Scope of a variable in PHP5 with mysqli - variables

class UBC_DB
private $db;
public function connect()
$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'NewsTable');
public function getDB()
printf("Can't connect to MySQL Server. ErrorCode: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
$api = new UBC_DB();
Hello, PHP masters.
I've got a problem here and need your help...
I'm trying to make a nice neat class to deal with DB connection... However,
even if that db is connected successfully and returns the appropriate result to $db, I cannot reuse this variable in another method in the same class! shouldn't $db remember what it has received before? In getDB method, it says $db has nothing : ( PHP has a different variable scope-rules?

The scoping rules are different than other languages like Perl, it is true.
I suggest the following singelton-style DB class:
class UBC_DB
private static $db;
private static function connect()
self::$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'NewsTable');
public static function getDB()
return self::$db;
$db = UBC_DB::getDB();


I am trying to make a dinamic CRUD with PDO but I have this error Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null [duplicate]

I think I've a problem in understanding how OOP works. I already changed the code that it works, but it isn't the propper way I think. Following scenario (No, I'm not creating a userlogin by myself, its really just for local dev. to understand OOP better):
I've a database.php file:
class Database {
/* Properties */
private $conn;
private $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=test;host=';
private $user = 'root';
private $password = '';
/* Creates database connection */
public function __construct() {
try {
$this->conn = new PDO($this->dsn, $this->user, $this->password);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "";
return $this->conn;
So in this class I'm creating a database connection and I return the connection (object?)
Then I have a second class, the famous User class (actually I'm not using autoload, but I know about it):
include "database.php";
class User {
/* Properties */
private $conn;
/* Get database access */
public function __construct() {
$this->conn = new Database();
/* Login a user */
public function login() {
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT username, usermail FROM user");
if($stmt->execute()) {
while($rows = $stmt->fetch()) {
$fetch[] = $rows;
return $fetch;
else {
return false;
So thatare my two classes. Nothing big, as you see. Now, don't get confued about the function name login - Actually I just try to select some usernames and usermails from database and displaying them. I try to achieve this by:
$user = new User();
$list = $user->login();
foreach($list as $test) {
echo $test["username"];
And here comes the problem. When I execute this code, I get the following error message:
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Database::prepare()
And I'm not sure that I really understand what causes this error.
The code works well when I change the following things:
Change $conn in database.php to public instead of private (I think thats bad...? But when its private, I can only execute querys inside of the Database class, I'm right? So should I put all these querys in the Database class? I think that's bad, because in a big project it will get become really big..)
And the second change I've to do is:
Change $this->conn->prepare to $this->conn->conn->prepare in the user.php file. And here I've really no Idea why.
I mean, in the constructor of the user.php I've a $this->conn = new Database() and since new Database will return me the connection object from DB class, I really don't know why there have to be a second conn->
Do not create classes such as your Database class as it's rather useless. It would make sense to create a database wrapper if it adds some extra functionality to PDO. But given its current code, better to use vanilla PDO instead.
Create a single $db instance from either vanilla PDO or your database class.
Pass it as a constructor parameter into every class that needs a database connection
$host = '';
$db = 'test';
$user = 'root';
$pass = '';
$charset = 'utf8';
$dsn = "mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db;charset=$charset";
$opt = [
$pdo = new \PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $opt);
class User {
/* Properties */
private $conn;
/* Get database access */
public function __construct(\PDO $pdo) {
$this->conn = $pdo;
/* List all users */
public function getUsers() {
return $this->conn->query("SELECT username, usermail FROM user")->fetchAll();
include 'database.php';
$user = new User($pdo);
$list = $user->getUsers();
foreach($list as $test) {
echo $test["username"],"\n";
Check out my (The only proper) PDO tutorial for more PDO details.

Doctrine ORM create method phpspec test failure

I try to write, at first glance, it would seem a trivial test for my repository's "update" method:
namespace Paneric\Authorization\ORM\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\ORMException;
use Paneric\Authorization\DTO\FieldDTO;
use Paneric\Authorization\ORM\Entity\Field;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Paneric\Authorization\Interfaces\FieldRepositoryInterface;
class FieldRepository extends EntityRepository implements FieldRepositoryInterface
const ENTITY_CLASS = Field::class;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $_em)
parent::__construct($_em, $_em->getClassMetadata(self::ENTITY_CLASS));
public function update(int $fieldId, FieldDTO $fieldDTO): void
try {
$field = $this->find($fieldId);
} catch (ORMException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
with a spec method:
namespace spec\Paneric\Authorization\ORM\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Paneric\Authorization\DTO\FieldDTO;
use Paneric\Authorization\ORM\Entity\Field;
use Paneric\Authorization\ORM\Repository\FieldRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;
class FieldRepositorySpec extends ObjectBehavior
public function let(EntityManagerInterface $_em, ClassMetadata $classMetadata)
public function it_updates(Field $field, FieldDTO $fieldDTO, EntityManagerInterface $_em)
$fieldId = 1;
$field = $this->find($fieldId);
$this->update($fieldId, $fieldDTO);
and receive the following error:
Unexpected method call on Double\EntityManagerInterface\EntityManagerInterface\P1:
- find(
expected calls were:
- getClassMetadata(
- find(
- flush(
Apparently issue is related to the call:
$field = $this->find($fieldId);
Although the second remark related to getClassMetadata, looks strange, considering the fact that my spec let method:
public function let(EntityManagerInterface $_em, ClassMetadata $classMetadata)
does its job in case of other spec tests.
Can anyone help me to solve this issue ? Thx in advance.
In my repository's "update" metod, line:
$field = $this->find($fieldId);
has to be replaced by:
$field = $this->_em->find(Field::class, $fieldId);
so the complete spec test looks like:
public function it_updates(Field $field, FieldDTO $fieldDTO, EntityManagerInterface $_em)
$fieldId = 1;
$_em->find(Field::class, $fieldId)->willReturn($field);
$this->update($fieldId, $fieldDTO);

PHPUnit testing a protected static method that uses pdo

I am very new to TDD. I am using phpunit 7.4x-dev. I have the following abstract class that I am trying to develop unit tests for.
use PDO;
abstract class Model {
protected static function getDB() {
static $db = null;
if ($db === null) {
$db = new PDO(ConfigDatabase::DSN, ConfigDatabase::USER, ConfigDatabase::PASSWORD);
return $db;
I have created the following test to get around the need to deal with the static protected method. And it works if I provide "ConfigureDatabase" class.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class ModelTest extends TestCase {
function newMockClass(){
$stub = new class() extends Model{
function getStaticMethod($methodName){
return self::$methodName();
return $stub;
public function testDatabaseExists() {
$stub = $this->newMockClass();
$db = $stub->getStaticMethod('getDB');
Since I do not want my tests to rely on any actual database, How would I fake the calls to PDO.
Following Dormilich suggestion I developed a database interface, just in case I decide later I do not want to use PDO.
interface CRUDImp {
function __construct($datbaseBridgeLikePDO);
Next I wrote my tests for the constructor. I used setup to make sure I was starting with a fresh mock of \PDO.
class PDOWrapperTest extends TestCase {
private $pdoMock;
private $db;
function setup() {
$this->pdoMock = $this->createMock('\PDO');
$this->db = new PDOWrapper($this->pdoMock);
public function testWrapperExists() {
$db = new PDOWrapper($this->pdoMock);
$x = $db instanceof CRUDImp;
* #expectedException \Exception
public function testNonPDOPassedToConstructor() {
$mock = $this->createMock('\Exception');
$x = new PDOWrapper($mock);
Since PHP is loosely typed I check to make sure that the class passed to the constructor was an instance of \PDO. I implemented the concrete class as follows
class PDOWrapper implements CRUDImp {
private $pdo;
private $dataOutputType = \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC;
public function __construct($pdo) {
if (!($pdo instanceof \PDO)) {
throw new \Exception("PDOWrapper must be passed instance of \PDO");
$attr_Errmode = $pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE);
if ($attr_Errmode !== \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) {
$this->pdo = $pdo;
Now that I have an independent database wrapper the original Model tests are at the moment trivial and no longer needed. The abstract class Model was modified as follows:
abstract class Model {
protected $database=null;
function __construct(CRUDWrapper $database) {
$this->database = $database;
So for those not familiar with dependency injection I found the following links helpful:
Hope this shortens someone's work.

PHP Memcached extension OOP instantiation

I have installed the PHP Memcached extension on my live server.
Despite various efforts, I can't seem to install Memcached within my XAMPP development box, so I am relying on the following code to only instantiate Memcached only on the Live server:
My connect file which is included in every page:
// MySQL connection here
// Memcached
if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'test.mytestserver') {
$memcache = new Memcached();
$memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211);
At the moment I am instantiating each method, and I can't help thinking that that there is a better way to acheive my objective and wonder if anyone has any ideas?
My class file:
class instrument_info {
// Mysqli connection
function __construct($link) {
$this->link = $link;
function execute_query($query, $server) {
$memcache = new Memcached();
$memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211);
$result = mysqli_query($this->link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($link));
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if($server == 'live')
$memcache->set($key, $row, 86400);
} // Close function
function check_something() {
$memcache = new Memcached();
$memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211);
$query = "SELECT something from somewhere";
if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'test.mytestserver') { // Live server
$key = md5($query);
$get_result = $memcache->get($key);
if($get_result) {
$row = $memcache->get($key);
} else {
$this->execute_query($query, 'live');
} else { // Test Server
$this->execute_query($query, 'prod');
} // Close function
} // Close Class
I would suggest that you read up on interface-based programming and dependency injection. Here's some example code that might give you an idea about how you should go about it.
interface CacheInterface {
function set($name, $val, $ttl);
function get($name);
class MemCacheImpl implements CacheInterface {
/* todo: implement interface */
class OtherCacheImpl implements CacheInterface {
/* todo: implement interface */
class InstrumentInfo {
private $cache;
private $link;
function __construct($link, $cache) {
$this->link = $link;
$this->cache = $cache;
function someFunc() {
$content = $this->cache->get('some-id');
if( !$content ) {
// collect content somehow
$this->cache->set('some-id', $content, 3600);
return $content
$cache = new MemCacheImpl();
} else {
$cache = new OtherCacheImpl();
$instrumentInfo = new InstrumentInfo($link, $cache);
BTW. You actually have the same problem when it comes to mysqli_query, your'e making your code dependent on a Mysql database and the mysqli extension. All calls to mysqli_query should also be moved out to its own class, representing the database layer.

doc has error? not sure
Setting multiple databases¶
In Phalcon, all models can belong to the same database connection or have an individual one. Actually, when Phalcon\Mvc\Collection needs to connect to the database it requests the “mongo” service in the application’s services container. You can overwrite this service setting it in the initialize method:
//This service returns a mongo database at
$di->set('mongo1', function() {
$mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://scott:nekhen#");
return $mongo->selectDb("management");
//This service returns a mongo database at localhost
$di->set('mongo2', function() {
$mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost");
return $mongo->selectDb("invoicing");
Then, in the Initialize method, we define the connection service for the model:
class Robots extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Collection
public function initialize()
$this->setConnectionService('management'); // here?
You are correct. The documentation was wrong. The correct usage is to set the appropriate service name (not the collection) using the setConnectionService.
// This service returns a mongo database at
$mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://scott:nekhen#");
return $mongo->selectDb("management");
// This service returns a mongo database at localhost
$mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost");
return $mongo->selectDb("invoicing");
Then, in the Initialize method, we define the connection service for the model:
.. code-block:: php
class Robots extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Collection
public function initialize()