Nhibernate lazy loading a set not working - nhibernate

I'm using nhibernate2.1 as part of spring.net 1.3. I have the following declaration as part of my mapping. My understanding is that this object should not load unless the getter is called. I have a break point set on the setter and also dump all nhibernate SQL statements to the logger. In part of my testing, I've actually created a brand new child object and a brand new property on my original object (hence the "2" on the names) so I'm positive that property is not being accessed anywhere. Despite this, as soon as my parent object loads, I can verify that this property is loaded. So...what am I missing here?
<set name="UserCustomer2" lazy="true">
<key column="[FK_USERS]" />
<one-to-many class="UserCustomer2" />
#A: here is my property:
private ICollection<UserCustomer2> _UserCustomer2 = new HashSet<UserCustomer2>();
public virtual ICollection<UserCustomer2> UserCustomer2
get { return _UserCustomer2; }
set { this._UserCustomer2 = value; }
and here is how I request the parent object:
IQuery query = dao.GetQuery("FROM UserImpl u WHERE u.UserName = :username AND u.Password = :password");
query.SetParameter("username", username);
query.SetParameter("password", password);
IList users = query.List();

#dotjoe, you led me down the right path. I tested out quite a few scenarios and based on breakpoints and the logged SQL statements I've determined that setting breakpoints does NOT trigger the lazy load. However, when you hover over the property to inspect it while in debug mode, it DOES in fact hydrate the object. I guess that sort of makes sense but I was assuming when I inspected the object, I would just see a proxy object instead of the fully hydrated object. I'm surprised that a debug mode action would trigger the lazy load -- I assumed that would only be triggered from actual application code. The other thing I'm curious about is if the setter is ALWAYS called and just passed a proxy object or if it was only called BECAUSE I had put a breakpoint in the setter. I would assume the former but so far my assumptions have been wrong. If anyone can provide some insights, I'm very curious how this actually works behind the scenes.


Mask properties from dirty check

I have a column in all my tables called LoggedInPersonID. To avoid cluttering mapping code, an Nhibernate Interceptor overrides OnFlushDirty and OnSave to assign the LoggedInPersonID property automatically.
If LoggedInPersonID is the only property changed, I consider the entity clean. At the moment Nhibernate (rightfully) considers the entity to be dirty.
Does any mapping construct exist to escape a property from Nhibernate's dirty check, while still including the column in any inserts/updates?
Alternatively, I have considered implementing the IPreUdateEventListener interface and use the OnPreUpdate event to check whether the only difference between OldState and State is in the property LoggedInPersonID, and cancel the update if that is the case. Would that be a valid approach?
I think if you already change the property in OnSave, the dirty check will come after, and finally OnFlushDirty will occur, when it is already decided. At least if you (unnecessarily) call Save() or SaveOrUpdate() on your object, although it is not a newly created one.
Simplier case
I would rather try to avoid setting LoggedInPersonID if the entity is not dirty. I am not comfortable with cancelling the update from IPreUdateEventListener: a lot of other processing still occurs, like second level cache updating, and other PostUpdate processing.
OnFlushDirty xml doc states:
Called when an object is detected to be dirty, during a flush.
So this means NHibernate considers your object to be dirty even before you have set its LoggedInPersonID.
You should probably check that in your interceptor with a conditional break-point to stop only on your entity type having troubles, and check if there is already some other changes between currentState and previousState before your code affects its LoggedInPersonID.
Maybe have you by example some other logic elsewhere which has already set LoggedInPersonID.
Harder case
But checking NHibernate code, it could be a bit muddier. It looks to me like OnflushDirty could be called on entities which might be dirty. (And maybe this "might be dirty" is caused by what I had suspected in my answer on your previous question.)
I such case, you should do your own dirty check inside your interceptor. You may do the dirty check in your OnFlushDirty, but then NHibernate will still do its own, causing the dirty check to be done twice. To avoid dirty checking twice each entity, you need then do your first idea: evicting LoggedInPersonID from the dirty check if this is the only dirty property.
NHibernate dirty check implementation is not trivial. Better reuse it than coding your own dirty check. But this need adding some code to your interceptor. (Done with the help of this blog on NHibernate.info.)
using NHibernate;
using NHibernate.Type;
using NHibernate.Proxy;
public class LoggedInPersonIDInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
// your previous code handling the setting of LoggedInPersonID
private ISession _session;
public override void SetSession(ISession session)
_session = session;
public override int[] FindDirty(object entity, object id,
object[] currentState, object[] previousState,
string[] propertyNames, IType[] types)
var sessionImpl = _session.GetSessionImplementation();
var persistenceContext = sessionImpl.PersistenceContext;
var entry = persistenceContext.GetEntry(entity);
if (entry == null)
// The blog post try to handle proxy case but that part looks
// buggy to me. If you do not need to handle proxies, just let
// default implementation do the job by returning null here.
return null;
var persister = sessionImpl.Factory.GetEntityPersister(entry.EntityName);
var dirtyPropertiesIndexes = persister.FindDirty(currentState,
previousState, entity, sessionImpl);
// Probable superfluous null check...
if (dirtyPropertiesIndexes == null || dirtyPropertiesIndexes.Length != 1)
return dirtyPropertiesIndexes;
if (propertyNames[dirtyPropertiesIndexes[0]] == "LoggedInPersonID")
// return empty array for telling that nothing has changed
return new int[] {};
return dirtyPropertiesIndexes;
Side note : I have seen in your other question revisions your were testing on propertyNames[i].ToLower() == "loggedinpersonid". If you need that, I generally prefer do that this way : StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(propertyNames[i], "LoggedInPersonID"). This avoid messing up while manually lower-casing the property name.
Other solution
Maybe this other way I found later would be easier.

Proxying NHibernate Objects with Castle DynamicProxy swallows NH-Functionality

I'm doing things considered horrible by some lately, but I personally enjoy this kind of experiment. Here's a telegraph style description:
Use NH to fetch data objects
Each DataObject is wrapped by a CastleDynamicProxy
When Properties decorated with Custom Attributes are queried, redirect to own code instead of NHibernate to get Returnvalue.
Object creation / data fetch code
public IList<Person> GetAll()
ISession session = SessionService.GetSession();
IList<Person> personen = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Person))
return personen;
The Proxy generation Code:
public T CreateProxy<T>(T inputObject)
T proxy = (T)_proxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy(typeof(T), new ObjectRelationInterceptor<T>(inputObject));
return proxy;
The Interceptor used is defined like so:
public class MyInterceptor<T> : IInterceptor
private readonly T _wrappedObject;
public MyInterceptor(T wrappedObject)
_wrappedObject = wrappedObject;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
if (ShouldIntercept(invocation)) { /* Fetch Data from other source*/ }
invocation.ReturnValue = invocation.Method.Invoke(_wrappedObject, invocation.Arguments);
public bool ShouldIntercept(IInvocation invocation)
// true if Getter / Setter and Property
// has a certain custom attribute
This works fine in an environment without NHibernate (creating objects in code, where the Object holds its own data).
Unfortunately, the else part in the Intercept method seems to leave NHibernate unfunctional, it seems the _wrappedObject is reduced to it's base type functionality (instead of being proxied by NHibernate), so all mapped Child collections remain empty.
I tried switching from lazy to eager loading (and confirmed that all SQL gets executed), but that doesn't change anything at all.
Does anybody have an idea what I could do to get this back to work?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I found out that what I do is partially wrong and partially incomplete. Instead of deleting this question, I chose to answer it myself, so that others can benefit from it as well.
First of all, I have misunderstood the class proxy to be an instance proxy, which is why i stored the _wrappedObject. I needed the Object to perform invocation.Method.Invoke(_wrappedObject, invocation.Arguments), which is the next mistake. Instead of doing so, I should have passed the call on to the next interceptor by making use of invocation.Proceed().
Now, where was that Incomplete? NH seems to need to know Metadata about it's instances, so I missed one important line to make NH aware that the proxy is one of its kin:
SessionFactory.GetClassMetadata(entityName).SetIdentifier(instance, id, entityMode);
This only works in an NHibernate Interceptor, so the final product differs a bit from my initial one...Enough gibberish, you can see a very very comprehensible example on this on Ayende's website. Big props for his great tutorial!

NHibernate Custom Collections hack works outside of a transaction, but not inside

Following the technique described here, I was able to populate a domain object that uses custom collections for its children. The relevant property mapping looks like this:
<component name="Contacts" class="My.CustomList`1[[Domain.Object, DomainAssembly]], MyAssembly">
<set name="InnerList">
<key column="PARENT_ID" />
<one-to-many class="Contact" />
My custom collection class exposes the InnerList property as an ICollection like so:
protected System.Collections.ICollection InnerList
return this;
foreach (DomainObject o in value)
This worked like a charm to load data from the database and not have to abandon my rather useful custom collection class.
Then I moved on to try implement saving, and following the advice given in this thread, decided to wrap every call to NHibernate in a transaction.
Now when I commit following my load, NHibernate throws an InvalidCastException: "Unable to cast object of type 'My.CustomList`1[Domain.Object, DomainAssembly]' to type 'Iesi.Collections.ISet'."
Is there a way to make this work the way I expect it to?
Following the lead provided by Raphael, I tried switching to ICollection<T> which gives me a different InvalidCastException when I commit the transaction: Unable to cast object of type 'My.CustomList`1[Domain.Object]' to type 'NHibernate.Collection.IPersistentCollection'.
Change the property to be of type

NHibernate: Parent list properties and related child properties are not synchronized

I have two related objects: ProgramSession and ProgramTask, with a one-to-many relationship. A ProgramSession has many ProgramTasks. So the objects looks like this:
public class ProgramSession
public virtual IList<ProgramTask> ProgramTasks
get { return _programTasks; }
set { _programTasks = value; }
public class ProgramTask
public virtual ProgramSession ProgramSession
get { return _programSession; }
set { _programSession = value; }
And the mappings...
<bag name="ProgramTasks" lazy="false" cascade="all-delete-orphan" inverse="true" >
<key column="SessionUid"></key>
<one-to-many class="ProgramTask"></one-to-many>
<many-to-one name="ProgramSession" column="SessionUid" class="ProgramSession" />
The problems begin when I try to change the ProgramSession of a ProgramTask.
If I remove the ProgramTask from the ProgramSession.ProgramTasks list property of the old session, and then add it to the same property on the new session, NHibernate tells me that the a deleted object will be resaved.
If I simply change the value of the ProgramTask.ProgramSession object, I have no problem saving. However, I get weird behavior if I do not save immediately because the ProgramSession.ProgramTasks properties (on both sessions) are not synchronized until after the NHibernate session is refreshed.
Changing the ProgramTask.ProgramSession object without directly modifying the lists as well, creates an invalid state. Take the following code as an example:
programTask.ProgramSession = newProgramSession;
Assert.That(newProgramSession.ProgramTasks.Contains(programTask)); // fails
Assert.That(!oldProgramSession.ProgramTasks.Contains(programTask)); // fails
This is more problematic in code that executed later on, that assumes the ProgramTasks collections are synchronized with the ProgramSession property. For example:
foreach(var programTask in programSession.ProgramTasks)
// whatever
One hack I used to work around this was to query the list. I can't use it everywhere, and it's clearly a bad solution, but it underscores the problem:
var tasksActuallyInSession =
.Where(task => task.ProgramSession == programSession)
Is there any way to handle this kind of situation? A best practice? Am I doing something wrong? Is the mapping incorrect? Is there some super-secret NHibernate flag I need to set?
Not sure if I understand everything what you are doing here. Some thoughts:
If you decide to move ProgramTasks around, then they get independent and should not be mapped using cascade="all-delete-orphan". If you do this, NH removes the ProgramTask from the database when you remove it from a ProgramSession.
Map it using cascade="none" and control the lifecycle of the object yourself. (this means: store it before a ProgramSession gets stored. Delete it when it is not used anymore.)
Not sure if this this is also a problem, but note that if you have a inverse reference, you code is responsible to make the references consistent. Of course, references get cleaned up after storing to the database and loading into an empty session, this is because there is only one foreign key in the database. But this is not the way it should be done. It is not responsibility of NH to manage your references. (Its only responsibility is to persist what you are doing in memory.) So you need to make it consistent in memory, and implement your business logic as if there wasn't NHibernate behind.

NHibernate: is there a way to mark an object as NOT dirty?

I have a situation where I need to load part of an object graph using custom SQL (for performance reasons). So I load up this collection using my custom SQL (ISession.CreateSQLQuery()) and then I assign that list to a property on another entity object.
The problem is that when I assign the list to the property, it makes that entity dirty along with all of the objects in the list, so when I go to save the object, it does hundreds of queries to save the entire list. Is there a way that I can specify that an object is NOT dirty (after I load it up myself)?
(Yeah, I know I could turn off cascade="save-update", but I really don't want to have to do that if I can avoid it.)
I think there is a functionality to evict an entity.
That means it is not connected to NHibernate anymore.
UPDATED after Jon's various comments:
If you want NHibernate to manage the object, ie detect if it is dirty, then keep it managed.
If not, Evict() it, it won't be managed. You can still save it manually and so on, it's just that it won't be done automatically for you.
I don't see any middle ground, between automatic and manual...
Note that you can still persist in various ways, like saving manually the parent entity, a Set of child entities and so on... Many things are still possible.
Expanding on KLEs answer, I would:
Evict() the parent entity
Load the child list
Attach the list of children to the parent entity
Merge() the whole thing back into nHibernate
At that point I believe that NHibernate will recognize everything as clean.
Can you just remove the property you use to store this manually fetched data from NHibernates tracking?
Assuming that you are not persisting the property that the list is assigned to, you can remove that property from the NHibernate mapping. I haven't tested this, but my expectation is that assigning to that property would not cause IsDirty() to return true.
EDIT: Ok, try try this. Load the object from an IStatelessSession, call your custom SQL and assign the property. Then Lock the object into a new ISession and continue working with it. I think the Lock will cascade to child objects if your cascade setting is all or all-delete-orphan. If Lock does not cascade then you will have to manually walk the object graph.
I don't remember where I got this from, but I have a class of Session extensions, one of which is this:
public static Object GetOriginalEntityProperty(this ISession session, Object entity, String propertyName)
ISessionImplementor sessionImpl = session.GetSessionImplementation();
IPersistenceContext persistenceContext = sessionImpl.PersistenceContext;
EntityEntry oldEntry = persistenceContext.GetEntry(entity);
if ((oldEntry == null) && (entity is INHibernateProxy))
INHibernateProxy proxy = entity as INHibernateProxy;
Object obj = sessionImpl.PersistenceContext.Unproxy(proxy);
oldEntry = sessionImpl.PersistenceContext.GetEntry(obj);
if (oldEntry == null) // I'm assuming this means the object is transient and that this is the way to treat that
return false;
String className = oldEntry.EntityName;
IEntityPersister persister = sessionImpl.Factory.GetEntityPersister(className);
Object[] oldState = oldEntry.LoadedState;
Object[] currentState = persister.GetPropertyValues(entity, sessionImpl.EntityMode);
Int32[] dirtyProps = persister.FindDirty(currentState, oldState, entity, sessionImpl);
Int32 index = Array.IndexOf(persister.PropertyNames, propertyName);
Boolean isDirty = (dirtyProps != null) ? (Array.IndexOf(dirtyProps, index) != -1) : false;
return ((isDirty == true) ? oldState[index] : currentState[index]);
If you get the original value using this method and assign it to the persistent property it will no-longer be dirty.
You could use an interceptor and then override the FindDirty method.