Mac OS X?

I'm developing an NPAPI plugin for Mac OS X, and need an Open/Save dialog at various times. Accessing the window directly fails, since plugins are now run out-of-process... but Apple's documentation makes vague references to being able to launch dialogs and other things via provided APIs.
Can anyone shed light on how I might do something like launch an Open dialog, a modal sheet if possible? I was developing this as a WebKit Cocoa plugin for Safari but as of Mac OS X Lion they're now deprecated.
You can't open a modal sheet, because you have no reference to the browser window; it's impossible to get one across processes.
You can open an open/save dialog as a modal dialog using standard calls like -[NSSavePanel runModal], since you don't need any window references for that. The browser will take care of managing the process activation so that the dialog ends up in front of the browser.
Since when is a WebKit plugin deprecated? Do you mean NPAPI plugins, they are definitely deprecated under 64-bit webkit apps (as I am struggling with this myself).