I want to use the procedure sp_spaceused on a table.
This procedures returns among others the size of the tables.
database_name database_size unallocated space
db_test 216001.00 MB 196366.74 MB
After I perform a compression I want to recall the function in order to find the compression percentage.
I call again sp_spaceused.
How can I represent database_size internally in order to perform a division?
You can actually store the results of the stored procedure in a table. Once you have them in a table you can manipulate it however you need. To get stored procedure results into a table, you would first need to make a table with columns that match the resultset of the stored procedure. Then do an insert statement for the table but instead of a query or a value list, execute the stored procedure. Note, that this will only get the first resultset of a stored procedure into a table. For example, you could do:
create table HoldSpaceUsed
database_name sysname,
database_size varchar(100),
[unallocated space] varchar(100)
insert HoldSpaceUsed
exec sp_spacesused
After you execute the above statements the HoldSpaceUsed table will contain the stored procedure results. Remember that the database_size field has the 'MB' representing the database size is in megabyts, so you would need to trim out the 'MB' text so you have just the number and then you can use it however you need.
I have a stored procedure which returns a few columns from a SELECT. Now I need to grab 2 columns out of those columns in my new stored procedure and use them.. I am trying to do this using EXEC method. Is it possible to do this?
Ex : Original stored procedure:
#stId INT
FROM Student
WHERE StudentId = #stId
New stored procedure:
EXEC myBaseProcedure 19 -- Here I need to grab only StudentId and Name??
Given that you cannot dump to a temp table or table variable since the base stored procedure might sometimes add columns, there are three approaches that would do this:
You can effectively SELECT from a stored procedure using either OPENROWSET or OPENQUERY
You can use SQLCLR to create a table-valued function that executes the procedure, returns a struct of just the fields that you want, which will be the only fields that you read or "get" from the SqlDataReader.
You can use SQLCLR to create a stored procedure that executes the procedure to get a SqlDataReader, and instead of returning the SqlDataReader to SqlContext.Pipe.Send(), you would use SendResultsStart, SendResultsRow, and SendResultsEnd. You would create a SqlDataRecord of just the fields you wanted, and those would also be the only fields that you read or "get" from the SqlDataReader. While this still leaves you with a stored procedure, the filtering of the fields is done within the CLR-based proc so the output is guaranteed to be just the fields you want, regardless of how the result set structure of the base stored procedure changes. In this way you could create a local temp table to dump the results to, which would be better for JOINing to other tables. This method also allows for you to pass in a list of fields to the CLR-based stored procedure that would be parsed and used as the fields to dynamically construct the SqlDataRecord with as well as to dynamically determine which fields to get from the SqlDataReader. That would be a little more complicated but also quite a bit more flexible :).
You don't need to create a new stored procedure for this, you can integrate the stored proc call in a simple query using OpenQuery or use a temporary table.
FROM OPENQUERY(ServerName, 'EXEC myBaseProcedure 19')
-- WHERE your_field = expected_value --> if you need to add filters
Using Temp table
Declare #MyTempTable Table (columns definitions)
Insert #MyTempTable Exec myBaseProcedure 19
Select Name,
FROM #MyTempTable
I have 4 stored procedures. I need to take the result of the first stored procedure (2 temp tables) and pass it into the second stored procedure. These temp tables need to be used in the from clause in the second stored procedure.
Similarity the third and fourth stored procedures need results from the previous stored procedures.
is there a way to pass temporary tables across the stored procedures?
Regarding this comment, "it was 1 Sp but we broke it into 4 so its easier to alter if needed", I suggest that you break it up even more. In other words, implement encapsulation.
Have a separate stored procedure for each time you want to select data from the actual tables. Do not populate temp tables in these procedures, just return the data.
Then write a stored procedure that creates and populates temp tables from the procs mentioned above, and does the necessary processing.
Here is a simple example:
create procedure GetData1
select Field1, Field2
from blah, blah, blah
create procedure AssembleAllData
create table #temp1 (Field1, Field2)
insert into #temp1
exec GetData1
select Field1, Field2, etc
from #temp1 join anActualTable etc
drop table #temp1
In your current SP1, you can create temporary table pass the name to the second stored procedure like below
SP1 code
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#TempTable1') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #TempTable1
EXEC SP2 N'#TempTable1'
Inside the SP2 you can insert the values into #TempTable1 which will be available to the calling SP
SP2 code
CREATE procedure [dbo].[SP2]
#outTempTable NVARCHAR(128)
IF #outTempTable IS NOT NULL AND LEN(#outTempTable) > 0
EXEC ( 'INSERT INTO ' + #outTempTable + ' SELECT * FROM TableA' )
Your question sounds more like an answer than a question. Just do as you described.
You don't need to pass the data in the temp tables from one procedure to the next. The data is just there. In one procedure you write to the temp table and in the next procedure you read from the temp table.
I would also not create temp tables dynamically, just create them and let them wait for data. This assumes that the temp table data is local to a session (in oracle this is the case and in a way the reason why temp tables exist).
Also I would opt against passing table names between procedures. There is almost always a better way and it is a no-no anyways. If you are under the impression that you need variable temp table names, then you really want to add another column to the temp tables (you may even call it "temp_table_name", though it almost certainly means something different). Then you can pass the "temp_table_name" around and the selects would need a where temp_table_name = ... and the inserts would have to populate this extra column.
#Varaible nvarchar(50),
#value integer
SET #SUMM=(#value*2.38/7.456)*2
PRINT #Varaible
Output is:
The above is my code where I am passing a single input parameter.
If I want to pass multiple values like peter,robber,licoln,mat
#varaible peter,robber,licoln,mat
#value 37 45 66 77
is it possible in SQL??
If you're only sending a few values in your delimited strings, I would suggest simply using the proper datatypes and calling the stored procedure a few times with individual values.
If, however, your delimited strings might contain hundreds or thousands of discrete values, then calling a proc that many times could be costly in terms of performance, especially if you can't send them all in one batch (I'm sure you want to use parameters rather than a giant concatenated command). If this is the case, you have a few options:
Use Table Valued Parameters. This is like passing arrays as arguments to your proc.
Pass XML to your proc, then shred and process it within the procedure.
Insert your data to staging/temp tables, then call the procedure to operate on those tables.
Take a step back and see if it makes sense to do more processing in your app. DB code usually doesn't scale nearly as well as app code.
Send these delimited strings to your proc, split/parse them, then loop over the results in SQL. This seems to be what you're asking about and is possibly the least elegant option, even though it's one of the more popular ways to abuse a relational database.
The table valued parameters approach seems very 'approachable', but is only available as of MSSQL 2008. If you are still stuck with MSSQL 2005 then, maybe, the temporary table approach works best for you?
Your code could look something like:
-- define your stored procedure
-- do some stuff with #tmp, like join it to other tables
-- and UPDATE values in these tables with it!
-- or simply list a processed version of #tmp:
SELECT nam,val*(2.38/7.456)*2 FROM #tmp
-- prepare input values by creating a temporary table on the fly
SELECT 'Peter' nam,23 val INTO #tmp
-- and call the procedure:
EXEC sptest1
So, your frontend will have to build the SELECT ... INTO #tmp ... string. After that the rest of the processing can be done inside your stored procedure.
Assuming I have a table with one field called ID that stores 100 different integer values. I can select all of these rows simply by doing select id from example_table
I then have a stored procedure that I need to execute for each of these id's (as the sole parameter) and then select specific columns from (the stored procedure returns more data then I need). Besides executing the stored procedure 100 separate times into a temporary table and then selecting data from this table - how else could I do this?
You can pass table parameter to the procedure.
Check http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/datacenter/passing-table-valued-parameters-in-sql-server-2008/168
I am trying to use a stored procedure that contains two different cursors as table input like such:
INSERT INTO table1 EXEC * FROM tblDailySales
The stored proc contains two cursors - I did not run just using.
I get the following error:
A cursor with the name 'csrDistricts' does not exist.
I also, get this error
An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested
The stored proc contains no EXEC that I can see.
What kind of stored proc other than simple SELECT can be used as source for table?
Is table1 already defined? If so all you should have to do is
EXEC storedProcedureName
Now, the trick is, the stored procedure will only be able to return one result set and insert into the table.
If you need to insert two different result sets, you'll have to gather then in two different stored procedures, then run two INSERT statements.
If you must do them at once, you'll need to do the insert from within the stored procedure.