dump_bt not working when trying to analyse apache core dumps - apache

I am trying to use dump_bt to analyse an apache core dump as we are getting segmentation faults after moving servers.
The info I got on how to do it is at the following link:
When I run dump_bt I get undefined command, the link I posted also states a conflicting command bt_dump so not sure which is right. Neither works however.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

You've neglected to do this: "Copy the .gbdinit file to your home directory"
It defines dump_bt user function.


OPUS Make error: OPUS MAKE: Unknown status. Stop

We are using OPUS Make in our build infrastructure. (Basically traditional make with some wrappers around I guess)
Our codebase is mostly Java and I have been making changes and building for many months now. No issues.
Suddenly, a couple of days back, when I tried to build,i started seeing this error:
OPUS MAKE: Unknown status. Stop.
I see this error no matter what I try to build. More imp - it looks like it is not even trying to actually compile my code and for some reason just stops before with the above error.
I tried doing a clean build. Even manually cleaned up all old generated build files. Still did not work.
I even tried restarting my environment itself. Restarted Clearcase. Still no use.
I see there is a way to build with debug information. Did that also make -d
However, that did not give any useful info either. Just the same line as above. I was hoping that it would give some debug logs or some error code that I could use to solve the problem.
I see there is an option: make -n. That comes out clean. But from the name, it looks like it does not even attempt to run the build itself.
Please suggest what the issue could be.
thx - Om
"Unknown status" means that a shell command in a target returned a status that make did not understand. Run with -d to see which command is failing. And debug that shell command.

Pentaho does not run and in console it gives the error of ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCDODING?

When I run pentaho it loads some scripts and files but some of them fails with the error of:
In console I see that $ is undefined for jQuery.
I didn't change anything. Once I reran the pentaho and it worked, but it does not work at all.
Is there something I could do about it? What this mean? I searched for CDF.js file and I saw that the file is present.
Any help?
The problem was that /var/ partition was full 100% and pentaho, nginx could not log at all. Nginx could cache results.
By freeing space the problem went away.

Server compilation error on some pages apache mono

We have a .net web application running in fedora 6 under Apache & mono 1.1.18 version. So long it was working good. Suddenly I'm getting the following Server Error in some of the pages,
Server Error in '/' Application
Compilation Error
Description: Error compiling a resource required to service this request. Review your source file and modify it to fix this error.
Error message:
(0,0) : error CS0006: Cannot find assembly `/tmp/apache-temp-aspnet-0/383ed40f/shadow-J7sRQf'
But please note, rest of the pages are loading properly. I know it has something to do with JIT compilation, but why it is happening on some specific pages. Also the error 'Cannot find assembly -----/shadow-J7sRQf' is something suspicious. The same error is displayed across all the browsers all the time.
I have not restarted apache or rebooted the system, as I'm not sure whether this error will occur again and i want to root cause it instead of just ignoring it. i didn't find anything on the httpd log also. I tried to Google it, but was unlucky to find anything specific. Can anyone help me on this? thanks in advance.
Wow, mono 1.1.18 is really old!
If I were you, I would try to stop apache and clean everything in the temporary compilation directory /tmp/apache-temp-aspnet-0/
This should force mono to re-generate everything in this directory.
Then, restart apache and see if it helps.

Log files are getting created when debbuging but while launching through the .app, log files are not created?

Scenario: Im elstablishing a connection with an http server using libcurl and downlading a files.(by writing the response from the server into the file).
When im debugging my code im able to find the file saved in the specified path, and im also creating some log files which im able to find while debugging.
But, Once im creating the Releaes build and launching the application by invoking the .app file created im not able to find the downloaded files and the log files.
I dont understand the problem..........
sounds strange but i dont know what i have missed?
Please if somebody came across such a situtation pleaes get back to me soon....
Thank You Pradeep.
This is the first time im working on MAC and was workin on windows till now..
While creating the log files im not giving the full application path...rather i was just giving the file name.....but once i gave the application path for creating the log files it was working for me..........
bad question....but might be helpfull to someone......

adl command line turned silent

I am starting to develop a new air/html/ajax application today and for some reason my trace() output is not being printed to the console window anymore. Plus, I am also not getting any error messages printed for syntax errors or runtime errors. I tried this on a different machine and there was no problem, so it must have been something wrong with this particular machine. I was thinking it had to do with me using the flex 3 sdk, but removing that from my path variable did not help, neither did reinstalling the air sdk. If anyone has encountered this before, help would be greatly appreciated.
This is not specific to the debugger player. The availability of trace statements in the console from ADL is dependent on whether or not any one of the following settings are turned on in your mm.cfg file:
Either one of those will block trace output in the console window - stderr I believe - and instead (in the case of TraceOutputFileEnable) redirect it to a log file.
More information about mm.cfg is available here.
I figured it out. It is because I installed the flash debug player. Now the error messages all go the the log file where the debug player writes to.