itunes music developer app referral [closed] - itunes

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How do App developers get a referral bonus for sending users to the itunes store to purchase a song? If i'm not mistaken theres a 30% referral bonus, so to speak, just trying to determine how to tap into that.

It's documented here. I'm pretty sure the referral fee is 5%. Not 30%. It may depend on the type of media you're getting the commission on.


How can I use phone numbers/phone directory for SEO [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I work for a company who help find people. I want to increase our SEO ranking by implementing phone numbers/directory on our site.
Main Goal: If someone searches for a phone number, our site should be listed higher than where it lists now.
Any suggestion, how and what can I implement?
Look into microformats. It helps to highlight details like telephone numbers and all major search engines support them.

API for flight prices [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Does a flight prices API exists ?
I wonder how sites like work.
Do they have contract with flight company or are these informations public ?
I would like to have informations for example as JSON or XML.
The one that has been around the longest that I am aware of is Sabre. I integrated an IVR system to it about a decade ago. It handles flight and other travel information. I think it is a bit pricey though. Here is another QA on the same topic.

runwithfriends licensing information [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I cant find the licensing information for runwithfriends sample FB app. Can any one please point me to a link with this info? Searched exhaustively but cant find anything. I want to edit this app a lot to make my own app since the functionality of my app is little similar.
Can we freely use sample apps to build our own? Are they bound with a license?
Licensing info can be found at the top of

How can I show extra info of a page in google? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've noticed that google sometimes show thumbnail, total reviews, total pages, time needed, price, total matches, and even rating (with star images), etc..
How can I let google display such specific short info and small thumbnail image?
You're probably looking for Google's Microdata, similar to Facebook's OpenGraph.

How does the amazon kindle 3G Work globaly [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I was wondering if someone now how did Amazon achieved global 3g coverage for their latest Kindle ?
I know for a fact that in my country (Romania) I have to pay a fee to a mobile carrier for 3g internet. Do they have contracts with all mobile carriers ?
(As this question is off-topic and will be closed, this answer is a CW.)
Do they have contracts with all mobile carriers ?
They have deals with sufficient carriers to provide the coverage they offer: