Can display dialogue with function, but cannot set variable with function - variables

I want to take the return value of the function getProjectTag().
tell application "TaskPaper"
tell front document
repeat with the_entry in entries
-- For each entry, get the data from TaskPaper
tell the_entry
set project_name to getProjectTag(the_entry)
I get the error:
TaskPaper got an error: item 26 of every entry of document 1 doesn’t
understand the getProjectTag message." number -1708 from item 26 of every entry of document 1
However, when I replace:
set project_name to getProjectTag(the_entry)
display dialogue my getProjectTag(the_entry)
it shows me a dialogue of the correct return value -- so the function is working correctly.

Stupid me:
set project_name to my getProjectTag(the_entry)
fixes the problem.
I wasn't aware of what my did.


How can I assign a value to an Access Combobox?

I have a form (FrmAddBookReviews) that is opened when certain events in another form (FrmAddArticles) occur.
I want to initialize the FrmAddBookReviews with some values from FrmAddArticles. It works fine except for the Author of the book review who I have in 2 comboboxes, where I want to write the first name in one and the last name in the other combobox. I do not want to use an unbound textbox, because I want the value of the primary key of the reviewer to appear in the table belonging to FrmAddBookReviews.
If I do (rstauth.Fields(0) is the primary key to TabAuth)
Me!cmbFnam.Selected(1) = True
Me.cmbFnam.Column(1) = rstauth.Fields(1).Value
I get run time error 424: Object required
I have tried a DLookup to get the name followed by
Me.cmbFnam.Column(1) = strFnam
gives "the value does not match this field", in spite of the fact that column 1 of the combobox is text (but the control-source is the id of the reviewer). the same happens when I do
Me.cmbFnam.Column(1) = rstauth.Fields(1).Value
I have also tried to give the row-number in the Columns-clause. This gives me the "object required" error.
Can I get any help?
Biorn Veiro

SSRS Code is Setting for the next group

I'm having this issue where my SSRS Report header will show me the value of next group of the report. I am using the Code route to accomplish this. I have two functions, one to set the Value, and one to retrieve it. This is inside the code section of my report.
Public Shared varInvoiceNum As Integer
Public Function SetInvoiceNum(InvcNum As Integer) as Integer
varInvoiceNum = InvcNum
End Function
Public Function GetInvoiceNum() as Integer
Return varInvoiceNum
End Function
I then have a textbox with an expression that sets the value in the header of the group for Invoice Num. This group only shows Once and cant have it repeating, as it contains address information. In the Report Header is where I call the get function.
The problem occurs when the total section for the report appears on the second page. For whatever the reason, even though the header section in the tablix that contains the Set function call never reappears until the third page. On the Second page the Second Invoice Number will appear. Even though its still apart of the first group. It some how gets set to the next value. Any idea how this might be happening?
EDIT: The Second Invoice number in the batch shouldn't be showing, because the Total section is still apart of the First Invoice group. This is the Issue, there is no error message. It just improperly sets the next variable to the next group when the Set Expression hasn't occurred again.

How to add a blank item at the start of a list in a combobox?

I am using this loop to generate a list of months
i = 1
Do While i <= 12
ListedMonths.Add(New ListedMonth(i, MonthName(i)))
i = i + 1
Return ListedMonths
but i also want to show a blank option at the top before January.
i have tried adding ListedMonths.Add(New ListedMonth("","Select")) before the while loop
but when running my application, i get nothing listed in the combo box. when i remove the above line, it lists Jan-Dec fine
You create a ListedMonth item by passing an Integer and a String to its constructor. So I think the first Parameter expects an Integer, but you pass an empty String in your attempt. That's why you should try the following statement to add your Select item:
ListedMonths.Add(New ListedMonth(0, "Select"))
If it does not work: it would be helpfull to see your ListedMonth type and know the technology you use (WPF, WinForms, ...).

run time error 35788. An Error occurred in a call to the Windows Date & time picker control

I have an Excel 2007 sheet with VBA user forms to get data from access. Everything works fine. Data also gets populated over VBA form but when i click on any Multi-page tab then it throws the following error (though i can see values were loaded successfully):
Run time error 35788. An Error occurred in a call to the Windows Date & time picker control
How can I fix this?
Note: I have used Me.Multipage.Value = 0 or 1 as per page index before code executes for multipage tab. e.g. before 2nd page code execution i set index as 1.
When i click over user form field name on debugging then it highlight as 12:00:00 AM & access field name shows correct date value.
Finally i got this working with little more head beating. I added Me.Multipage1.Value = 0 in the last of code & it started working. Though i think it should not have anything with error i received above but i got this working. Anyhow. Thanks.
May be this helps someone else running with same trouble.
The date time picker needs to be shown before the added value, so if you have a multi-page user form, you need to show the page containing the date time picker first.

Don't enter in VBA macro when editing

I have a drop down list column in an Excel worksheet to select a category. I have created a macro who replace the selected value by its ID after category selection (Worksheet_Change event).
Users have to fill the worksheet with ID but thank to this function, they just have to select a category in the drop down list and the ID replace the user choice.
It work well but I have a problem: if the user wants to write directly the ID in the cell, I have an error (Invalid value) and the macro is disabled.
How to do the difference in the Worksheet_Change between a change by the drop down list and a change by writing ? Or is there an other solution ?
Thank you !
If I understood correctly and you ARE using Data Validation:
Data Validation allows the user to optionally trigger an Error message if an incorrect value is entered (This error is the default setting). If you want to allow users to input information NOT in the list, turn off the error message by doing the following:
In the Data Validation dialog box, you will notice there are actually 3 tabs: Settings, Input Message, and Error Alert. Select the Error Alert tab, then UNCHECK Show Error Alert after invalid data is entered.
Does this resolve the problem?