How can you disable the iOS Notification Center within your App? - objective-c

If you have a full screen iOS app and you want to prevent the notification center from being pulled down, can you and how?
Also can you block notification alerts or banners from displaying while your app is loading? (I think this is a no way for sure but wanted to ask just in case.)

It has been my experience that fullscreen apps (statusBarHidden = YES) have a slightly different notification center behavior by default: Swiping down over the area previously occupied by the status bar will only show a little tab. Only swiping the tab will then show the notification center. This has been enough to prevent accidental activation for me so far.
Currently, there is no public API for manipulating the behavior of the notification center. I am of the opinion that it's not likely that an app will ever be able to block a notification's appearance, and only slightly less unlikely that an app would be able to prevent the notification center from appearing. iOS is all about a consistent user experience experience at the price of developer freedom. I could see being frustrated by this kind of functionality if I were an unexpecting user.
All that said, there is always the dark-side of undocumented APIs. I would not be surprised if you could pull off some cleverness using those on a jailbroken device, but that's not my cup-o'-tea.

I just now figured this out. I am developing a game that runs in landscape and whenever I touched the left side, the notification center tab would appear. To fix this, you want to add the following:
I added this right after I setStatusBarHidden and I no longer have the problem of the notification tab.
Hope that helps.

An API was introduced in iOS 11, alongside a change in behavior to how Notification Center (and Control Center) is presented, to allow you to specify the desired behavior.
In iOS 11+, Notification Center will always pull down when swiping from the very top of the screen, even if the status bar is hidden. preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures allows you to specify that swiping a screen edge should not trigger the standard system UI, and instead it will provide a pull-out tab that the user must swipe again to bring out the system UI.
This is intended to be used for games where users swipe frequently, where it would be undesired to bring in system UI instead of control the game. For an immersive app like that, you can return .all to specify you don't want any system UI to appear the first time you swipe any edges of the screen, and it should instead prefer your app's own gestures.
Note that this will disable the ability to swipe once from the bottom to close an app on iPhones and iPads that don't have home buttons - the user will have to swipe twice to close the app.
There is still no way to completely disable Notification Center from within your app, nor prevent notifications from appearing while your app is in the foreground.

I built a very simple code snippet to address this issue programatically. I have a timer set-up in my app delegate that runs every .2 seconds each time it runs it keeps moving the status bar orientation so it doesn't impact the game play. I haven't experienced the annoying notification center in my app since! The only issue is the volume control rotates constantly and might be annoying but it's less annoying than notification center
int tick=0;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES];
if (tick==1)
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft];
if (tick==2){
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight];
if (tick==3){
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait];
if (tick==4){
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown];


How can I bring an OSX app to the front?

I'm working on a small, OSX app (it's a menubar app). When I initially build/launch the app, it goes to the foreground and all other apps go to the background (as they should). When I click on another app, that app comes forward and my app goes back (as it should), but when I click back on my app, it doesn't come forward again. The other app stays as the front-most app (regardless of what that other app is).
The big problem with this, aside from it just being weird, is that none of the hover actions or cursors work on my app when it is not the frontmost app.
Is there a way to programmatically force it to the front? How come clicking on it doesn't bring it forward?...
I found the answer in this question. It can be done using either this:
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] activateIgnoringOtherApps : YES];
or this:
[[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] activateWithOptions:(NSApplicationActivateAllWindows | NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps)];

iOS : Disable Push Notifications drop down tray programatically

In my app design, I have a dropdown menu from the top as the user swipes down the top edge of the screen. This interferes with the Push notification tray. Is there any way to disable the default tray dropdown when my app is in the foreground?
Currently, there is no public API for manipulating the behavior of the notification center or how to prevent it.
I think it is a design decision to keep a consistent user experience at the price of developer freedom. I do not think it's not likely that an app will ever be able to block a notification's appearance, and only slightly less unlikely that an app would be able to prevent the notification center from appearing.
After all, it is what made iOS so successful. The consistency between the operating system and apps in general.

Disable the "Notification Center" on iPad (phonegap) application

Is there any way to remove the swipe event that pulls in the notification center from the top of the ipad when developing an ipad app? If there is an easy way in PhoneGap, that would be best, if not - I can manually implement any Objective-C solution.
The app is already in full screen, and there are some gestures that including swiping at the top. These iPads are distributed to the sales force of this company, and they want that feature (top swipe notification center) disabled.
When your app is in fullscreen mode, Notification Center switches to a two-swipe system: swipe once to bring up a little handle, and swipe down on the handle to bring up Notification Center. This should avoid most interference.
Other than that, there's no public way to disable this gesture.
Of course not. At least not without a jailbroken phone. Notification Center is built into the OS and cannot be disabled by third party apps. As #jtbandes pointed out, their is the "handle" option, but there is no way to completely disable the functionality.

Disable iOS 5 Notification Center Gesture in App

I'm developing a Kiosk-Mode Application and I want to prevent the notification center gesture (swipe down from top). Since the Application isn't distributed using the AppStore private APIs are allowed.
I have skimmed through the UIKit class dump but did not find any hints on how to disable it (resp. don't know where to look, tried UIApplication and UIWindow).
Has anyone tried this yet and had success?
It may be a little tricky, cause you are trying to disable native iOS function like all-fingers swipe gesture on iPad and so on. Some people use this method to define different notification center swipe side:
statusBarHidden = YES
and then you can redefine side:
as example.
I think you couldn't find any hacks to prevent iOS notification from showing at all. As last approach you can get some profit from dealing with jaiblroken features on unlocked devices...

Can I show a UIAlertView as a banner (similar to push notifications) in iOS 5?

I am using a UIAlertView in my code in iOS5, but rather than the classic popup window with an "OK" button to exit, I'd prefer to have my alert show as a banner at the top of the screen that eventually fades away.
Is it possible to change the style of UIAlertView to resemble the iOS 5 push notification banner or does it have to be a popup window that must be dismissed manually? If not, is there any way to use the iOS5 banner notification rather than an alert notification? I don't need to send a push notification but just need to alert the user of something that happens on the server side using the app.
Not using the SDK. You'll have to design and implement that by yourself.
Have a look at: