Pulling the observer pattern out into a Service - oop

I am a big fan of the Observer pattern. In our code we use it in many places to decouple services from each other. However, I've seen it implemented poorly in many places since there is a lot to worry about:
Exception handling - don't want listeners throwing runtime exceptions around.
Long-running listeners holding up the main thread
Concurrent modification of the listener list as we are iterating through it.
What's more, we end up repeating this code all over the place. In the spirit of DRY, I want to pull out all Notification concerns into a single service. Some pseudo code:
Interface NotificationService
// register the listener to receive notifications from this producer
registerAsListener (NotificationProducer, NotificationListener)
// Sends a notification to listeners of this producer
sendNotification (NotificationProducer, Notification)
// Sends a notification in a background thread
sendAsynchNotification (NotificationProducer, Notification)
// Listener no longer receives messages from this producer
removeListener(NotificationProducer, NotificationListener)
My question is this: am I losing the original point of the observer pattern by doing this? Am I making a mistake by introducing another dependency on both sides of the pattern? Both the Listener and the Producer will now have an extra dependency on NotificationService.
What are your views?

you are right with your concerns and questions.
implementing the observer pattern many times seems like plain repetition.
you're also right that the above solution does lose the pattern's objective.
what you've just implemented is a (global?) event bus. it's a matrix of producers and listeners. that's useful for many applications (see GWT's event bus ).
however if you just want to minimize code duplication while maintaining the pattern. you can remove the coupling between the listeners and the service, use a minified version of the above interface as a member of the observed class. so the logic of registration and notification is written once.
the observed class is just delegating the registration and notification logic to the service.
class ObservedClass implements Observable {
NotificationService notificationService = new NotificationServiceImpl (this);
interface NotificationService {
// register the listener to receive notifications from this producer
registerAsListener ( NotificationListener)
// Sends a notification to listeners of this producer
sendNotification (Notification)
// Sends a notification in a background thread
sendAsynchNotification (Notification)
// Listener no longer receives messages from this producer


ActiveMQ CMS: Can messages be lost between creating a consumer and setting a listener?

Setting up a CMS consumer with a listener involves two separate calls: first, acquiring a consumer:
cms::MessageConsumer* cms::Session::createConsumer( const cms::Destination* );
and then, setting a listener on the consumer:
void cms::MessageConsumer::setMessageListener( cms::MessageListener* );
Could messages be lost if the implementation subscribes to the destination (and receives messages from the broker/router) before the listener is activated? Or are such messages queued internally and delivered to the listener upon activation?
Why isn't there an API call to create the consumer with a listener as a construction argument? (Is it because the JMS spec doesn't have it?)
(Addendum: this is probably a flaw in the API itself. A more logical order would be to instantiate a consumer from a session, and have a cms::Consumer::subscribe( cms::Destination*, cms::MessageListener* ) method in the API.)
I don't think the API is flawed necessarily. Obviously it could have been designed a different way, but I believe the solution to your alleged problem comes from the start method on the Connection object (inherited via Startable). The documentation for Connection states:
A CMS client typically creates a connection, one or more sessions, and a number of message producers and consumers. When a connection is created, it is in stopped mode. That means that no messages are being delivered.
It is typical to leave the connection in stopped mode until setup is complete (that is, until all message consumers have been created). At that point, the client calls the connection's start method, and messages begin arriving at the connection's consumers. This setup convention minimizes any client confusion that may result from asynchronous message delivery while the client is still in the process of setting itself up.
A connection can be started immediately, and the setup can be done afterwards. Clients that do this must be prepared to handle asynchronous message delivery while they are still in the process of setting up.
This is the same pattern that JMS follows.
In any case I don't think there's any risk of message loss regardless of when you invoke start(). If the consumer is using an auto-acknowledge mode then messages should only be automatically acknowledged once they are delivered synchronously via one of the receive methods or asynchronously through the listener's onMessage. To do otherwise would be a bug in my estimation. I've worked with JMS for the last 10 years on various implementations and I've never seen any kind of condition where messages were lost related to this.
If you want to add consumers after you've already invoked start() you could certainly call stop() first, but I don't see any problem with simply adding them on the fly.

Reactive Redis (Lettuce) always publishing to single thread

Im using Spring Webflux (with spring-reactor-netty) 2.1.0.RC1 and Lettuce 5.1.1.RELEASE.
When I invoke any Redis operation using the Reactive Lettuce API the execution always switches to the same individual thread (lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1).
That is leading to poor performance since all the execution is getting bottlenecked in that single thread.
I know I could use publishOn every time I call Redis to switch to another thread, but that is error prone and still not optimal.
Is there any way to improve that? I see that Lettuce provides the ClientResources class to customize the Thread allocation but I could not find any way to integrate that with Spring webflux.
Besides, wouldn't the current behaviour be dangerous for a careless developer? Maybe the defaults should be tuned a little. I suppose the ideal scenario would be if Lettuce could just reuse the same event loop from webflux.
I'm adding this spring boot single class snippet that can be used to reproduce what I'm describing:
public class ReactiveApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ReactiveApplication.class, args);
class TestController {
private final RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> redis = RedisClient.create("redis://localhost:6379").connect().reactive();
public Mono<Void> test() {
return redis.exists("key")
.doOnSubscribe(subscription -> System.out.println("\nonSubscribe called on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()))
.doOnNext(aLong -> System.out.println("onNext called on thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()))
If I keep calling the /test endpoint I get the following output:
onSubscribe called on thread reactor-http-nio-2
onNext called on thread lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1
onSubscribe called on thread reactor-http-nio-3
onNext called on thread lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1
onSubscribe called on thread reactor-http-nio-4
onNext called on thread lettuce-nioEventLoop-4-1
That's an excellent question!
The TL;DR;
Lettuce always publishes using the I/O thread that is bound to the netty channel. This may or may not be suitable for your workload.
The Longer Read
Redis is single-threaded, so it makes sense to keep a single TCP connection. Netty's threading model is that all I/O work is handled by the EventLoop thread that is bound to the channel. Because of this constellation, you receive all reactive signals on the same thread. It makes sense to benchmark the impact using various reactive sequences with various options.
A different usage scheme (i.e. using pooled connections) is something that changes directly the observed results as pooling uses different connections and so notifications are received on different threads.
Another alternative could be to provide an ExecutorService just for response signals (data, error, completion). In some scenarios, the cost of context switching can be neglected because of the removing congestion in the I/O thread. In other scenarios, the context switching cost might be more notable.
You can already observe the same behavior with WebFlux: Every incoming connection is a new connection, and so it's handled by a different inbound EventLoop thread. Reusing the same EventLoop thread for outbound notification (that one, that was used for inbound notifications) happens quite late when writing the HTTP response to the channel.
This duality of responsibilities (completing a command, performing I/O) can experience some gravity towards a more computation-heavy workload which drags performance out of I/O.
Additional resources:
Investigate on response thread switching #905.

MessageBus: wait when processing is done and send ACK to requestor

We work with external TCP/IP interfaces and one of the requirements is to keep connection open, wait when processing is done and send ACK with the results back.
What would be best approach to achieve that assuming we want to use MessageBus (masstransit/nservicebus) for communication with processing module and tracing message states: received, processing, succeeded, failed?
Specifically, when message arrives to handler/consumer, how it will know about TCP/IP connection? Should I store it in some custom container and inject it to consumer?
Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
The consumer will know how to initiate and manage the TCP connection lifecycle.
When a message is received, the handler can invoke the code which performs some action based on the message data. Whether this involves displaying an green elephant on a screen somewhere or opening a port, making a call, and then processing the ACK, does not change how you handle the message.
The actual code which is responsible for performing the action could be packaged into something like a nuget package and exposed over some kind of generic interface if that makes you happier, but there is no contradiction with a component having a dual role as a message consumer and processor of that message.
A new instance of the consumer will be created for each message
receiving. Also, in my case, consumer can’t initiate TCP/IP
connection, it has been already opened earlier (and stored somewhere
else) and consumer needs just have access to use it.
Sorry, I should have read your original question more closely.
There is a solution to shared access to a resource from NServiceBus, as documented here.
public class SomeEventHandler : IHandleMessages<SomeEvent>
private IMakeTcpCall _caller;
public SomeEventHandler(IMakeTcpCalls caller)
_caller = caller;
public Task Handle(SomeEvent message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
// Use the caller
var ack = _caller.Call(message.SomeData);
// Do something with ack
return Task.CompletedTask;
You would ideally have a DI container which would manage the lifecycle of the IMakeTcpCall instance as a singleton (though this might get weird in high volume scenarios), so that you can re-use the open TCP channel.
Eg, in Castle Windsor:
Castle Windsor integrates with NServiceBus

JMX Notifications from MBean not listened/subscribed.What happens to the Notifications?

I am using JMX MBeans in spring 4 framework. I handle notifications from JMX mBean and process them as events.
For testing alternate approach, I just commented out notification handling part. This implies that my JMX Mbean continues to publish notifications and I am just ignoring them.
I handle the JMX notifications via logstash. For testing I have commented out Logstash configuration
What happens to the Notification? Where it will be stored?
Will it impact memory /pile up in application?
JMX notifications are an implementation of the observer pattern. With this pattern, events are not stored, so there is no memory issue.
NotificationBroadcaster JavaDoc:
When an MBean emits a notification, it considers each listener that has been added with addNotificationListener and not subsequently removed with removeNotificationListener. If a filter was provided with that listener, and if the filter's isNotificationEnabled method returns false, the listener is ignored. Otherwise, the listener's handleNotification method is called with the notification...
See also
Java Management Extensions (JMX) - Best Practices
Lapsed Listener Problem
The observer pattern link refers to this problem. To be clear, this potential memory link is different than what you worried about originally (storing notifications). This memory leak is caused by listeners not being deregistered, for example the logstash listener. If a listener is not deregistered, then it may not be garbage collected.
If you are concerned about this, you need to confirm that commenting out the logstash configuration prevents the listener from ever registering in the first place (it probably does). Regardless, this is probably not an issue for you, because it is just one listener object. Your concern about notifications was more serious because notifications are continuously created.
After some debugging of code flow of sendNotification Method in Java:
My findings below:
Flow of sendNotification Method:
javax.management.modelmbean.RequiredModelMBean (Sendnotification)
Method in NotificationBroadcasterSupport sends notifications to listeners which are registered only (based on listenersList within the class file). If no listeners are registered, then it skips sending notifications.
Hence from this I assume/conclude that Notifications are not stored anywhere.
As #DavidS suggested, if we fail to removeNotificationListener after registering and do not want to receive notifications, we would end up listeners processing notifications. Possible cause of memory leak.

In pub/sub model, how to make Subscriber pause processing based on some external state?

My requirement is to make the Subscriber pause processing the messages depending on whether a web service is up or not. So, when the web service is down, the messages should keep coming to the subscriber queue from Publisher and keep piling up until the web service is up again. (These messages should not go to the error queue, but stay on the Subscriber queue.)
I tried to use unsubscribe, but the publisher stops sending messages as the unsubscribe seems to clear the subscription info on RavenDB. I have also tried setting the MaxConcurrencyLevel on the Transport class, if I set the worker threads to 0, the messages coming to Subscriber go directly to the error queue. Finally, I tried Defer, which seems to put the current message in audit queue and creates a clone of the message and sends it locally to the subscriber queue when the timeout is completed. Also, since I have to keep checking the status of service and keep defering, I cannot control the order of messages as I cannot predict when the web service will be up.
What is the best way to achieve the behavior I have explained? I am using NServiceBus version 4.5.
It sounds like you want to keep trying to handle a message until it succeeds, and not shuffle it back in the queue (keep it at the top and keep trying it)?
I think your only pure-NSB option is to tinker with the MaxRetries setting, which controls First Level Retries: http://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/msmqtransportconfig. Setting MaxRetries to a very high number may do what you are looking for, but I can't imagine doing so would be a good practice.
Second Level Retries will defer the message for a configurable amount of time, but IIRC will allow other messages to be handled from the main queue.
I think your best option is to put retry logic into your own code. So the handler can try to access the service x number of times in a loop (maybe on a delay) before it throws an exception and NSB's retry features kick in.
Your requirement seems to be something like:
"When an MyEvent comes in, I need to make a webservice call. If the webservice is down, I need to keep trying X number of times at Y intervals, at which point I will consider it a failure and handle a failure condition. Until I either succeed or fail, I will block other messages from being handled."
You have some potentially complex logic on handling a message (retry, timeout, error condition, blocking additional messages, etc.). Keep in mind the role that NSB is intended to play in your system: communication between services via messaging. While NSB does have some advanced features that allow message orchestration (e.g. sagas), it's not really intended to be used to replace Domain or Application logic.
Bottom line, you may need to write custom code to handle your specific scenario. A naive solution would be a loop with a delay in your handler, but you may need to create a more robust in-memory collection/queue that holds messages while the service is down and processes them serially when it comes back up.
The easiest way to achieve somewhat the required behavior is the following:
Define a message handler which checks whether the service is available and if not calls HandleCurrentMessageLater and a message handler which does the actual message processing. Then you specify the message handler order so that the handler which checks the service availability gets executed first.
public interface ISomeCommand {}
public class ServiceAvailabilityChecker : IHandleMessages<ISomeCommand>{
public IBus Bus { get; set; }
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message) {
try {
// check service
catch(SpecificException ex) {
public class ActualHandler : IHandleMessages<ISomeCommand>{
public void Handle(ISomeCommand message) {
public class SomeCommandHandlerOrdering : ISpecifyMessageHandlerOrdering{
public void SpecifyOrder(Order order){
With that design you gain the following:
You can check the availability before the actual business code is invoked
If the service is not available the message is put back into the queue
If the service is available and your business code gets invoked but just before the ActualHandler is invoked the service becomes unavailable you get First and Second Level retries (and again the availability check in the pipeline)