Index on a Varchar? - sql

We're suffering some heavy table locking issues in production. I have noticed that I created a stored procedure which gets a list of orders by order number. Order number is a VARCHAR(150). There is no index of any type on this column.
At the moment, there is a LOT of NULL values in this column. However, over time (This table went live recently), the table will grow significantly. No more NULL values will be added in this time.
My question is two fold. Firstly, would an index be beneficial here. The proc is heavily used. And if so, should it be clustered or not? Data is things like CP123456, DR126512.
The second question, which probably influences the first question is - would it be beneficial to change the column to a CHAR(10), as it 'seems' the order number is always the same size. Is there any speed benefit in putting an index on a fixed length CHAR, as opposed to a VARCHAR(150)?
(The different in size is because of unknown requirements when the column was created).
SQL Server 2008.

Yes, absolutely! Go right ahead and add an index. Clustering the index is probably unnecessary here, and will not be possible anyway if you already have another clustered index (such as the primary key) on the table.
Changing the column to a CHAR(10) might have some benefits in terms of storage size, but it's unlikely to make a particularly great difference in index performance. I'd skip it for now.

I don't have references to cite on this, only experience / anecdotal evidence.
Firstly, queries can nearly always be improved through use of indexes. The exact benefit depends on the query.
- If a query requires only specific records / a small portion of the table, an index will help
- If a query requires the whole table, but could benefit from ordered data, an index will help
Clustered indexes generally provide performance benefits over non-clustered indexes. In a very simplified sense, using a non-clustered index is like using two tables and joining them (The search friendly index is used first, which is then joined to the data itself - Unless the index contains all the data fields you need).
A consideration here, however, is the order in which data is added to your table. If your clustered index means that data is often inserted or deleted at the middle of the table, you'll get fragmentation and other artefacts. In my experience, however, awareness and consideration to this is only needed in extreme situations.
In short, DEFINITELY index your data. And the clustered index is normally best placed to serve your worst performing queries.
As for the difference between VARCHAR and CHAR? In the olden days it was important to keep variable length fields at the end of your data, to make the fixed length fields easier to identify. This meant that having a VARCHAR field as your first field, and using it as a unique identifier, was pretty poor.
Nowadays, the performance difference is marginal. Personally, I'd still keep unique identifiers as fixed length though. Variable length data won't normally have noticeable performance costs, but when you're actually making comparisons for join predicates, etc., it's much tidier to have fixed length fields if possible.


Database indexes: A good thing, a bad thing, or a waste of time?

Adding indexes is often suggested here as a remedy for performance problems.
(I'm talking about reading & querying ONLY, we all know indexes can make writing slower).
I have tried this remedy many times, over many years, both on DB2 and MSSQL, and the result were invariably disappointing.
My finding has been that no matter how 'obvious' it was that an index would make things better, it turned out that the query optimiser was smarter, and my cleverly-chosen index almost always made things worse.
I should point out that my experiences relate mostly to small tables (<100'000 rows).
Can anyone provide some down-to-earth guidelines on choices for indexing?
The correct answer would be a list of recommendations something like:
Never/always index a table with less than/more than NNNN records
Never/always consider indexes on multi-field keys
Never/always use clustered indexes
Never/always use more than NNN indexes on a single table
Never/always add an index when [some magic condition I'm dying to learn about]
Ideally, the answer will give some instructive examples.
Indexes are kind of like chemotherapy...too much and it kills you...too little and you it the wrong way and you die. You gotta know just how much, how often, and what kind to make it not kill you.
Your hardware, platform, environment, load all play a role. So to answer your questions..
Yes, possibly sometimes.
As a rule of thumb, primary keys and foreign keys need to be indexed. Usually primary key are indexed just by defining them as such, but FKs are not in every database (they definitely are not in SQL Server, I can't really speak for other dbs). You will be using these in joins, so it is generally critical to performance to define these.
Now if you have fields you often use in where clauses, they can benefit from indexes as well providing several things:
First the field must have a range of
values. A bit field or a field with
only 2 or 3 values will almost never
use an index.
Second the queries you write must be sargable. That is they must be designed to use indexes. I suspect if you never get performance improvements from what look like likely candidates for indexes, then you probably have queries that are not sargable. For instance take "WHERE Name like '%Smith'" as a where clause. Without knowing the first characters, the optimizer can't use the index.
Small tables rarely benefit much from indexes. If the optimizer can hold the whole thing in memory, then it is often faster to do so. If you were working with multimillion record tables, you would see that indexes are critical.
Indexing can be very complex and if you are interested in the subject, I suggest you get a good book on performance tuning your particular database and read in depth about them.
An index that's never used is a waste of disk space, as well as adding to the insert/update/delete time. It's probably best to define the clustering index first, then define
additional indexes as you find yourself writing WHERE clauses.
One common index mistake I see is people wondering why a select on col2 (or col3) takes so long when the index is defined as col1 ASC, col2 ASC, col3 ASC. When you have a multiple column index, your WHERE clause must use the first column in the index, or the first and second column in the index, and so forth.
If you need to access the data by col2, then you need an additional index that's defined as col2 ASC.
With small domain tables, it's sometimes faster to do a table scan than it is to read rows from the table using an index. This depends on the speed of your database machine and the speed of the network.
You need indexes. Only with indexes you can access data fast enough.
To make it as short as possible:
add indexes for columns you are frequently filtering (or grouping) for. (eg. a state or name)
like and sql functions could make the DBMS not use indexes.
add indexes only on columns which have many different values (eg. no boolean fields)
It is common to add indexes to foreign keys, but it is not always needed.
don't add indexes in very short tables
never add indexes when you don't know how they should enhance performance.
Finally: look into execution plans to decide how to optimize queries.
You'll add indexes just for a single, critical query. In this case, you'll add exactly the indexes that are needed in the query in question (multi-column indexes).
Basically when DB is collecting data and it's alive indexes have to go and evolve with that flow. There maybe really good index on table but after growing beyond of XXX records the same index in the same table is useless and in that case it should be refactored.
To have optimized and fast DB the only way is to monitor it all the time and refactor it over the time as records come in.
Real life example i got some time ago was super fast query restricted by some time range (created_at between A and B) and super slow query where time range was different. Same query, same database, same application and only one difference on time range.
Always use clustered indexes.
In fact you can't help but using them. The data in a table will be laid out on disk in some particular order anyway, it can't be save as a pile or something. You have the chance of specifying how exactly this data will be laid out. Why burn it?
When you have a table which gets new records appended and you observe that some value in those records always grow (like StackOverflow question number), make a clustered index out of it. Then the new data will not be inserted in the middle but will basically be appended to a file on disk which is a relatively cheap operation.
If a table is expected to be the target of a join then it is best to have a clustered index on that table so that the joins can be performed sequentially through the data pages. The columns in the clustered index will (on some DB systems) be included in all of the other indexes on that table, since those are the values that the indexes will use to reference the table data. To keep the other indexes from getting too large, the columns in the clustered index should be as narrow as possible, so it is best to use only numeric—rather than character—data types in the clustered index. In general, fewer columns are better than more columns, but notice that three int columns (12 bytes per row) are much better than one nvarchar(32) column (potentially 64 bytes per row).
If the clustered index is narrow, then a few additional indexes should not negatively impact performance very much even on very large tables.
Seems you are confusing two concepts here.
Adding indices *generally can only make a read query faster, very very rarely (almost never) slower. Adding an index never forces the query optimizer to use it. It will only use it if it thinks it can benefit from it, and it is generally very smart about those decisions.
For inserts/updates, of course, every index hurts performance a bit more... But at the other end of the spectrum, for, say a read only database, (like a USPS address database which is distributed monthly), in operational use there would ne no inserts/updates, so the only negative impact of additional indices is the disk space they take up.
This is entirely different that specifying that the query optimizer USE an index, in effect overriding what it would do on it's own... That can potentially make a query slower.
EDIT: Edited to eliminate opportunity for misinterpretation by overly literal readers.

Should searchable date fields in a database table always be indexed?

If I have a field in a table of some date type and I know that I will always be searching it using comparisons like between, > or < and never = could there be a good reason not to add an index for it?
The only reason not to add an index on a field you are going to search on is that the cost of maintaining the index overweights its benefits.
This may happen if:
You have a really tough DML on your table
The existence of the index makes it intolerably slow, and
It's more important to have fast DML than the fast queries.
If it's not the case, then just create the index. The optimizer just won't use it if it thinks it's not needed.
There are far more bad reasons.
However, an index on the search column may not be enough if the index is nonclustered and non-covering. Queries like this are often good candidates for clustered indexes, however a covering index is just as good.
This is a great example of why this is as much art as science. Some considerations:
How often is data added to this table? If there is far more reading/searching than adding/changing (the whole point of some tables to dump data into for reporting), then you want to go crazy with indexes. You clustered index might be needed more for the ID field, but you can have plenty of multi-column indexes (where the date fields comes later, with columns listed earlier in the index do a good job of reducing the result set), and covered indexes (where all returned values are in the index, so it's very fast, like you're searching on the clustered index to begin with).
If the table is edited/added to often, or you have limited storage space and hence can't have tons of indexes, then you have to be more careful with your indexes. If your date criteria typically gives a wide range of data, and you don't search often on other fields, then you could give a clustered index over to this date field, but think several times before you do that. You clustered index being on a simple autonumber field is a bonus for all you indexes. Non-covered indexes use the clustered index to zip to the records for the result set. Don't move the clustered index to a date field unless the vast majority of your searching is on that date field. It's the nuclear option.
If you can't have a lot of covered indexes (data changes a lot on the table, there's limited space, your result sets are large and varied), and/or you really need the clustered index for another column, and the typical date criteria gives a wide range of records, and you have to search a lot, you've got problems. If you can dump data to a reporting table, do that. If you can't, then you'll have to balance all these competing factors carefully. Maybe for the top 2-3 searches you minimize the result-set columns as much as you can configure covered indexes, and you let the rest make due with a simple non -clustered index
You can see why good db people should be paid well. I know a lot of the factors, but I envy people to can balance all these things quickly and correctly without having to do a lot of profiling.
Don't index it IF you want to scan the entire table every time. I would want the database to try and do a range scan, so I'd add the index, but I use SQL Server and it will use the index in most cases. However different databases many not use the index.
Depending on the data, I'd go further than that, and suggest it could be a clustered index if you're going to be doing BETWEEN queries, to avoid the table scan.
While an index helps for querying the table, it will also slow down inserts, updates and deletes somewhat. If you have a lot more changes in the table than queries, an index can hurt the overall performance.
If the table is small it might never use the indexes therefore adding them may just be wasting resources.
There are datatypes (like image in SQL Server) and data distributions where indexes are unlikely to be used or can't be used. For instance in SQL Server, it is pointless to index a bit field as there is not enough variability in the data for an index to do any good.
If you usually query with a like clause and a wildcard as the first character, no index will be used, so creating one is another waste of reseources.

How to know when to use indexes and which type?

I've searched a bit and didn't see any similar question, so here goes.
How do you know when to put an index in a table? How do you decide which columns to include in the index? When should a clustered index be used?
Can an index ever slow down the performance of select statements? How many indexes is too many and how big of a table do you need for it to benefit from an index?
What about column data types? Is it ok to have an index on a varchar or datetime?
Well, the first question is easy:
When should a clustered index be used?
Always. Period. Except for a very few, rare, edge cases. A clustered index makes a table faster, for every operation. YES! It does. See Kim Tripp's excellent The Clustered Index Debate continues for background info. She also mentions her main criteria for a clustered index:
static (never changes)
if ever possible: ever increasing
INT IDENTITY fulfills this perfectly - GUID's do not. See GUID's as Primary Key for extensive background info.
Why narrow? Because the clustering key is added to each and every index page of each and every non-clustered index on the same table (in order to be able to actually look up the data row, if needed). You don't want to have VARCHAR(200) in your clustering key....
Why unique?? See above - the clustering key is the item and mechanism that SQL Server uses to uniquely find a data row. It has to be unique. If you pick a non-unique clustering key, SQL Server itself will add a 4-byte uniqueifier to your keys. Be careful of that!
Next: non-clustered indices. Basically there's one rule: any foreign key in a child table referencing another table should be indexed, it'll speed up JOINs and other operations.
Furthermore, any queries that have WHERE clauses are a good candidate - pick those first which are executed a lot. Put indices on columns that show up in WHERE clauses, in ORDER BY statements.
Next: measure your system, check the DMV's (dynamic management views) for hints about unused or missing indices, and tweak your system over and over again. It's an ongoing process, you'll never be done! See here for info on those two DMV's (missing and unused indices).
Another word of warning: with a truckload of indices, you can make any SELECT query go really really fast. But at the same time, INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs which have to update all the indices involved might suffer. If you only ever SELECT - go nuts! Otherwise, it's a fine and delicate balancing act. You can always tweak a single query beyond belief - but the rest of your system might suffer in doing so. Don't over-index your database! Put a few good indices in place, check and observe how the system behaves, and then maybe add another one or two, and again: observe how the total system performance is affected by that.
Rule of thumb is primary key (implied and defaults to clustered) and each foreign key column
There is more but you could do worse than using SQL Server's missing index DMVs
An index may slow down a SELECT if the optimiser makes a bad choice, and it is possible to have too many. Too many will slow writes but it's also possible to overlap indexes
Answering the ones I can I would say that every table, no matter how small, will always benefit from at least one index as there has to be at least one way in which you are interested in looking up the data; otherwise why store it?
A general rule for adding indexes would be if you need to find data in the table using a particular field, or set of fields. This leads on to how many indexes are too many, generally the more indexes you have the slower inserts and updates will be as they also have to modify the indexes but it all depends on how you use your data. If you need fast inserts then don't use too many. In reporting "read only" type data stores you can have a number of them to make all your lookups faster.
Unfortunately there is no one rule to guide you on the number or type of indexes to use, although the query optimiser of your chosen DB can give hints based on the queries you are executing.
As to clustered indexes they are the Ace card you only get to use once, so choose carefully. It's worth calculating the selectivity of the field you are thinking of putting it on as it can be wasted to put it on something like a boolean field (contrived example) as the selectivity of the data is very low.
This is really a very involved question, though a good starting place would be to index any column that you will filter results on. ie. If you often break products into groups by sale price, index the sale_price column of the products table to improve scan times for that query, etc.
If you are querying based on the value in a column, you probably want to index that column.
SELECT a,b,c FROM MyTable WHERE x = 1
You would want an index on X.
Generally, I add indexes for columns which are frequently queried, and I add compound indexes when I'm querying on more than one column.
Indexes won't hurt the performance of a SELECT, but they may slow down INSERTS (or UPDATES) if you have too many indexes columns per table.
As a rule of thumb - start off by adding indexes when you find yourself saying WHERE a = 123 (in this case, an index for "a").
You should use an index on columns that you use for selection and ordering - i.e. the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
Indexes can slow down select statements if there are many of them and you are using WHERE and ORDER BY on columns that have not been indexed.
As for size of table - several thousands rows and upwards would start showing real benefits to index usage.
Having said that, there are automated tools to do this, and SQL server has an Database Tuning Advisor that will help with this.

Do indexes suck in SQL?

Say I have a table with a large number of rows and one of the columns which I want to index can have one of 20 values.
If I were to put an index on the column would it be large?
If so, why? If I were to partition the data into the data into 20 tables, one for each value of the column, the index size would be trivial but the indexing effect would be the same.
It's not the indexes that will suck. It's putting indexes on the wrong columns that will suck.
Seriously though, why would you need a table with a single column? What would the meaning of that data be? What purpose would it serve?
And 20 tables? I suggest you read up on database design first, or otherwise explain to us the context of your question.
Indexes (or indices) don't suck. A lot of very smart people have spent a truly remarkable amount of time of the last several decades ensuring that this is so.
Your schema, however, lacking the same amount of expertise and effort, may suck very badly indeed.
Partitioning, in the case described is equivalent to applying a clustered index. If the table is sorted otherwise (or is in arbitrary order) then the index necessarily has to occupy much more space. Depending on the platform, a non-clustered index may reduce in size as the sortedness of the rows with respect to the indexed value increases.
The short answer:
Do indexes suck: Yes and No
The longer answer:
They don't suck if used properly. Maybe you should start reading about how indexes work, why they can work and why they sometimes don't work.
Good starting points:
No indexes don't suck, but you have to pay attention to how you use them or they can backfire on the performance of your queries.
First: Schema / design
Why would you create a table with only one column? That's probably taking normalization one step to far. Database design is one of the most important things to consider in optimizing performance
Second: Indexes
In a nutshell the indexes will help the database to perform a binary search of your record. Without an index on a column (or set of columns) the database will often fall back to a table scan. A table scan is very expensive because it involves enumerating each and every record.
It doesn't really matter THAT much for index scans how many records there are in the database table. Because of the (balanced) binary tree search doubling the amount of records will only result in one extra search step.
Determine the primary key of your table, SQL will automatically place a clustered index on that column(s). Clustered indexes perform really well. In addition you can place non-clustered indexes on columns that are used often in SELECT, JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY and ORDER BY statements. Do remember that indexes have a certain overlap, try to never include your clustered index into a non-clustered index.
Also interesting might be the fill factor on the indexes. Do you want to optimize your table for reads (high fill factor - less storage, less IO) or for writes (low fill factor more storage, less rebuilding your database pages).
Third: Partitioning
One of the reasons to use partitioning is to optimize your data access. Let's say you have 1 million records of which 500,000 records are no longer relevant but stored for archiving purposes. In this case you could decide to partition the table and store the 500,000 old records on slow storage and the other 500,000 records on fast storage.
To measure is to know
The best way to get insight in what happens is to measure what happens to your cpu and io. Microsoft SQL server has some tools like the Profiler and Execution plans in Management Studio that will tell you the duration of your query, number of read/writes and cpu usage. Also the execution plan will tell you which or IF indexes are being used. To your surprise you might see a table scan although you didn't expect it.
Say I have a table with a large number of rows and one column which I want to index can have one of 20 values. If I were to put an index on the column would it be large?
The index size will be proportional to the number of your rows and the length of the indexed values.
The index keeps not only the indexed value, but also some kind of a pointer to the row (ROWID in Oracle, LCID in PostgreSQL, primary key in InnoDB etc).
If you have 10,000 rows and a 1 distinct value, you will still have 10,000 records in your index.
If so, why? If I were to partition the data into the data into 20 tables, one for each value of the column, the index size would be trivial but the indexing effect would be the same
In this case, you would come with 20 indexes being same in size in total as your original one.
This technique is sometimes used in fact in such called partitioned indexes. It has its advantages and drawbacks.
Standard b-tree indexes are best suited to fairly selective indexes, which this example would not be. You don't say what DBMS you are using; Oracle has another type of index called a bitmap index which is more suited to low-selectivity indexes in OLAP environments (since these indexes are expensive to maintain, making them unsuitable for OLTP environments).
The optimiser will decide bases on stats whether it thinks the index will help get the data in the fastest time; if it won't, the optmiser won't use it.
Partitioning is another strategy. In Oracle you can define a table as partitioned on some set of columns, and for the optimiser can automatically perform "partition elimination" like you suggest.
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "large".
If your index is clustered, all the data for each record will be on the same leaf page, thereby creating the most efficient index available to your table as long as you write your queries against it properly.
If your index is non-clustered, then only the index related data will be on your leaf pages. Then, depending on suchs things as how many other indexes you have, coupled with details like your fill factor, your index may or may not be efficient. In general, if you don't have a ton of indexes on your table, you should be safe.
The efficiency of your index will also be determined by the data type of the 20 values you're speaking of going into the column. If those are pre-defined values, then their details should probably be in a lookup table with a simple primary key datatype (like Int/Number). Then add that column to your table as a foreign key with an index on the column.
Ultimately, you could have a perfect index on a column. But it's best use will be determined for the most part by the queries you write. So if your queries make use of the indexes, you're golden.
Indexes are purely for performance. If an index doesn't boost performance for the queries you're interested in, then it sucks.
As for disk usage, you have to weigh your concerns. Different SQL providers build indexes differently, but as a client, you generally trust that they do the best that can be done. In the case you're describing, a clustered index may be optimal for both size and performance.
It would be large enough to hold those values for all the rows, in a sorted order.
Say you have 20 different strings of 4 characters, and 1 million rows, it would at least be 4 million bytes (or 8 if 16-bit unicode) to hold those values.

No indexes on small tables?

"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil." (Donald Knuth). My SQL tables are unlikely to contain more than a few thousand rows each (and those are the big ones!). SQL Server Database Engine Tuning Advisor dismisses the amount of data as irrelevant. So I shouldn't even think about putting explicit indexes on these tables. Correct?
The value of indexes is in speeding reads. For instance, if you are doing lots of SELECTs based on a range of dates in a date column, it makes sense to put an index on that column. And of course, generally you add indexes on any column you're going to be JOINing on with any significant frequency. The efficiency gain is also related to the ratio of the size of your typical recordsets to the number of records (i.e. grabbing 20/2000 records benefits more from indexing than grabbing 90/100 records). A lookup on an unindexed column is essentially a linear search.
The cost of indexes comes on writes, because every INSERT also requires an internal insert to each column index.
So, the answer depends entirely on your application -- if it's something like a dynamic website where the number of reads can be 100x or 1000x the writes, and you're doing frequent, disparate lookups based on data columns, indexing may well be beneficial. But if writes greatly outnumber reads, then your tuning should focus on speeding those queries.
It takes very little time to identify and benchmark a handful of your app's most frequent operations both with and without indexes on the JOIN/WHERE columns, I suggest you do that. It's also smart to monitor your production app and identify the most expensive, and most frequent queries, and focus your optimization efforts on the intersection of those two sets of queries (which could mean indexes or something totally different, like allocating more or less memory for query or join caches).
Knuth's wise words are not applicable to the creation (or not) of indexes, since by adding indexes you are not optimising anything directly: you are providing an index that the DBMSs optimiser may use to optimise some queries. In fact, you could better argue that deciding not to index a small table is premature optimisation, as by doing so you restrict the DBMS optimiser's options!
Different DBMSs will have different guidelines for choosing whether or not to index columns based on various factors including table size, and it is these that should be considered.
What is an example of premature optimisation in databases: "denormalising for performance" before any benchmarking has indicated that the normalised database actually has any performance issues.
Primary key columns will be indexed for the unique constraint. I would still index all foreign key columns. The optimizer can choose to ignore your index if it is irrelevant.
If you only have a little bit of data then the extra cost for insert/update should not be significant either.
Absolutely incorrect. 100% incorrect. Don't put a million pointless indexes, but you do want a Primary Key (in most cases), and you do want it CLUSTERED correctly.
Here's why:
SELECT * FROM MySmallTable <-- No worries... Index won't help
MyBigTable INNER JOIN MySmallTable ON... <-- Ahh, now I'm glad I have my index.
Here's a good rule to go by.
"Since I have a TABLE, I'm likely going to want to query it at some time... If I'm going to query it, I'm likely going to do so in a consistent way..." <-- That's how you should index the table.
EDIT: I'm adding this line: If you have a concrete example in mind, I'll show you how to index it, and how much of a savings you'll get from doing so. Please supply a table, and an example of how you plan in using that table.
I suggest that you follow the usual rules about indexing, which approximately means "create indexes on those columns that you use in your queries".
This might sound unnecessary with such a small database. As others have already said: as long as your database stays as small as you have described, the queries will be fast enough anyway, and the indexes aren't really needed. They can even slow down insertions and updates, but unless you have very specific requirements there, it doesn't matter with such a small database.
But, if the database grows (which databases sometimes have a tendency to do) you don't have to remember to add indexes to that old database that you've probably forgotten about by then. Maybe it has even been installed at one your customers, and you can't modify it!
I guess what I'm saying is this: indexes should be such a natural part of your database design, that it is the lack of indexes that is the optimization, premature or not.
It depends. Is the table a reference table?
There are tables of a thousand rows where the absence of an index, and the resulting table scans can make the difference between a fairly simple operation delaying the user by 5 minutes instead of 5 seconds. I have seen exactly this problem, using a DBMS other than SQL Server.
Generally, if the table is a reference table, updates on it will be relatively rare. This means that the performance hit for updating the index will also be relatively rare. If the optimizer passes over the index, the performance hit on the optimizer will be negligible. The space needed to store the index will also be negligible.
If you declare a primary key, you should get an automatic index on that key. That automatic index will almost always do you enough good to justify its cost. Leave it in there. If you create a reference table without a primary key, there are other problems in your design methodology.
If you do frequent searches or frequent joins on some set of columns other than the primary key, an additional index might pay for itself. Don't fix that problem unless it is a problem.
Here's the general rule of thumb: go with the default behavior of the DBMS, unless you find a reason not to. Anything else is a premature preoccupation with optimization on your part.
If the rows have narrow width, and a few thousand rows fit on say 10-20 8K pages, it is unlikely that the SQL optimiser would elect to use an index even if you create one.
Put indexes ONLY if you have to :)
There are times when putting indexes can actually hurt performance, depending on what the table is used for...
So, in other words, you would think about putting indexes on tables when it is necessary as determined by profiling the application.
Indexes are often created implicitly when using UNIQUE constraints. I wouldn't try to avoid their use in that case!
As a general rule of thumb, it's good to avoid smaller indexes as they typically won't be used.
But sometimes they can provide a huge boost as I outlined here.
I guess there is an auto indexing on the primary key of the table which should be sufficient when querying on a table with less data.
So, yes explicit indexes can be avoided in case there is a small data set to be worked upon.
Even if you have an index, SQL Server might not even use it, depending on the statistics for that table. And if you plan to put in an index for a report that will run at most a couple times a year, bear in mind that the INSERT/UPDATE penalties for adding the index will be in effect ALL THE TIME. Before adding an index, ask yourself if it is worth the performance penalty.
You have to understand that based upon the query two lookups may be done, one into the index to get the pointer to the row, the next to the row itself. If the data that is being queried is in the index columns that extra step may not be necessary.
It is entirely possible that double dipping for data may be slower even if the optimizer goes after the index. Whether or not we care is up to application profiling and eventual explain plans.