Matrices in Objective-C - objective-c

Is there any class for Matrix support in Objective-C? By Matrix I mean 2D-arrays.
What I do now is using 2 NSArrays, one within the other. This works perfectly but my code looks like a big mess.
I have also tried to use C-style arrays within each-other (matrix[][]) but this approach doesn't fit my application as I cannot automatically #synthesize or specify #properties for them.
I could of course create my own class for that, but what I'm wondering is if Objective-C already has something for this kind of situations. I did some Google-research but didn't find anything.

Nope, Foundation doesn't have any 2D array class. As far as mathematical computations are concerned, Matrices are typically implemented in C or C++ for portability and performance reasons. You'll have to write your own class for that if you really want it.

It seems obj-c has not its own struct for matrix. I refered to the iOS SDK's CATransform3D, found that it use:
struct CATransform3D
CGFloat m11, m12, m13, m14;
CGFloat m21, m22, m23, m24;
CGFloat m31, m32, m33, m34;
CGFloat m41, m42, m43, m44;
typedef struct CATransform3D CATransform3D;
as the 3D transform matrix.

Late to the party but I'd like to mention this project, which implements a flexible Matrix class based on a C array, with interfaces to many BLAS and LAPACK functions. Disclaimer: I am the developer.
Basic use is as follows:
YCMatrix *I = [YCMatrix identityOfRows:3 Columns:3];
double v = [I getValueAtRow:1 Column:1];
[I setValue:0 Row:0 Column:0];

I think you will need to subclass NSArray or use some non-sweet syntax : [MyArray objectAtIndex:i*d+j]. The latter case is really cumbersome as you will get only one clumsy kind of enumerator.


CGAL static AABB tree to intersect many spheres with rays

I would like to use CGAL's AABB Tree to compute intersection between many static spheres and rays. I am fairly new to CGAL and might need some guidance.
As there does not seem to be direct support for spheres in the AABB tree, I think need to complement the functionality by creating AABB_sphere_primitive. Is that the only thing that is needed to get something like AABB_tree/AABB_triangle_3_example.cpp, with spheres instead of triangles? Do I need to also define an analogue of Point_from_triangle_3_iterator_property_map?
typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double> K;
typedef K::FT FT;
typedef K::Point_3 Point;
typedef K::Plane_3 Plane;
typedef K::Sphere_3 Sphere; // <-- this is done already
typedef std::list<Sphere>::iterator Iterator;
typedef CGAL::AABB_sphere_primitive<K,Iterator> Primitive; // <---- must be defined newly
typedef CGAL::AABB_traits<K, Primitive> Traits;
typedef CGAL::AABB_tree<Traits> Tree;
The routine for intersection between sphere and ray is already implemented somewhere (Spherical_kernel_intersections.h?) and will be used?
Thanks for pointers.
You need to provide a new primitive type that is a model of the concept AABBPrimitive. Basically you can copy/paste the implementation of CGAL::AABB_triangle_primitive and adapt it to the case of a sphere.
The next tricky part is to provide the intersection predicate for a ray and a sphere as required by the AABBTraits concept.
If you are not looking for exact predicates, you can simply using the distance of the center of the sphere to the support line of the ray + the direction of the center of the sphere with reference to the source of the ray.
If you want exact predicates, the class Filtered_predicate can help you make your predicate robust.

Explaining the different types in Metal and SIMD

When working with Metal, I find there's a bewildering number of types and it's not always clear to me which type I should be using in which context.
In Apple's Metal Shading Language Specification, there's a pretty clear table of which types are supported within a Metal shader file. However, there's plenty of sample code available that seems to use additional types that are part of SIMD. On the macOS (Objective-C) side of things, the Metal types are not available but the SIMD ones are and I'm not sure which ones I'm supposed to be used.
For example:
In the Metal Spec, there's float2 that is described as a "vector" data type representing two floating components.
On the app side, the following all seem to be used or represented in some capacity:
float2, which is typedef ::simd_float2 float2 in vector_types.h
Noted: "In C or Objective-C, this type is available as simd_float2."
vector_float2, which is typedef simd_float2 vector_float2
Noted: "This type is deprecated; you should use simd_float2 or simd::float2 instead"
simd_float2, which is typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2))) float simd_float2
::simd_float2 and simd::float2 ?
A similar situation exists for matrix types:
matrix_float4x4, simd_float4x4, ::simd_float4x4 and float4x4,
Could someone please shed some light on why there are so many typedefs with seemingly overlapping functionality? If you were writing a new application today (2018) in Objective-C / Objective-C++, which type should you use to represent two floating values (x/y) and which type for matrix transforms that can be shared between app code and Metal?
The types with vector_ and matrix_ prefixes have been deprecated in favor of those with the simd_ prefix, so the general guidance (using float4 as an example) would be:
In C code, use the simd_float4 type. (You have to include the prefix unless you provide your own typedef, since C doesn't have namespaces.)
Same for Objective-C.
In C++ code, use the simd::float4 type, which you can shorten to float4 by using namespace simd;.
Same for Objective-C++.
In Metal code, use the float4 type, since float4 is a fundamental type in the Metal Shading Language [1].
In Swift code, use the float4 type, since the simd_ types are typealiased to shorter names.
Update: In Swift 5, float4 and related types have been deprecated in favor of SIMD4<Float> and related types.
These types are all fundamentally equivalent, and all have the same size and alignment characteristics so you can use them across languages. That is, in fact, one of the design goals of the simd framework.
I'll leave a discussion of packed types to another day, since you didn't ask.
[1] Metal is an unusual case since it defines float4 in the global namespace, then imports it into the metal namespace, which is also exported as the simd namespace. It additionally aliases float4 as vector_float4. So, you can use any of the above names for this vector type (except simd_float4). Prefer float4.
which type should you use to represent two floating values (x/y)
If you can avoid it, don't use a single SIMD vector to represent a single geometry x,y vector if you're using CPU SIMD.
CPU SIMD works best when you have many of the same thing in each SIMD vector, because they're actually stores in 16-byte or 32-byte vector registers where "vertical" operations between two vectors are cheap (packed add or multiply), but "horizontal" operations can mostly only be done with a shuffle + a vertical operation.
For example a vector of 4 x values and another vector of 4 y values lets you do 4 dot-products or 4 cross-products in parallel with no shuffling, so the overall throughput is significantly more dot-products per clock cycle than if you had a vector of [x1, y1, x2, y2].
See, and especially these slides: SIMD at Insomniac Games (GDC 2015) for more about planning your data layout and program design for doing many similar operations in parallel instead of trying to accelerate single operations.
The one exception to this rule is if you're only adding / subtracting to translate coordinates, because that's still purely a vertical operation even with an array-of-structs. And thus fine for CPU short-vector SIMD based on 16-byte vectors. (e.g. the 2nd element in one vector only interacts with the 2nd element in another vector, so no shuffling is needed.)
GPU SIMD is different, and I think has no problem with interleaved data. I'm not a GPU expert.
(I don't use Objective C or Metal, so I can't help you with the details of their type names, just what the underlying CPU hardware is good at. That's basically the same for x86 SSE/AVX, ARM NEON / AArch64 SIMD, or PowerPC Altivec. Horizontal operations are slower.)

gmock: Testing two float vectors

I am trying to write a test for a vector.
For STL containers, I tried:
EXPECT_THAT(float_vec1, ElementsAreArray(float_vec2));
However I need to insert a margin.
Is there an ElementsAreArray equivalent of FloatNear(a_float, max_abs_error)?
Yes, I've used the Pointwise container matcher, which you can give a matcher and an expected container (any STL container and is compatible with non-dynamically allocated c-style arrays).
EXPECT_THAT(float_vec1, Pointwise(matcher, float_vec2))
For the matcher You can use FloatEq() which uses ULP-based float comparisons.
EXPECT_THAT(float_vec1, Pointwise(FloatEq(), float_vec2))
However, I've found it is easier to use FloatNear(float max_abs_error) just to define my own floating point error like you want.
float ferr = 1e-5;
Pointwise(FloatNear(ferr), float_vec2));

3-D graphs in C using Matplotlib of Python

I needed to draw 3-d graphs using C code. For this purpose i have to include the matplotlib of Python. Anyone help to do this?? I have to plot the graph on the values currently placed in an array of C.
Although not exactly the same question you might want to take a look into this.
That being said some of the solutions proposed are:
A) That you include Python on you C program (by #Raj):
#include "Python.h"
int main()
PyRun_SimpleString("import pylab");
return 0;
B) That you use libraries that mimic matplotlib (by #kazemakase):
As for the array issue, depending on the solution that you chose, it might be worth your while to look into this question. In here #en_Knight provide a few recipes for transforming data (C to Python and vice-versa). Example:
int* my_data_to_modify;
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &numpy_tmp_array)){
/* Point our data to the data in the numpy pixel array */
my_data_to_modify = (int*) numpy_tmp_array->data;

How do I create a function at runtime in Objective-C

So it's late here, and my google skills seem to be failing me. I've found some great responses on SO before (time and time again), I thought you guys could help.
I have a neural network I'm trying to run in native objective-c. It works, but it's too slow. These networks are not recurrent. Each network I run about 20,000 times ( 128x80 times, or around that). The problem is these networks really just boil down to math functions (each network is a 4 dimensional function, taking x,y,dist(x,y),and bias as inputs, and outputting 3 values).
What I want to do is convert each network (only once) into a function call, or a block of code at runtime in objective-c.
How do I do this? I could make a big string of the math operations that need to be performed, but how do I go about executing that string, or converting the string into a block of code for execution?
Again, my late night search failed me, so sorry if this has already been answered. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Edit: Aha! Great success! Nearly 24 hours later, I have working code to turn a neural network with up to 4 inputs into a single 4 dimensional function. I used the block method suggested by Dave DeLong in the answers.
For anybody who ever wants to follow what I've done in the future, here is a (quick) breakdown of what I did (excuse me if this is incorrect etiquette on stackoverflow):
First, I made a few typedef's for the different block functions:
typedef CGFloat (^oneDFunction)(CGFloat x);
typedef CGFloat (^twoDFunction)(CGFloat x, CGFloat y);
typedef CGFloat (^threeDFunction)(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z);
typedef CGFloat (^fourDFunction)(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w);
A oneDFunction takes the form of f(x), twoD is f(x,y), etc. Then I made functions to combine two fourDFunction blocks (and 2 oneD, 2 twoD, etc, although these were not necessary).
fourDFunction (^combineFourD) (fourDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2) =
^(fourDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2){
fourDFunction blockToCopy = ^(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w){
return f1(x,y,z,w) + f2(x,y,z,w);
fourDFunction act = [blockToCopy copy];
[f1 release];
[f2 release];
//Need to release act at some point
return act;
And, of course, I needed to apply the activation function to the fourD function for every node, and for each node, I would need to multiply by the weight connecting it:
//for applying the activation function
fourDFunction (^applyOneToFourD)( oneDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2) =
^(oneDFunction f1, fourDFunction f2){
fourDFunction blockToCopy = ^(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w){
return f1(f2(x,y,z,w));
fourDFunction act = [blockToCopy copy];
[f1 release];
[f2 release];
//Need to release act at some point
return act;
//For applying the weight to the function
fourDFunction (^weightCombineFour) (CGFloat x, fourDFunction f1) =
^(CGFloat weight, fourDFunction f1)
fourDFunction blockToCopy = ^(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z, CGFloat w){
return weight*f1(x,y,z,w);
fourDFunction act = [blockToCopy copy];
[f1 release];
//[act release];
//Need to release act at some point
return act;
Then, for each node in the network, I simply applied the activation function to the sum of the fourD functions from the source neurons multiplied by their connection weight.
After composing all those blocks, I took the final functions from each output. Therefore, my outputs are separate 4D functions of the inputs.
Thanks for the help, this was very cool.
You can do this with blocks. Something like:
//specify some parameters
int parameter1 = 42;
int parameter2 = 54;
//create your block
int (^myBlock)(int) = ^(int parameter3){
return parameter1 * parameter2 * parameter3;
//copy the block off the stack
myBlock = [myBlock copy];
//stash the block somewhere so that you can pull it out later
[self saveBlockOffSomewhereElse:myBlock underName:#"myBlock"];
//balance the call to -copy
[myBlock release];
And then elsewhere...
int (^retrievedBlock)(int) = [self retrieveBlockWithName:#"myBlock"];
int theAnswer = retrievedBlock(2); //theAnswer is 4536
If you have a string representing some math to evaluate, you could check out GCMathParser (fast but not extensible) or my own DDMathParser (slower but extensible).
Your idea isn't very stupid. As a matter of fact, LLVM is designed to do exactly that kind of thing (generate code, compile, link, load and run) and it even has libraries to link against and APIs to use.
While you could go down a path of trying to piece together a bunch of blocks or primitives -- a sort of VM of your own -- it'll be slower and probably more maintenance. You'll end up having to write some kind of a parser, write all the primitive blocks, and then piecing it all together.
For code generation, you'll probably still need a parser, obviously, but the resulting code is going to be much much faster because you can crank the optimizer on the compiler up and, as long as you generate just one really big file of code, the compiler's optimizer will be even more effective.
I would suggest, though, that you generate your program and then run it externally to your app. That will prevent the hell that is trying to dynamically unload code. It also means that if the generated code crashes, it doesn't take out your application. has a bunch of additional details.
(Historical note -- one early form of Pixar's modeling environment was a TCL based system that would emit, literally, hundreds of thousands of lines of heavily templated C++ code.)
Here's another possibility: Use OpenGL.
The sorts of functions you are executing in a neural network are very similar to those performed by GPU's. multiplication/scaling, distance, sigmoids, etc... You could encode your state in a bitmap, generate a pixel shaper as ASCII, compile & link it using the provided library calls, then generate an output "bitmap" with the new state. Then switch the two bitmaps and iterate again.
Writing a pixel shaper is not as hard as you might imagine. In the basic case you are given a pixel from the input bitmap/buffer and you compute a value to put in the output buffer. You also have access to all the other pixels in the input and output buffers, as wall as arbitrary parameters you set global, including "texture" bitmaps which might serve as just an arbitrary data vector.
Modern GPU's have multiple pipelines so you'd probably get much better performance than even native CPU machine code.
Another vote for blocks. If you start with a bunch of blocks representing primitive operations, you could compose those into larger blocks that represent complex functions. For example, you might write a function that takes a number of blocks as parameters, copies each one in turn and uses it as the first parameter to the next block. The result of the function could be a block that represents a mathematical function.
Perhaps I'm talking crazy here due to the late hour, but it seems like the ability of blocks to refer to other blocks and to maintain state should make them very good for assembling operations.