Authentication with Windows Live ID issues - sharepoint-2010

I am trying to set up authentication with Windows LIve ID and followed this blog post. Everything is working but I have a problem logging into live INT web site. Whenever I try to log in (, after entering valid email/password I get redirected to the logout page. I tried two different accounts (one with existing email address, and other one with newly created address) and three different browsers so I'm sure that neither account nor the browser are the cause of this. I also tried to enter wrong password, and in that case I get the message that the password is wrong.
If anyone has any hint about how to log in there It would be very, very helpful. I'm integrating SharePoint 2010 with Windows Live ID and instead of solving some real problems I'm stuck with this!

I have figured out myself and I have blogged it here


Users complaining of a "Select a certificate" popup on my web sites

I have a couple websites launched in Azure. The URLs end with which is fine with me. But recently, we've received multiple complaints that when the users visit these sites, they receive a popup in their browsers similar to the following:
I don't know anything about https or SSL certificates. My question is:
Why did this start happening recently? I've had my websites up for a long time and now we're getting this?
Can I update my websites so that users don't receive this popup anymore? If so, how?
Thank you.
If you don't want to recieve the popup , you can disable the setting in Azure Portal
Go to Azure Portal =>Your Web App =>Configuration =>General Settings
Select Optional under Client certificate mode
If you don't want to disable , You can provide the windows sign-in as authentication

Facebook OAuth2 - "Sorry, something went wrong"

Our web app allows users to log in via Facebook. Technically, we are using Facebook OAuth2. We have implemented this login process two years ago. It worked fine until 13th November 2015 but since that day it does not. When our server sends the request
with appropriate parameters (client_id, redirect_uri, client_secret, code), the response from Facebook has HTTP status 400. The response body is a HTML page saying "Sorry, something went wrong".
On 13th November, there was some problem on Facebook probably.
I have found the following message:
However, our server still gets this error response after a week. We have an instance of the system deployed in the production environment and one more instance in the test environment (with different Facebook account, i.e. with different client_id and client_secret). Currently, Facebook login works fine in the test environment. I am not sure if it worked on 13th November.
Do you have any experience with recovery from such problem? Why does Facebook login work in test environment and does not work in the production environment in the same app? Why did the production instance break on a particular day and is still broken a week later?
Thanks for any help.
I had the same issue. I believe that the issue stems from passing in invalid scope in your authentication requests. Try removing the scopes in your authentication request to see if that works.
One more corner case I found in 2022:
In the App Dashboard, if you choose Facebook login for Business, same error happens. It will go away as soon as you select Facebook Login one.
Finally, the issue was resolved by restarting the servlet container (Tomcat 7). However, I have no idea why.
All of this is using exclusively the login button. Not the API serverside and not FB.login(). It would work for me sometimes and sometimes not and I couldn't figure out why. I would open a new window and it may work, or may not - but it seemed like once broken it was broken.
There appears to be an issue when using the Chrome 'Device simulator'.
Looking at the SDK Javascript (that's to say the SDK that the Facebook Login button uses) it checks to see if the device is a 'touch' device and if so it will use the domain when requesting the oauth token.
This domain fails
However if the mobile device mode isn't activated when the page loads then it uses and succeeds:
So for me the current workaround is:
Assuming you are developing with the console active.
When you need to reload your page press Ctrl + Shift + M to deactivate the mobile device mode.
Refresh the page
Once the button has initialized press Ctrl + Shift + M to reactivate it again.
If you see then you didn't do it fast enough, or maybe you're using something like Angular with hot reload and you need to manually refresh.

Unable to Share URLs to Google+

This issue began last week. Prior to that, I was not having any problems, and I am not aware of any changes to my site or platform.
Now, when I want to share a new blog or article to Google+, it fails. Typically I would use the embedded +1 buttons on a specific post and use the expanded box to create my post. The box comes up, but instead of a nice title and image, it now uses the URL only for the page, and sometimes adds extra characters to the end of the URL. If I take the URL from the address bar and try to compose a new update directly on Google+, I get the same issue. If I enter the URL into the Link field on a status update, it usually comes back "could not load website."
Here's a sample
You'll find Google+ sharing buttons above and below the article. Sharing to every other network works as expected.
My site is a Drupal site that has been operating for 10 months. I am a Drupal developer, but have never encountered an issue like this.
It appears that requests from the Googler crawler are being rejected by your server. I tried testing the microdata with the structured data testing tool and it runs into problems connecting to your site. Other sites work fine.
If you have access to your site's Apache access logs, I would check those for problems coming to that URL. You can narrow your search down by looking for the user agent of the crawler: Google (+
My guess is that something changed in your server's configuration that is the cause. Start with the logs and see what's there.

How to Clear Live ID Cookies

So we are using ADFS in a public facing SharePoint 2010 site. One of the supported logins is via Live ID. We have found that if a user logs into Live ID site like Hotmail prior to reaching our site, the following happens:
Our site thinks that the user is not logged in because the ADFS LS cookie is not present
When we click on Sign In and ADFS redirects us to Live ID, the Live ID login process detects its cookie and automatically logs us in using the prior user's email. We actually want to use another email address.
Even if we clear our cookies, the above behavior persists
We have tried the following on Windows 7 successfully:
Clear the browser cookies
Delete all files from %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\
And then Live ID correctly asks the user to login.
However, the above folder does not exist in a Windows 8 computer where this behaviour can be reproduced in IE 10.
So I really need to know the name and location of the Live ID cookie so I can hunt for it and destroy it to get the sign in prompt.
The ideal solution is that ADFS destroy the cookies correctly. The ADFS team is building a diagnostic page to delete their cookies but I do not think they will be able to destroy the Live ID cookie as it is not from their domain. If I can find its location, we can live with manual instructions for now.
Found an answer. The trick is to go to and click on signout first and then go to the SharePoint application. Not the best solution, but it works.
Update Found an answer. The trick is to go to and click on signout first and then go to the SharePoint application. Not the best solution, but it works

iOS App and persistent login (Apparently an phone-specific AND app-specific issue)

I'm having a really strange problem. I've written an iOS/Rails app in which users have accounts, and need to log in to perform all kinds of actions within the app.
When the app launches, the app detects whether the user's username and password have been stored. If not, it prompts for login credentials. Anyway, logging in seems to be working perfectly, and the server sends back the appropriate response.
However, when I try to do anything else in the app that requires being logged in, I get an error from the server saying I don't have the login credentials. I didn't think I had to do anything special with the cookies (i.e. I thought they were stored automatically), but maybe I'm wrong?
If some code samples would help, let me know what snippets you'd like to see and I'll post them, but I feel like this is more of a conceptual misunderstanding on my part than anything else.
Any help is much appreciated!
EDIT: I tested the app on my friend's phone, and it works fine. It's only my phone which is having trouble with the app. I looked for any settings involving cookies, but because all the apps are sandboxed, changing settings with cookies in Safari, for example, won't help. I'm pulling my hair out with this issue. I've restarted my phone, deleted and reinstalled the app, and tried changing some of the code, without any success. The Facebook app works as expected, so I assume cookies are being stored in Facebook's sandbox. Only my app seems to be having this problem, but it was working yesterday. Any suggestions?
After you login you need to store the cookie which is returned. It will then be sent with every request afterwards.
Take alook at theses q's:
Objective-C Asynchronous Web Request with Cookies
Managing HTTP Cookies on iPhone
iPhone NSData/NSUrl with cookie