How to extend the timeout period on an AX Inbound Transformation - wcf

I have a .NET assembly performing a transformation on a GeneralJournal import file in MS Dynamics AX 2012
Occaisionally I'm getting an error reported relating to a timeout (Looks like a WCF error)
I cannot see in the port setup where to configure any timeout settings.
Anyone know?
The request failed with the following error:
This request operation sent to net.tcp://SERVERNAME/DynamicsAx/Services/GeneralJournalPayroll
did not receive a reply within the configured timeout (00:05:00).
The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
This may be because the service is still processing the operation or because the service
was unable to send a reply message. Please consider increasing the operation timeout
(by casting the channel/proxy to IContextChannel and setting the OperationTimeout property)
and ensure that the service is able to connect to the client.

To edit the WCF configuration of a port go to System administration > Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework > Inbound Ports.
Select your port - it has to be deactivated to be able to edit the configuration.
Then click Configure > go to Bindings > set timeout values.


Timeout exception (wcf) while running python script

I am running a python script that controls an ADI software named ACE capturing data remotely through port 8080. The ACE will attempt to create an IPC server on the port number. It takes around 12 minutes to capture 1 data set. The script runs normally for capture under 10 minutes. I suspects that the exception occurs because the default ReceiveTimeout is 10 minutes.
I adjusts the ReceiveTimeout in the SMSvcHost.exe.config file but it still not fix the issue. Other threads suggest that I need to adjust the ReceiveTimeout in app.config/ web.config. I am not sure how to locate these file. I am worried I might make changes to the wrong config file. Please advise!
Tracing Information:
Here is the error message
This request operation sent to net.tcp://localhost:8080/ did not receive a reply within the configured timeout (00:10:00). The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. This may be because the service is still processing the operation or because the service was unable to send a reply message. Please consider increasing the operation timeout (by casting the channel/proxy to IContextChannel and setting the OperationTimeout property) and ensure that the service is able to connect to the client.

WCF EndPoint SocketConnction aborted 10 mins after last use

the service endpoint socket connection always abort 10 mins after last use.
the above image shows that the last use of the end point was 10:18:21. after 10 mins, activity Aborted 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel' happened. is the 10 mins time out a default setting for WCF endpoint socket connection? can I set the timeout to be infinite? notice the abortion happens on a separate thread(thread 16).
or did I not configure the endpoint correct on the service endpoint?
The socket connection timeouts needs to be configured on both client and server side (smaller of the two will prevail). These should be done via binding configuration (in config or code). The timeouts can be done via inactivityTimeout setting of a reliableSession, in combination with recieveTimeout of the netTcpBinding. You can also consider using idleTimeouts in the connection pool settings option of netTcpBinding. It is typically not recommended to set infinite timeouts unless you have very specific needs that need to be met and have service usage parameters that safegaurd against infinite timeouts.

WCF Service: Status 200 with sc-win32-status of 64

We observed the following behavior on one of the servers hosting a WCF service on IIS 6.0:
The IIS log shows a high value for time-taken (> 100000)
The HTTP status code is 200
sc-win32-status code shows a value of 64
I found out that sc-win32-status code of 64 indicates "The specified network is no longer available"
Initially I suspected that it could be because of limits set on MinFileBytesPerSecond, which sets the minimum throughput rate that HTTP.sys enforces when sending data from the client to the server, and back from the server to the client.
But the value for sc-bytes and cs-bytes indicate that the amount of data is sent is within the range generally observed for the service.
Also note that the WCF service is hosted on four boxes and is load-balanced, but the problem occurs only one of the servers. (but not essentially on the same server). The problem is also intermittent.
Has anybody else encountered this error? Any clues about what could be wrong?
Note: Observation on IIS 7.5 (IIS version does not really matter)
I was able to replicate the issue. The issue occurs if:
1. The WCF service takes a long time to respond
2. The client proxy times out before it receives a response from the server. In this case it leads to TimeoutException on the client.
3. The server keeps waiting for TCP ACK for the client, which it would never receive.
Hence a long timeout (TCP socket timeout (default value: 4 minutes) and sc-win32-status of 64
So essentially it appears that WCF code is taking a long time to respond and the client is timing out, what I observe in IIS log is just a symptom and not a problem.
The behavior you are describing will also occur if you exceed a WCF service's max sessions, calls or instances (depending on how you have your service instancecontext mode configured). If you observe the System.ServiceModel performance counters for %max concurrent sessions and/or %max concurrent calls (again depending on your service's instance context), you may see a correlation with the IIS log entries.
Note that these maxes can be configured in the service throttling behavior.
I saw your question again and wanted to point out that I found a solution for this. It turned out to be this piece of code in the web.config:
<pages smartNavigation="true">
After turning this off I stopped receiving the same time-out errors. See also the answer here
IIS put the services into sleep to save recources.
Copied from here (WCF REST Service goes to sleep after inactivity)
The application pool hosting your service defines Idle Time-out property (advanced settings of app pool in IIS management console) which defaults to 20 minutes. If no request is received by the app pool within idle timeout the worker processes serving the pool is terminated. After receiving a new request the IIS must start the process again, the process must load application domain and all related assemblies, compile .svc file, run the service host and process the request.The solution can be increasing idle time-out but the meaning of this time-out is correct handling of server resources. If the process is not needed it should be stopped. Another ugly workaround is using some ping process (for example cron job or scheduled task on the server) which will regularly ping call some method on the service or page in the same application.

Configure DomainContext Client Timeout

In a Silverlight 4 app, I would like to increase the timeout for a specific RIA service load operation (not for all loads, just in a specific case). At Configuring the timeout for a WCF RIA Services call from a Silverlight 3 client I followed a link to instructions that purportedly would allow me to set the timeout.
It appeared to work fine (no compiler error, warning, exception, etc) except that the load operation still timed out early. It appears that with or without the code that modifies the endpoint the load operation is timing out after 2 minutes. There is an Opening event on the ChannelFactory which I subscribed to, and my handler was called at the start of the load operation, so that seems to confirm that the ChannelFactory is being used. Also I set all 4 timeout values (Receive, Open, Close, Send) to 10 minutes just to be sure that I wasn't setting the wrong one.
Why I am unable to actually change the timeout for the RIA load?
I discovered the problem was that multiple timeouts were in play. I was using an EntityFramework domain service for RIA, and I was getting an EntityFramework timeout. I was misinterpreting the source of the timeout as being from the RIA load until I noticed in the stack trace that the timeout was server side. I extended the allotted EntityFramework command timeout to fit my desired load behavior. I was able to confirm that after getting a reference to the channel factory for the domain context I could set the RIA client-side timeout.
NOTE TO SELF: a good way to troubleshoot a timeout is to start by setting it really short to confirm it is working as intended

Windows service connecting to other service over wcf crashes

I have two windows services. One ('server') acts as a WCF host to which the other ('client') connects. So I have configured a dependency from client to server. Both are also set up to start automatically.
When I start these services by hand, everything works fine. When I stop both services and tell client to start, then server will be started before client and all is fine.
However, when I reboot the machine only server is started.
When I add a diagnostic listener I see it got a TimeoutException with the helpful message:
The HTTP request to 'http://[server address]' has exceeded the allotted timeout of 00:00:00. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
At some other SO question there was an answer that claims WCF is probably confused about what went wrong and therefore starts lying about the timeout.
Did I perhaps miss a dependency for either service? Does WCF require something that hasn't or is being started when client is trying to contact server?
I think you should check your client service. On startup windows services are starting while network devices are still being initialized. Services should be ready to start without network and without any network device. Usual approach is to keep periodic retries to establish connection. You can do little experiment on your machine by uninstalling all network adapters and trying to start up your services.
Additional quick workaround you can do is to setup recovery options on your service -- for example you can configure it to restart service on crash after some timeout -- you can do this through UI in services.msc or in command line using 'sc config' command.
Configuring the dependency between the two Windows Services is not necessarily sufficient to avoid there being a race condition: i.e. to avoid the client service calling the WCF service before the server's WCF channel stack is fully initialised.
The service dependency just ensures that the Windows Service Control Manager won't start the client service process before the server Windows Service has notified the SCM that it has started. Whether this is sufficient depends on how you write the server.
If the server service starts a new thread on which to initialize the WCF stack, your OnStart method is probably returning before the WCF stack is ready for clients. There is then a race condition as to whether the client's first call will succeed.
On the other hand, if the server service does not return from OnStart (and thus doesn't notify the SCM that it has started) until the channel stack is fully open, the dependency removes the race condition, but there is a different pitfall: you need to beware that the SCM's own timeout for starting the Windows service is not triggered while waiting for the WCF stack to initialise, as might well happen on a reboot if the WCF service depends on the network stack, for example. If the server's OnStart does not return within the SCM's timeout, the SCM will not try to start the dependent client service at all, because it does not receive the server's start notification. (There will be a message in the Windows event log from the SCM saying that the server service didn't start within the expected time.) You can extend the SCM timeout by calling ServiceBase.RequestAdditionalTime while the WCF service is being initialised.
Either way, the client service really ought to be written so that it doesn't fail completely if the first WCF call doesn't succeed.
You don't actually say what binding you are using. If client and server services are always running on the same machine, as you seem to indicate, then consider using the NetNamedPipeBinding: then your service won't be dependent on initialization of networking resources and startup should be quicker.