Celery: abort task on connection error - rabbitmq

I have to implement a Task subclass that gracefully fails if the broker is not running - currently I'm using RabbitMQ.
I could probably just use a try statement to catch the exception:
Mytask.delay(arg1, arg2)
except socket.error:
# Send an notice to an admin
but I'd like to create a subclass of Task that can handle that.
I've tried something like that:
class MyTask(Task):
ignore_result = True
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.run(*args, **kwargs)
except socket.error:
# Send an notice to an admin
return None
but the workflow is clearly wrong. I think I need to inject maybe a backend subclass or a failure policy somehow.
Do you have any suggestion?

A possible solution I came up with:
import socket
from celery.decorators import task
from celery.task import Task
from celery.backends.base import BaseBackend
class DummyBackend(BaseBackend):
Dummy queue backend for undelivered messages (due to the broker being down).
def store_result(self, *args, **kwargs):
def get_status(self, *args, **kwargs):
def _dummy(self, *args, **kwargs):
return None
wait_for = get_result = get_traceback = _dummy
class SafeTask(Task):
A task not raising socket errors if the broker is down.
abstract = True
on_broker_error = None
errbackend = DummyBackend
def apply_async(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super(SafeTask, cls).apply_async(*args, **kwargs)
except socket.error, err:
if cls.on_broker_error is not None:
cls.on_broker_error(err, cls, *args, **kwargs)
return cls.app.AsyncResult(None, backend=cls.errbackend(),
def safetask(*args, **kwargs):
Task factory returning safe tasks handling socket errors.
When a socket error occurs, the given callable *on_broker_error*
is called passing the exception object, the class of the task
and the original args and kwargs.
if 'base' not in kwargs:
on_broker_error = kwargs.pop('on_broker_error', SafeTask.on_broker_error)
errbackend = kwargs.pop('errbackend', SafeTask.errbackend)
kwargs['base'] = type('SafeTask', (SafeTask,), {
'on_broker_error': staticmethod(on_broker_error),
'errbackend': errbackend,
'abstract': True,
return task(*args, **kwargs)
You can both subclass SafeTask or use the decorator #safetask.
If you can think of an improvement, don't hesitate to contribute.


pytest-qt waitSignal for long running computation running in a thread pool

I have successfully implemented a Python Qt app based off this very nice tutorial.
I am now writing tests using pytest-qt to specifically test a button that triggers a long running computation that eventually emits a signal when finished. I would like to use waitSignal as documented here.
def test_long_computation(qtbot):
app = Application()
# Watch for the app.worker.finished signal, then start the worker.
with qtbot.waitSignal(app.worker.finished, timeout=10000) as blocker:
blocker.connect(app.worker.failed) # Can add other signals to blocker
# Test will block at this point until either the "finished" or the
# "failed" signal is emitted. If 10 seconds passed without a signal,
# TimeoutError will be raised.
When the button is clicked, this function is executed:
def on_button_click_function(self):
start thread pool to run function
# Pass the function to execute
worker = Worker(self.execute_check_urls)
worker.signals.result.connect(self.print_output) # type: ignore
worker.signals.finished.connect(self.thread_complete) # type: ignore
worker.signals.progress.connect(self.progress_fn) # type: ignore
# Execute
log_info("Starting thread pool worker ...")
And when the thread completes, a signal is emitted
def thread_complete(self):
main_window = self.find_main_window()
if main_window:
f"Emitted signal for button click function: {self.results}"
Below is the init function of the main class:
class MyClass:
def __init__(
super(MyClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.threadpool = QThreadPool()
"Multithreading with max %d threads"
% self.threadpool.maxThreadCount()
And the worker class which is QRunnable:
def __init__(
super(Worker, self).__init__()
self.fn = fn
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.signals = WorkerSignals()
self.kwargs['progress_callback'] = self.signals.progress
def run(self):
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
except (Exception):
exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
(exctype, value, traceback.format_exc())
I would appreciate some guidance on how to access the worker object from the threadpool. I also tested qtbot.mouseClick() which triggers the function but never emits the signal.

Twisted XMLRPC proxy

I'd like to make XMLRPC proxy with balancer using twisted.
[XMLRPC Server 1_1] <--> [----------------------] <--- Client
[Proxy example.com:8000] <--- Client
[XMLRPC Server 1_2] <--> [----------------------] <--- Client
So there are two XMLRPC instances which represents same methods. I need xmlrpc-proxy between this instances and clients. One more thing - this proxy should also accept JSON calls (kind of http://example.com:8000/RPC2, http://example.com:8000/JSON).
Right now I was trying to implement XMLRPC proxy calls. I can't receive answer back to client although sendLine() is calling.
import argparse
from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer, threads
from twisted.web import xmlrpc
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredQueue, Deferred, inlineCallbacks
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
import configfile
from bcsxmlrpc import xmlrpc_request_parser, xmlrpc_marshal
from customlogging import logging
class ProxyClient(xmlrpc.Proxy):
def __init__(self, proxy_uri, user, timeout=30.0):
self.proxy_uri = proxy_uri
xmlrpc.Proxy.__init__(self, url=proxy_uri, user=user, connectTimeout=timeout)
def call_api(self, name, *args):
logging.debug(u"Calling API: %s" % name)
result = yield self.callRemote(name, *args)
class Request(object):
def __init__(self, method, params, deferred):
self.method = method
self.params = params
self.deferred = deferred
class ProxyServer(LineReceiver):
def dataReceived(self, data):
params, method = xmlrpc_request_parser(data) # got method name and arguments
d = Deferred()
d.addCallbacks(self._send_reply, self._log_error)
logging.debug(u"%s%s added to queue" % (method, params))
queue.put(Request(method, params, d))
def _send_reply(self, result):
def _log_error(self, error):
def connectionMade(self):
logging.info(u"New client connected")
def connectionLost(self, reason):
logging.info(u"Client connection lost: %s" % reason.getErrorMessage())
class ProxyServerFactory(protocol.Factory):
protocol = ProxyServer
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return ProxyServer()
def _queue_execute_job():
if queue.pending and proxy_pool:
proxy = proxy_pool.pop()
request = yield queue.get()
result = yield ProxyClient(proxy, "").call_api(request.method, *list(request.params))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run configuration")
parser.add_argument('--config', help=u"Configuration file name/path")
config = configfile.ProxyConfig(parser.parse_args().config)
global proxy_pool
proxy_pool = set()
for proxy_server in config.servers:
global queue
queue = DeferredQueue()
lc2 = LoopingCall(_queue_execute_job)
logging.info(u"Starting Proxy at port %s" % config.port)
reactor.listenTCP(config.port, ProxyServerFactory())

Twisted error in server with mqtt client

I'm running a Twisted TCP server. Each protocol instance has an mqtt pub/sub client. I've reduced the actual production code to the simplest possible form below. I've stripped out a lot of irrelevant complexity to simplify the bug-finding process. The server works for multiple client connections and produces the data received from the mqtt client, but after any client connects/disconnects/reconnects a few times I get an exception that I haven't been able to understand or trap. I'm hoping that Jean-Paul or someone can point me at the error of my ways.
Once the exception occurs, no new clients can connect to the server. Each new connect attempt produces the exception.
Clients that are already connected continue to receive data ok.
The exception is
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/log.py", line 73, in callWithContext
return context.call({ILogContext: newCtx}, func, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 118, in callWithContext
return self.currentContext().callWithContext(ctx, func, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 81, in callWithContext
return func(*args,**kw)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/posixbase.py", line 614, in _doReadOrWrite
why = selectable.doRead()
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/tcp.py", line 1069, in doRead
transport = self.transport(skt, protocol, addr, self, s, self.reactor)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/tcp.py", line 786, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/abstract.py", line 429, in startReading
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/epollreactor.py", line 256, in addReader
_epoll.EPOLLIN, _epoll.EPOLLOUT)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/epollreactor.py", line 240, in _add
self._poller.modify(fd, flags)
exceptions.IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
The basic server code is:
(this example will run and does generate the exception)
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.protocols import basic
from paho.mqtt import client # The most recent version of the legacy Mosquitto client
from random import randint
class MsgReceiver(basic.LineReceiver):
def __init__(self, factory): # new (factory)
self.factory = factory # new (factory)
def connectionMade(self):
self.mqClient = self.startMQ()
if self.mqClient:
def connectionLost(self, reason):
def lineReceived(self, line):
def on_message(self, mosq, obj, msg):
except Exception, err:
def startMQ(self):
mqName = "-".join(["myAppName", str(randint(0, 99999))])
mqClient = client.Client(mqName)
if mqClient.connect("localhost", 1883, 60) != 0:
print('Could not connect to mq server')
return False
mqClient.on_message = self.on_message
(success, mid) = mqClient.subscribe("myTopic", 0)
if success != 0:
return False
return mqClient
class MsgReceiverFactory(Factory):
allow_reuse_address = True
def __init__(self, clients):
self.clients = clients
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return MsgReceiver(self)
if __name__ == "__main__":
clients = []
reactor.listenTCP(43217, MsgReceiverFactory(clients))
except Exception, err:
if reactor.running:
A simple client that will induce the error when run twice (the first time it runs fine):
Interesting that if I enable the time.sleep(3) it runs fine and doesn't seem to induce the error
from __future__ import print_function
import socket
import time
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("localhost", 43217))
data = s.recv(1024)

wxPython: Initialize class for the main window

I am trying to disable the interface from re-sizing, note that the interface has lots of widgets and panels already.
To my understanding, I can disable re-sizing with the following line of code:
wx.Frame(parent, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
However, I have created the code based on the following format:
def main():
ex = wx.App()
class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
How should I edit the code to mention that re-sizing is not allowed?
It looks like you should be able to just replace one line of code:
#was: MainWindow(None)
MainWindow(None, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.RESIZE_BORDER)

Python: Anything wrong with dynamically assigning instance methods as instance attributes

I came up with the following code to decorate instance methods using a decorator that requires the instance itself as an argument:
from functools import wraps
def logging_decorator(tricky_instance):
def wrapper(fn):
def wrapped(*a, **kw):
if tricky_instance.log:
print("Calling %s.." % fn.__name__)
return fn(*a, **kw)
return wrapped
return wrapper
class Tricky(object):
def __init__(self, log):
self.log = log
self.say_hi = logging_decorator(self)(self.say_hi)
def say_hi(self):
print("Hello, world!")
i1 = Tricky(log=True)
i2 = Tricky(log=False)
This seems to work great, but I fear that I may have overlooked some unintended side effects of this trick. Am I about to shoot myself in the foot, or is this safe?
Note that I don't actually want to use this for logging, it's just the shortest meaningful example I could come up with.
It's not really clear to me why you would ever want to do this. If you want to assign a new method type dynamically use types:
import types
class Tricky(object):
def __init__(self):
def method(self):
self.method = types.MethodType(method, self)
If you want to do something with the instance, do it in the __init__ method. If you just want access to the method's instance inside the decorator, you can use the im_self attribute:
def decorator(tricky_instance):
def wrapper(meth):
print(meth.im_self == tricky_instance)
return meth
return wrapper
Personally, I think this is veering into Maybe-I-Shouldn't-Use-Decorators land.
I think I was trying to be needlessly smart. There seems to be an embarrassingly simpler solution:
from functools import wraps
def logging_decorator(fn):
def wrapped(self, *a, **kw):
if self.log:
print("Calling %s.." % fn.__name__)
return fn(self, *a, **kw)
return wrapped
class Tricky(object):
def __init__(self, log):
self.log = log
def say_hi(self):
print("Hello, world!")
i1 = Tricky(log=True)
i2 = Tricky(log=False)