how would I get the selected checkboxes from the combobox? Give example to get the selected check box values from combo box - gwt-ext

I am looking for something like combobox with checkbox selection(second one on that page, the picklist):
please give code snippet to get selected checkboxes values from combobox in GWT EXT.

You can use the LovCombo, this component implements a combobox with checkboxes inside. Take a look at:


Auto type property in combo box in

I have a combo box in my winform. I have some items in it. I want to run the autocompelete true and fill from listitems. I am getting this property worked but i want that all the list items should be present in the combo and the whatever i type should remain at the top.
Please suggest
to add the listbox item to the combobox you could use:
ComboBox1.Items.AddRange((From item In ListBox1.Items Select item).ToArray)

Dynamic / Static items in radComboBox. (SQL Query error)

I am using telerik's rad combo boxes (dropdowns) on my aspx page. there are 3 rad combo boxes and they are cascading dropdowns. the items in the final dropdown is dependent on the selection of the 2nd dropdown.
Now, i had to insert a "select all" option in the final dropdown. this being a static value, i added it using "appenddatabounditems" property of the rad combo box, setting it to be true. I can now see the select all option, but the items in the dropdown list are repeated. I have used the distinct keyword in the query. Also, when i make another selection in the 2nd dropdown box, the values in the third dropdown are appended i.e they show "Select all" + items of the previously selected 2nd dropdown option + values of the currently selected dropdown selection.
Am i missing something in the query? or there is something wrong with the telerik controls? or the ajax manager?
PLease help.
Are you using the EnableLoadOnDemand="true" setting to perform the cascade? The combo box does not clear the old items out automatically. Two things you can do:
Delete the old items OR
Bind the entire list to the combo box and hide the invalid ones. This has worked for us when the list is relatively small.

change the list of combobox A based on the item chosen from combobox B

I am new to and I am using visual studio 2010. I have two comboboxes on a form, each combobox is set to DropDownList so that a list of items can show in the combobox, but no text is allowed to be entered.
For combobox A, if user chooses item 1, the list of combobox B should be updated accordingly. I think this is quite common on a lot of applications. But I do not know to implement it. I even do not know the keyword to search for the relevant property or event handler.
Thanks a lot!
Take a look at SelectedValueChanged. You can subscrive to this event on your first combobox, then when the event is raised, you can combo2.Items.Clear () the 2nd collection, then add your items.

How to make custom Combo box control which have contain datagrid in

I want to make custom combo box which have contain datagrid and textbox too.
On clicks into combo box datagridview should be appear and selecting any row particular cell value of the datagridview added on the combo.
thanks in advance..
As your question is written I have no idea how to answer it, I can't figure out how you could sensibly show a DataGridView inside a ComboBox. I'm writing this answer with the assumption that you mean that the form should have a ComboBox that are "linked" to a DataGridView rather than actually contain it.
If so, all you need to do is to add the ComboBox and DataGridView to the form, make the DataGridView invisible. Then you handle the SelectedIndexChanged event for the ComboBox, in the handler, make the grid visibile, find the index of the row and column you want to show and write code like (code not tested so might not be correct):
grid.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = rowIndex
grid.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(colIndex).Selected = True
grid.Show() designing questions

i have created a dynamic table through, so htmltable, htmltablerow, htmltablecell.
I have added all style and properties in there. so eg.
dim td as htmltablecell"width","100px")"color","blue")
now what i want to do is add the tag to each row. this is because the first td of every row is a checkbox. and then textboxes follow. So when anyone clicks on the textbox, i want to checkbox to get checked.
Any idea how I can do this?
Your question is near incomprehensible, consider revising?"color","blue") now what i want to do is add the tag to each row
Since your table is dynamic, to add more styles and properties onto htmltablerow, you would do just as you did with your htmltablecells.
So when anyone clicks on the textbox, i want to checkbox to get checked. Any idea how I can do this?
You're looking for what is called the on_click event for the textbox. Programatically, when this event is triggered, you check your checkbox. Here's an example with a on_click in a textbox.