SQL find name doubles and sum values - sql

I have one table records with the columns:
and the values respectively:
|1 |google |Admin | 12 |
|2 |yahoo |Admin | 1 |
|3 |bing |Manager | 4 |
What i want to do is take all of the records with the same user.id and sum there hours together in SQL. Perhaps its the early mornign but i cant seem to figure out a way of doing this. I thought about using sql to find the duplicates but thats only going to return a number and not what i want to do with them. This sounds like a really simple thing so sorry in advance.

select user_name,
from your_table
group by user_name;

You would group on the user name and use the sum aggregate on the hours:
select [user.name], sum(hours) as hours
from TheTable
group by [user.name]


If condition TRUE in a row (that is grouped)

|Months |ID|Commission|
|2020-01|1 |2312 |
|2020-02|2 |24412 |
|2020-02|1 |123 |
|... |..|... |
What I need:
How it should look:
|Months |ID|Commission|
|4 |1 |5356 |
|6 |2 |5436 |
|... |..|... |
So I want to know how many months each ID received his commission, however (and that's the part where I ask for your help) if the ID is still receiving commission up to this month (current month) - I want to exclude him from the list. If he stopped receiving comm last month or last year, I want to see him in the table.
In other words, I want a table with old clients (who doesn't receive commission anymore)
Use aggregation. Assuming there is one row per month:
select id, count(*)
from t
group by id
having max(months) < date_format(now(), '%Y-%m');
Note this uses MySQL syntax, which was one of the original tags.

Min and Max with duplication - SQL

I have this table
courseId| courseNmae|Credits
100 |DB |2
101 |CS |3
102 |OS |2
104 |AI |4
And I want to retrieve the course names that having the min and max credits, I get confused because there are more than min values. So, How I can show the course Names that having min credits besides max values ? Thanks in Advance
This is my Query
select min(credits),max(credits)
form courses group by courseName;
select courseNmae from t
where credit in (
select min(credit) from t
select max(credit) from t

Create VIEW (count duplicate values in column)

I have little project with SQL database which has table with some column.
Question: How create View in SQL Server, which count how many duplicate values I have in column and show that number in next column.
Here below you can see result which I want to take.
|1 |tom | |
|2 |tom | |
|3 |tom | |
| | | 3 |
|4 |leo | |
| | | 1 |
A view is simply a select statement with the words CREATE VIEW AS before the SELECT. This allows for example, 1 person (DBA) to maintain (create/alter) complex views, while another person (developer) only has the rights to select from them.
So to use #Stidgeon's answer (below):
SELECT name, COUNT(id) AS counts
FROM table
and later you can query
Select * from MyCounts where counts > 1 order by name
or whatever you need to do. Note that order by is not allowed in views in SQL SERVER.
You can do what you want with grouping sets:
select id, name, count(*)
from t
group by grouping sets ((id, name), (name));
The group by on id, name is redundant; the value should always be "1". However, this allows the use of grouping sets, which is a convenient way to phrase the query.
Looks like you just want to count how many entries you have for each 'name', in which case you just need to do a simple COUNT query:
CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT name, COUNT(id) AS counts
FROM table
The output in your case would be:
name counts
Tom 3
Leo 1

MS Access sum of 2 table in one query

I have 2 tables:
name "mfr"
name "pomfr"
Both have many columns, but some are same, and I want to sum of that similar column in one query based on one of them similar column group by
Data sample is
table1. mfr
101 | 10| .30
102 | 15| .50
103 | 18| .68
table2 pomfr
101 |100 | 1.15
102 | 50 | 1.50
103 | 0 | 0
and result in query should be
101|110 |1.45
102| 65 |2.00
103| 18 | .68
I'll be somewhat nice. This probably isn't the most efficient method, but it'll work...
select* into #temp from table1
select* from table2
select id,sum(ppic) as ppic, sum(pcrt) as pcrt from #temp group by id
What this says is, select everything from table 1 and use a union to table two and place it in a temporary table called #temp. Filter this to the variables and ranges you need.
Then the 2nd part says, take the sum of ppic and the sum of pcrt from the #temp table and group it by the id.
Since you're new to SO, for future reference, SO people aren't mean, they just want to see you put forth some sort of effort into the problem, I've gotten help SEVERAL times here. Very helpful community! Best of luck to you!

Comparing in SQL and SUM

I really couldn't figure out a good title for this question, but I have a problem that I'm sure you can help me with!
I have a query which outputs something like this:
Month | Year | Subcategory | PrivateLabel | Price
1 | 2010 | 666 | No | -520
1 | 2010 | 666 | No | -499,75
1 | 2010 | 666 | No | -59,95
1 | 2010 | 666 | No | -49,73
1 | 2010 | 666 | No | -32,95
I want to SUM on the price because all the other data is the same. I thought I could do this with SUM and GROUP BY, but I can't figure out how to do it or at least it doesn't output the right result.
The query is an inner join between two tables, if that helps.
,sum(price) as [total sales]
a inner join b ...
any where clauses
group by
should work if i am understanding you correctly.. every colum in the select either needs to be part of the group by or an aggregate function on all rows in the group
added a fiddle.. mainly as i didn't know about he text to DDL functionality and wanted to test it ;-) (thanks Michael Buen)
note the where clause is a place holder..
select month, year, subcategory, privatelabel, sum(price)
from (put your query in here) dummyName
group by month, year, subcategory, privatelabel
Basic idea is it will run your current query to get above output then do the sum and group by on the result.
You query has to be in parentheses and you have to give it some name e.g. dummyName. As long as it's unique in the sql and preferably not a key word, doesn't matter what it is.
There might be a way of doing all this in one go, but without the sql for your query we can't help.