Linking 64bit dll mingw - dll

I'm linking a dll with some dependencies on other dlls.
I have a trouble with linking a 64bit version of my project. With 32bit version all is ok as far as I use mingw32. But when I switch to 64bit version of dependent dlls and mingw-w64 it tells the following:
c:/.../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: skipping incompatible .\lib\native/libblabla.dll when searching for -llibblabla
Where 'libblabla' is a library I depend on. I'm absolutely sure it is 64bit version and should be compatible. Is it a bug in mingw?
Also, I tried to link using lib file, but provided lib is also considered as incompatible and the one generated by dlltool has no import table generated!
I'm totally stuck with this.
Thank you.

First, to get some possible misunderstanding out of the way:
GCC/ld can link to (properly exporting) 32-bit DLLs and .lib/.a import and static libraries.
GCC/ld should be able to link to a properly exporting 64-bit DLL or .a import or static lib, but never a 64-bit .lib file.
You aren't building/linking with -m32, are you?
By "properly exporting" I mean that dumpbin /exports or nm -t reveal exported symbols when run on the DLL.
What you should try:
Build the through a call to gcc, not any direct calls to binutils. The options -shared -o name.dll -Wl,--import-lib, libname.dll.a should get you started.
Use MinGW-w64's gendef (it's in the mingw-w64-tools directory in their SVN/sources) to generate a .def file, which you can create an import library.
If these produce no symbols in the import library, you're not exporting any symbols. Although this would be surprising as the error message says the dll is 32-bit. What does MSYS/Cygwin's file command on the dll return?


build new project include dll and compiler to so

I am a question about dll use in linux. I have dll and .h file that work good in windows. But now I need to work this program in linux. If I write a .cpp file that
function call the dll file's function. Could I compiler this .cpp file to assembly or to .so file. Then I can use .so file without original dll file ?
If you have a DLL that builds on Windows, then provided the C++ code is portable, it should be possible to compile the same code on Linux to produce a shared library (.so file), which is Linux's equivalent to Windows DLLs. There is good background on this topic here.
If your source code (i.e. CPP or header files) uses #include for headers that are Windows-specific, you will have to make that code portable in order for Linux to build and run it. One approach is to just try compiling your code on Linux and see what errors arise. If you want to be more proactive, for C++ portability guidelines see here.

Qt5 mingw - How to add required dlls to run an app standalone?

I made an application with Qt5(mingw). To run this application out of qtcreator, I have to put some dlls like Qt5Widgets.dll, Qt5Core.dll, ... beside the executable file. I tried to add these libraries to project, but "Add Library" option doesn't accept dll! I can only add static library(*.lib).
I just want to add required dlls to my project and make a *.exe file in output, without any dependency and no any dll around the executable file.
You want to build your application with static linkage. For static linkage you need to compile your Qt with -static option.
How to build static Qt:
For linux:
For Windows: I used this guide
Note: even with static linkage I provide msvcr110.dll and msvcr120.dll with my app, so I have .exe + 2 dlls. But maybe I do some things wrong, but at least I have 3 files instead of tons of it.

Adding a shared library and executable, compiling source files twice

gcc (GCC) 4.7.2
cmake version 2.8.11
I wondering if there is a way around the following issue. I have highlighted below:
# Compiles the source files to create the shared library called
# Link additional libraries to this
# ISSUE: Now I want to create my executable using the same source files. module.c is where my 'void main(void)' is.
# However, I have some functions in there which will also be part of the library.
# However, this will recompile the same source files all over again. I don't really like that behaviour.
# After the executable is created, link the libraries with it.
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(sun_gw ${APR} driver dlg_gw dlg_sip dlg_ss7 dlg_isdn)
I hope you can see the issue above, as I am compiling the same source files twice. Once to create the dlg_gw library. Then again to create the executable sun_gw.
I was thinking of taking out the 'void main(void)' and putting it in a new file called runtime.c and then doing the following:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(sun_gw runtime.c)
But the above require me to change some of the source code.
Many thanks for any other suggestions,
The "OBJECT" library type introduced in CMake 2.8.8 can be used to avoid repetitive build of same files.

How to add header file path in CMake file

I am new to OpenCL. I have written a vector addition code in OpenCL with help from Internet. I have included one header file i.e. CL/cl.h using #include.
I am using NVIDIA graphic card and the OpenCL implementation is NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK. My OpenCL header files are residing at this path /opt/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/OpenCL/common/inc. I can run OpenCL programs through linux terminal by adding this path when compiling my code. But now I want to write CMake file for this code. CMake files are working fine for C programs, but not OpenCL programs because of this Path problem. In terminal, I used to enter $cmake ., after this $make, it will search for a Makefile which is created by cmake, now my error is after entering command make
fatal error: CL/cl.h: No such file or directory!
Now tell me how can I include this header file into CMake file?
You will need to put these lines into CMakeLists.txt:
link_directories(/opt/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/OpenCL/common/<lib or something similar>)
add_executable(yourexe src1.c ...)
target_link_libraries(yourexe OpenCL)
But beware that this is not portable, because OpenCL SDK can be somewhere else on another machine. The proper way to do this is to use FindOpenCL.cmake module.
Maybe you can use a CMake "find" script like:
CMake file example from OpenCL Programming Guide Book:
I was looking for FindOpenCL.cmake macro which would work well on Windows, OSX and Linux... I couldn't find any which did work well on every platform, so I wrote new one which I use in couple of projects (webcl-validator and opencl-testsuite).
Especially Windows support is improved in this one.
In Windows it checks if 64bit or 32bit lib should be used and it also tries to find libraries from according to environment variables set by Nvidia, Intel and AMD OpenCL SDKs.
It also tries to find .lib in Cygwin, which didn't work with other scripts I tried.

making conditions for linux and windows when linking libraries

Windows VC++ 2008
linux gcc 4.4.3
I have the following problem. When I compile on windows I need the ws2_32 library. However, when I compile on linux, I don't need to link this.
My CMakeLists.txt
# Link the library
# Add the executable
ADD_EXECUTABLE(clt test_clt)
# Link the executable to the client library
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clt client ws2_32)
I have tried unsuccessfully to compile under linux. Using the above conditions. However, It always tries to link the ws2_32 and I get a compile error. I think that the conditions aren't working, as it always falls through the WIN32 condition.
many thanks for any suggestions,
Since the WIN32 thing is such a fundamental part of CMake, I'd guess that there is more to this than what you mention.
Are you doing a clean check out of your code, or just copying up a whole directory on Linux? If you have all your CMake build files cached from the Windows build, maybe (just maybe!) something has snuck in there and "detects" itself as WIN32 on Linux?
Are you sure it is that line and not something else that causes the link to the stray Win-library? Maybe try a MESSAGE(STATUS "I am here")line within the IF(WIN32) just to make sure.
Are you sure the error is caused by linking that library? I can see a typo in your script, it should be IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) - you have an extra X on there. Perhaps you are not linking in what you thing you are, and that is why it fails.