This is what I am trying to achieve but I do not remember the syntax in AS2 if someone could please help.
public function highlightCan() {
var glowId = String(this);
var newId = glowId.substring(47);
trace ("newId : " + newId);
new Tween(_parent._glow["newId"], "_alpha",
mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, _parent._glow0._alpha, 100, 2, false);
The newId, is what I am trying to attach to _glow.
If I hard code this value i.e. _glow0 or _glow1, this works but this value needs to be dynamic, in order to get the rollover state working. per highlightCan();
public function highlightCan(id:Number) {
var glowId = String(this);
var newId = glowId.substring(47);
trace ("newId : " + newId);
new Tween(_parent._glow["newId"], "_alpha",
eval("_parent._glow"+id)._alpha, 100, 2, false);
when you call the highlightCan() you must send the ID number e.g.: highlightCan(2) will make transition on _parent._glow2._alpha
I'm trying to send sms using mysms API. I am able to send to single number using following example:
How can I send to multiple number using above example?
I came up with this code:
function sendSMS() {
var apikey = "your api_key";
var mno = 40123123456; // msisdn = your number without +sign in from
var pwd = "yourpassword";
// var no = 40123123456; // single number & replace this with a real one
var grp = [40123123456,40123123456,40123123456]; // multiple numbers / let's call it a group & just replace those with your actual testing numbers
var msg = "Hi!%0aThis is a test message!%0aThis is another row.%0a:D"; // Use %0a to insert a new row in your message
for ( var i in grp ) {
var smsurl = ""+apikey+"&msisdn="+mno+"&password="+pwd+"&recipient="+grp[i]+"&message="+msg+"";
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", smsurl, true);
Now just make the call:
This code is javascript and I hope will answer your question well. Also it was tested and proven that is working. There is always room for improvements.
I'm developing a sketch plugin. In the modal window I'm using to get user input there is a select. I can access the value of textField but I can't access value of the select.
Here is where I create the select:
var chooseFormatOptions = ['.png', '.jpg', '.pdf'];
var chooseFormatSelect = NSComboBox.alloc().initWithFrame(NSMakeRect(0, 250, viewWidth, 30));
Here is where I try to get the combo box value
if (response == "1000"){
var projectName = projectField.stringValue();
var deviceName1 = firstDevicefield.stringValue();
var deviceDim1 = firstDimfield.stringValue();
var deviceName2 = secondDevicefield.stringValue();
var deviceDim2 = secondDimfield.stringValue();
var format = chooseFormatSelect.objectValues.indexOfSelectedItem(),
//var scale = chooseScaleOptions.stringValue();
//var pathOption = choosePathOptions.stringValue();
The error that it gives me when I run the plugin (if response == 1000) is: can't find variable chooseFormatSelect.
Do you know why I can get values of input fields (so it can find variables) but not that of the select one?
What about access text field 'text' variable while observing changes?
You may find this link helpfull (to add observe).
For NSComboBox follow this
Simply implement delegate then access value through following method
I know this question has been asked a bunch of times, but none of the answers (or at least what i took away from them) was a help to my particiular problem.
I want to dynamically change a part of the variable path, so i don't have to repeat the same code x-times with just two characters changing.
Here's what i got:
In the beginning of my script, i'm setting the reference to PlayerData scripts, attached to the GameManager object like this:
var P1 : P1_Data;
var P2 : P2_Data;
function Start(){
P1 = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent.<P1_Data>();
P2 = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent.<P2_Data>();
Later, i want to access these scripts using the currentPlayer variable to dynamically adjust the path:
var currentPlayer : String = "P1"; //this actually happens along with some other stuff in the SwitchPlayers function, i just put it here for better understanding
if (currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value){
// do stuff
As i was afraid, i got an error saying, that PlayerEnergy was not a part of UnityEngine.String.
So how do I get unity to read "currentPlayer" as part of the variable path?
Maybe some parse function I haven't found?
Or am I going down an entirely wrong road here?
PS: I also tried putting the P1 and P2 variables into an array and access them like this:
if (PlayerData[CurrentPlayerInt].PlayerEnergy >= value){
// do stuff
to no success.
First of all,
var currentPlayer : String = "P1"
here P1 is just string, not the previous P1/P2 which are referenced to two scripts. So, if you want, you can change
currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value
P1.PlayerEnergy >= value
P2.PlayerEnergy >= value
But if you just want one function for them, like
currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value
Then you have to first set currentPlayer to P1/P2 which I assume you are trying to do. You must have some codes that can verify which player is selected. Then, maybe this can help -
var playerSelected: int = 0;
var currentPlayerEnergy: int = 0;
//Use your codes to verify which player is selected and then,
if (playerSelected == 1) {
currentPlayerEnergy = P1.PlayerEnergy;
} else if (playerSelected == 2) {
currentPlayerEnergy = P2.PlayerEnergy;
//Now use your favorite function
if (currentPlayerEnergy >= value) {
//Do stuff
As there was no reply providing the answer I needed, I'll share the solution that did the trick for me, provided by a fellow student.
Instead of having the PlayerData scripts pre-written, I generate them using a public class function in a Playermanager script. This generates the Playerdata as attached scripts, saved into an array.
I can then access them through Playermanager.Playerlist[Playernumber].targetvariable.
Which is what I wanted to do, only with the Playerdata being attached to a script instead of a gameobject. And it works great!
Here's the full code of my Playermanager Script:
//initialise max players
public var maxplayers : int = 2;
// Initialise Playerlist
static var Players = new List.<PlayerData>();
function Start () {
for (var i : int = 0; i < maxplayers; i++){
var Player = new PlayerData();
Players[i].PlayerName = "Player " + i;
DontDestroyOnLoad (transform.gameObject);
public class PlayerData {
public var PlayerName : String;
public var PlayerEnergy : int = 15;
public var Fleet : List.<GameObject> = new List.<GameObject>();
As you see, you can put any type of variable in this class.
I hope this helps some of you who have the same problem.
I'm working with Actionscript 2 (not ready to upgrade yet, although it's irreverent to the problem) but I'm having trouble with OOP and classes.
I've got a "Tool" class, written like so:
class com.Tool {
public var self:MovieClip;
private static var Type:String;
function Tool(T:String, X:Number, Y:Number) {
Type = T;
self = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("obj"+_root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
self._x = X;
self._y = Y;
self.width = 36;
self.height = 36;
self.onRollOver = function() {
I create 3 of them in the main script like so:
var toolPan:Tool = new Tool("pan", 0, 0);
var toolSquare:Tool = new Tool("square", 0, 38);
var toolLine:Tool = new Tool("line", 0, 76);
It all works great, except the onRollOver. It's supposed to output the unique "Type" string, but it always outputs "line" (the last Type Tool created) regardless which one I roll over.
Needless to say, I'm still a beginner to all this. But it seems like they're all sharing the same variable :/ How do I make these variables unique to each object created?
Thank you very much!
It's because it's type static, so the value is shared by all instances of that class. Remove it and it should work.
private var Type:String;
I'm inheriting someone else's project and I am trying to familiarize myself with it. I have little experience with CI.
On one of the views there's is a drop down form, on change calls a JS function:
// admin contorller drop down ajax
// initiate table sort
// ajax request triggered by catagory drop down menu selection
function getCatagoriesItems()
// get base url of current site
var baseurl = $("#site_url_for_ajax").val();
// get adminType
var adminType = $("#admin_type").val();
// get catagory id
var catId = $("#catagoryDropDownList option:selected").attr("id");
var queryString = baseurl + "home/ajaxCatagorySelection/" + catId + "/" + adminType;
$.get(queryString, function(data)
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
// dump data into table when request is successful
$("#dataResultsTable tbody").html(JSONParser.parseHomeDropDownSelectedJSON(obj));
// unblock page when done
I've logged the two values, catID and adminType, they're both integers, catID will be between 1-10 and adminType = 1. There both references to int values in a database. catID is referencing a field titled 'categoryID'. catID 6 = all. None of the entries in the db have 6 as their value, thus ensuring if you filtered for not equaling 6 you'd get all. They get passed to a function called ajaxCatagorySelection in the controller file home.php. So far, so good. Here's that function:
public function ajaxCatagorySelection($tableName, $id)
$vars = new DatabaseRetriever($id);
$resultsArray = $vars->getDataForSpecifiedTable($tableName, $id);
echo json_encode($resultsArray);
and that function itself is referencing a model (database_retriever.php) and the class DatabaseRetriever and I'm assuming passing the variables along to the function getDataForSpecifiedTable. I say assuming because the variable names have changed significantly from catID to $tableName and adminType to $id. Here is getDataForSpecifiedTable:
public function getDataForSpecifiedTable($catagoryInfo, $databaseID)
// connect to database
$sql = $this->connect($databaseID);
if ($catagoryInfo != 6) {
// build SQL Query and query the database
$result = $sql->query("SELECT fileId, fileTitle, filePath, fileTypeExt, fileDescription, fileModed from admin_files where catagoryId = '" . $catagoryInfo . "' and adminId = '" . $databaseID . "'");
} else {
$result = $sql->query("SELECT fileId, fileTitle, filePath, fileTypeExt, fileDescription, fileModed from admin_files where catagoryId = '" . $catagoryInfo . "' and adminId = '" . $databaseID . "'");
// declare array
$items = array();
// retriever rows from database and build array
while ($row = $result->fetch_row())
array_push($items, $row);
// disconnect from database
// return data in array
return $items;
the variable names have changed again but you can tell they are suppose to do what I wrote above by looking at the query. Here's the problem. I added the conditional "if ($catagoryInfo != 6)...", if I don't put the else in there then CI throws out warning errors that no data is being returned. I return $categoryInfo and in the FireBug console I get the correct integer. I've tried the conditional as an integer and a string with both failing. Any ideas what might be happening here?
If database_retriever.php is a model, you should call it like so:
$resultsArray = $this->Database_retriever->getDataForSpecifiedTable($tableName, $id);
Also, make sure your model extends Model (or extends CI_Model in CodeIgniter 2).
NOTE: $.getJSON, will auto-parse JSON for you, so you don't need to call parseJSON.