I have upgraded my localhost version of ruby from 1.8.7 to 1.9.2 and I got some errors in my templates.
For example, in ruby 1.8.7 I use following:
<%= link_to ((image_tag 'image.png', :alt => 'bla bla bal'),
url_for(root_url), :id => 'identifier')%>
This works me fine on ruby 1.8.7, but if I switch to ruby 1.9.2, I'll get this error:
syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'
url_for(root_url), :id => 'identifier'));#output_buffer.safe_concat('
What is here for a problem? And could anyone help me, please, how to fix it?
ok, so it looks the only right answer it <%= link_to image_tag('image.png', :alt => 'bla bla bal'), root_url, :id => 'identifier'%>. It works on the both versions, 1.8.7 and 1.9.2
I have recently upgraded a project to Rails 3.2 from 3.1 and have been stuck trying to figure out why the routing is not playing nicely with devise.
NoMethodError - undefined method `locale' for #<ActionDispatch::Request:xxxxx>:
This is on the new (1)Journey routing engine. The issue for now is with Devise only other modules are not erroring. I can tell the issue is within my use of scope. It works if I get ready of the scope.
scope "(:locale)", :locale => /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/ do
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "users/registrations" }
(1) Line 7 (133). Please see trace and Journey line error in context here.
Any advice and guidance is appreciated. Thank you.
Rails 3.2, Ruby 1.9.3
Try to put :locale in a :constraints hash:
scope "(:locale)", :constraints => {:locale => /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/}
I think it will help for more problems too: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
I'm using carrierwave and fog to upload files in my app. I upgraded all my gems and now receive this error wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
<%= link_to image_tag(listing.image_url(:thumb).to_s,
:class => 'popup-image'),
:class => 'big-image-link' if listing.image? %>
Any idea what's wrong?
I just reverted back to fog version 1.3 and it worked again.
I have a link_to in a partial that generates a different URL when the page is accessed as the root then if it is accessed using controller/index. When accessed as the root, the URL the link_to generates has "assets" prefixed to it, which doesn't work.
Can anyone explain why this happens?
Rails 3.2.1
Ruby 1.9.3
With some help from the Rails IRC channel, I found the problem. I was not using the helper paths in the link. In case it will help someone else, here is what I did to fix it;
not working when at the root;
<%= link_to 'Gifts detail', :controller => 'gifts', :action => 'index'%>
working anytime;
<%= link_to 'Gifts detail', gifts_path%>
I'm quite new to RoR and programmed a couple of things before discovering Test-Driven-Development. So I tried to write some tests with guard-rspec and capybara. All was fine, but I got some deprecation warnings for devise (had version 1.1.rc02), so I updated it (now having latest version 1.4.5).
These were the warnings:
Running all specs
DEPRECATION WARNING: Using form_for(:name, #resource) is deprecated. Please use form_for(#resource, :as => :name) instead. (called from _app_views_devise_sessions_new_html_erb___942904761_2291541620_0 at /Users/xonic/Documents/work/ror.ror.at/app/views/devise/sessions/new.html.erb:3)
FDEPRECATION WARNING: Using form_for(:name, #resource) is deprecated. Please use form_for(#resource, :as => :name) instead. (called from _app_views_devise_sessions_new_html_erb___942904761_2291541620_0 at /Users/xonic/Documents/work/ror.ror.at/app/views/devise/sessions/new.html.erb:3)
.DEPRECATION WARNING: Using form_for(:name, #resource) is deprecated. Please use form_for(#resource, :as => :name) instead. (called from _app_views_devise_registrations_new_html_erb__1735759005_2291086140_0 at /Users/xonic/Documents/work/ror.ror.at/app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb:3)
So I changed
<%= form_for(resource_name, resource, :url => registration_path(resource_name)) do |f| %>
<%= form_for(resource, :url => registration_path(resource_name)) do |f| %>
and got rid of the warnings. So far so good, I continued with my tests and did not try to open the application in the browser myself.
I'm not sure what happened then but all of a sudden, when trying to open the application in the browser, i get the following error message:
NoMethodError in Slides#index
Showing /Users/xonic/Documents/work/ror.ror.at/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb where line #27 raised:
private method `split' called for #<Class:0x10c023278>
Extracted source (around line #27):
25: <div class="gopro">
27: <% if user_signed_in? %>
28: Signed in as <%= link_to current_user.username, user_path(current_user) %>. Not you? <%#, user_slides_path(current_user.username) %>
29: <%= link_to "Sign out", destroy_user_session_path %>
30: <% else %>
So obviously, Devise is in trouble... no idea why. Funny thing is, when calling save_and_open_page while testing the app, a browser window opens with the application displaying correctly and no errors at all.
Guard::RSpec is running, with RSpec 2!
Running all specs
Finished in 0.95467 seconds
3 examples, 0 failures
I've seen this very similar question Devise: NoMethod Error & user_signed_in and have correctly set up the user model, so that's not the problem.
This is quite confusing to me, hopefully someone out there understands what's happening crossingFingers
I fixed it, but stackoverflow won't let me answer my own question in the next 6hrs because of lack of reputation sigh. Will post the solution later.
Ok, I fixed it (close to perfect). Here's what i did:
I reverted git to a working status and began from scratch. This time I did not use the line
gem 'devise', :git => 'git://github.com/plataformatec/devise.git'
in my Gemfile, instead I only put
gem 'devise'
and then installed the latest devise gem through
gem install devise
rails generate devise:install
The command installed version 1.4.5, not 1.4.7 as I previously had. Then I installed all the other gems, namely capybara, guard-rspec, factory_girl_rails and launchy. Everything works fine now except these two warnings I'm left with:
Running: spec/requests/sign_ups_spec.rb
DEPRECATION WARNING: :name_prefix was deprecated in the new router syntax. Use :as instead. (called from /Users/xonic/Documents/work/ror.ror.at/config/routes.rb:7)
DEPRECATION WARNING: :name_prefix was deprecated in the new router syntax. Use :as instead. (called from /Users/xonic/Documents/work/ror.ror.at/config/routes.rb:7)
Finished in 0.16255 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
Well, as long as everything works, I'm ok with the warnings but if anybody knows how to get rid of them, please let me know.
I'm having a hard time getting a simple file upload test working. I'm using Rails 3.0.0 on ruby 1.9.2 with Cucumber and Capybara.
<%= form_tag "/upload/create", :multipart => true do %>
<label for="file">File to Upload:</label>
<%= file_field_tag "file" %>
<%= submit_tag "Upload" %>
<% end %>
Cucumber Step:
When /^I upload the basic file$/ do
visit path_to("upload")
path = File.join(::Rails.root, "somefile")
attach_file("file", path)
In my controller, i have commented out everything except for:
def create
file = params[:file]
Gemfile snippet:
group :development, :test do
# testing with specs
gem "ZenTest", ">= 4.3.3"
gem "autotest"
gem "rspec-rails", ">= 2.0.0.beta.19", :git => "git://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails.git"
gem "rspec", :git => "git://github.com/rspec/rspec.git"
gem "rspec-core", :git => "git://github.com/rspec/rspec-core.git"
gem "rspec-expectations", :git => "git://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations.git"
gem "rspec-mocks", :git => "git://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks.git"
# cucumber stuff
gem 'capybara'
gem 'database_cleaner'
gem 'cucumber-rails'
gem 'cucumber'
gem 'spork'
gem 'launchy' # So you can do Then show me the page
gem 'escape_utils' # needed to fix Cucumber - http://crimpycode.brennonbortz.com/?p=42
When I try to run the test, I receive:
(::) failed steps (::)
bad content body (EOFError)
<internal:prelude>:10:in `synchronize'
I appreciate any help or insight. Thanks.
This turned out to be an issue with rack-test and it probably won't be a problem for most until more people adopt Rails3 and Ruby 1.9.x.
Upgrading rack-test to the current master branch fixed the problem.
I'm not sure when rack-test will include these changes in the gem.
See also:
I don't have an answer but working on the same problem in the same environ - cukes, capybara, rails 3, 1.9.2.... if I figure this out will let you know. Have you thought of posting on the cucumber google group or the Rails google group? If you don't once I get my act together and cant figure out will post to one of these.
Also, it seems that webrat has the method for attach_file() and thus when I generated cucumber without capybara it had a corollary method in web_steps.rb, but after I added capybara and regenerated cucumber it was gone....