SQL Select SUM(col) from exec stored_proc? - sql

Is there an easy way in SQL Server (2010) to exec a stored procedure (that returns a table) and sum a column in one (or a few) statements?
SELECT SUM(column) FROM exec proc_GetSomeStuff 'param1', 'param2'

Don't have a server handy to test with, but try this:
declare #temp table(col1 int)
insert into #temp(col1)
exec proc_GetSomeStuff 'param1', 'param2'
select sum(col1) from #temp
Make sure your table variable (or temp table) has the same schema as the results of the stored procedure. If you know that there will be a significant number of rows coming back from the SP, then a temporary table might be a better option. (I'm not sure if table variables can be flushed out to disk if they get too big)


How to combine 2 results from SQL procedure

I wrote a SQL query, it is 300+ line and I made this as a procedure.
I want to run two times this procedure with different parameters and then want to see all result in one table.
For example:
exec sp_xxxxx 4652,'2022-02-07 00:00:00.000',1
// Returns 2 columns, number of rows can vary
exec sp_xxxxx 4652,'2022-02-14 00:00:00.000',1
// Returns 2 columns, number of rows can vary
I run these together, then I hope to get a result of 4 columns
// 4 column,number of rows can vary
I tried openrowset but SQL blocked.
How can I do this, I would be very happy if you can help.
There's not enough information to provide a demonstrable solution, but the approach should be:
Create temp table #T1(col1, col2)
Create temp table #T2(col1, col2)
Insert into #T1(col1, col2) exec proc
Insert into #T2(col1, col2) exec proc
select t1.col1, t1.col2, t2.col1, t2.col2
from #T1 inner/left/full join #T2 on<criteria>
Also note that prefixing procedures with "sp" is not recommended, this is reserved by MS and indicates a Special Procedure. Choose a different prefix - or no prefix.
Start with creating a table type than matches the output of your procedure.
For example:
Col1 varchar(10) not null,
Col2 decimal(8,2) not null
This table type could also be used by your procedure.
Then use a variable with that table type to collect the results from the procedures. Then create a temporary table from that table variable.
declare #Xxxxx XxxxxTblType;
insert into #Xxxxx exec sp_xxxxx 4652,'2022-02-07 00:00:00.000',1;
insert into #Xxxxx exec sp_xxxxx 4652,'2022-02-14 00:00:00.000',1;
select * into #tmpXxxxx from #Xxxxx;
Now you can query the temporary table.
select * from #tmpXxxxx;

Insert stored procedure results into temp table

I have a stored procedure that returns this result:
The way I call the stored procedure is:
Exec uspGetStandardUsingRoleandPhase '1908003'
I want to store these results into a temp table so I used insert into like this:
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#tmp', N'U') IS NOT NULL
startDate DATE,
endDate DATE,
strPhase NVARCHAR(50),
strBadgeNumber NVARCHAR(30)
INSERT INTO #tmp (startDate, endDate, strPhase, strBadgeNumber)
EXEC uspGetStandardUsingRoleandPhase '1908003'
But I get an error like this:
INSERT EXEC failed because the stored procedure altered the schema of the target table.
Hard to say without seeing the code to the stored procedure, but my guess is that the procedure also creates a temp table named #tmp. Try creating a temp table with a different name and running your INSERT EXEC into that, or post the code to the procedure so we can see it.
Worth noting this can also come up in SQL 2016 if you're using Query Store, and it happens to run a clean up during the procedure's execution. They suggest increasing the Query Store size to reduce the likelihood, but other than that, they're not planning to fix it for SQL 2016 (it's fixed in 2017)

Performance Dynamic SQL vs Temporary Tables

I'm wondering if copying an existing Table into a Temporary Table results in a worse performance compared to Dynamic SQL.
To be concrete i wonder if i should expect a different performance between the following two SQL Server stored procedures:
#Tablename VARCHAR(100)
SELECT #SQL = 'Insert into Table2 Select Sum(ValColumn) From '
+ #Tablename + ' Where ID=' + #ID
#Tablename Varachar(100)
Create Table #TempTable (ValColumn float, ID int)
SELECT #SQL = 'Select ValColumn, ID From ' + #Tablename
+ ' Where ID=' + #ID
EXEC ( #SQL );
FROM #TempTable;
DROP TABLE #TempTable;
I'm asking this since I'm currently using a Procedure build in the latter style where i create many Temporary Tables in the beginning as simple extracts of existing Tables and am afterwards working with these Temporary Tables.
Could I improve the performance of the stored procedure by getting rid of the Temporary Tables and using Dynamic SQL instead? In my opinion the Dynamic SQL Version is a lot uglier to programm - therefore i used Temporary Tables in the first place.
Table variables suffer performance problems because the query optimizer always assumes there will be exactly one row in them. If you have table variables holding > 100 rows, I'd switch them to temp tables.
Using dynamic sql with EXEC(#sql) instead of exec sp_executesql #sql will prevent the query plan from being cached, which will probably hurt performance.
However, you are using dynamic sql on both queries. The only difference is that the second query has the unnecessary step of loading to a table variable first, then loading into the final table. Go with the first stored procedure you have, but switch to sp_executesql.
In the posted query the temporary table is an extra write.
It is not going to help.
Don't just time a query look at the query plan.
If you have two queries the query plan will tell you the split.
And there is a difference between a table variable and temp table
The temp table is faster - the query optimizer does more with a temp table
A temporary table can help in a few situations
The output from a select is going to be used more than once
You materialize the output so it is only executed once
Where you see this is with a an expensive CTE that is evaluated many times
People of falsely think a CTE is just executed once - no it is just syntax
The query optimizer need help
An example
You are doing a self join on a large table with multiple conditions and some of conditions eliminate most of the rows
A query to a #temp can filter the rows and also reduce the number of join conditions
I agree with everyone else that you always need to test both... I'm putting it in an answer here so it's more clear.
If you have an index setup that is perfect for the final query, going to temp tables could be nothing but extra work.
If that's not the case, pre-filtering to a temp table may or may not be faster.
You can predict it at the extremes - if you're filtering down from a million to a dozen rows, I would bet it helps.
But otherwise it can be genuinely difficult to know without trying.
I agree with you that maintenance is also an issue and lots of dynamic sql is a maintenance cost to consider.

Select Values From SP And Temporary Tables

I have a Stored Procedure in MSSQL 2008, inside of this i've created a Temporary Table, and then i executed several inserts into the temporary Table.
How can i select all the columns of the Temporary Table outside the stored procedure? I Mean, i have this:
--Varchar And Numeric Values goes here
/*Several Select's and Insert's against the Temporary Table*/
In another Query i'm doing this:
sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
Integrated Security=SSPI',
But i get this error:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure LIST_CLIENTS, Line 43
Invalid object name '#CLIENT'.
I've tried with Global Temporary Tables and It doesn't work.
I know that is the scope of the temporary table, but, how can i get the table outside the scope of the SP?
Thanks in advance
I think there is something deeper going on here.
One idea is to use a table variable inside the stored procedure instead of a #temp table (I have to assume you're using SQL Server 2005+ but it's always nice to state this up front). And use OPENQUERY instead of OPENROWSET. This works fine for me:
USE tempdb;
INSERT #x VALUES(1),(2);
INTO #client
[loopback linked server name],
'EXEC tempdb.dbo.proc_x'
) AS y;
SELECT * FROM #client;
DROP TABLE #client;
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.proc_x;
Another idea is that perhaps the error is occurring even without using SELECT INTO. Does the stored procedure reference the #CLIENT table in any dynamic SQL, for example? Does it work when you call it on its own or when you just say SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET instead of SELECT INTO? Obviously, if you are working with the #temp table in dynamic SQL you're going to have the same kind of scope issue working with a #table variable in dynamic SQL.
At the very least, name your outer #temp table something other than #CLIENT to avoid confusion - then at least nobody has to guess which #temp table is not being referenced correctly.
Since the global temp table failed, use a real table, run this when you start your create script and drop the temp table once you are done to make sure.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.temptable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.temptable
CREATE TABLE dbo.temptable
( ... )
You need to run the two queries within the same connection and use a global temp table.
In SQL Server 2008 you can declare User-Defined Table Types which represent the definition of a table structure. Once created you can create table parameters within your procs and pass them a long and be able to access the table in other procs.
I guess the reason for such behavior is that when you call OPENROWSET from another server it firstly and separately requests the information about procedure output structure (METADATA). And the most interesting thing is that this output structure is taken from the first SELECT statement found in the procedure. Moreover, if the SELECT statement follows the IF-condition the METADATA request ignores this IF-condition, because there is no need to run the whole procedure - the first met SELECT statement is enough. (By the way, to switch off that behavior, you can include SET FMTONLY OFF in the beginning of your procedure, but this might increase the procedure execution time).
The conclusions:
— when the METADATA is being requested from a temp table (created in a procedure) it does not actually exists, because the METADATA request does not actually run the procedure and create the temp table.
— if a temp table can be replaced with a table variable it solves the problem
— if it is vital for the business to use temp table, the METADATA request can be fed with fake first SELECT statement, like:
declare #t table(ID int, Name varchar(15));
if (0 = 1) select ID, Name from #t; -- fake SELECT statement
create table #T (ID int, Name varchar(15));
select ID, Name from #T; -- real SELECT statement
— and one more thing is to use a common trick with FMTONLY (that is not my idea) :
declare #fmtonlyOn bit = 0;
if 1 = 0 set #fmtonlyOn = 1;
set fmtonly off;
create table #T (ID int, Name varchar(15));
if #fmtonlyOn = 1 set fmtonly on;
select ID, Name from #T;
The reason you're getting the error is because the temp table #Client was not declared before you ran the procedure to insert into it. If you declare the table, then execute the list proc and use direct insert -

Querying results of a stored procedure

I have a stored procedure that returns a large number of results, and would like a better way to debug/ parse the results than copy/pasting into excel or whatever - is there a way to pass the results of the procedure into a query? e.g., if the procedure call was something like:
exec database..proc 'arg1','arg2','arg3'
my thought was to do something like:
select distinct column1 from
(exec database..proc 'arg1','arg2','arg3')
which clearly did not work, or I wouldn't be here. If it matters, this is for a sybase database.
The code below works in MS SQL 2005. I don't have a Sybase installation right now to test it on that. If it works in Sybase you could use a temporary table (or permanent table) outside of your stored procedure so that you don't have alter the code that you're trying to test (not a very good testing procedure generally.)
CREATE TABLE dbo.Test_Proc_Results_To_Table
my_string VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Test_Proc_Results_To_Table_Proc
1 AS my_id,
'one' AS my_string
INSERT INTO dbo.Test_Proc_Results_To_Table (my_id, my_string)
EXEC dbo.Test_Proc_Results_To_Table_Proc
SELECT * FROM dbo.Test_Proc_Results_To_Table
In SQL Anywhere 10 and 11(didn't see whether it's ASA or ASE you're asking about):
FROM procName(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3);
I don't have ASE, and I'm not sure if this works on earlier ASA versions.
you could create a temporary table (#temp) in the sp and populate the result set in there. You can later select from the same temp table from the same session. (Or use a global temp table in sybase with ##temp syntax)
This is because what you want to do (select * from exec sp) is not directly possible in sybase
Is it possible to rewrite the stored proc as a function that returns a table? On SQL Server this is certainly possible. Then you can do...
<any columns you like>
dbo.myFunc( 'foo', 'bar', 1 )
<whatever clauses you like>
order by
I'm not familiar with Sybase, but in MySQL you could use the IN parameter to write one SQL query for all this. Ex:
select distinct column1 from table where column1 in (your_first_query_with_all_the_arguments)
I don't have Sybase installed right now, so some minor syntactic aspect may be wrong here - I can't check, but I used it extensively in the past: select * into #temp from proc_name('arg1','arg2','arg3') should create the local temp table for you automatically with the right columns. Within the same transaction or begin/end block you can access #temp by select * from #temp.
The only real way around this problem is to create a table in your database to store temporary values.
Lets say the stored procedures selects Column1, Column2 & Column3.
Have a table (tempTable) with Column1, Column2, Column3 and set your stored procedure to the following:
CREATE PROCEDURE database..proc
INSERT INTO tempTable (Column1, Column2, Column3)
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
FROM Table1
then for your sql code to select the values have:
exec database..proc
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
FROM tempTable
I hope this helps, I've come across similar problems before and this was the best I could work out.