LINQ to XML. Enumeration yielded no results -

I'm having trouble populating an object from an XML file. I've copied an example I've found almost exactly, with variable names changed, but I keep getting the "Enumeration yielded no results" exception.
Here is my code:
Dim element As XElement = XElement.Load(path)
Dim itemProps = From p In element...<Property> _
Where p.<LanguageCode>.Value = "en_us" _
Select p.<Title>.Value, p.<Description>.Value
Using breakpoints, I have confirmed that the 'element' variable is being properly populated using the XElement.Load(path) method.
Here is the XML file that is being accessed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Item ItemID="1">
<Property ItemPropertyID="1">
<Item ItemID="2">
<Property ItemPropertyID="2">
<Item ItemID="3">
<Property ItemPropertyID="3">
<Item ItemID="4">
<Property ItemPropertyID="4">
<Item ItemID="5">
<Property ItemPropertyID="5">
<Item ItemID="6">
<Property ItemPropertyID="6">
Essentially, the XML query is supposed to return the title and the description for every Property which has an element called Language Code, which is equal to "en-us". I have a feeling that my problem lies in my XML code.

This language code:
should be:

Try taking one of the dots out of
Dim itemProps = From p In element...<Property>
Your going 3 levels down, when you only need to go down 2.
If that doesn't work try just one dot, because essentially the path your travelling is only 1 below the root of the document.


NHibernate Collection Property from Query (Non-Fluent)

Is it possible to have a read-only collection on an entity where the collection is populated by a custom SQL query?
I have 3 classes - Village, Report, and Army - each backed by a table. I want a Village to have a property "ReportsAsDefender", which is a collection of Reports where the defending Army in that Report belongs to the given Village:
village.Id as VillageId, report.*
armies army
join reports report
on report.DefendingArmyId = army.Id
join villages village
on village.Id = army.VillageId
I want the results of this query accessible as a collection on my Village class. This may be doable using only XML mapping but I can't find anything that would be helpful here.
I'm not using Fluent.
Edit 1: I've uploaded my current source code and sample SQL data so that my issues can be reproduced:
I've also updated the SQL query above to match my current changes.
With the changes suggested by #RadimKöhler, I get an exception when invoking someVillage.ReportsAsDefender.ToList(): could not initialize a collection:, followed by some nonsensical MySQL:
reportsasd0_.VillageId as villageid11_4_1_,
reportsasd0_.Id as id1_4_1_,
reportsasd0_.Id as id1_4_0_,
reportsasd0_.TribalWarsId as tribalwarsid2_4_0_,
reportsasd0_.WorldId as worldid3_4_0_,
--- ... and a for more nonsensical "selects"
FROM Reports reportsasd0_ WHERE reportsasd0_.VillageId=?
I have no clue where "asd" comes from, nor any of the other formatting. The string "asd" does not appear anywhere in my codebase.
The relevant entities from my .hbm.xml file contains:
<class name="Village" table="Villages">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="TribalWarsId" />
<property name="WorldId" />
<property name="Name" />
<property name="OwnerId" />
<!-- Where "villa_reports_as_defender" is the name of the view query shown above -->
<bag name="ReportsAsDefender" table="villa_reports_as_defender" mutable="false" lazy="true" inverse="true">
<key column="VillageId" />
<one-to-many class="Report"/>
<!-- Report -->
<class name="Report" table="Reports">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="increment" />
<property name="TribalWarsId" />
<property name="WorldId" />
<property name="AttackingArmyId" />
<property name="DefendingArmyId" />
<property name="RemainingAttackingArmyId" />
<property name="RemainingDefendingArmyId" />
<property name="DodgedArmyId" />
<property name="OccurredAt" />
<property name="LaunchedAt" />
My Village class has the following property:
public virtual ICollection<Report> ReportsAsDefender { get; set; }
Any related data should be mapped as a standard entity. Even if that would be a view (question could be how effective data loading we will experience...)
Such view must have a relation column (e.g. Parent_ID). That could be expressed as a many-to-one in the child mapping:
<many-to-one name="Parent" column="Parent_ID" ... />
and exactly that column we must use in the parent mapping
<bag name="Children"
cascade="all-delete-orphan" >
// This columns is the same as for many-to-one
<key column="Parent_ID" />
<one-to-many class="Child" />
Check all the details here:
Minimal and correct way to map one-to-many with NHibernate

Set <chart:guide> value at runtime

I'm trying to access the
value property from the screen controller, but I can't find any getter to reach it. The xml block is like this:
<chart:axis position="LEFT"
title="Graph Title">
I need to set the value of the guide at runtime. Any suggestion?
Let's say we have the following SerialChart:
<chart:serialChart id="serialChart"
caption="Serial chart"
<chart:graph valueField="y"/>
<chart:axis position="LEFT">
<chart:guide value="12"
<chart:property name="x" value="10"/>
<chart:property name="y" value="12"/>
<chart:property name="x" value="11"/>
<chart:property name="y" value="2"/>
<chart:property name="x" value="12"/>
<chart:property name="y" value="120"/>
<chart:property name="x" value="13"/>
<chart:property name="y" value="16"/>
You can simply get ValueAxis and then get Guide object by index or iterate collection and find by id (optional attribute of Guide):
private SerialChart serialChart;
ValueAxis valueAxis = serialChart.getValueAxes().get(0);
Guide guide = valueAxis.getGuides().get(0);
Note, if we want to change already displayed chart configuration then we have to call repaint() method.
If you use CUBA 6.4 or older, you have to obtain Configuration object first using getConfiguration() method and cast it to appropriate chart type as shown here:

RelaxNG choice and regular expression

I have a RelaxNG based XML instance which should allow (choice) align="right", align="left" and align="{ anything here }". The right/left is easy:
attribute name="align">
<a:documentation>doc for attrib</a:documentation>
<a:documentation>doc for left</a:documentation>
<a:documentation>doc for right</a:documentation>
But how can I allow the user to enter { ... } as an alternative to the two values above?
You need to use the XML Schema string type and set a pattern on it. Here's an example:
<grammar xmlns=""
<element name="top">
<element name="foo">
<attribute name="align">
<data type="string">
<param name="pattern">\{.+\}</param>
And a test file:
<!-- valid cases -->
<foo align="{fasf}"></foo>
<foo align="left"></foo>
<foo align="right"></foo>
<!-- invalid cases -->
<foo align="fasf"></foo>
<foo align="{}"></foo>
<foo align="a{c}b"></foo>
Note the comments that delimit valid and invalid cases.
The regular expression I used allows things like align="{ab{c}d}". Curly braces are valid inside the curly braces that start and end the attribute value. I've not see any reason to disallow it.

Trouble passing XML text to RIA Services from my client

I am trying to pass the following XML text to RIA services in a query operation that returns a queryable sequence of entities in response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item type="Item" filetype="cabinet" category="EZ Workshop" name="EZW Panel Edge-Banded" height="24.000000" width="36.000000" depth="0.725000" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="cabinet" category="EZ Furniture" name="Entry Bench" height="19.000000" width="48.000000" depth="17.999999" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="cabinet" category="EZ Closet Euro Style" name="CSEKD Tall H3R 28-72W 12-24D" height="84.000000" width="54.000000" depth="19.999999" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="assembly" category="EZ Pro ManCave" name="EZ Corn Hole Game-Set" height="0" width="0" depth="0" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="assembly" category="EZ Office" name="EZ 30 Printer Stand" height="0" width="0" depth="0" quantity="1">
<item type="Item" filetype="assembly" category="Corporate Culture Pro" name="C-Table" height="0" width="0" depth="0" quantity="1">
This is the query operation:
public IQueryable<ProjectItem> GetItemsFromImport(String a_strImportXml)
// Return empty sequence for now as a test.
return new ProjectItem[0].AsQueryable();
When I pass the full XML, I get that annoying "Not Found" exception, and the break-point in my operation is never hit. I'm using Visual Studio 2010's ASP.NET Development Server. When I get "Not Found" with that it portends bad stuff. The kicker is, when I pass an empty string, I get no exceptions at all, and the break-point is hit.
As you can see its not a tremendously long XML document. Is there some limit to the amount of data sent? Do I have to escape the document?
I discovered that I only had to escape the structural characters ('<', '>', and '&') out of the document before I sent it. I'm using String.Replace to do it. Does anyone know if there is a better way to accomplish this. Something similar to Uri.EscapeDataString perhaps?
var strImportXml = a_xImport.ToString();
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("&", "&");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("<", "<");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace(">", ">");
Ok, so I guess this is standing as the answer to my own question. I discovered that I only had to escape the structural characters ('<', '>', and '&') out of the document before I sent it. I'm using String.Replace to do it. Does anyone know if there is a better way to accomplish this. Something similar to Uri.EscapeDataString perhaps?
var strImportXml = a_xImport.ToString();
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("&", "&");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace("<", "<");
strImportXml = strImportXml.Replace(">", ">");
NOTE: I'd still like to know if there is a better way to do this.

LINQ-to-XML Selecting tags inside the root

I'm new to LINQ-to-XML and I'm trying to learn the query structure. I have the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<due>07 May 2012</due>
<due>12 May 2012</due>
And I'm trying to delete <item> elements with a query:
Dim DeleteItems = From e In Root.Elements("list") Where e.Element("name").Value = Text
However it isn't working. I think it's trying to select tags called <item> in the file's root, however it needs to be selecting <item> tags in the <list> element - which I don't know how to do.
I assume that Root is you XDocument object name.
Change Elements do Descendants and it should work then.
Dim DeleteItems = From e In Root.Descendants("item") Where e.Element("name").Value = Text