sql view selecting from multiple databases, proxy user doesn't have access to remote database - sql

I've set up multiple views in a sql server database. These views are are selected from in a stored procedure which has WITH EXECUTE AS 'proxyuser' clause in it's declaration. The select statement it executes is created dynamically, and executed with the sp_executesql stored procedure. Everything has worked correctly until it became necessary to include a join to a table in a different database in the definition of one of those views, so that the view is selecting from both the database where it resides and another database on the same server.
The error I'm getting is this: The server principal "proxyuser" is not able to access the database "mydb" under the current security context.
This is what I've tried:
Deleting the proxyuser from the second database and mapping the login to the database as recommended here..
Enabling cross database ownership chaining as recommended here..
and my scenario doesn't meet the requirements outlined by Microsoft Support Article #913422, which describes the same error message. The proxy uses Sql Server Authentication, not Windows Authentication.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

I'm finally coming back to this after a long side-track working on a different project. I worked it out so that I'm no longer using the WITH EXECUTE AS 'proxyuser' syntax. The user I was connecting with had sufficient permissions to perform the action. I'm not sure why I didn't try that before.


How to stop edits on linked tables from changing the actual table data MS Access 2013?

I am not sure what the correct forum is for a question like this, so if it would go better on a different one could you move it there please?
I have split my database into a front and back-end database. The front end is using linked tables which are linked to the back-end real tables. If a user changes something in a table on the front-end database, the changes are carried over to the backend database.
Why is this and how can I prevent this from happening? Is there a way to change the settings to make the database read only? Whether it's through VBA or not, I would accept either answer.
That's a feature, not a bug. You're using a linked table, it's linked.
If you want a separate table, make a separate table, and make some ETL (extract/transform/load) process to keep the two tables in sync as needed, accordingly with whatever business rules you need to implement.
If your Access DB is connecting to SQL Server via SQL authentication, you could have the SQL user on the SQL Server side only authorized to SELECT, and denied UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT permissions. Expect errors on the Access side when the linked table is modified then.

SQL Server stored procedures and permissions with other databases

I am configuring the database accounts for some new users. I have come up with the following solution which is 99% of the way to getting the accounts to work but I have hit a problem which I cannot resolve.
Firstly, I created a new login with SQL Server authentication and then gave them the EXECUTE permission to all stored procedures. This allows them to run them all but they cannot view the code and they cannot view the database tables.
Inside the stored procedures I added the following:
This allowed the stored procedures to run as the default account we normally use and this has the role of db_owner. This allows the new users to run all the stored procedures and it works great until I hit the following problem:
Some of the stored procedures (all of which are using dynamic SQL) call some synonyms which link to tables in two other databases (history and a data mart database). This gives me the following error:
The server principal "{username}" is not able to access the database "{database name}" under the current security context.
The account which I am using in the WITH EXEC AS is the db_owner of all three databases I am working with.
What can I do to resolve this problem? Many thanks
EXECUTE AS Owner is a database sandbox. Think about it, it has to be. Otherwise a database administrator can issue and EXECUTE AS USER = 'somesystemadmin' and elevate himself to an instance level administrator. The details are described in Extending Database Impersonation by Using EXECUTE AS:
when impersonating a principal by using the EXECUTE AS USER statement, or within a database-scoped module by using the EXECUTE AS clause, the scope of impersonation is restricted to the database by default. This means that references to objects outside the scope of the database will return an error.
The solution is simple: sign the procedure. See Call a procedure in another database from an activated procedure for an example. Read more at Module Signing and Signing Stored Procedures in SQL Server.

Run xp_create_subdir without admin privilidges

The Point: I want to be able to create a directory on the filesystem through a non-sysadmin SQL user.
I'm creating a web front-end for a deployment script which creates new databases from a specified template database.
Essentially I'm backing up said template database and then restoring this as a brand new database with a different name.
Our DB server has our client databases stored in sub-folders within our database store. If I were to use the default settings it would look something like:
D:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\[ClientRef]\[ClientRef].mdf
D:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\[ClientRef]\[ClientRef].ldf
I only have SQL access to the database server (via a programming language, hosted on a separate box) so I can't execute anything other than SQL.
My database user is extremely limited, however I would like to somehow grant this user to access/execute master.dbo.xp_create_subdir only. Is this possible at all?
I'm loathe to give our local DB user sys-admin rights, it has a limited user for a reason.
DB Server is Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.
Cheers, any help will be appreciated.
One possible solution is to write your own sproc that internally uses master.dbo.xp_create_subdir.
Create the sproc while logged in as an account that's a member of the sysadmin role and use "WITH EXECUTE AS SELF". Then grant permissions to that other account to execute this sproc. The database catalog where you create this wrapper-sproc must be marked as "trustworthy" or you'll still get the: User must be a member of 'sysadmin' server role. error.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sprocAssureDirectory] #directoryFullPath varchar(4000)
EXEC master.dbo.xp_create_subdir #directoryFullPath;
Just make sure you add any needed assertions/checks to your sproc that make sense for your application (e.g. the path can only be of a pattern that you expect).
Belated Update: Added the critical mention of marking the catalog as trustworthy.
You could give access for the user to use that stored proc explicitly. It is gonna be something like:
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::master.dbo.xp_create_subdir
It sounds like that user is limited for a reason though and getting the extra permissions to run something like that can get a little push back from whoever is managing the DB. So be careful when dealing with getting the elevated privledges.

authentication when creating table synonym in remote server

I just came across the concept of SYNONYM in a database. By reading this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187552.aspx
and this What is the use of SYNONYM in SQL Server 2008? I figure out the purposse of synonym.
however, I still don't understand a little step in real process of creating a synonym for a remote table. I have search the web, but generally the instruction mainly focus on SQL syntax(for example this one:http://www.oninit.com/manual/informix/english/docs/dbdk/is40/sqls/02cr_prc8.html). And I find none of the guidance mention the authentication part when creating a synonym for remote table. I guess a database can't just let anyone make a synonym then get the access to its tables?
so I curious how the target remote table's database can know if the synonym reference accessing its table is legal?
The answer to your question is going to depend a lot on what database platform you are using to contain the synonym; in your question, you referenced documentation from at least two (SQL Server and Informix). I don't know much about Informix, but I'm going to assume that it's security model is different than SQL Server.
For SQL Server, the remote server must be set up as a linked server first (assuming that you are using a remote object). See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188279.aspx for details on how to do that.
You do not need permission on the base object to successfully compile the CREATE SYNONYM statement, because all permission checking on the base object is deferred until run time.
That is, there's no security issues around synonyms, because the permissions checks take place when the synonym is used, and the permission checks are based on the real object, not the synonym.

Disable all queries in SQL Server that don't use named parameters?

It seems that one could stop all threat of Sql injection once and for all by simply rejecting all queries that don't use named parameters. Any way to configure Sql server to do that? Or else any way to enforce that at the application level by inspecting each query without writing an entire SQL parser? Thanks.
Remove the grants for a role to be able to SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE against the table(s) involved
Grant EXECUTE on the role for stored procedures/functions/etc
Associate the role to database user(s) you want to secure
It won't stop an account that also has the ability to GRANT access, but it will stop the users associated to the role (assuming no other grants on a per user basis) from being able to execute queries outside of the stored procedure/functions/etc that exist.
There are only a couple ways to do this. OMG Ponies has the best answer: don't allow direct sql statements against your database and instead leverage the tools and security sql server can provide.
An alternative way would be to add an additional tier which all queries would have to go through. In short you'd pass all queries (SOA architecture) to a new app which would evaluate the query for passing on to sql server. I've seen exactly one company do this in reaction to sql injection issues their site had.
Of course, this is a horrible way of doing things because SQL injection is only one potential problem.
Beyond SQL Injection, you also have issues of what happens when the site itself is cracked. Once you can write a new page to a web server it becomes trivial to pass any query you want to the associated database server. This would easily bypass any code level thing you could put in place. And it would allow the attacker to just write select * from ... or truncate table ... Heck, an internal person could potentially just directly connect to the sql server using the sites credentials and run any query they wanted.
The point is, if you leverage the security built into sql server to prevent direct table access then you can control through stored procedures the full range of actions availble to anyone attempting to connect to the server.
And how do you want to check for that? Queries sometimes have constant values that would just as easy be added to the query. For instance, I have a database that is prepared to be multi lingual, but not all code is, so my query looks like this:
The ID is a parameter, but the language id isn't. Should this query be blocked?
You ask to block queries that don't use named parameters. That can be easily enforced. Just block any query that doesn't specify any parameters. You can do this in your application layer. But it will be hard to block queries like the one above, where one value is a parameter and the other one isn't. You'll need to parse that query to detect it, and it will be hard too.
I don't think sql server has any built in features to do this.